Now this is one of my all time favorite shelf's that I got from Second Sunday swap meet...And I saved it's life...Oh I kid you not I really did...the gal I got it from had a whole booth of Shabby white pieces and said this piece had she taken time that week to shabby it up it would have sold right away...
But lucky for me...Everyone walked away from it because it wasn't chippy, painted,shabby enough YIPPEE!! I brought this puppy home for only $50.00...
Is it not a beauty...Oh I don't mean to offend anyone who likes that look really I don't...But I have spend good money buying pieces and many hours bringing them back to what they once would were...
I'm joining my Dear Sweet friend Marty " At A Stroll Thru Life" for table top Tuesday...Please go by and see her and all the Great gals joining in today...Thank you Marty...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
I like beautiful wood, too, Gloria, and I always love to see the antiques that you share with us. You did a great job on this pretty piece. Very nice!
Sheila :-)
Well, let me put it this way, you did a great job polishing this piece since it hadn't been shabbied yet. ;-)
Gloria, your shelf is so lovely......Wow, it is beautiful. I can;t get over the detail wood work. I would stare at it all day. Hugs, Linda
I love antique wood and I love those plates!!! gosh Gloria I am always amazed at your beautiful home and gorgeous furnishings! I would so love to see it in person- there is just something about getting to put your hands on beautiful grain that I love!!
bee blessed
Gloria, That is such a beautiful shelf. I love all the detail on it and what a great price.
I have a little of each in my house, the natural and painted wood! Thanks for sharing.
I don't want to touch the old woods....I like them just the way they are...I know it isn't the RAGE, but someone has to love them!
Oh Gloria that is beautiful! I love the wood. It is gorgeous! You did a great job with it.
Gloria, that is a true beauty and I wouldn't paint that piece either. You got a great deal on that.
Yes, I love the old wood designs too! You have so many beautiful pieces! That shelf is fabulous!! I can't imagine it painted white, it's perfect the way it is! What a bargain! I like all the pretties displayed on it too!
Gloria this is beautiful! I so agree, shabby is nice, but history can't be out matched. Amazing piece.
HI Dear One! Oh, what a beautiful shelf! I love it and it would have been a sin if that gal had painted this most gorgeous piece! :) You do have the most lovely things. Love all your pretties you have sitting on your shelf too!
How's little Landon? :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
That is one of the most beautiful shelves I've ever seen in my entire loooong lifetime. It is MAGNIFICENT..and even tho I love painted furniture, I would never paint something like that.
You are such a cutie, taking a pic of your stew and thinking you were turning into me...:)))
I take a pic of nearly everything we I losin' it, ya think???
hugs, bj
Hi Sis...
Ooohhhh...I was hoping to see your new olden shelf that you said you got at Sunday Swap! Girl, I do's the prettiest wood shelf that I've ever seen!!!'s just so all the beautiful carvings! It really is fabulous! I can't even begin to imagine...covering up that beautiful wood with paint! I know...I know...I love the shabby style as well but nothing can compare to the beautiful wood that was used in these antique pieces!!! Ohhh my...and I can't believe that you got this beauty for a mere $50...what a great deal!!! I'm sooo happy for you, Sis...and I know that you will take care of this beautiful piece and give it a good home! wink! I love all the pretties that you are displaying on the shelf...they're perfect!!! So where did you put this shelf? Is it in your living room? Ohh...and I couldn't help but notice that gorgeous Victorian crown's yummy!!! I also really enjoyed getting an up-close and personal view of your other beautiful wood pieces!!! Ohh...the ornate details just take my breath away!!! I'm so glad that you shared your new pretty with's fabulous, Sis!!!
Love ya,
Oh my gosh!! *sigh* what a gorgeous gorgeous treasure! I love love carved wood.. and love how you've put everything together.. Wow!!
My mom was the same as you: NO PAINTING OF OLD PIECES! And you know what? My son is the same! He has an old dresser of my mom's in his room and I wanted to paint it black for him. I think it would look great. He said NO WAY, it looks like an antique and he wants to keep it that way! Guess he's a boy after your own heart, Gloria! :)
Hi Dear Gloria,
That is one lovely piece!
Beautiful wood will never go out of style!
My hubby is like you, he can't stand to see beautiful wood painted over. When we paint it's usually wood thats not that great to begin with.
And congrats to the lucky winners below!
I am on feeding duty right now.
Katie and Addison are staying over and I just put her back down.
Of course now I am wide awake!
Hugs to you,
Just beautiful! I cringe when I wood pieces painted. I know alot love that look but I think personally I would tire of the look too fast. Give me walnut,pine and cherry wood anyday.
Gloria this is truly an amazing shelf! So much detail, it's just beautiful-enjoy:@)
I like a furniture piece that is stained, and I think it's best to leave things that way. Shabby has its place too, especially if the piece has damage, but as someone who appreciates fine things,like you do- I think nothing can replace a lovely piece of traditional,finely grained wood.... Your wall shelf fits so well with your home! xo Sue
The shelf is just beautiful. I like the original wood pieces also. No painting beautiful pieces like this one. Have a blessed day. Madeline
I so admire you for "giving them back their beauty." I like shabby and white sometimes. But then I like to see the original piece too. And think sometimes we're masking that with all our shabby chippy frou-frou. Gorgeous piece you saved!
Oh this is just the most gorgeous piece. I love it natural too. The patina of the wood is exquisite, and your display is stunning. I am so glad you kept it the way it is. Stunning, stunning, stunning. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty
You know I am with you when I say that I love the look of wood. The beautiful patterns of the wood grain .... the way it shines , some times like gold when the sun hits it just the right way...
I am not one to paint a piece white unless there truly is no hope for that piece!!
You have shares with us such a drop dead gorgeous piece!! Magnificent!!
You are so totally on spot with not wanting to paint this fabulous piece. It's gorgeous just as it is. The lady in the shop must have been looney!! It looks so pretty all polished up with your treasures on it. I love it!
I am simply in awe of your home, Gloria! Every time you post photo's I am more enthralled with everything! :) You lucky girl, you!
I am so glad that there are others out there that love the patina of old wood. I am horrified every time I look at a blog and see that someone has spray painted/ruined an antique. I could never spoil the original finish on something old just to be part of a fad. Oh well-I figure that someday my pieces with original finish will be worth that much more! Love your shelf :)
You have so many fantastic things you collect! Just love to peak in and see what you have to show us. Nice thing about the two rooms is you got more wall space! Very nice.
Thanks for stopping by.
Gloria I say this to you as someone who really cares. That frenchy wood shelf is just too much wood in that house of yours!! It's overkill girlfriend...overkill....But I have a handy dandy solution, you should send it to me! I promise not to paint it *swear* and I'll even put a picture of you on it! (Yeppers I'm generous like that *winks*) Soooooo whatcha say? hehe! Vanna
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