He is just happy all the time...I call him my little chunky monkey ha ha!!
Remember Kyra..My great granddaughter that had 2 heart surgeries before she was 2 months old..She is now 2 1/2 years old and she now has a little sister...Little Sis was born May 19th and is in excellent health...Her name is Kylee Jo and Kyra loves her baby sister...This makes 9 great grand babies for me in less than 5 years WOW!! Just toss them my checkbook come Christmas ha ha!!
I also found me another bust at the Hospice thrift store..Paid $20.00 for it..it's a V. Glinsky ca. 1950-1969 that one is called "Face of Love" It's marble and I found it also on eBay starting bid of $50.00..sure don't know why peeps would give these away..But I love that they do..Vanna aka *winks* do you like her??
Of course we all know about the Royal wedding..But I think it's so funny how Cinderella and her Prince and her step-sisters and Prince Williams and Princess Kate and Prince Andrews daughters all look like the fairy tale..Just too funny to me lol!!

I just can't thank God enough for keeping him safe...I loved seeing him with his 2 sons and wife...This was taken at the airport the day he came in..does he not look happy to see his little family...Jacob your Grandma loves you and am so proud of the way you have kept our Freedom alive..Thank you and all our service peeps.
I also hate to see Oprah leaving after a quarter of century...I have always loved this woman who has inspired so many...I have watched her show from day one...I always loved her Random acts of kindness..I will miss you my friend..
Well all my Dear friends, I hope to be able to spend more time with you after I get back from Chari's...God Bless you all...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and Smiles Gloria