WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Good morning guys...Have you ever wanted to slap someone silly...of course you have...well my grandson Josh has been kidding with me since the day he could talk...Any way he called me last night and wanted to know if I had checked my email and seen the pictures he send me of Kyra's new puppy...told him No I been upstairs tearing off wall paper another story...If I ever get the urge to put up wall paper again I hope someone slap me silly !! Anyway he tells me he got a 3 month old BULL MASTIFF puppy for Kyra...I was so shocked I mean come on those dogs get HUGE and Kyra being a baby and everything going into her mouth...well you can imagine my horror at that...right away I ask Len about them and he says there not good with kids and what was he thinking...So Josh tells me they named him Moose and they need to get a saddle for Kyra to ride him...Oh another heart attack coming on here girls lol!! He finally tells me Grandma go check your email and you'll see just how cute he is....
This is what I thought I would see !!!
Oh but this is what he got...it's a YORKIE 3 month old male puppy that they did name MOOSE... Kyra thinks its a toy...
Now YORKIE"S are my favorite little dogs...I had 5 of these all at the same time...YES you heard me right....I had the Mama and daddy and 3 puppies that I would not sell by the time they were old enough to be sold...I mean how could you sell the children right... Josh was at my house the day the puppies were born in 1990....
Just look how small he is...weights a little over a pound...
This is that Bad Boy Josh holding him...sighs...I am going to Texas a month from today...Now I knew I was taking my BIG purse so I could sneak Kyra out but now I have to go shopping for yet another purse to bring them both home ha ha!! Oh I'll going to get that boy as soon as I get off the plane...ha ha!!
May all of you have a great day...Me I'll be tearing off wall paper in 104 heat....Slap me silly!!!
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
OMG Gloria!!! Baby Moose is a gorgeous little boy!!! Awwww..... loved all the pictures! ♥ Diane
What a cutie for a cutie, sweetpea! Hah.......she looks befuddled by it. Darling........
What a cute puppy, Gloria! And baby Kyra is getting more and more beautiful each day...Christine
Oh Gloria Moose is precious!!! What a face on him! Pulling down wallpaper is tough work if the person that put it up didn't prepare the walls correctly. They make a tool that pierces the paper and you just roll it up and down on the paper like a paint roller and then spray the paper using a combination of warm water and fabric softer. I've heard it's the best way to remove stubborn wallpaper. Have a beautiful day! Hugs, Loretta
That Josh is one funny boy. The babies (both human and furry) are adorable.
Now Gloria, I love wallpaper so I won't tell you not to do it again. But I will tell you this is not the week for taking it down! I think we're heading for 107 today in Merced County. Keep cool girl!
I have always wanted a mastiff!!! he did manage to ruffle your feathers a little didn't he???? lol
the puppy is adorable and that baby gets more adorable every time I see her!!!
I hope you and Dawna have a great visit...say hi and give her a big hug for me. Tell her this toots is getting along fine...still no feeling in my face from that infection...but at least it doesn't hurt. I go on the 6th...counting down!!!
have fun with that wall paper...I am so glad I don't have any to deal with in this house!!!
love you mom!!!
Moose is the CUTEST!!!
How sweet they got him to grow up with baby Kyra. ~Adorable! :)
What a cutie patootie that puppy is ! And the baby is darling too!
Whew girl you better quit tearing off that paper and get somewhere cool and have a big drink of something cool !
Geez Louise, woman, what is wrong with that boy scaring all of us like that? But look at Moose!!!!! OMG, he's sooooooooooo cute and Kyra is just going to love him to pieces!
I'm so excited that you're finally going to see that baby next month! Will you be staying with them? Is Len going too?
Justine :o )
LOL Remind Josh that April fools day was 3 months ago!!! What a sweet puppy, and a cute story! Sue
Gloria!!! What a cute, CUTE dog! I have been looking at dogs, and I've looked into yorkies. Also chihuahuas. I love little dogs, and I'm also looking at TFT's (toy fox terriers) which we always had growing up. But that baby is the sweetest thing EVER! And Kyra is going to love him to pieces!
Get two purses, and then come see me! LOL!
Sheila :-)
Oh, I was so upset! I could cry! lol What a wonderful little Moose for Kyra! She is going to stop the boys in their tracks, she is a lovely baby! I know you can't wait to get on the plane! Don't forget your Big purse! I so happy she is just blooming! Miss talking with you. I doing good! Just trying to make up for lost time! lol I am so busy! I had 4 grandchildren all day, I am worn out! I did have a fun time, we baked and swung on the swings! I Finally got a picture of all four of them again, had not had one for a year or so. Love the puppy! Adore Kyra! God has given your family such a Blessing with this beautiful baby!
Kyra is the sweetest and Moose is adoreable, but I think Josh is just the greatest grandson. How fun. Hugs, Marty
Hi Happy, that puppy is just about the cutest I have ever seen. You are so lucky to have owned some! Hope he brings smiles to that sweet baby's face! Enjoy your visit with her, I'm so glad you'll get to see her!
Moose is perfectly sweet and sooooo very cute! I love it when people name their pets accordingly! :0) I once had a fish named fluffy...once...
Did I ever tell you how very much I enjoy you? well, I do! I'd even go so far to say I love your personality as long as you didn't get creeped out by that...:0) ... you just have the sweetest tone to your writing and seem to be very light hearted in spirit...It's nice to meet someone with a sense of humor and a level head!
God bless!
I'll trade you the twins for the puppy... :0) ... No returns... all transactions final! Hee, Hee, Hee! :0)
Oh the puppy is so cute. I love all the pictures. Have a great evening.
How cute those little babies are together! It will be fun as they grow up together. Take care of yourself and get out of that heat. The wallpaper can wait til it cools down a little. Sally
This was just too cute! I was as horrified as you at the thought of a Bull Mastiff around this sweet little baby (my neighbor at the lake had one~it was huge, but as friendly and gentle as a kitten. His name was Moose too!!!)
So I am happy to see this little Yorkie. It is adorable!!
Try to stay cool doing that wallpaper. I was planting pots in the heat last week and I took a break every half hour in the cool house. It was wickedly hot but I had to get it done. I am really proud of myself for finishing! LOL!!! Tomorrow I have weeding. Sigh....
Gloria the puppy is adorable!! Josh needs a whoopin! LOL! I sure hope you have your AC on, theres nothing worse than stripping wallpaper, you poor thing, hope Len is helping! NO??? I didn't think so LOL! Don't work too hard sweetie, xoxoxo
That Stinker! He really did pull your leg. That little Moose is so cute! Kyra will have such a nice little companion to grow with. ~ Robyn
Oh, how sweet, Gloria! A little tiny Moose! How cute and sweet for little Kyra!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :0
Cute, cute pup!
Pardon me for laughing at your wallpaper story. I am also stripping wallpaper! I'll slap you silly and then you can slap ME silly! I did a quick post about my project this morning and then proceeded to spend 7 1/2 hours today working on one problem section. I got 2/3 of the paper down in 2 hours. This last 1/3 is going to end up taking me 2+ DAYS! I hope your project is going better than mine. :)
I LOVE Moose, he is so, so, so cute!! I wonder what my sweet little Bentley would think of him??
Kyra is also such a little cutie pie herself!!
Have a wonderful week, Nicole
hey you sweet little thing!!! swing by and tell me if you want me to pick up the dishes that I have posted in my post...
I knew I loved you! I just bought my Mollie the Molinator (my 6 year old Yorkie) a new little traveling bag so she can ride to Tennessee with her Papa and I and then go into Antique Malls with us, too. She is my JOY and I just told my Mr. AGPMan that I wanted to get her a sista!
Don't they just steal your heart away? Miss Mo went right into the bag and then just rolled over so I could rub her tummy. OMGOSH...she wants to go with us so she is being so good!
Your new little Moosie Man is darling...
If that ain't the sweetest little furbaby!!!! lol Oh how precious is that...I am so excited for you going out to Texas to see them and girl what room are you tearing wallpaper out of? What are you going be putting back in there...inquiring minds want to know! lol You just be careful sis...and have a great week...love ya ~♥~
Moose is just soooo cute! But I think a saddle might squash him! I think you could find a big enough purse to fit Moose AND Krya in! So cute. Soon, Moose will probably be riding on Kyra's back while she crawls. How many pink little girl outfits are you taking with you when you go on your trip, and are you going to get an outfit for Moose too? laurie
Oh my gosh! Memories! We have a Yorkie that we got when they were itty bitty he was soo cute!
All the best,
Hello Gloria....What a cutie!!! is she not the cutest little thing?? You scared me there for a minute....I thought they really got a mastiff! Ewwww...don't envy you pulling off wallpaper and in that heat?! Don't work too hard now!
Isn't Moose a doll!!! The photos are great!
Hi Gloria!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooooooo, I am ahhhhing myself to dickens right now. That puppy is so completely adorable. Thanks so much for such a happy and lovable post.
Happy July 4th to you, dear girl!
Hugs, Barb
Whew!!! Had me worried there for a moment, Gloria. LOL. The yorkie is perfect for Kyra, both are so adorable, I can see why you would want to bring them both back with you. Your grandson is like all of mine they just like to see how grandma reacts! LOL
My sympathy goes with you on trying to get that wall paper down, been there done that, and do not want to do it again! LOL.
I apologize for not visiting sooner as I have had a few health issues to deal with, haven't even felt like being on my computer lately, but thank the Lord I am much better now.
I know you are looking forward to your trip to Texas, have fun , relax and enjoy.
Gloria, As I started reading this, I was really questioning Josh's judgment. Turns out he has a great sense of humor. What a wonderful puppy that Yorkie is. A great addition to the family. Take a BIG purse! Hugs, Pam
How did I miss this post! What an adorable little puppy! Josh is a funny guy, now isn't he? Bullmastiff's are actually very sweet, gentle dogs, but they are ALOT of dog to handle and can be intimidating to little ones. The yorkie is going to be perfect for little Princess Kyra. So glad that you will be visiting us in Texas, hope you enjoy your stay! Where will you be? I might just have to take a road trip lol. Hugs, Kathy
Awe~ Moose is the cutest puppy & such a cute name! I bet you just hug Josh silly instead...lol. Plus you are going to get to hold that most precious little Kyra....YIPPEE!
I feel your pain on the wallpaper, 2 years ago when we redid our kitchen we peeled off 7 layers of wallpaper....true it's a small kitchen....but still....the former owners should be slapped silly...lol.
Hugs to you~ J
hey grandma, sorry i had you going. that was too funny, i dont know how i managed to keep myself together. kyra likes moose, she is always trying to kick. love you grandma
Hi Gloria, Oh how funny.. the name fits him perfectly.
That puppy is so cute! He should be the perfect companion for little Kyra. Shame on that grandson for being such a tease! lol
Sorry I haven't been around to visit in so long. The computer I have been using is giving me conniption fits.
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