WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

May all of you have a GREAT Monday and I'll see you for Marty's Table Top Tuesday party and announce the winner of the $50.00 Amazon gift card...Please click here if you would like to have your name tossed into my hat... UPDATE AS OF NOON I CLOSED THIS GIVE AWAY...I WILL ANNOUNCE THE WINNER AT 4:00 PM TODAY....THANK YOU ALL THAT ENTERED....
Until Next time from my mountain top to yours,
I always try to take some ME time...with our life styles as busy Mother's and wives it's very important to have some ME time....My favorite ME day is to stay in my old red robe with a good book a cup of hot coffee and some Yummy cookies...

And of course I love to have some Gloria's Gourmet cookies with my coffee..ha ha!!
A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes and said, "I would like to buy some cyanide." The pharmacist asked, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?" The lady replied, "I need it to poison my husband." The pharmacist's eyes got big and he exclaimed, "Lord have mercy! I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband. That's against the law! I'll lose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have any cyanide!" The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife. The pharmacist looked at the picture and replied, "Well now, that's different. You didn't tell me you had a prescription."
What ever you do this weekend take some time just for yourself...I'll see you all on Monday....if you have not tossed your name in the hat for the $50.00 Amazon gift card for my just" THANK YOU "give away Please click here and do so...I'll announce the winner on Monday.... Good luck...not much just my way of saying I love you all... Until next time from my mountain top to yours,
Hello!! I'm so glad to be joining in on one of the sweetest gals in Bloggerville Marty's Vignettes day...Thank you so much Marty for taking over this fun day for us...Now those that come by here know I'm not a Modern Millie, I swear I should have been born in a differ era ha ha!! I love the Victorian Era...Maybe because it's so romantic to me or was just a simpler time....
This is my Dining Room side board with 3 differ looks....Old photo album with the ink well , photos, Books, Art Nouveau Picture frame with a picture of my Grandma and Grandpa....
One of my Favorite Ooh la la French Bust, Satin opera gloves, a Mojolica Lamp , Old Camera and again old photos...I just love old photos....
A Summertime pattern Chintz tea cup and saucer, Tin type picture, Stereo Viewer with cards, Silver and pearls all sitting on a lace cloth...Hope you enjoyed seeing my side board with its many looks...if you want to see more of this side board check out my side bar....Now in all my travels in Bloggerville I just knew one day I would find my Victorian soul mate...You know someone who love's that look like I do...well 2 weeks ago I met her and her name is Kim at "The Victorian Parlor" please do yourself a favor and go by and see her wonderful home and blog even her header picture made me sigh...I could just move in there and do my Happy Dance ha ha!!Thanks Marty and Thank all of you for coming by and seeing this ole gal...
From my mountain top to yours until next time....
Yes!! I would love to have Help with this mess I got myself into again this week ha ha!! Have you ever tore up your whole house just to clean??? Oh Yes all I was going to do was dust and next thing you know out came the ladder all the china to be washed, silver to be polished so then I had my kitchen tore up from all the stuff from the china cabinet...
But hold everything right in the middle of this mess it was time to stain the oak trim in my bathroom right?? So off I go to taping and staining....Are you still with me here...Now I have my Dining room tore up, Kitchen tore up, my master bathroom, and I decided that as long as I had the stain out and I'm feeling pretty good from all these fumes from this stuff I would stain my fireplace so now I have my Living room tore up from the floor up...I have been Nesting but even birds don't try and build a new nest in one day ha ha!!
But this is really not what I'm asking help with...You see I have been getting emails telling me you can't leave a comment...I think I have fixed the problem but won't know until someone leave me a comment...lol!! Just say anything tell me to get back up on the ladder clean up my mess or STOP trying to sell Minwax stain on the corner ha ha!!! Thanks guys your the best...I will show you Monday how my fireplace turned out, that one I'm very proud of and got the China cabinet all done...Well coffee break over back on my head....Until next time from my mountain top to yours,
Good day girls, I have a question, as I travel around the wonderful world of bloggerville I have met people that were once on HGTV's Rate My Space and then started a Blog from there...Some of which I know other's I don't...Really I have been visting this one blogger for over a year and didn't realized that I knew her from RMS..
Now my question is if you were on RMS what was your user name ??? Also as I'm very nosey I would love to hear how you choose your Blog name...I was Happy To Be on rate my space and I think everyone that comes here to visit me knows I choose my name because of being a cancer survivor and now I'm just "Happy To Be" (alive) .I also think this would be a fun way to find out why you choose the name of your Blog...As I know theirs a story behind all our names...So PLEASE humor this old lady and tell her How you came up with your blog name....Until next time from my mountain top to yours,Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
Happy Valentine Day my Dear friends....Josh just send me this picture of Kyra and I laughed until I cried...she looks like Tony Soprano to me ha ha!! Did you guys ever watch that series when it was on ? Kyra is now 13 months old and after over 20 surgeries at Dallas Children Hospital she now looks like Tony Soprano THANKS Dallas....
Now this is just the cutest video I found...Please take a minute to watch another ha ha!! moment for me...Now girls grab that special someone in your life and tell them you L♥ve them...Remember today is not about the candy or flowers it's about showing the love...Life is like a roll of toilet paper the closer it gets to the end the faster it goes...SO SHOW THAT LOVE ♥♥Until next time from my mountain top to yours, Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Hey girls...Get your coffee or favorite drink of choice while I bore you once again with yet another collection....These might look like just little hat boxes to you....But they are Gift Certificate's....Yes you hear me right....I started collecting these about 15 years ago I just thought they were the cutest little things....
BRIEF HISTORY:In the good old days, when a man wasn't considered dressed without a hat, it made a great gift for Dad, Grandpa, Great Uncle, or any other man in your life. But Mom wouldn't pick out the hat Dad would actually wear, any more than she would trust him to pick out HER chapeau. She would go to the haberdashery (a fancy word for a men's clothing store) and select the brand, type and price level of his gift. She paid for the gift certificate, and went home with a darling little hat in a darling little hatbox, and wrapped it up for Father's Day...or Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanza...or his Birthday. Having received his gift, Dad then had the pleasure of visiting the haberdasher to be fitted for his personal selection of headgear, handing over the certificate to complete the purchase. The darling little mini-hat in the darling little mini-hatbox, might end up in the kids' toy box, to be worn by a favorite doll or Teddy bear, or it might just be put away in a drawer. (Needless to say, collectors pray for the latter, since those can turn up in mint condition.)Most often, the certificate would be for a specific brand of hat, not for just any hat in the store. Hat manufacturers competed to offer their merchandise in miniature. minis from Adam, Biltmore, Cavanagh, Champ, Churchill, Dobbs, Evans, Kennedy, Knox, Lee, Mallory, Resistol and Stetson. . The heyday of Gift Certificate Premiums seems to have been from the 1930's to the 1950's.

This is one of my favorite Stetson hats....It came with a little gift card for Dad....This hat is Green felt and with a Red feather on it...
Is this not the cutest little Christmas hat box

A Grey bowler hat with box from Knox Hats....

See you could write on the top of these to give as gifts....

This one reminds me of a Pilgrims box...but the Hat is Brown felt....

This is the only ceramic one I have found so far...Love it top Hat
This is the inside of the Hat....Pretty fancy

Now this reminds me of BJ of "Sweet Nothings" as her son is a hat maker and makes these kind of hats...A cowboy Hat

Oh and don't forget my Bing Crosby Hat ha ha!! this one is straw

This is a plastic one
Another cowboy hat....
Here's my whole collection to date of mini hats and boxes...I have 15 in all the last one I bought was in 1999 as I really have ran out of room here....also it's hard to find them in good condition any more without paying top $$ for them....Now if I haven't bore you too much I would like to ask a question is there anything you would like to see in the way of Antiques ??? Crocks, Kitchen stuff, furniture, bed pans, condoms from world war 1, (yes I do have those not used of course ha ha) men's shaving and women's beauty items, slots machines, Rubber tire ashtrays, I really would love to show you what I do have and give you a brief history on them...I have many collections...but I need you to tell me what you would like to see...So please leave a comment and let me know what you would like to see and I will try my best to show it to you...Or if you don't want to see anymore Please tell me to Stop with the Antiques, it's up to you....
Thanks for coming by and letting me be silly again with my stuff....
Until next time from my mountain to yours,