Now today our dear friend Gollum does FOODIE FRIDAY and its all about train wrecks in the kitchen...girl's I have had train wrecks and a few miss-hits thrown in for good measure.....
Now I was always in the kitchen with my Mama...she was one of those that felted if you were big enough to eat it you were big enough to learn to cook it....Same thing with washing the dishes if you were not tall enough to reach the sink she gave you a stool to stand on...Tied an apron around my neck and I was good to go....And don't think for a minute my Hawk eye Mama didn't check to make sure they were clean !!
Now on Thanksgiving and Christmas my Mama always cooked for days ahead of the big day...lots of pies, candies, making homemade noodles....And when the Big day would come she would get up by 5 am to get the turkey in the oven...now durning this time I was in bed so I missed that 101 lesson on how to do Turkey...
Any way I got married when I was 15 and of course my first Thanksgiving as a new dumb bride I was going to cook a Turkey....now remember I missed that class...So days before I baked my pies, did my candies....Now Thanksgiving morning I got up at 5am just like Mama did and put that Turkey in the oven....Now that took a whole 20 minutes so why did I have to get up so dang early?
Now my landlady was the sweetest thing and she was going away for the Holiday and she had a Spider Monkey and asked me if I would also Monkey sit...Hey what the heck I love all critters and it was in a cage and all I had to do was feed and water it and change Monkey Diapers....
Anyway I got the rest of the dinner all done....Oh girls the smells were so great in my Apartment and I just knew my Mama would be so proud of me for doing this BIG dinner all on my own !!! So all my family comes for my BIG day...we get the turkey out of the oven and my Mama stuck a spoon into it and pulled out a BAG of turkey innards...Well girls I looked at my Mama and told her "Mama why didn't you tell me to buy a stuffed one" I really thought they came pre-stuffed...now the mystery as why she got up so early was solved...Also why she had all that bread drying for days in paper bags...
But just about the time we got all the dinner on the table minus the stuffing... my Brother Norman who was just a little guy opened the door on the Monkey cage to play with him and girls he made a mad dash to the table.... where he jumped into every bowl of foods I had sitting out lol!! He tossed mashed potato all over my kitchen walls, knock over the gravy sat in the corn grab a biscuit and took off run running into the living room where he climbed my drapes with biscuit in mouth !!!it took us as a family to get that Monkey and put him back into his cage... Oh what a fun Thanksgiving that was and one I have never forgotten in 50 years !!! I think we did Pizza that year....one of these days I'll tell you about my Hairy Roast story....

Now did you girls hear a LOUD Squeal and thought it was Picket?? It was me this time not only did I squeal !! But did my "HAPPY DANCE" when Len came carrying my life back in the door I fell in love with him all over again....well maybe I exaggerate a wee bit here....but girls if you have ever been without your computer and couldn't send emails you know what I mean !!!
You know I got my first computer about 15 years ago...but all I did with it was play games...Oh YES I came a long way baby lol!! Now it seems my whole life is in this dang machine....All my pictures and files....Now I am going to back up every thing and also put it on my laptop...just in case... That is as soon as I get my laptop back from DR. putor...so I won't be struck in the OUTBOX any more.... ha ha!!!
Now Please do your self a big favor and go by and seeing our great hostess and all the others Train wrecks today I am sure its going to be a funny day !!!
http://designsbygollum.blogspot.com/Thank you for coming by and seeing me !!! may you all have a safe and Blessed day...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria ps. Kyra has yet another surgery again today this makes 6 now...PLEASE pray for her....