May all of you have a great day....
Now guys today is Marty and her Husband 25th Wedding Anniversary Please take the time and go by and tell her and her sweet Hubby "Happy Anniversary" She is just a doll...If you haven't met her Please do tell her Gloria send you...Her blog is Wonderful " A Stroll Thru Life" Don't you love her name...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
great photos...
Gloria!!!!! I love your gumball machines! Geez.... I wish I had a penny! :) Your collections are so amazing!
Donna Marie
Great gunball machines. I posted a couple of little antiques I got the other day....nothing like your beauties, but they make me happy none the less! Enjoy!!
Gloria this new gumball machine is exquisite!!! All your machines are fabulous, of course you are quite the collector!! Love your Len stories, we can't live with 'em and can't live without 'em, so we might as well live happily ever after!! (I made that last part up myself!!)LOL!! have a great day sweetie!! xoxoxo
Gloria, we took our grandkids to dinner the other night and their favorite place is skyline chili.
In the store that have an old bubble gum machine and they love to get change from us and turn the key! This is so awesome that you have some.
Oh my gosh girl you do make me laugh! Antique gum!! HA!!! That is a fine piece of antiquity you got there. Looks right at home with your other treasures Gloria.
gloria, that is a beauty!!! no wonder you had to bring that baby home. I must show dh your blog, he loves machines like this and would adore your husbands collections. His dream is to own a juke box.
Oh Gloria, you are just he sweetest person in the whole world. Thank you so much for the Anniversary wishes. Jim said to say thank you too!!! Love you a bunch. Now about the gum ball machines, yes I do remember a lot of them. I also remember the cash register and the coffee grinder and I also have a hamilton beach malt machine just like yours. Mine came out of my mom and dad's soda fountain at the drug store when I was a little girl. I even remember making a few shakes when I was little and could hardly reach up to the counter. I still use mine too. My family still all want to have a shake. Thank you again for the Anniversary wishes. Big Hugs, Marty
Gloria!! OMG! I finally was able to log on to your blog... yay! and hallelujah!! I've been getting that error message for 3 weeks... I would look further to see what else is new but I'm afraid I'll get it again.... so I love your gumball machines!
I hope all is well with you sweet lady :)
good greif...what don't you have???? I love these! If they were here...they would have to be sealed shut. Gum is off limits to my gang right now. Busy got a piece stuck in the crack of her bum...(she sat on it while wearing her bathing suit) and the whole darned thing made me mad...then we come home and I found gum in the carpet, grass, my fountain, plant pots, flowerbeds, her hair, and the screen on the holiday trailer!!! Yes...her dad got an ear full for giving them access to several packs of there you have it...a stupid story from the land of crazy!
Len was sure on his toes when he found your gum ball machine! It's beautiful! Did you fill it yet? ☺ Diane
Great gumball machines, and your latest one is just gorgeous! And I do remember those milkshake machines. My grandparents had a dairy farm, and they had one. I think one of my uncles bought that "newfangled" thing. There is NOTHING better than a milkshake made from handcranked ice cream, especially when you can personally thank the cow that provided the milk haha! Kathy friend, you are REALY a collector in the truest sense. Now...are you...telling ME...that WE are SICK?! With all our hourding of lovlies..that we are ..sick??? Yes. You are absolutely correct! Isn't it GREAT?? :) I adore being sick...and I'm looking forward to this Saturday morning with my coffee and ...little stash of cash! :) Now...about those gum ball machines....especially that new one....
Lotsa hugs and love~
Hi Gloria,
Thank you for visiting me on my new blog! I appreciate your sweet comments.
I'll visit you often!
Rhonda, CA
Hi Gloria!
Love your gumball machine collection! You collect the most interesting things....thanks for sharing them with us!
Hi Gloria,
This is just the coolest little antique! It sounds like you and hubby have such a blast shopping for all these gems! I so enjoy seeing your house my dear, it's such a blast from the past and such fun! I love it all, Cindy
Evening, Gloria! OH, what a wonderful olden gumball machine! I've never seen one like it! It's marvelous! Your hubby did so good. Now look at it in your kitchen! You have so many wonderful things!
Yes, this is the builtins! Love 'em painted.
Gloria, do you know what's happened to Lynne? She hasn't posted in so long. I know her hubby was sick. I've been thinking about her.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
I just posted my last Disney post...
Hope it will bring you a smile.
I also have a new blog design.....
I remember the penny gum ball machines. You have a wonderful collection. I am familar with Jackson and Amador City. My mother and her parents lived in Amador city where my grandfather worked in the mines befor moving to Sacramento. Have a great day Connie.
G~ Your new gumball machine is a work of art! It is downright GORGEOUS!! Loved looking at your collections! Have a beautiful day QG! (So glad to read our sweet Lynne's blog!) Love ya! L~
Oh I love all of your gumball machines! I have a red one up above my kitchen cabinets, but I haven't put gum in it for years. Now, I have to get it down :)
Hi Gloria, your gumball machines are great. The top one is out of this world....will have to show this to my honey.
Great pictures...sweet one and have a wonderful and blessed week.
Hugs, Barb
I love your gumball machines and what I can see of your kitchen in the pictures,I would love to see more of it.
That is seriously the prettiest damn gumball machine I have ever seen. The detail is amazing! I don't think you told us what year that's from, and I really want to know!
Justine ;o )
Hi Sis...
Ohhh boy...figured I'd better get myself to the computer before you thought I kicked the bucket or something! Hehe! Shheeeshh...the last couple of days, I've been knockin' around on that ol' bucket pretty good...but guess I'll live! Hehe!
Well Darlin'...I'm just so excited for you and your treasure find! I do declare that is the prettiest gumball machine I've ever seen...and certainly the fanciest!!! This is my first time to see one done in's gorgeous with all the pretty designs on it!!! Len did good, Girlfriend! It really is fabulous!!! Of course, I just love your yellow and martha green gumball machines too! I always thought it would be fun to collect these...if for no other reason than the fact they're just so happy and colorful!!! And I don't know about you but when I see a gumball machine...the little girl just comes out all over!!! Hehe!!! Girl, this brass gumball looks fabulous next to your pretty red and blue coffee grinder...they make a beautiful team!!! I love it!!! Loved seeing all of the photos of that pretty kitchen of yours again too!!! I'm so glad that you went to the big photos...they look great Sis!!!
Hope my note finds you doing well! I'm doing a bit better tonight but dang if I don't feel a hundred yrs. old! Sheeeshh!!!
Love ya Sis...
Chari better hurry and get some gumballs in that new machine before Len puts peanuts in there! Hehe!!! Gotta love these guys!!!
Gloria, your gumball machines are so fascinating, and your newest one is a real beauty. Love that you called that color Martha Stewart green! Isn't it amazing how colors come and go and then come back again? Yes, I remember that Hamilton Beach milkshake machine! How fun that yours still works. I'm headed your way for a milk shake. I think I'll pass up the antique gum though! laurie
I love the new gumball is a beauty but that old 'Martha Stewart" green one is my favorite.but ohhhhhh glory when I saw the close up of that glorious coffee grinder...I swear I needed some smelling salts to keep from fainting! lol THAT THING IS BEAUTIFUL GLORIA!!!!! You always have the neatest stuff....I never tire of looking at your treasures girl...hope you are having a great week you girl!~♥~
Wow, GLORIA! That new gumball machine is really beautiful - I've never seen them as nice as the ones you have - nothing as beautiful as this one. I guess they stopped making the nice ones when kids started getting worse. LOL! :) So glad you shared these.
Gloria, What a happy find! Your brass gumball machine is just gorgeous and it belongs on your kitchen counter with that red coffee grinder and the Martha Stewart green Hamilton Beach milkshake machine. More than 50 years ago my grandfather took us to a Howard Johnson's (restaurant chain famous for their ice cream)and he pointed out the milkshake machine. He told us that they were the very best. We always looked forward to the arrival of the metal containers to pour those milkshakes into our glasses! Pam
You have a great collection, Gloria, I love how each one still functions, too! Great find on that brass gumball machine!
Look at your I've never seen someone with a collection like that. You have done so well and now you can fell that one up with gumballs too...yum!
thank you for sharing
have a lovely day
O, do have some of the NEATEST stuff, Gloria. These are just fabulous. I love gumball machines.
thanks for showing these to us.
xo bj
Good thing my Ricky wasn't with you... he'd want any one of those fab gumball machines.. any gadget that he can play with... we'd find a place to put it!
Wow, what a great collection and your photos are terrific. This is what I call eye candy!
Ohhhhhh love that new brass gumball machine! It's a beauty!
'Aunt Amelia'
I can't believe you have gumball machine....that is so awesome. FAB collection.
Hugs J
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