October 31, 2008

October 30, 2008
woman asked if she got three wishes. The genie said: 'I'm a one
So.... What will it be?' The woman did not hesitate. She said, 'I want
in the Middle East . See this map? I want these countries to stop fighting
with each other and want all the Arabs to love the Jews and America and
vice-versa. It will bring about world peace and harmony. The genie looked at
the map and exclaimed, 'Lady, be reasonable. These countries have been at
war for thousands of years I'm out of shape after being in a bottle for
hundred years. I'm good but not THAT good! I don't think it can be
Make another wish and please be reasonable. The woman thought for a minute
and said, 'Well, I've never been able to find the right man. You know -
that's considerate and fun, likes to cook and help with the house cleaning,
is great in bed, and gets along with my family, doesn't watch sports all
time, and is faithful. That is what I wish for...a good man. ' The genie
out a sigh and said.........'Let me see the freaking map again.'
Just wanted to share some Halloween humor with you today... Now all you guys be nice and don't eat all the candy..save some for the kids... " HAPPY HALLOWEEN" you guys... I am going as a MAD house wife..in my Old RED robe, Brush curlers and my Furry slippers on....OH wait a minute !!! thats what I wear every day... Be safe and Ill see you tomorrow... I will be doing Beverly " Pink Satursday "
October 29, 2008

I just Received this award from Susan at Between Naps on the Porch and also from Chari at Happy to Design....Now all of you need to check out these fine ladies Blogs...Susan does the most beautiful tablescapes Tuesdays you have ever laid your eyes on..real eye candy girls..
Now my sweet friend Chari..have been real sick and we all need to keep her in our prayers...She is one of the most kindest ladies you will ever meet and for those on RMS know all her kind comments she leave to every one..I just love her to death !!!
Oh now this award comes with some rules !!! I have to list six things I value and six things I don't and then give it to six other bloggers to pass on....
Things I Value.
1. God
2. My Children
3. My Family
4. My Brother Norman and his wife Tina and their children
5. My Home and the peace it offers to me.
6. My Cyber friends
Things I don't Value
3.People talking on cell phones while driving
4.Fighting among family members
5. Drunk Drivers
6. War
Now I am going to pass this on to and this was hard for me as I am so new to this wonderful world of blogging..
Squawmama, Tootsie Time, Jessica at Cozy Kettle, Laurie at Bargain Hunting with Laurie, Shelia at Note Songs, and a brand new Blogger also that I just love from RMS , Ksarrasarra if you have not been to her blog, do so it is will worse the trip girls...she tells stories that will just touch your heart... Hope all of you have a safe and blessed day...Hugs and Smiles...Gloria p.s Sorry I don't know yet how to hi-lite your name yet..hey I'm old but new to the blog world I am still learning..
October 27, 2008
Oh and the silver ones are so pretty., I guess they much have been for the wealthy Men !! and I will tell you I hate cleaning Silver. I just did it for you guys today..Probably won't get done again for awhile I like to tell people they are Pewter ha ha!!
They also came in many colors...these are my blue ones and the big one in front is from England it a Royal Stafford shire and of course I love these as they are Blue and White...and it what they call Flow Blue..
Have a Great day and please come back and see me again... Hugs and smiles Gloria
October 25, 2008
Now these next two hung on the side of a covered wagons...I guess when the people went West they also had to have their morning jump start lol !! ca. 1840-1860 I just love all the history these have..Just image the journey that must of been with no roads, with indian's after you, and all your belongings in a wagon..but hey !! they didn't have to pay for GAS !!! OH when traveling was fun.
The Hopper on both of these are tin..but the rest is Iron and the wood frames my late DH made so we could hang them on Kitchen wall to display..
These next two also would have been found in a homemaker kitchen... and I have used both of these...however the beans I have in them are so old now I wouldn't want to drink the coffee of course that might wake me up if I did...
You see the little rings at the bottoms??? take your time I'm wait while you find them...now you pull that ring and it releases the glass that you just grounded your beans into..it only there to hold the container while you grind.. these are both from ca. 1870
Now whats all these grinder without COFFEE ??? The Tin Caswell 's Coffee can I keep my coffee filters in and the Glass Coffee container Red and White Coffee is from ca. 1940 and I keep my Coffee in it...Of course sitting right beside it is my Bunn Coffee Machine but didn't show it Hey !! I want you guys to think I really do work for my morning cuppa coffee...
October 23, 2008
The Fashion of the day!!! and look at the prices...what am I saying LOOK at the style's
Oh and you too can be a PERFECT woman just by drinking this stuff ??? sounds like a V8 juice to me !!! and check out the furniture..we now pay top dollar for this stuff and most paint it white and call it Shabby Chic...
1912 and who doesn't remember the sinking of the Titanic!!! what a great lost that was...too many people aboard and not enough life rafts...how very afraid and brave these people must have been...the unsinkable Molly Brown was even aboard and that how she got her name..Also one of the riches men in the world John Aster lost his life..he gave up his seat in life raft so his young new pregnant wife could be saved...so many men did this...huh!! wonder what they do now days ?? Speaking of MEN I love this advertisement for weak , worn- out Men..see girls they had a cure then back in 1912...Wished I could find this and see if it would give my Len a jump start, he has no disease but claim he Worn out ha ha!!!
Furniture of the day ... can you believe those prices?? I have that side board in my guest bathroom and I wished I only paid $29.00 for it....its a great piece for keeping guest towels and soap and extra toilet paper in...Also have one of these Bedroom sets in my Guest room...Oh to go back with just a $100.00 and do some shopping now...wouldn't I have a ball and a house full of great Furniture...
October 21, 2008
This is a player roller piano I bought out of a bar...must of had too many drinks at the time because this puppy is heavy to move...it takes a quater for one song...so pour a beer and lets have a sing-a- long.... ca. 1910
Hope all of you enjoyed my money making stuff... hey I got to get my decorating fund from some place..
Hope all of you have a blessed and safe day....Thanks for coming by...hugs and smiles Gloria OH and Susan I added music so Stop singing now girl !!!
October 20, 2008

I got a BFF Gold Card from Chari at Happy to Design and a Tootsie you mean the world to me award... WOW how come Toots award is so Big ???
Hey guys remember I am only hours old and still learning to do this darn thing... I Wish to thank Laurie at Bargainhunting, for telling me how to even get the darn things here ( only took me hours to learn that ) I wish to thank Tootsie for telling me how to add to my Blog list... and for just calling me on the phone and working with me...HELLO She lives in Canada ( and no you can't use the Gold card for the phone bill )
I wish to thank Susan at Between naps on the Porch... for telling me how to add music if I wanted it...I guess she did't just want to sing when she came by here lol!!
I really wish to "THANK ALL OF YOU" that took the time to leave comments I got so excited just reading them...
as I have not a clue what I am doing here all help is great!!!
Now use your Imagination here...I am accepting these awards with my designer gown from Bob Mackie on ( hey!! he made Cher look great ) with a beautiful Tiara placed on my long Red hair thats flowing in the wind, blowing kisses to you all !!!
( now the real me is sitting here in my old red robe, with my short red hair that needs a combing, and drinking a cup of coffee .) and for that just picture Maxine in a old red robe ha ha !!!
I think I am suppose to give these awards to people..don't remember all the rules...so please if you don't have them take them to your blog... OK imagine me bowing now !!!
Have a great day...Hugs and Smiles... Gloria
October 18, 2008
When I first heard the word Blog it sounded like a Horror movie to me !!! you know " THE THING" ?? This is my first post and maybe my last... Good lord maybe I need to do drugs or I am just getting bored in my old age or maybe all my cyber friends have moved on to blogs and I am trying to act like I know what I am doing haha!!! which I don't but hey I am willing to give it the all American try....and besides RMS is so slow I can't leave a comment to anyone half the time....So here goes nothing...Fasten your seat belts this will be a bumpy ride with me doing this... I hope to be able to talk about antiques ( my passion ) my home and just stuff...