Good morning guys, did you ever wake up one day and all seemed well in your world!! On Monday morning my world was colorful and bright just another day in paradise for me..And then at 12:30 pm I gave Len his lunch in front of the TV so he could watch the news and went back into the kitchen to make some fresh coffee!! Well I went back into the LR to ask him if he wanted a that point my whole world became black-n-white...

Len was slumped over with the fork still in his hand..I felted for a pulse for a heartbeat nothing..I screamed at him..nothing!! You see Len is a diabetic and has been insulin dependant for over 30 years..I have gone through many of bouts with the sugar being too high or too a rule when he gets too low I can bring him around with orange juice..I ended up calling 911 and told them my husband had just died...Things happen pretty fast after that..The first 2 respondents came and then I had a LR full of fireman, EM T's..and then my grandson was standing here just trying to care for me!! As I went into a full blown panic attack..I was having a hard time answering questions. how old Len was, what meds he was taking, about his heart problems, etc. why is it when your world is upside down you just pray so hard that God will turn it right side up for you??All I can remember saying while they were here working on him was "Oh God Please "!! and thoughts running through my head..did I tell him how much I loved him that morning, does he know he is my life? what will I do without my Len driving me crazy?? Len had slipped into a diabetic coma...After they worked on him for over half an hour I heard the most beautiful words I have ever heard..OK we have a pulse!! Thank you God once again!!
My daughter Dawna is here with me now as I did fall apart big time..You see I have not shared the story about my late husband Wally and how he died right in front of me while I was giving him CPR that was almost 12 years ago...I started having panic attacks at that time..there are days went I can't even leave my home become of them..You see when Wally died I could not speak or even move for over 3 weeks, I stayed under my stairs and just slept..My Mom and Dad were both alive at that time and were here trying to help me!!
It took me over 2 years to be able to make a decision on my own as I was so use to being a team of 31 years with Wally...Then I met Len who slowly started to bring me back to life again...I didn't have to remind myself to breath each day it just became a natural thing once again to me!!
I'm overwhelmed right now with all that is going on in my life...I'm taking a blog break for awhile so I can once again learn to breathe...Please pray for my Len he is very confused right now become of being in a coma...
I love ya all..And remember to tell the ones you love each day that you love them..As the world you know can turn upside down in a heartbeat!!
Now I'm going to go take care of my real world...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria