This is my smallest Cloche I have...Its very tiny...I have it in my Bedroom with a tiny little bust sitting in it some Reindeer Moss....This is the moss that I have growing wild up here on my mountain top and I use it for so many decorating things...
This is my Biggest Cloche...Just sat it in on dinner plate again with a sweet little Blue bird and a nest...added another tassel to the top....
An Apothecary jar that I got from Hospice last year...I think this was $7.50....all the fruits I just got also last week from Hospice for $1.50....for the bag..
Now this is a cheese Keeper from the Seventies...Len brought this home to me thinking it was a Cloche's ha ha!! Well it was by the time I got done with it....
Got out my "Gorilla" glue....I so recommend this glue over Super glue as it does hold much stronger even on Metal....
A sherbet Glass and Chintz plate....Glued the glass to the bottom of the plate....Instant Cloche....
I shown this once before...but Hey I might have a new audience today so wanted to show you how you can make a mini Cloche with an Old Cheese keeper...These Cheese keeps I find all the time at yard sales and thrift store and are so inexpensive...
Here I added a fake cake ....
A Sweet tea pot picture frame...Many little items you can put under these....
Now this is a wide opening vase I had...
An Old candle that was burned down to close for me to light without burning my danity fingers ha ha!!...I think we all have those right???
See the plastic on the candle lid...well I took that off...
Got out my trusty "Gorilla" glue and took the vase turned it up side down...Glued the Candle lid on the bottom of it....
Now Please go by and see our Hostess Marty...I know that's where I am headed...
Thanks for coming by and seeing me...I always enjoy company...
May all of you have a GREAT day...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I love all of your cloches! Thank you for the how-to instructions, I'm going to have to try it! :O)
Oh what great ideas you showed up here Gloria. Love the large one with the birdies. I also like how you made your own cloche!! All very nice...
Gloria, I am so in awe that you can go out and pick your own moss! Can ya send me some? LOL You've put together some really pretty cloche decorating ideas.
And how did you get so handy gluing tops and bottoms to vases and cheese domes? Thanks for coming by my blog. hope you'll be back again. :-) sue
Well, Gloria, you have so much creativity going, but my fav has to be the cloche you created with the top of the candle jar - you go, girl! Linda
HOW SMART IS THAT!?! I love your re-makes and I LOVE GORILLA GLUE! (Hubby is a hardware man! I wear his Gorilla Glue t-shirt every time I mow the lawn!) You are so very clever!
Great ideas Gloria! ☺ Diane
WOW! You are the queen!
m ^..^
Hey Sis...
Just read your sweet note that you left for me on my mini cloche...thank you so much for all the compliments!!! Girl, I just loved seeing all of your pretty cloches...I love all of the pretty birds and nests...still one of my favs!!! Ohh...I'm going to have to find me some of that Gorilla glue...I certainly could have fun with it!!! Hehe!!! I still just stand in awe of that brilliant idea!!! You know what I love about your post? You showed so many ways of making cloches for nest to nothing...I love that!!! I just adore your pretty cloche that you made with that gorgeous chintz plate and sherbet glass...I want to make one like that!!! Thanks for the great idea!!!
Well Darlin'...I'm heading to your TT post now...just wanted to stop by before turning in tonight!
Love ya Sis,
Chari's little ol' me again! I didn't say half the things that I wanted to in my last comment...guess I'm tired! Hehe!
Just wanted to tell you that I loved all of your pretty vignettes with the cloches!!! My favorite was the one in your pretty and pink! Girl, that clock is fabulous and I just love that little lady figurine in the cloche...that entire vignette is just gorgeous...and sooo YOU!!!
Love your new hospice glass pedestal's really beautiful...such a pretty shape and the lemons are so pretty in it!!! Great treasure find, Sis!!!
Love ya,
Hi Gloria! Oh, what beauties you have! I love all of your cloches! I made a cloche like yours too! OH, this is so much fun isn't it?
Be a sweetie, my friend,
Shelia :)
Gloria My Friend .. You are tooooo clever! I had saved candle jar lids forever thinking one day I'd be clever enough to come up with a use for them.. that day never came so I tossed em. I love all of your lil cloches.. believe it or not but I don't have the first one..nope nodda one.
Have a great weekend.
look at you go! what a great post!
you sneaky crafty little devil!
Hi Gloria,I have made some of the cloches too. I love them don't you ! Except I have bought glass glue and that stuff isn't worth a crap ! It won't hold ! Have you had any trouble about the Gorilla glue holding ?
You are just so good and creative, Gloria. Love all your cloches especially the ones you transformed yourself.When you use gorilla glue, do you just glue it directly?...Christine
Great ideas sis and thanks for showing us how to make our own...I know I have one of those glass candle lids around here somewhere...I am seeing everyone put pretty ribbons around their cloches and then I come here and you have fancy tassels...what is wrong with me...did I miss the 'Martha gene' that reminds me to add pretty to my cloches...Why have I not thought to do that before now!!!! lol Great inspiration girl...thanks for showing us your treasures! Love ya sis~♥~
Oh Gloria you always make my mouth water every time I come by your way! So many lovelies to drool over!!
I think I remember you showing us how to make the cloche with the candle jar top- thought that was so clever when I saw it!
Thank you for sharing sweet friend!
Gloria, that is some creative thinking to make your own cloche! I'll have to try that since I don't own one but can definitely afford a basic hurricane. Thanks for the great idea!
I do love every single one of your cloches...they are just beautiful..I made a few but they aren't nearly as nice as yours...
Hi Gloria,I enjoyed seeing all your cloches and also your creative idea for making one from a vase,thanks.I think Marty had a great idea with this event.
Gloria...I am one that never saw the cloch you made from a dessert dish and pretty rose covered plate. I was delighted with that creation..and ..the one where you used the candle lid, took off the plastic...glued it onto the bottom of a wide mouthed clear glass vase..turned up side down. :)
Well...I am..impressed. Yes. Impressed is the word..and inspired and...boy...the things you can learn by blogging.
There would be a huge vacant spot in my life with blogging and without you, Gloria...
You are an amazing friend!
Okay.. Gloria, who's eating all that JELLO that's in that jar/??LOL!
I'm having a giveaway head on over!
I am so in love with all your ideas here! I wish I would have dug back for this post as it is one of my faves! You have so many pretty cloche's with all your creative ideas, like I said before, I would pay money to tour your amazing home! HeHe, glad your my friend and you won't charge me too much! Dan and I were in CA, 3 summers ago and we plan on going back. (The state is just too big to fit in one trip) Hugs and I will miss you, Cindy
I love all of these! Especially love the bluebird and nest. But your creativity is what really impresses. I remember the plate/sherbet cup post and it remains one of my favorite ideas. Great ideas and inspiration Gloria, as always! Hugs, Kathy
Girlfriend !
You just made my day ! I love how creative you are ! I am following you ~!
Hugs ~ Kammy
I enjoyed seeing all of your lovely cloche ideas. The one you made with the candle topper is a great idea. I always feel bad about throwing away those candle jars. Great idea for recycling.
Wow Gloria, you did such a fantastic job teaching us all how to make a cloche. I love it. Yours are always so pretty and I love seeing all the different things you use inside. Love you so much for helping out with this party. Thanks a bunch. Hugs, Marty
FUN! FUN! FUN! What great ideas you have. I have been seeing a number of the old 70's cheese domes and I get everyone one I see. Heck, I may even use it for it's intended purpose soon. Happy Weekend Gloria!
What inspiration! Lovely!
Glooooria, G-l-o-r-i-a!
You have me singing your praises! How clever to sue that candle lid on that glass vase. Smart cookie you are. I am going to do that!
Thanks for the sweetest comment left on my blog! How kind....and any friend of the delightful Blondie/Jane is a friend of mine!
Thanks for dropping by Bloggertiaville today. Come back soon! I (heart) bloggy my friends.
Great cloche's!
Tales from Bloggeritaville
You are so inspiring. What wonderful ideas you have shared. Thank you.
Hi Gloria, your cloches are all so sweet. I see your little mine. Think I will name mine also. Hehehe. All your ideas are so creative and lovely.
Hugs, Barb
Gloria, Oh My Gosh Girl, you have given me some wonderful ideas. I can hardly wait to start searching for my cheese keeper domes, plates and cups to make my own choche. I have seen them, but never knew what they were called. Thanks so much for sharing with a newbie! You're a doll. When I get my first one complete, I will showcase it so that you can see what an inspiration you have been.
Have a wonderful day. Country Hugs from Country Wings in Phoenix, Sherry
All you choches are just beautiful. Your ideas for decorating them are very nice. Have a great day.
Besides your amazing decorating ideas and talents, I am thrilled you shared Gorilla Glue! I love your creative makeovers and will be “borrowing” them for myself. How lucky are you to have the free moss at your disposable, how neat is that! Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Cathy
You are TOO smart creating your cloche out of the cheese dome. It looks great! And your own moss, I am impressed :)!
Oh, they are all lovely! I adore the one you used the candle top with the blue bird! Bluebirds have my heart! Now how can you beat that one! You did I love the cake one! You are so clever! Love your coffee table too!
Right on, about a girl after my own heart. You and I are kindred spirits. I have seen little ribbons on the tops of cloches, but you stepped it up a notch with a tassel. I must go find a tassel now. Thanks for the sweet comments. Hugs.
great ideas Gloria! I love love love your coffee table!!
Love the homemade best of all and the lemon the keeper - love it too. Thanks for stopping by - am now a follower.
Oh girlfriend, what a wonderful collection you have. Would love to be able to walk out and use the reindeer moss.. how handy. I love the chintz plate made into a base for a cloche dome.. girl.. you are so smart. May have to try that one of these days. I hurried this a.m. to get my post up and running, hope it doesn't come off Girl I've missed you too, tons and tons.. many many hugs ~lynne~
~WOW! Gloria you have some really amazing cloches my friend! Love all your creative ideas you came up with. ~Beautifully done.
Happy Cloche Party!
Love ya girl, ~Melissa :)
Now I'm going to go hunting through the house for things to make cloches out of!! :) great ideas!
Oh my gosh you made a cloche! Now that's creative! Your other ones are beautiful! I'm getting the idea about cloches now... something glass you put things in really... kinda?
And I don't think I'll do a triple post again! That was crazy!
Have a FUN Friday my most creative friend!
~Really Rainey~
BEAUTIFUL!!!! And I love your tutorials. I'm a new audience that's for sure!!! Love visiting your blog. Sorry, but you'll be seeing more of me.
What wonderful ideas. I especially like the plate glued on the glass. Wow.
Thanks for sharing.
How smart to use a candle lid to create a cloche. You're so creative. BTW, I absolutely adore you kitchen border. It's so pretty. Thanks for dropping by my blog.
Hello! Thanks for stopping by and glad I could hook you up with a laugh! And you have repaid me with some great ideas! I LOVE your BIG cloche - been on the lookout for one of those. And what a fun ideas to craft your own! Fabulous!!!
So many wonderful ideas! The bright color of lemons make me ahppy! I loved your tutorials and your new cake plates. Perfect for displaying your beauitful cloches.
All the ones with birds nests and eggs are so beauitufl!
Thank You for your visit!
Great cloche tutorial! I buy the cheese covers all the time at Goodwill for cloches. Now I have a collection of wood bases that I have to come up with a new use for. Wonderful post, Pam
What phenomenal potential I now see in things all over my house, thanks to your inspiration! Wow, you're one clever girl to have figured all this out!
Hello Sweet Gloria!
I love ALL your cloche displays! Oh my goodness, thank you for showing us how to make one! I have always wanted to and so thrilled to know wthat kind od glue to use! You are wonderful and a true sweetheart!
I love your cloches. And I love that you shared how to make one out of a vase. I'm going to give this one a try. And you are right about cheese domes. You can usually find them cheap, cheap.
Your cloches are all delightful. Thanks for the tutorial on how to make a cloche!
Hi Gloria...give me a bite of that FAKE CAKE!! It looks so real & delicious under the have such a fun sense of decorating & style...Love it!
;-) Bo
A alegria é imensa que no momento não tenho palavras para agradecer sua visita e seu comentário educado.
Muito,muito,muito obrigada.
Todos os cloche que voce fez são maravilhos,divinos!!
The joy is immense at the time that I have no words to thank your visit and your comment polite.
Very, very, very much.
Cloche All you did is wonderful
Wonderful ideas!! Love them all, I especially like the little bust, of course, I think I have three or four of my own!!! Thank you for stopping by, I really do appreciate all the visits I've had. Everyone is so kind!!!
Margaret B
I love the cloche with the birds. Thank you for the instructions on how to make your own cloche too. I'll definitely make one for me. :)
Hey Sis...
Just wanted to say goodbye! We're packing up now and leaving out real early tomorrow morning! Gonna miss ya, Sweetie! You take care and I'll talk to you when I get back home!
Love ya,
Thanks so much for the easy way to make cloches. You had a wealth of great and easy ideas.
jean in virginia
You have some great cloche displays! Thanks for the idea for that last one, the big vase, I have one of those and now I want to do that! You smart girl you!!
Gloria, you and that Gorilla glue are brilliant! I remember when you created that cloche, and I was so impressed. I am thrilled to see it again. The idea of the tassel on the top is another brilliant idea. And I LUV that gorgeous tablecloth under the cloche on your coffee table! Brilliant post from a briliant mind! laurie
HaHa, that is so funny that he brought you a cheese keeper! You made the best of it, though, great job! Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Oh Gloria, They all look fab! But that candle lid idea...has blown me away!!! Shoot, you wouldn't believe how many of those I have thrown out...never again...Thank you for the ideas! Nancy
I always love your displays~ I hope you have a great weekend!
Big hugs~ J
Everything is so pretty! Thanks for sharing the cheesekeeper make overs.
Hi Gloria,
You did such a great job!! I especially love how you created such pretty vignettes to photogragh all your cloches!
Have a wonderful weekend Sweetie!!
Hugs, Sherri:)
You just had waaay too much fun with this cloche party! You are so creative. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Gloria,
I so enjoyed looking at all of your cloches and all the great ideas you gave to make them. You are so talented. Thank you for sharing.
Hi there!
I'm sorry I'm late to the party! I found you while blog hopping! I loved looking at all the cool things you have done with your cloches. Thanks for sharing!!!
My Desert Cottage
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