Now girls my ole heart skipped a beat when I found these wonderful high top shoes from Ca. 1880...these are made from Kid Glove leather and Satin...I bet these were Ball room shoes...wished I could have found the dress the went with them at one time....
Just look at these lovely heels...Oh girls I was afraid to even ask the price...I seen these type before and the were always over a $100.00 well I picked them up turn them over and the sticker said $45.00 ....I just said OH!!...the guy said I can go down to $40.00 for you...Girls I pulled those 2 twenties out of my fanny pack so fast even the moths didn't have time to take flight....Oh can you love an Old pair of Shoes...You bet your laces you can....If they would have fit I would have put them on and done my Irish Jig right then and there....
Just look at the shams...the lace is lovely...
Just love the Flocked pleating on the sides...
Box pleat corners....sighs
Now this is a Curtain Valance that matches the bed spread.....
Just as lovely as the spread...
Also all lined...Now my head board is 9 ft tall on my bed and my ceilings are 10 ft....So I want to hang this from the ceiling behind my bed with sheer panels to give it more of a Victorian look....
Here's my head what do you think.....Now I paid $100.00 for this whole set...I couldn't even buy a bed in a bag for price...And I love that I got an old one so fitting for my old bed...Now I know some of you are thinking PINK...but girls I do love my Pink Bedroom...and Len doesn't care what color it is so long as he has a bed and clean sheets...and besides said he can't see in when he in there as he asleep...ha ha!! Of course it also helps that Len is color blind...
Hope all of you have a great Monday...Thank you guys for being one of my followers your the best...Good luck with Mr. Random Thingy on the Ironstone...
And don't forget Marty at a "Stroll Thru Life" is having a cloches Party on June 19th and she will have up her post on the 18th at 8 pm
so Please lets try and join in this fun day and hook up with Mr. Linky...
Now Thanks for all your prayers again for Baby Kyra...Again that little fighter came through yet another surgery...heard her today just a giggling and laughing...
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
Hello my friend Gloria! ;)
Wohho!!! I'm doing the happy dance for you too.
Your new pink bedspread is gorgeous. Love it!
Now the shoes are something beyond amazing. I wish they could tell us a story huh? Lucky you to own them now. ~Beautiful.
Have wonderful evening.
~Melissa :)
Gloria... my heart just skipped a beat! I love your Tureen! You find the greatest stuff!!!!! One of these days I am going to share my Ironstone collection. It is small.. but worth showing! Enter me into your drawing!
Donna Marie
Oh MOM!!! that spread is just perfect for you!!!! What a beautiful set! The workmanship in that is outstanding!! I am so glad it called your
As for shipping Busy...Girl...she is the least stressful of the three...couldn't you ask for Jordan? she's giving me a RUN for my money this am a lot more stubborn than she ever will know! She needs to be thankful that God made her cute...VERY THANKFUL. Love you loads...
your Canadian Kid
Beautiful finds! That bedspread is heavenly! Those shoes look like they might have hurt a bit...but they are cute! Have a great week!!
Good morning Gloria!
WOW! Your bed linens are delish! Love the color and love that they go so well with your bed.....which, by the way, is SENSATIONAL... :-)
Say, I'm thinking I'm first, so the tureen should go to MY home! ....ok, just kidding, but I sooo hope I'm the lucky's beautiful.
Gloria, you seriously find the neatest things! Those shoes are gorgeous and I can't believe the condition they are in. The bedding is just beautiful, such attention to detail and what a bargain. And you know what I'm going to say - I HEART that soup tureen, please enter my name! Great news about little Kyra, that girl is going to grow up to do great things! Hugs, Kathy
Oh Gloria! Have you not found the most beautiful things! I love your bedspread! It's soooo you! And those shoes are amazing! I swear, you are an ironstone tureen magnet! I want to go shopping with you! Have a great week...hugs...Debbie
Morning, Gloria! Oh, my goodness - look at all you found at that place! Man! I'd love to go with you sometimes! I love the ironstone. Please please enter my tiny name in your drawing! I love that!
Now on to your other finds. Those high top shoes! They're gorgeous and they just look like you!
But those bed linens! How beautiful! Oh, Gloria, what a find. They're in perfect shape too and look gorgeous! That headboard is something else. Oh, again how I'd love to come to your home and stroll through all your pretties.
Have a beautiful day my sweet friend,
Shelia ;)
I am going shopping with you!!! I loved that bed and 100 dollars is unbelieveable. Thanks for coming by!
Hello sweet Gloria, wow, wow, wow!!!! What great finds.....I love the soup tureen and the shoes and the bedspead and, and, hehehe
You go girl!
Hugs, Barb
WOW!!! That sums it up completely... Gloria I loved everything you acquired... and would be so proud to win that great soup tureen... The bedspread is phenomenal... as is the shoes... Don't you wish these things could tell us about what they have seen...
Thank God that little Kyra is once again safe & doing so well... I pray for her all the time my sweet friend...
Mornin' Sis...
Girl, I'm so sorry that I've been so long at getting over to visit with you...shame on me! Between not feeling good and all the crazy stuff going on at my place...well, I haven't had much time on the computer! I've missed you and thought I better get my hiney in gear and come see what you've been up to!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyy goodness!!! Girl, I'm in love with that pretty little ironstone soup tureen...I really do need it!!! Please put my name in your giveaway pot...hmmm, crossin' my fingers, toes...eyes too...hopin'!!! Hehe!!! What a sweet thing to have such a generous heart Sis!!! Love ya!!!
Girl, what great treasure finds...I love that old barber's comb container...I bet it looks great in your bath!!! Ohhh, and those pretty ladies shoes...they really are exquisite, aren't they? Are you putting them in your bedroom? I think they'd be so pretty in there!!! Ohh yes, I was just sitting here thinking about all the fabulous stories that they could tell...I love it!!! Darlin'...I knew that something was going on...I thought I heard that scream of pure joy clear over here in Colorado...sure was you when you found that gorgeous pink satin bedspread!!! Girl, it really is fabulous...and it's soooo YOU!!! That pink satin is so beautiful and the chantilly lace is just exquisite!!! Ohhh...and I love all of the smocking...Girl, you got a real deal with that magnificent bedspread!!! It's beautiful and so perfect in your pretty pink bedroom...and it looks as though it was just made for your bed!!! Seriously, it couldn't be anymore custom to go with that big beautiful carved headboard!!! I love the idea of using the valance up above the headboard...along with some pretty lace curtains! That's a great idea...I think it'll be really pretty!!! Ohhh...I'm just so happy for you Sweetie!!!
Well Sis...this week is going to be crazy busy for me...with trying to get ready for Texas! I don't know how much time I'm going to have at the computer. I want to get a post together to join in with Marty's cloche party and then I have to get a couple of Sunday Favorites posts together to pubish while I'm gone! Eeeks...I hope that Mr. Linky won't be stinky and give me any problems! I just don't think I'll be on the computer while in Texas! I already have my mama's teacup lamp packed and ready to take to her! I'm so excited about giving that pretty lamp to her...thank you again Sis!!! Well, better close this book...Love ya Sweetie!!!
You heard my cry about all of the ironstone going to your house!! So, please, pretty please, Mr. Random, pick my number to win. Loved all of your finds - that bedspread is amazing. Sally
Woman you are AMAZING!!! The soup tureen is so sweet, I WANT IT!! Just fill her up with my reindeer moss and stick it in the mail, I won't tell a soul!! LOL! The boots, oh my, precious, the spread and shams, GORGEOUS and Soooo you sweetie! You sure hit the motherload this weekend!! Did you get my email with address?? Have a great week sweetie!! xoxoxo
LOL Gloria, you always make me laugh, girlfriend! You are sooo funny! I love your ironstone tureen...I'm am just so amazed at the goodies you find each month! What a beautiful bed set...perfect for that gorgeous bed of yours! Those shoes were amazing...I can't even imagine having feet that skinny! Just imagine the dress that went with them! Love going shopping with you! Susan
Gloria, you found some wonderful things. That bed set is just amazing in and of itself.
Please enter me in your beautiful giveaway....I am crossing my fingers,I love ironstone!
So you are lucky enough to have a color blind husband, too? Makes things much easier...they can never argue about what color we're using!
When you said you pulled 2 twenties out of your fanny --- I nearly fainted until I saw the word "pack" and put them together... fanny PACK. Oh. Yeah.
that is an amazing haul from that swap meet, Ma'am. Gorgeous tureen!!! And that bedspread and shams? How amazing to find something of that age, in such excellent condition. It must have been very much cherished by previous owners.
What beautiful finds! I had a bedspread that was similar when I had my first apartment though not the same color, I sure do wish I had it still. I don't think my husband would go for the pink though he is pretty easy going about things.
Hope all is well for you.
Hi..I'm new here,just came over from Pickets Place, and love your blog. Your "new" bedspread is just beautiful, and looks perfect with your beautiful bed!! I also love the tureen, blue and white are the colors in my kitchen, and I don't have a soup tureen, sign me up please!! Happy to have found you!! Delaine
Gloria!! What amazingly wonderful things you found!!! I've just had the best time catching up with you!
I love everything you found, especially that tureen. It's gorgeous!
You are kidding me! OMGOSH! That spread/shams are gorgeous! LOVIN' it all!
The shoes are 2die4...can you believe how thin and tiny they are shaped? We all spend too much time now a days in flip flops to ever fit into such things...
Hi Gloria! OMG, what a lovely bed cover set, it is so you! love the satin material and the color is lovely. And I am in love with your soup tureen, you know I love soup tureens, always been attracted to them. And those shoes reminds me of Angie Dickinson in Rio Bravo! What a pretty neat collection!....Christine
Wow you hit the jackpot!!! The tureen is a real pretty!!! I have just started gathering a few pieces of ironstone...thanks to blogging of course!!!
Your new pink spread is just to die for...sooooooo you!!! The little booties are perfection!!! are a lucky lady!!!
I hope you are having a wonderful day!!!
My heart is screaming and pumping just looking at the pics...can't imagine owning it!!! I now feel the need for something pretty!!! Please enter me in your draw! I'm crossing my fingers! Smiles!
Wow Gloria! Those are some amazing finds!
Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!
~Really Rainey~
Gloria..I have wanted one of those for SO long. I nearly had one once but someone just reached over my head and grabbed it...and ..I just stood and watched it walk away...I didn't even know they were behind me...and I am SO short..anyway...PLEASE do enter me in your drawing. Even if I don't win...I will be happy knowing one of our wonderful bloggy ladies has it. That tureen is just lovely!!
Shoot...don't include this one in the drawing.....but I just meant to say how gorgeous that spread is. I have never seen anything like it except in old movies's just beautiful!
Gloria, What wonderful things you found. I really love the bedroom set!I would love to see pics of your bedroom,looks very victorian.
Enter me in your give-away.
Oh wow, Gloria, I am totally blown away by that spread. It is just too beautiful for words, and I cannot wait to see what the valance and maybe some sheers or lace panels look like behind the headboard!
As for the ironstone, if I by any chance win it, it would be my very first piece of ironstone. How cool would that be?
Justine :o )
Dear Gloria,
MY HEART just about stopped when I saw your soup tureen and then I almost fell out of the chair when I read you were giving it away.
oh my gosh........I am clinging to your leg as you drag me across the floor trying to pry me off your leg.....oh, it is soooo very beautiful and how I would cherish would be coming to a home that truly dreamed of owning one.
your other finds are just beautiful and I love them
how is your great grandbaby.....Jeremiah Lucas doing....I hope I remembered his name right and baby kyra
Gloria you are such a blessing and girl you just know I need, want, and desire that beautiful soup tureen and bless you for being so generous.
hugs and love
may mr. generator or whatever his name is smile on me wednesday...I'm not above begging and
I just skated out of Busy's room from making her bed...nearly broke my neck on the "icy" carpet...just in time to see you comment! I wish you were closer so we could "play"!
You certainly know your way around a bargain sale.
Hi Gloria,
OOOH honey, you got some great deals! Beautiful candy and that bedspread is gorgeous!
I haven't forgot about doing the Gloria(couch) post...I will do it soon! ;)
Hope you have a wonderful week! Nancy
I'm loving everything, the bedspread the headboard. Wow a lot of great things. The granny boots are something else, I have a few pairs I actually wear with my long skirts.
Oh Gloria... I am drooling over the keyboard.. What treasures you found. The bedding is out of this world to die for GORGEOUS!!! Oh sorry didn't mean to shout, but man alive prrreeeettttyyyyy just didn't say it you know? The shoes are amazing.! Now the white ironstone would go well with a few pieces around here. I don't have near what you have, so I do have room for a piece of
I'm so glad to hear baby Kyra is doing well... she is such a gift..
many hugs ~lynne~
More fabulous treasures at Gloria's place! That bedspread looks as if it was never even used! Your barbershop comb holder is great, and those shoes-the stories they could tell - Maybe they were worn on a wedding day. They are amazing. And your ironstone tureen giveaway is such a generous gift. Please enter my name. laurie
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