Now to pick the winners I really went high tech here at Happy to Be...Got out my High tech scratch paper...wrote down each of your names as you entered....
Then I went to Mr. Random Number Thingy and let him pick the first winner...
I want to thank all of you that did enter and for all the loyal support you guys have shown to me this past 2 years...
I wished I was Gloria Vanderbilt and could give each and everyone of my loyal followers a gift...
Each day when I come to blog land I feel that I'm a winner...I have met so many caring and sharing women here in blog land and if anyone would have told me 2 years ago I would be spending most of my day sitting at this computer, drinking pot after pot of coffee and eating chocolates and visiting with peeps I never met or will never meet this side of heaven ( I hope) I would have laughed big time...
As I visit your blogs you all just inspire me to want to be a better ME!!
I don't think you really know how many things I take away from visiting your blogs...
I don't think you really know how many things I take away from visiting your blogs...
I take away the kindness you give, I take away the wonderful creative ideas that you show..I take away the great decorating tips that you give...And I take away a bit of friendship from each of you...I rejoice with your good times and pray for your bad times...I laugh at your humor and the sweet family pictures that are Priceless to you that you share with me....
I have met so many women that I feel I can now call Friend...
Each and every blog I visit I take something from it...You guys have made me smile you have made me pray you made me laugh and sometime I have even sat here at my desk and just balled like a baby...like when I see a blogger I just love close down their blog because it takes so much time to blog and maintain their real life sighs...I have seen your hearts my Dear friends and I thank you for that...
Each and every blog I visit I take something from it...You guys have made me smile you have made me pray you made me laugh and sometime I have even sat here at my desk and just balled like a baby...like when I see a blogger I just love close down their blog because it takes so much time to blog and maintain their real life sighs...I have seen your hearts my Dear friends and I thank you for that...
I have seen births and deaths in blog land....And I have cried with each one...Some times I ask myself" Gloria" how can you get upset over people you don't even know...and the answer is easy each one of you have a piece of my heart...Your not just a name on my computer you have become my Dear sweet friends...You are what makes me " Happy To Be"
I'm sending you all the BIGGEST cyber hug from my mountain to yours...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
How exciting for your winners. Love you and Happy Anniversary to you. Hugs, Marty
Congrats to the two winners! It has been wonderful seeing your smiling face everytime you visit me! So glad we have connected through blogland.
Congrat's to the winners and I feel the same way about blogging and the gals I have "met"!
deb :)
This is a sweet, sweet post, Gloria. I feel the exact same way as you do when I think about blogging! A whole new world opened up to me.
Congratulations to Martha and Sandra...very lucky ladies!
Congratulations to the winners!
I also feel I have made many new friends in my blogging journey.
Have a great week.
Gloria, You are a true blogging friend, you have made me laugh,cry and rejoice. I love visiting your blog. Congratulations to the winners. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Hi Gloria! I am so happy to have won that little tool set! Oh my gosh! I had told my hubby oh about a month ago that I needed my own little tool set! I am jumping up and down here! I won! I won! I won! Oh my gosh, your post had me in tears here! I very much consider you a friend even if we'll probably never meet in person. You really are a blessing to all of us that follow you.
Thank you so much dear friend!
Oh My GLORIA! YIPEE! I'm so excited to win! Thank you - Thank you for this WONDERFUL giveaway. Mostly, thanks for being such a beautiful cyber friend -- we all love to hear about life on your side of the mountain.
Congrats to the winners!! You're the BEST Gloria!! Love ya xoxoxoxo
Yea for Sandra and Martha! I'm happy for them both!
Sheila :-)
Gloria you are making me laugh and cry every single time I visit your wonderful blog. You're the BEST sweet lady! Congrats to the ladies who one the great prizes too.
Today is my two years of bloggging day! Come by and enter my giveaway when you can.
Happy week! ~Melissa :)
Hi Sweet Sis...
Just had to stop by and see who the lucky ones were! A big, hearty congratulations to Martha and Sandra...both such sweet, sweet gals! I'm sooo happy for them! My sweet sis...I just loved reading this post...I couldn't have said it any better!!! And you, my dear sweet friend...are the sweetest and dearest of all!!! I love ya, Sis!!!
Congrats to the lucky winners!!! And Happy Anniversary again to you, our dear Gloria!
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