WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

January 9, 2010

~My Really Big Horn~

Thanks to all of you who took the time to vote on my poll on if you wanted to see more of my Antiques....results shown 98% wanted to see more and 2% bored them to death....So I want to bore the 2% even more ha ha!! Now this is from England ca. 1880 it's the biggest Horn Phonograph I have.... Its coin operated also and these were in theater lobbies at one time....The horn is made of tin....I had this piece since 1980 and had it in my barn until I could find a music table to put it on.... I knew it had to be one with Lions claw feet to match my dining room set....
All the quilts were made by my family the bottom one from my Great grandma is made from Men's old suits, the middle one is called a feather quilt and the red and white one my Grandma made in 1913 the year she got married, the little one on top my daughter Gina made in high school for me not an antique but just PRICELESS to me....You see my Mama had these things but always had them put away....Mama was a "Modern Millie" and had nothing old in her home I guess that was my job ha ha!!

Music harp this is on the horn itself....

The case is English walnut with brass and cooper trim.....

This is the speed control...Oh I just love the way they took the time for fine craft manship years ago....

This turns it off and on.....

Where you would put your coin....

Crank it up and listen to your favorite tune....this plays 78 records and all the records on only one side....you see at that time they only put tunes only one side and the back of the record is still blank...dang I should have taken a picture to show you them....Maybe with the next tour of my Dining Room I'll remember...I do suffer from "Old Timers" you know ha ha!!

This is the beautiful cooper inserts on each side.....

This is my most unique music box I have....This is a Regina music box and not just a music box but also an Victorian Christmas tree stand.....It was love at first sight when I found this piece.... If you like to see it with a Christmas tree on it please click here

Regina was founded in Germany and this piece is ca.1894 these were also called Disc machines then....Regina was very popular from 1890-1915 these are very hard to find in good condition now days....

see the disc....

The top and that post you see is where you would put your tree on and it would spin around as you played the music box....Very clever for so many years ago....
WARNING Do not try putting light on your tree...I did this the first year I got this sat it on my dining room table for a dinner party I was having plugged the lights in and turned the box on...well the whole tree got tangled up and fell on to my table of food...ha ha!! so much for trying to set a pretty and unique table for my guest to enjoy...I had a tree full of mashed potatoes...tried to tell my guest it was snow ha ha!!

Music Harp on the front and also the pull to turn it on....

One of my oil lamps that hang above....

Now this is what they call a "Yard Long" picture its from the Pabst Brewery Company ca. 1910 and this one is titled " Gorgeous Brunette" if you would like to know more about these pictures click Here....
The Picture easel my Late FIL gave me many years ago for my Birthday...he found it in Kentucky...and my sweet swan Tassel that Melissa gave me....Oh I love that girl to death...

Another one of my stain glass windows I think I told you I got 4 of these from my Late FIL yard...I have 2 long ones and 2 shorter ones of these in my dining room....I just love stain glass when the sun comes in and plays with it...don't you...

Chari at "Happy to Design" asked if I had the windows in this room made to size to fit these stain glass one...Yes I did I had the whole dining room added on in 1996 just so I could put all my Antique music collection in it....You see I collect because I love history and so many of these wonderful pieces were destroyed or even burned to use as fire wood...I feel all I am is the care taker of them until they are passed down for others to enjoy as much as I have...

Another asked how I know so much about these pieces....well I have an Antique journal book I keep and every thing get I put a number put on it and I add the number to my book and it tells me when I bought it from whom, price and the history of the item...kinda like an inventory for my Insurance company and if I want to sell a piece I can look it up and see what I paid for it ha ha!!

I also spend many hours doing research before I bought pieces...Talked to many Antique dealers and other collectors along the way....When I started collecting in 1980 I was taken many times and had to learn the hard way.... I also added a small video so you could hear the phonograph playing....

May all of you have a Great weekend....I'm off to spend some fun time with my Granddaughter Candace....
Until next time from my mountain top to yours,


La Dolfina said...

Keep em coming Gloria! Fantastic!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend :)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Gloria, your music collection is just wonderful. You have so many fabulous antiques and I love to hear all about them. I am so glad you research the history so I can learn. Love the sound of the phonograph. Great post. Hugs, Marty

The Muse said...

First of all...who are the 2%'ers?
We want names....
Names, I say!

Oh well their loss...
Keep those images coming...I feel as if I am waltzing back in time...can you hear the lovely music? :)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Again - thanks for sharing your treasures. Keeping the journal is a great idea. I would never remember everything myself.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I have an original Porgie and Bess record I would LOVE to hear played on one of your phonographs. They are beautiful. I enjoy seeing all of them so much.

Carol said...

I'm amazed by your beautiful collection, Gloria! Thanks for sharing!!


Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

What incredibly beautiful antique pieces you have. I'm so envious. I've always had a love for antiques, have a few, but now they are so untouchable in our area. Your Regina is incredible. The first time I saw one was on The Martha Stewart show... would love to have been a guest at that table.. snow instead of mashed potatoes..lol.. Now that oil lamp stole my heart. You know how I love lamps... The feather stitched quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I was lucky enough to go to a home tour in Dec. after work and she had one her bed and I've been searching ever since to put one in the toile bedroom. I'm not sure of the colors I would love to see in it, but will know it when I run across it..lol.. I'm so glad you're the keeper of these fine pieces.. you can see the love you have for them with each and every post... I hope you had a wonderful time with Candace.. what trouble did you 2 get into??? Can't wait to see the treasures... love ya girl.. hugs ~lynne~

Unknown said...

Gloria, What a beautiful Music Box. Your blog sure takes one back in time. Happy New Years!

Deborah said...

I love this! I have some antiques music instuments also. I got my Mothers Phonograph, made in 1897. I also have one that sits on a table. Not as nice as your though!
I love antiques and thanks for sharing them with us!

Justine said...

Ooh, you took my suggestion and added video at the end! Sounds pretty awful, huh? But I guess for that time it was a miracle! This piece and the music box tree stand were just fabulous to look at and learn about. And OMG, the spinning tree into the potatoes!!!!!

Justine :o )

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Thanks for the sweet comment you just left on my post, Gloria! I tried to leave a comment on your Elvis post yesterday, but was having some technical difficulties! LOL! My husband and son LOVE Elvis! Hard to believe he would be 75!

Your "horn" is a beautiful piece! I love history and your journal that you keep on your pieces is such a wonderful idea! I need to start one too! I don't have near as many pieces as you do, but am quickly forgetting where and what I paid for some things! LOL!

I'm with the other 98% who wants to see more of your amazing antiques! Your home and contents is amazing and so unique! Love it!:)

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! ~hugs, Rhonda

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

That phonograph is amazing, Gloria! What an amazing piece, and I'll bet it is quite a conversation piece when you have people visit.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Gloria, you have the most amazing antiques! The music boxes are amazing and I love to hear the history and how it came to live with you! I love these posts! Have you ever gone to an Antique Roadshow? They would be in love with you! Everytime I walk by and see my lovely tassel you made I think of you! I love it! Hugs, Cindy

Stacey said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Your whole home and the contents is just beautiful.

Madeline's Album said...

Gloria, I showed your last post to my husband who was just as fascinated by all your antiques as I am. I enjoy your blog very much. You have so many nice antique pieces. Have a great day. Madeline

Anne Lorys said...

Hi Gloria, so nice to meet you!
Thanks for leaving such a nice comment over on my blog. :-)

You have such beautiful treasures, I can't imagine anyone not wanting to see all your beautiful things.

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Melissa Miller said...

That is just the neatest big horn!

Your home and antiques always fascinate me my frind. Very pretty stained glass windows as well.

You have a gorgeous home Gloria!

PS Chestnut weighs 21 pounds and has for 5 out of the 6 years of his life. He's also 3 1/2 feet long from the tip of his nose to his tail. BIG BOY!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Wow...it really is a BIG horn!!! I enjoy hearing of your collections so much...always so interesting!!!

I am so sorry I have not commented in a while. I could have sworn I left a few. I must have stopped by and had to leave before doing so...never again!!! I love my visits here and I do not want to be rude;)!!!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!!

Jenny said...

What a wonderful collection you have! Wow. Impressive!

susan said...

Gloria-Don't ever count me in the 2%!! I loved seeing this. What you do is not only your hobby, but really a service. You are indeed "the keeper" of priceless treasurese that might otherwise be lost. Loved it! ps-Your stained glass is magnificent!

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

That was neat! I've never seen a phonograph up close. So that was fun! You really have so many fabulous antiques!


9405018--Pat said...

Gloria, You have so many beautiful antiques....thanks for wonderful post today....Pat H

Linda Q said...

Hi Gloria sweetie,
Hey first of all, just have to thank you for always cheering me and leaving kind words on my blog, you are a darling!
I am sooo loving seeing and learning more about your fabulous antiques. Love it!
I won't tell you that I found out my grandma burned up their old horn victrola on the farm. My mother told me that and I felt almost sick!
This is a gorgeous one and from England, wow.
All your things are so pretty, would love the tour in person one day!
Hugs, Linda

Sue said...

My husband would simply go crazy on a visit to your house. I'm so glad you keep good records about your pieces. We have several family pieces and my daugther wants a couple things, my son could care less. I hope you have someone to cherish your things when you no longer can. They are so special.


Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Gloria, although I don't have the fine antiques you have, I wish I had kept a journal of my "finds". What a great idea. I've seen the phonograph and the music box before, but not in this much detail. Both of them are incredible! I did laugh about the mashed potato tree! Sounds like something I'd do. You are so right about the workmanship. The pride and talent that went into these pieces make them works of art. I loved seeing them. Do all of your music boxes require different sized discs? Thank you for sharing your amazing collection. laurie

Gypsy Heart said...

Another beautiful history lesson ~ thank you so much! All of it is amazing. Music is something I just have to have in my life.


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

This post was wonderful! I had no idea you were that much into the history of your antique collection.
I enjoyed every minute. I am not a collector...but it is a good idea to keep records of things when you do collect.
What fun to look at all those lovely old pieces!
Sending you a huge hug and smile for all your hard work on the post!

Simply Debbie said...


Kat said...

Gloria, we want more! Your collections are so beautiful and the history of them is fascinating. I love the old Victrola, but I'm thrilled that you gave us some history on the easel - that caught my eye immediately. Keep posting your gorgeous collections and stories, I am of the 98% that wants to see and hear more! Hugs, Kathy

Kelly @ Much To Do With Nothing said...

Hi Gloria,
I love the antiques. My mother was a dealer and after many years settled on women's Victorian clothing, accessories, and some fruniture. So all of these things are wonderful to me. Also, I was wondering if you truned the tree. When I read dinner party story I Laughed Out Loud!!! That's so funny.

Picket said...

Morning girl!!!! You know I can't get enough of your treasures...especially your kitchen ones!!!!! lol I think I covet every thing in there! LOVED hearing the music box play girl...that is so neat and those quilts...ohhhhhhh love those...my mama also wanted everything modern...she still shakes her head when I ohhh and ahhhh over an old treasure!

I sure have missed you sweet friend...hope to get back to regular blogging soon...take care and have a great week! Love ya girl!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the tour. I am learning so much from you. Who would have thought to make a music box into a Christmas tree stand also? And we think we're so clever today. I was wondering if you had plenty of insurance, and I'm glad to hear you've taken care of it. I hope you have a lot of smoke alarms, too. I would hate to see your treasures lost forever. Keep it coming, Gloria! Rosie

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Gloria, this is so unique and beautiful!! I missed the poll, but I love seeing your antiques! They are wonderful!

Lou Cinda

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Oh Gloria!! You have so many fabulous things!!! I love the old phonograph. But my favorite is the music box/Christmas tree stand. I love old music boxes. I also love how you keep a journal on all your lovelies. I guess you would need to. I just love seeing all your treasures and learning about them. Keep them coming!!!!

And no, I did not feel the earthquake. I'm too far away. Did you feel it?


Unknown said...

Wonderful music collection, show us more. I wish I had written all the information on the antiques I've bought over the years, great sysytem you have there. I am learning so much from you. Thanks for sharing.

Rattlebridge Farm said...

Yep, coming up for a sweet breath of air! I loved hearing about the history behind the phonograph. Your stained glass windows are making me swoon.

Tardevil said...

What a nice collection you have! Love that stained glass window & the idea of keeping an antique journal. I REALLY need to start doing that.

SmilingSally said...

Your house is full of many treasures, Gloria, and this horn is one of them. I adore that stained glass window too. I'm so glad you share your antiques.

Eileen said...

I love your antiques and I love hearing all about them!
Who on earth could be bored to death?! My goodness! Never mind facts and figures, just try to imagine the former owners, how many homes a treasure may have had, who loved a thing, what it may have been used for!
BORED???!! No imaginations!

I love that you had a room added for your treasures! And I think your research is a wonderful past time!
And thank you for sharing!
All the best,

Jessica said...

Oh my Gloria you had me at antiques...lol. I always love seeing your home. I think I still want to move in!

Hugs to you~ J

Lori E said...

The quilts, the quilts. Oh my how I love your quilts.

vignette design said...

Happy to meet you Gloria! So nice to meet another California blogger.
BTW, I had a phonograph like yours once! I can't remember what happened to it. I was also an antique dealer for years, so I probably sold it! :( It look like you have lots of antiques and so I'm off to explore your blog! --Delores

xinex said...

You have so many unique and interesting pieces, Gloria. I am so glad you share them with us cause we learn so much. The only place where I have see those big gramophones was at the Thomas Edison museum....Christine

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

What treasures you have in your music collection. Your phonograph just blew me away, it's amazing.

Gloria, have the best day filled with many blessings!!!

Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss said...

I'm trying to play catch up and read all of your posts I have missed lately. (The house in "Hooterville" is demanding so much of our time.)

When I see and read about all of your antiques, I just sit here with my mouth hanging open in amazement! The older I get, the more appreciation I have for these beautiful old treasures. I've said this before but your collection is so amazing! I know these items are getting more and more rare so I am glad these pieces have found a home with someone like you who will preserve them for another generation. :)

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Hey darling, I sure hope this finds you feeling better and able to see. I've been shaking things up around here again today..lol. trying to make Mr. P comfortable.. he's having one of those days... loved, loved, loved visting with you the other night. Your sense of humor is so catching, and truly warmed my heart... I'm am so truly blessed to call you "friend"..
hugs ~lynne~

Lynette said...

What beautiful pieces Gloria!! All of them - you have such gorg stuff and how clever of you to keep an inventory system like you do, I often wondered about that?

Love my new boots - still have them on! Tried on a pair at a store in the wrong color but the right size - they run large! They ordered the right color and I love them!

Enjoy your visit with Candace!

~CC Catherine said...

Hi Gloria! How lovely of a post all these antiques.....And I love your Horn too! :) Thanks for stopping by and saying hello recently. Happy New Year! ~CC Catherine

{oc cottage} said...

Oh my gosh! How cool!

m ^..^

Barb said...

Gloria, this is amazing.....what a wonderful collection!!!! I am bringing my hubby in here to see this.

You are so dear for sharing.

Sending you hugs, Barb ♥

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I wasn't bored...your antiques are incredible! I can't believe the horn on that phonograph...it's HUGE!

I love that you care enough about your pieces to keep a journal of them.

Hope the holiday season blessed you generously Gloria!

Carole Burant said...

Omigosh, how can anyone get tired of looking at antiques! That's why I so love going to the auction near here every week, so many antiques to see, touch and bid for:-) I just love all your pieces you showed in today's post. Like you, I love to learn the history behind these old pieces and give them a new home where they get taken care of. As you know, my interest is with vintage Depression glass:-) Yup, one can sure learn a lot by talking to antique dealers, something I do at the auction as well!! I'm so glad that you surround yourself with what makes you happy and oh the stories all these pieces could tell:-) xoxo

Dawn said...

Hey Gloria, I'm so happy your poll turned out in favor of more antiques. You are so right about the craftsmanship and detail. It's just marvelous.

I remember Len saying you had some really beautiful lamps and he's sure right. I keep looking for them all in the backgrounds. You know a man really love ya when he's bragging about your lamps. LOL!

I be you and Candace are at the dollar store or getting doing a tablescape. Guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see!
Hugs friend,

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Sis...

My friend, your music collection is fabulous!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! Now your big horn Victrola is just amazing!!! It's the first time I've seen one or known someone who has one...of course, I've seen them in the old movies! Hehe! 1880...OMG! This is such a treat!!! Ohhh...and I loved that you included a video so we could hear how it sounds...simply amazing!!! I really...really enjoyed seeing all the up-close and personal photos...you're right about the craftmanship of these old pieces! I just love the ornate designs on it! And...that little music harp...sooo pretty!!! What a thrill it must be to be the caretaker of these gorgeous pieces!!! I love the little Regina music box too! Of course, I had to click on your link to see it with the tree! I remember seeing your gingerbread man tree at Christmas but had no idea that is was this Victorian music box...Girl, how awesome is this!!! OMG...I just about bust a gut laughing at your story about the lights on the tree and your dinner table! So sorry...but guess we can laugh now that it's in the past...right? Hehe!!! Loved seeing all of your beautiful quilts too!!! I can't imagine your Grandmother sewing a quilt out of men's suits...fabulous!!! Bet it's a nice and warm quilt since men's suits back then were mostly made out of wool! Sooo pretty, Sis!!! I just love your fabulous music room...I've never seen anything as wonderful!!!

Again...thank you so much for sharing more of your precious antiques with us! I love seeing and hearing all about them...it's so interesting!!!

Love ya, Sis!

Faded Charm said...

wow! You do have some beautiful pieces. Thanks for sharing and also for your kind words. they are much appreciated.

Take care,


Phyllis @Around the House said...

I love all your beautiful antiques, I bet you have had such a wonderful time collecting them, isn't that just so much fun findin stuff....I could look at your beautiful treasures all day, I may just do that, I am lookin for a little inspiration...love the music collection...Phyllis

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Hi Gloria!

Nice to meet you! Wow, what wonderful pieces you have in your home. I've never been to an Antique store before, and now want to visit one. Lovely blog. =)

Thank you for becoming a follower, and for the sweet comments. *smile*



Lori said...

WOW Gloria. I love them all... Hope you are doing well. It's been a while since I have visited...

I'm having a party every Thursday now called "get your craft on" and I would love for you to link up.

Take Care,

Bill said...

Hi Gloria,
I needed a happy "fix" today so, naturally, I thought of you. You didn't let me down! I loved the story of your spinning Christmas tree and the mashed potatoes!!!

You have so many beautiful pieces in your home. I'm glad to know I'm in the 98% of voters who have some sense! Why would anyone NOT want to see more of your treasures???

Warmest regards,

Susan (Between Naps On The Porch.net) said...

I missed your poll...but I can tell you how I would have voted...MORE, PLEASE!
Always love drooling over your fabulous collection! You could charge admission and I would gladly pay...it's better than any museum!

Fieldstone said...

How interesting and informative! Gloria, I hope that the Ferndale earthquake a week ago wasn't anywhere near where you are and that you're doing well. Hugs, xo Pam