Can you believe it? This guy wins $181 million in the lottery last
Wednesday, and then finds the love of his life just 2 days later. Talk about LUCK!

May all of you have a very Blessed weekend...Thank you once again for all your concerns for me...I'm really hoping I can move more by next week to get with the full throttle with blogging once again...I have missed you all so much, Thank you all for your patience's with little ole me...
Unitl next Time....
Unitl next Time....
Well, I enjoyed SOME of your pictures. I do hope you feel better soon, I miss you. Of course I have a darling little snowman tassel hanging on my china cabinet. I think of you when I look at him.
Hey Gloria,
Funny post! I got a chuckle over the walmart comment! I hope you're doin ok. Take it easy and have a good weekend!!
Oh Gloria, sorry to hear you're having some personal health problems. I hope you will have a speedy recovery. You are a silly chick. Enjoyed looking at all of the houses. You're right, Tiger does deserve that dog house! That 'raft', if you can call it that, that he deserves after the divorce is just something. As is that 'lucky' *LOL* girl with the lottery winner. You Nikki Crumpet-ed us w/ that last Chippendale picture. Hope to see ya' around soon!
O.M.G. The dwarf in the last picture is the best!!!
Hope you're feeling better!
Justine :o )
This gave me a big chuckle, Gloria!! I did love looking at those Chippendale guys!! ;-)
Hope you are at your best soon!
Oh my gosh, Gloria! That made me laugh! I hope you start feeling better, sweet friend. (HUGS)
Oh, Dear Gloria ~ you are a hoot! This is so funny!
Now I sure hate you're not feeling well and I'm saying a prayer for you right now! I miss you! Take care of yourself and come back when you can.
You are a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You're a hoot girl! Thanks for the memories and belly laughs.
Hi Gloria,
What a laugh you gave me today, thank you.
I hope that you are feeling well and have a good weekend
LOL! Is that first picture true??? Did that man really win the lottery, or are you pulling my leg, Mama???
Sheila :-)
LOLOLOL! Too cute girl!
Feel better soon and hurry back. :)
ewwww.. Gloria you are too funny!
I just almost peed my pants, 2 funny!
LOL! You always have the funniest post, Gloria!..Christine
SO FUNNY GLORIA! I think I see them at my local Wal-Mart all the time! I am thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs~ ! Cindy
Welcome back for a little minute! Thanks so much for the smile too. I hope you're feeling better.
Hope you are feeling better real soon. You had me laughing with this post. Have a blessed day and weekend. Madeline
Too funny. I hope you are feeling better. Hugs, Marty
Some things are better left to memory! You're a scream. Glad that you are feeling better, take it easy and don't over do! Just tell people that the dust is the "fine patina of age". That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Hugs, Kathy
HA! So THIS is what Gloria does when she is under the weather! HEHE! You keep me comin back for more girl. Now, I just saw that tassel that you made for BJ and I had no idea you were so talented! What a sweet friend to do that for our BJ! Hope you are feeling better.
... in the meantime ~ this will keep us laughing!
Welll...lil ol' you is very important to lil ol' us! We love you, Gloria! Take all the time you want. You are keeping us laughing in the meantime..and we love you for that!
Hugs and love back to you!
your silliness won me over, many months ago! lol...another delightful post!!! :)
keeping you in my thoughts!
LOL, thanks Gloria, needed a laugh.
Hope you are doing well sweetie and will be back in the blog saddle full force soon.
Take care of you!
Hugs, Linda
Let's hope that fellow with the golddigger on his arm has a really good pre-nup! He's gonna need it.
Loved the sexy men...not so much the men in the last pic. That pic of the short man looking down his singlet at his willy had me really cracking up!
Didn't know you had not been feeling well! Hope you're on the road to recovery.
Hi Happy, I was glad to see that you came by for a visit, your sweet words are always welcomed. Hope this finds you well, and that you are better already!
Oh Gloria you darn near made me ill with that last photo. I remember my first Chippendale's calendar. I had asked for it for my birthday and a friend bought me one. My mom say's "That's what you wanted? I was looked all over town for Chip and Dale, the Disney chipmunks!" We all rolled on the floor laughing.
Hope you're feeling better.
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