WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Good morning guys...Have you ever wanted to slap someone silly...of course you have...well my grandson Josh has been kidding with me since the day he could talk...Any way he called me last night and wanted to know if I had checked my email and seen the pictures he send me of Kyra's new puppy...told him No I been upstairs tearing off wall paper another story...If I ever get the urge to put up wall paper again I hope someone slap me silly !! Anyway he tells me he got a 3 month old BULL MASTIFF puppy for Kyra...I was so shocked I mean come on those dogs get HUGE and Kyra being a baby and everything going into her mouth...well you can imagine my horror at that...right away I ask Len about them and he says there not good with kids and what was he thinking...So Josh tells me they named him Moose and they need to get a saddle for Kyra to ride him...Oh another heart attack coming on here girls lol!! He finally tells me Grandma go check your email and you'll see just how cute he is....
This is what I thought I would see !!!
Oh but this is what he got...it's a YORKIE 3 month old male puppy that they did name MOOSE... Kyra thinks its a toy...
Now YORKIE"S are my favorite little dogs...I had 5 of these all at the same time...YES you heard me right....I had the Mama and daddy and 3 puppies that I would not sell by the time they were old enough to be sold...I mean how could you sell the children right... Josh was at my house the day the puppies were born in 1990....
Just look how small he is...weights a little over a pound...
This is that Bad Boy Josh holding him...sighs...I am going to Texas a month from today...Now I knew I was taking my BIG purse so I could sneak Kyra out but now I have to go shopping for yet another purse to bring them both home ha ha!! Oh I'll going to get that boy as soon as I get off the plane...ha ha!!
May all of you have a great day...Me I'll be tearing off wall paper in 104 heat....Slap me silly!!!
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Don't you just love it when one of your all time favorite magazine comes in the mail...I have love this one since before it was a magazine...It use to be Victorian Sampler and had so many beautiful things you could buy and drool about...Well mine came in the mail today so guess where I'll be tomorrow...oh yes I have to get my tea and sit my rear down and take in each and each picture before I can put it down...lol!!
Even the name says read me now!!
This is my little sitting room in my Bedroom and I just love to sit here and read...it's away from the rest of the house and Len's TV blasting...he says that the only way he can hear it...Don't believe it I can whisper that I am going to spend money and he can hear it ha ha!! And he'll come running looking like a Deer caught in Head Lights....Any way you remember my Carrot Cake sofa right !! of course you do if not read about it here...
Well Guys...It's let play with our dishes day...ha ha!! Be sure and go by and see our Hostess Susan at " Between naps on the Porch" to see everyone who is playing today...

turned on the fountain for you....
I Love these "VASELINE" glasses...I have a set of 8 ca.1930This is a brief History of Vaseline Glass....
Vaseline Glass was primarily made before WWII and one of the primary ingredients used to make the glass was uranium. When placed under a black light (or ultraviolet rays), vaseline glass will "glow" or fluoresce. The high energy emissions of electrons from the black light cause the uranium oxide particles in the vaseline glass to become unstable thereby causing this fluorescense. The way we like to describe the effect is that it causes the piece of vaseline glass to look like it has exploded in flames.
No other transparent antique glass will glow thus making vaseline glass truly unique in the antique world as it can always be verified to be true vaseline by using a black light. There is no other compound added to glass which will cause this effect except URANIUM. The yellow-green glow is characteristic of uranium-bearing glass and will also occur with custard and Burmese glass. The latter two glasses, however, are easily distinguished from Vaseline Glass in that they are not transparent.
Vaseline Glass can be difficult to detect by the human eye alone and even the best expert can be fooled. Only by testing with the black light will a piece be verifiable.
Vaseline Glass can be yellow, yellow-green, or green. Individual collectors each have their own preference as to the exact color of vaseline glass collected. However, as glassmakers of the 1920's - 30's added iron to their uranium oxide dyes to put a green tint into their glass and although these pieces will flouresce under a black light, it is our opinion that Green Vaseline Glass (with no trace of yellow) is only a forerunner of Depression Glass rather than true Vaseline Glass.
The government confiscated all supplies of uranium during WWII and halted all production of vaseline glass. Only in later years after nuclear testing, etc., was banned did the government ease restrictions somewhat and allow a very limited supply of uranium to glass companies in order to resume production of vaseline glass.
As the uranium supplies are closely monitored by the government and tightly distributed between various glass companies, even more recent pieces of vaseline glass are highly sought after by collectors as each is of a VERY LIMITED PRODUCTION.
Added some comfy cushions for you to lean back on...
Notice the sweet Roo's ...well today its all about the Birds....I shopped my house to find all the French Blues and Yellows for you today....Just so Frenchy Looking to me...
Yellow Dinner plates I got from country living store but For today I'm pretending their are chargers...Blue Dinner Plates are Churchill pattern....These I got from Second Sunday last year $8.00 for 4 of them...
I just loved these sweet little Bird plates. Each one is differ and I got 4 of them also Second Sunday...Paid $5.00 for all...Not bad.

Silverware was my Late MIL's....No Name on it...