Also thought this would be cute out side...I could just see BJ, from "Sweet Nothings" doing a wonderful TT on this with all her Red...would it not just give it that POP...
And this wonderful Iron Urn is so Melissa From " Melissa's Heart and Home" would this not be pretty with all her wonderful Iron piece's she already has....
Can you ♥ a bike...Oh I just loved this sweet little thing...I could just picture this on my front porch with my big bike....
Now these just SCREAMED Shelia to me from " Note Songs" would she not a ball doing one of her great tablescapes with all these Darling Salt/peppers....
Hey Picklepoo did you find any you don't have ha ha!!
This I just thought was too cute...If I had room for it in my sun room I would have brought it home...Ha ha!!
Now this sweet Iron table and chairs with the watering can so reminded me of Glenda at " Tootsie Time" could you not see this on her great Stepping stone patio she just made...Yes Girls this Tootsie made her own patio with I think 58 bags of cement WOW!! If you haven't been to her blog...Please do yourself a Big favor and go see what she can do with her Greenhouse and's truly amazing...
My Granddaughter just loved this Robin egg Blue side board...It was only $195.00 not a bad price....
Loved all these sweet Pillows this gal had made from Vintages linen's...
All this Mercury Glass so reminded me of Lynne From "Lynne's Gifts from the Heart " And all these Cloche's are so her...
I could have used this for Marty "Cloche Party" the other day...was that not fun girls...I seen so many wonderful things you could do with Cloche's you ladies are just amazing what you came up with...THANKS Marty and everyone else for a fun day...
Now this Old Ship's Captain desk just SCREAMED My name...but will tell you that man that had this space was the all time rudest man I had ever met...It had no price on me being the Antique shopper that I am asked him how much...He told me you are like the 50th person to ask me today...So listen real close because I am not going to repeat this again today...Right now it's $925.00 but if you come back at 2pm I will take bids for it...told him Sorry I didn't mean to bother him and didn't know I was at an auction...Wished him Luck and walked away...I mean come on this is a swap meet guy not "Butterfield" Auction house...All I can say is Thank God Daughter # 3 was not with me or that guy would have been wearing that desk where the "Sun don't Shine" ha ha!! She's my Daughter that came out "Swinging a purse and Chewing Gum"
Now this was the nicest Lady that had this space...I loved the way she had every thing displayed here...All her flowers were even real...Now I'm sure Sue from " A Stitch in Thyme" Would have loved some of these great things for her home and yard...Just Look Sue at that White Ironstone...are you doing your Happy Dance my friend....
These Old wicker chairs reminded me of Dot at " Picket's Place"
Now 20 years ago I would have loved to had this in my kitchen..I use to have my whole Kitchen done in Watermelons then....Gal wanted $100.00 for all ...not bad...
Now daughter # 2 loved this old truck...thought it would made a great coffee table...
Cute old stove...I could just picture this at "Ksarrasarra" With it's Marta Stewart's green color... This would look just wonderful in her home...
Well guys did you see anything you liked today.... I know I did....I just ♥ this place...always so much fun each month for me...
May all of you have a great day my friends....
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
What a fun "field trip"! These are wonderful treasures. I love the way you were always thinking of others. I am finding blogging land a very pleasant place to be.
Thank you for sharing.
Hi Gloria! How much fun!! I'm with your daughter on that robin's egg blue sideboard! And I can't wait to see what you do with that brass birdcage! So many wonderful things! Thanks for the tour! And...I'm glad you walked away from that rude man! Serves him right! Loved th eball and chain! lol Hve a great week...hugs...Debbie
Gloria I'm so jealous you have this awesome awesome swap meet by you!! Its one of the best I've "been to" in blogland! LOL! The booth you picked for me is so "ME", you know me well sweetie! That rude man with the desk, Hmmm, if he didn't feel like telling the price then he shoulda had it marked!! Some people... Super great post G, I loved every minute of it, Now I gotta buy something...xoxoxoxoxo
Oh, thank you thank you for taking me with you on your shopping trip! I am SO there next month!
I am in SAC often as my sis lives in Folsom and my niece in Sac. I am 3 hours north.
Well, I spent alot of money on this dream shopping trip. Your birdcage is great...I so love the old phonograph...and of course, the cloches!
damn girl...I think I saw my sofa in the first photo!!! didn't I!!!?
You know me so very very well....that table and chairs and the watering can are just the perfect thing! I wish I could find one here to bring home...but alas...must wait till I loot your house!
just got home from broken tooth is so sore again...maybe this time I'll get it fixed....MAYBE..have 6 loads of campfire smelling clothes to wash...and I don't know for sure (my nose is plugged) but I think it is a good possiblity that I don't smell so great either!!! lol
so....better go...ran in the house...clicked the desktop shortcut to your blog....and said hey!
oh...and Len...he don't need the ball and chain...he's hooked on you! lol
P.s....busy said to say hi...she likes the bike too!
Gloria, that was such a fun little antiquing tour, and your story about the captain's desk was a riot! You go, girl! Linda
Oh, Gloria! What fun you must have had! I would have punched that mean ole guy in the stomach right there and then! What a bum bum!
Oh, but how sweet of you to think of me when you saw the salt and peppers! I did see a few I used to have! I had so many at one time, but through the years and children this or that happened to them
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Oh what fun. I am with you, I really want that wicker swing. Wouldn't that just be the coolest thing in the whole world. Of course with the weather between 107 and 110 I'd have to wait until December to sit in it. lol I LOVE your little bird cage I can't wait to see what you do with it. What a fun place. Thanks for taking us shopping. Hugs, Marty
Oh GLoria !
Love your entertaining post ! Lots
of cool things and that ball and chain.....LOL !
Have fun with your new stuff !
Hugs ~ Kammy
O Wow...what a great place to go shopping. I just LOVE those kind of places.
If I had to choose my favorites, I think I'd choose that blue chest your daughter liked and the mens swim club piece. But, everything was great...
Thanks for taking us along!!
xo bj
LOVED IT ALL, but my favorite was the blue sideboard - I would have bought that.
Oh what a fun trip!! I LOVED the bike! I've never seen anything like that! Hope you've had a great weekend QG! Love ya! :-) L~
Well Gloria, you sure do know your bloggie friends well! I'm so glad to call you my friend - you are as sweet as can be. And it sounds like daughter #3 and I would hit it off real well!
Have a great week! Kim
Hooray, Happy thanks for thinking of me. I was having so much fun shopping along with you, agreeing with you about the different pieces for everybody, and then you sweet heart, mentioned me and the stove! You just made my day. It's amazing how you know each of our styles so well.
ooh i could spend hours there and gobs of money! i really liked so many items. good thing i don't live nearby! lol. or atleast that's my what husband would say!
Gloria did you pray with us for Robbin?? If you did tell me so I can add your name PLEASE!!! I feel terrible if I left anyone out!! Love ya!
I found your blog from blog hopping today :)
Thought Id say Hi!
:) Candy
really? Dawna's coming???? good for you girls!! maybe she can help you ship some of the stuff on my list! lol
thanks for the comment on my blog about dad...he's going to be floating on cloud nine when he reads that!!! lol
What fabulous finds! I think I want that blue sideboard!
have a great week!
I have always enjoyed visiting your blog, but I think this is your best post yet!(from the one’s I have read so far.) Oh, my gosh this was such a fun voyeur shopping trip. I am kind of embarrassed all I posted about was one little old tilt top table! Hey my excuse is that it has been rainy up this way and that is what I am sticking with. Have a good one. Cathy
I absolutely found lots of things today! I'm with your granddaughter I love that "robin's egg blue" cabinet. I could see that cute watermelon table and chair out on the patio, too. What a fun day - Robyn
Oh Gloria you are so funny- shopping with all your blogging friends in mind!! I wish we had shopping like this!! I am so having shopping withdrawal anxiety in this little town!!!
Gloria, thank you for thinking about me when you were at Second Sun. You know, I always think about you on Second Sun,because I want to be there with you so badly! That little desk was so pretty, but I wouldn't have given that man a nickle for anything after he was so rude (think he was having a bad day!). So many pretty things to see. In thepicture with the cloches, that urn looked like it had legs and feet, and they were doing ballet or something??? Fun post! laurie
Oh, Gloria! My little old magpie heart is all aflutter! I see lots of things I like. I love that white wicker swing! And I love that brass birdcage, being a magpie and all. It's shiny, and it's a home for birds. ;-)
I could smack that man for being rude to you. I think I would be in there with your daughter telling him to mind his manners!
I wish I could have gone to this. It looks like some wonderful things.
Thanks for sharing...
Sheila :-)
Loved the shopping trip Gloria! That sideboard is gorgeous! And I love the birdcage you found. And the fountain - just perfect. What a great place. Kathy
G you are so precious to me, of course you are gonna have your name in lights!! I feel terrible leaving any names out, maybe I shoulda just worded it "the RMS angels"!! Robbin came by here and drooled all over your post, she wants to fly to Cali and buy that robins egg blue sideboard, its just her style!! She has a very similar green old stove too, I can't wait to show her kitchen collections!! Have a super day and week sweetie!! xxoxo
I just love going shopping with you~ so many great ideas. Have a great day today!
Hugs~ J
Looks like a fun day, Gloria!!
Loved this post. The toilet with the water tank above it with the pull chain brought back memories of when I was a child we had one and until I saw the one you posted I had forgotten all about it. Everything you posted pictures of were just great. Have a good day.
Good morning, Gloria! I love your posts on the Antique show you go to each month...such interesting and wonderful things that you see! I could not believe that rude man! It is just not necessary to act like that! I wish I lived closer to it....but I settled for a few interesting garage sales this weekend...stop by and see what I found.
Hi Gloria,
Did you get your seeds?
But did you BUY anything? OMG, Shelia and Dot would have squealed like sissy girls over all those S&P shakers! Holy cow, what a collection that vendor has!
I really loved that old toilet. I know, weird thing for me to pick, but I did love it
Justine :o )
Gloria!!!! Holy cow!!!! I fell in love with every pic! I would have been acting like a kid in a candy shop! I loved the salt & pepper shakers and the White Ironstone and the pretty class cake plate that was on the watermelon table!
Thanks for sharing!
Donna Marie
Gloria you find the coolest stuff! Loved this shopping trip.
Thanks for taking us along.
Have a wonderful week my friend.
~Melissa :)
Well I sure did my share of ooooh and aahs on this post. Strange thing I think the item I might have wanted the most was the toilet but it sure wouldn't fit in my bathroom which is a converted back porch, it would have gone through the roof. I liked the watermelon table too.
Hope all is well with you.
Hi Gloria - what a lovely trip and all the things were gorg!!
I've missed everyone and finally think I can start blogging again!!
Glad to see you're doing well and haven't missed a beat!!
What a doofus that man was. Apparently he didn't realize who he was dealing with and how important you are.
Glad you walked on by. You sure have a good eye for the cool items. Very kind of you to include your friends in your post.
well that was fun. Lets get lunch now. lol.
thank you for taking me shopping...loved it all
I had so much fun touring with you this morning. What a fun way to start my day because the ball and chain was so funny:) They had so many wonderful things and I wish I had a place that interesting in my area. Thanks for sharing. I am on R&R this week and will be back to post next week.
Goodness Gloria....that is a lot of stuff!!!! Don't you just love days like this? So happy you found some goodies also.
Thanks for letting us take a peek.
Hugs to you!
What an awesome flea market! I'm on overload just from your pictures, I can't imagine being there! I love the sparkly chandeliers you found.
hi lady.what fun.what else did you buy other than the bird cage?i wanta see!i wanta see!
how are you.i've been missing you and everyone else.are you feeling ok?guess so,you're out shopping,ya.
you are soooo right.that manaquinne in the bathing suit would look terrific in your sunroom.too bad there isn't enough room.
you are right again.i guess that man doesn't like money.the one with the desk!
i'm so glad you had a good time.i am now enjoying tiqing thru yall.tee hee..ann
AHHHHHH! I just now saw that you mentioned me you sweet thing you!
Love ya girl! :)
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