February 27, 2009
Girls!! did you notice my pretty new Blog dress ??? of course you did...Oh girls I am so excited about this Pretty new me...I am not only doing my "Happy Dance " but slapped my thigh and sang a few tunes lol !! and being I am Irish I threw in a jig !!!
Now I won this extreme make over from Rose Haven http://jt-jantom.blogspot.com/ from Jan and Tom...Now you see now through April they are making and designing a blog dress every week and giving them away to the lucky winner !! Well girls the Luck of the Irish be with me .
So this is my New designer Dress....Bob Mackie designs for Cher...but I have Jan and Tom make me a pretty new me...I was so excited when I found out I won this...You see I have been stalking this dress all week and Jan and Tom had a Mr, Random thingy and it picked me!!!
This dress is so me...and girls don't you think I look 10 pounds thinner ??? Now you too can win a new dress just go by and see Jan and Tom and toss your name in the hat and maybe Mr. Random thingy will pick you !!! and you really need to see next week Blog dress you can win..
Thank you so much Jan and Tom for the New me !!! I just love it to pieces...Or as Paris Hilton would say HOT...
Hope all of you have a great weekend...
Hugs and smiles Gloria
February 25, 2009
Please go by and see our GREAT hostess Suzanne to see all the wonderful Vintage thingy today http://coloradolady.blogspot.com/

ca. 1910
February 23, 2009
Now I got this wonderful award from so many of you great gals here and I want you to know this does mean the WORLD to me...this came from Ann, Carol, Laura, Susan, Vanna and Mary....Now I am suppose to pass this on to 10 other bloggers...but being a Sisterhood award and I feel we are all Sisters in the Wonderful World of Blogland...Please take it if you don't have it...also I have a real hard time with these awards...I can not just put names on a list to pass them on as I truly do Love everyone here, you have all become like a family to be !!! so Please understand that some times I will just put them on my side bar....
Now I am going to bore you all to death here !!! I have been asked for an Interview by Salmagundi ( Sally ) at http://sallyssalmagundi.blogspot.com/ So girls this is your chance to leave now and I won't even know it !!! Ha ha
1. You have obviously been successful in business - do you attribute that to ambition, hard work, being in the right place at the right time, or something else?
Answer...All of the above...I knew at a very early age that you had to have ambition and work hard...I was a single Mother with 3 very small Children and I was working 3 jobs to support my children as I didn't get child support for them ...I met Wally when I was 25 that take care of the right place at the right time one...We had a scientific manufacturing company where we made micro manipulators and Mechanical Stages for Yeast and DNA , Stainless Hip joints for Hip replacements, Knee caps, and even finger joints...And we had the patent on the Micro manipulators and Mechanical stages....
2, I dub you the queen of collectors, is there one thing you are still searching for ?
Answer...YES Always on the Hunt for one more Great piece !!! Antiques are like a sickness that once you start you never want to quit...
3. were you an outdoor type or indoor type as a child ?
Answer... I loved being in the house with my Mama cooking and decorating and as a small child I could see a dress in a store and go home and draw a pattern on a paper bag and then made clothes for my dolls...just like the dress I seen..I loved to sew..So I was and still am an indoor person...
4. its obvious you adore your family and Husband is there someone else you feel especially connected with ?
Answer...I have not had a real connection with anyone one since My Husband Wally died in 1999..he really was my Life's love, my best friend and I will never have that again...I now have a connection with all my blogging friends.
5. Is there any thing on your "bucket List" you still want to do or conquer, or accomplish ?
Answer...Sally I think at my age I have done it all...I have flew air planes got my pilot license bungee jumped, sky dived, raced cars, and even worked at the San Francisco Playboy Club as a Bunny!!! I have had a GREAT life..My bucket has ran over...
So there are my answers to your questions...
Now for those that didn't leave or fall asleep... Thanks for coming by...Now I will not be posting for a few days...I have had Pneumonia now for 2 weeks and the Dr, gave me an inhaler but I was really been having a hard time trying to breath !!! so I will be getting back to all your kind and great comments only for a few days !!! may all of you have a great and Blessed week my dear friends... And to my dear friend Glenda who always stops by...thanks for being You!!
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
February 22, 2009

Now here Is Len with his helper...hammering , sawing and fogging up the Air with their mouths !!! ( think soap in mouth )
Now the next day we had it sheet rocked and muddied....you do notice how I keep saying we?? well I am the Go-fer and the Picker-upper...the sandwich makers and the soda getter...so this is a WE project around our house...plus I have to then tell him for days after he does something what a wonderful job he did...pat his back...high five him !!! Oh the list goes on and on well you get the picture...
Now this is the new Wall....Of course the project that only took 3 days then...took a month waiting for new carpet to come in , new drapes, new paint job, new ceiling lite, new wall lites, and crown moulding...kinda like buying a new lamp shade and then redoing the whole room around it Ha Ha !! now we have all been there!!!
Now I hope all of you have a Great day and if anyone needs any information on where to get a Honey Do Whistle let me know !!! I buy them by the case because Len keeps breaking and hiding them!!
February 21, 2009

Carry out the Cat !!!

Make a List....This is very Important !!!

Move the car...

Change all the light bulbs in the house to VERY low wattage so she can't see the dust...

Hope all of you have a GREAT weekend...me I need to get my to do list done....Oh the things I do as a Mother !!! the list goes on and on....
February 19, 2009

February 17, 2009
~ WHAT'S 36 inches and PRETTY ~

Now these are a series of Pompeian pictures that they did....1925 titled "Beauty Gained is Love Retained " see she is getting her engagement ring here from her Honey...sighs !!!
February 15, 2009

Now here our the Proud owners in 1977 in front of our Hideaway...Now this Cabin didn't even have a bath or shower...just a sink and toilet so when we came up here we really did rough it..I took many PTA baths !!! Oh you are asking what does the PTA stand for?? well its "Powder the Ass" Oh my did I say that?? you bet I did...

May all of you have a safe and blessed day...