WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Don't you just love it when one of your all time favorite magazine comes in the mail...I have love this one since before it was a magazine...It use to be Victorian Sampler and had so many beautiful things you could buy and drool about...Well mine came in the mail today so guess where I'll be tomorrow...oh yes I have to get my tea and sit my rear down and take in each and each picture before I can put it down...lol!!
Even the name says read me now!!
This is my little sitting room in my Bedroom and I just love to sit here and read...it's away from the rest of the house and Len's TV blasting...he says that the only way he can hear it...Don't believe it I can whisper that I am going to spend money and he can hear it ha ha!! And he'll come running looking like a Deer caught in Head Lights....Any way you remember my Carrot Cake sofa right !! of course you do if not read about it here...
Hi Gloria, thanks for coming by. Your room is so victorian. I love that romantic look. My mom has a lot of victorian stuff. Glad to find another CA blogger, seems like we're out numbered for sure! LOL!
Romance is right!
What a beautifully elegant vignette you created.
I see the other most beautiful sofa in the world lives in your bedroom.
~WOW girl! I don't remember seeing it before. I'll have to read the carrot cake story. The color and pattern are spectacular.
~Enjoy your magazine.
~Love ya my friend, ~Melissa :)
Got my magazine too...that's tomorrows plan! My tea will have cream and sugar!
What a beautiful vignette to see behind and read a beatiful magazine. Don't you love Romantic Home?? Yes, darling I've been doing some fishing.. hope to post some of the pics soon. It's so incredibly hot here now. Heat index close to 114... yepper.. I still go down and throw a line in. lol... Miss ya my friend. Thanks for the visit today..hugs ~lynne~
Nice! I love that magazine too. A Romantic store I always go to put an ad in the August issue so she sold it to me early haha! Great table! It is sooo romantic!
All the best,
I love your pretty couch and especially that gorgeous lamp! Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful place to sit back and enjoy a magazine. Loved your pictures.
Hi Gloria! Thanks for visiting me, your humor and sweetness always make me feel so good!
I used to subscribe to Romantic Homes Magazine too, I would always get so excited when it arrived every month too! But unfortunately it was the first thing to go when the budget got tight...boo hoo!
I love your silver picture frame collection, and well, that sofa is to die for!! So Victorian!
Now enjoy your magazine sweetie! I still have all my back issues that I still look at!!
Take care, my sweet friend!
I'm so jealous! I haven't received my Romantic Home magazine in the mail yet! I'm calling them tomorrow! lol grrrr
LOL @ Len selective hearing! too funny!
Your sofa is so romantic, I love the gracious curves. The lamp is beautiful! Your cherub stand is just too adorable!
Enjoy your RH magazine!
Hi Gloria! That certainly is romantic! Looks like you sure made yourself comfortable! I wish I could have a cuppa tea with you!
Have a great week end!
~Really Rainey~
What a great relaxing day! You have the prettiest things, but that teapot and cup are especially gorgeous! And you know I love that sofa. If you get a chance, check out my older Wordless Wednesday post (dads) and take a peak at the sofa in one of the pictures. When I scanned that photo, I immediately thought of you girlie! Hugs, Kathy
Ohhhhh so pretty sis..love how you 'set the stage' for reading! ( from the post title I thought you were gonna tell us something romantic about you and Len!) lol
I love getting my favortie magazines...I save them till all is quiet and I can have alone time and then I DREAM as I slowly devour each page! lol Enjoy your magazine sis and have a great weekend! Love ya girl!~♥!
Gloria...I love your cherub table! It is very romantic! Also thank you for your positive reminder to us all....so true!
Mornin Gloria! I get all excited when my favorite magazines come in the mail too. You have surrounded yourself with beauty and comfort in your sweet sitting area! Its so lovely sweetie! Enjoy your quite time with tea and soft music, a favorite magazine, Aaaaah sounds good to me!! xoxoxo
Gloria, every time I see your house, it says to me, you would absolutely love love love J's Aunt Ruth's. So much of your beautiful home, reminds me of her beautiful home.
Have a wonderful weekend!!
OH, Dear Gloria! I love coming to your house! This sitting area is so divine! Now you are Romantic Homes! Have you ever been featured in it! If not, we need to tell somebody! With all your beautiful things, you'd be such a hit! I love that settee and the coffee table. Oh, my goodness! Just gorgeous! Enjoy your day, Dear One,
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
It truly IS all about romance, sugar! Lovely room to sit and relax away from stresses of the day. I love it, sweetpea!
If I were into magazines, tea and Victorian stuff, this would certainly be the first place I'd want to sit.
I love the cherub holding the dolphin. That is just too sweet.
I laughed about Len not being able to hear the tv, but can hear you whisper a thought about shopping. Heeheeheeeeeee
Justine :o )
I enjoy the magazine also. Great place to read there, I think I'll join you girlfriend.
Beautiful!!! You are so lucky to have such a lovely place to retreat to!!! I'd never leave if my room looked like that!! I'm in love with your sofa!!
Gloria your room is just beautiful. I love all the victorian items. The gone with the wind lamp is just beautiful. I love anything that is victorian. Your pictures are great. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.
That's one of my favorite magazines, too. I have saved every issue since it began. Mine came a day ago, and I've already read every word and devoured every picture. Have a great weekend. Sally
I've gotta go and GET that magazine. Looks beautiful. Was it REALLY once Victorian Sampler? OMGOSH!
Lovely my friend. Lovely!
Gloria, you are such a romantic, and I love that about you! I died laughing when I read the story of the carrot cake sofa. LOL! You are also a girl after my own heart... I know about those dangerous sidetrips. ;-) And your table base angels are being so sweet to their little animal friends. I'm a major dolphin lover, so that cherub really caught my eye. Thanks for sharing...
Sheila :-)
Hi Gloria, Oh yes, this is a Romantic room! All the victorian decor is beautiful!
I'm glad you like Gloria! You ask about the baby shoes...those were mine 40 years ago! They will be showing up soon in a post!
I didn't make the cord covers, they came from hobby lobby.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! nancy
Oh Gloria! I loved your sitting area. That tea and sofa with the magazine are just perfect. Makes a person just want to come for a visit. Thanks for sharing. I love the coffee table too. The cherubs faces are so precious. I too, have one with selective hearing. I hate to say this, but I do believe it is a guy thing. Take care. Stop by Country Wings in Phoenix. Love the company. "Country Hugs", Sherry
Gloria, I just discovered your blog through the cloche party. I love cloches and jars etc. I spent most of last evening reading your archives all the way to the beginning. Thank you for such an interesting, fun blog. I love history and antiques. Thank you for all the intersting history on your collections. I am adding you to my favourties list so I can come back and visit more often.
Jacquelene L.
P.s. love your Elmira stove, Yay Canada!!!!
Oh the cherub supports for your coffee table are so beautiful and their faces are so pleasing.
Wonderful photos Gloria! Have a lovely peaceful time reading! ♥ Diane
I love your romantic reading spot.
It just looks,like the perfect place to read you new magazine and drink tea...
with a little bourbon in it. 8-)
Hi Gloria - have you shown that couch before? Seems like I remember seeing it in another post - and I'm going to do the same thing as you this weekend, blog and look over some magazines!! My girl is out of town this weekend and hubby will be working.
Love your story about Len and his hearing -
Have a good one -
that table is to die for!!! your house is like a treasure box!!! I love seeing every little thing you share!!!
love you...I am off the IV meds...on the oral ones...I am still swollen and sore as heck...but at least I can smile!
love ya loads mom!!!
I love that magazine...as I do your coffee table too!! :-)
I wish I could come sit with ya on your mountain top, drink tea and look at it with ya! Love ya! L~
Gloria, these photos of your room could be in that magazine - so romantic. laurie
Gloria! GOOD GRIEF! You are going to give me a darned heart attack with that home of yours! Just plain gorgeous...and...I can say I have something that was actually IN THAT HOUSE! I'm all puffed up here! :)
Hugs...have a wonderful weekend. (playing with my moss! That stuff is fantastic!! :)
Gloria, I thought that I was looking at pictures from that magazine before I realized they were from your house. Just gorgeous, my friend, seriously! So comfy and romantic. I think I better check out this magazine.Hope you enjoyed your relaxation & reading time,,, :-) Sue
You ARE a romantic one! It's good to have a reading spot.
Yes, yes, I know I have already commented...but...just hanging out looking. :) You don't mind do you? You go ahead and do what you were doing...I'll be quiet as a mouse...you won't even know I'm here. Ok? :) I'll let myself out.
Love and hugs...
Hi there, Ma'am! I can just picture you here, enjoying your tea and your magazine! And what a beautiful and romantic setting! Yes, I remember your sofa! lol I hope you are having a wonderful weekend...hugs...Debbie
Make room on that sofa my friend....I'm coming right over. :) What a fabulous space for you to enjoy. Beautiful vignette, too.
Hugs to you~ J
Hey Gloria, I am with you, I just love it when my magazines come in the mail!! It is so exciting!! I used to subscribe to Romantic Homes, and let my subscription run out a few years ago. But, thanks to my sweet friend Barbara I now receive it again.
I just love your sitting area in your room, it is the perfect place to snuggle up & read!! And, your coffee table is just precious!! The cherubs are so sweet.
I just love all of your pretties!!! Nicole
Hi gloria,
I love Romantaic Homes magazine....and country...they are great....hubby and I stopped in Jackson on our way home from Gardnerville on Saturday...some of my favorite stores are not there any more or they are going out of business...I was so sad...we love stopping there for lunch....but the Rose Bud cafe ..not there....I think we will just make Sutter Creak our stop from now on...hope all is well with you....
Hi Happy! Looks like you could be featured in the magazine you love most! Your angel table is amazing. I have some concrete angels in the yard that I bought years ago. One has a hammer and chisel, the other has a palette and paintbrush. I had intended to get one for each of the four kids, maybe ONE day! Hope your week is filled with good things!
Hi Gloria!
What a wonderful little reading/refuge place you have created! Your table is adorable! I love it when I get one of my favorite magazines and can steal away to a cozy quiet spot to read and dream!
Thanks so much for stopping by...it's always so nice to hear from you!
Have a beautiful day!
;-D Kathleen
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