Hello!! all my Dear blog bud's...I first want to thank all of you wonderful peeps for all your prayers, cards and emails you have send me!! WOW I was overwhelmed that people I have never met could mean so much to me...I wished I could say this past month has been an easy one for me..but let's face it having a triple by-pass is like having an 18 wheeler truck parked on your chest ..But once again God was great to me !! And what a shocker that was to me..to just go to the hospital for an Angiogram test and be told it would take about an hour and I would have to spend the night and go home in the morning, well I had a cardiac arrest during the test, and they the doctor put me on a heart lung machine while they got together a team and by 9 pm until 2 am I under went open heart surgery..See what I mean God truly blessed me with being in the right place at the right time..Thank you God..
I really don't remember much for around 2 days from that point on...When I did awake I was in terrible pain and here comes the nurse with a needle and I thought WOW!! it much be the good stuff "it's in a needle" ha ha!!
Any hoo lots has been going on since that time..I did want to share my little pride and joy Landen James my great grandson's picture from Halloween with you..He was "Fonzie" from Happy days he even had a pack of blackjack chewing gum in his leather jacket ha ha!!
My other pride and joy is my Grand daughter Candace (Landen's mama) I really don't know what I would have done without all her wonderful help this past month..she is truly a sweetheart..she was at Disneyland when all this happen and of course wanted to come right home...My Daughter Gina and Dawna also came and helped me..Thank's girls your mama loves you to pieces..Who would of thought that I would change their diapers and one day they would be changing mine ha ha!! Hey Great pay back!!
And of course I have to Thank Lenny for running and getting pizza's because he doesn't know what a kitchen is ha ha!! I did teach him to finally use the washer and dryer..but his folding left alot to be desired...He even tried to make the bed..how ever it did look like a body was still in it when he got done ha ha!! But he really has been my rock through out this whole ordeal..
Do you guy's remember me telling you I have an "outhouse Bathroom" in my house?? well the darn shower pan cracked also last month so what does every woman do when it spring's a BIG leak..?? This is my in house outhouse door with all my olden door knockers on it..

Why they tear the whole bathroom out and start remodeling it ha ha!! I have wanted for over 10 years to redo this bathroom so now is the perfect time for it...Why you ask is this the perfect time?? I can't do a thing to help ( perfect ) ha ha!! I can't even sweep the floor until 4 months from surgery love it ha ha!! We ordered everything from Lowe's from new marble tile floor to sink, toilet and a travetine shower...Len and the contractor hope to have it all done by the first of December...I have 2 french chandy's I'm going to hang in here..one I got from my dearest friend Vanna aka *winks* at delusions of grandeur she by far has the best french things you have ever seen and was so kind to sell me one of her prized chandys like 6 months ago that has been sitting on my bedroom floor just waiting for the perfect place to hang it...Also this is my 400 post and October 18th was my third Blogovery...I know I'm late but I still want to offer all my loyal followers a chance to win a Apollo 135 piece Pink tool kit...If you would like a chance to win this please leave me a comment!! You must be a follower of "Happy To Be" if your not become one and I'll toss your name in the hat to try and win!!
I wanted to get out and buy a special gift but sorry I have to get this from Amazon and Amazon will mail it to the winner for me...
I will run this give away from November 3 th and announce the winner on November 11th...Good luck to all who enter !! I really wished I was Gloria Vanderbilt and could give each one of my loyal followers a gift..but I'm the "Poor little Gl♥ria" ha ha!!
I really hope to be back to full time blogging by the first of the year..but right now I don't have the energy to keep up!!
Again a HUGE Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers they really have help me with my recovery...A BIG cyber hug to each of you...And may God Bless each of you as he has me...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria