I have 2 prizes to give away...

I Have a 135 piece PINK tool kit

And an Amazon.com gift card that you can use in any of their stores...This give away will be ending at the Bewitching hour of Midnight on Halloween night and I hope to announce the winners by Nov 1th...Good Luck to all my Dear loyal followers here in Blog land..
Please click Here to enter...Thank you all !!
I know I have been missing in blog land this past week and hope to be back by Monday...I love fall time...but it sure don't love my old bones ha ha!!
Did you know I have been up on this mountain top 22 years today and I have never had one trick or treaters...Oh don't get me wrong I buy all kinds of candy each year just hoping !! No one...so I do what any decent mountain girl would do...I eat it all myself ha ha!! As tho my ole butt isn't board enough from sitting and blogging ha ha!! Well better go I hear a "Snickers bar" calling my name...
I would just love to hear what you guys do for Halloween...do you get dressed up to take your kids out, do you go to parties??? Do you have a party planned...do tell as I would love to know...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Post note: this give away is now closed...I will post the 2 winners later today...Thanks to all you did enter...
Happy Halloween to you. We don't do anything since the grandchildren are all grown up now. Our neighborhood doesn't have very many children, so we only get about 3 or 4. I always give them big handfulls of candy, or else I would eat it all. Hope you have a super weekend. Hugs, Marty
Oh, Gloria! Your cartoons always make me laugh and I love the 1st porch picture!! I'm sorry you don't get trick or treaters...you are a lady who probably has the best candy!! We get a lot being in the city...I just sit on the front porch and hand over my basket! lol!
I don't think I entered your giveaway. Does the tool kit come with extra instructions? I would need them if I won!! Congratulations on your anniversary! Happy Halloween!
Cute post, Gloria. Stop over by the Back Porch...I did a little post. We are going to one of the girls' tomorrow. All will be there except for the KC contingent.
We lived in the back pasture at the farm for a little over 20 years. Our nieces, nephews and a couple of neighbor kids...neighbor being about a mile from us...came over to trick or treat. We always dressed up...I was always witch..nothing's changed there. J was a scarecrow...always. We sat on the porch and played spooky music and I cackled like a witch...for all 6 of our visitors.
Happy Halloween.
Happy Halloween to you my friend! Love the photos, I hate when that happens LOL. Tonight I'll be watching my husband's band play at a Halloween party. Tomorrow I'll take my niece to our church for "trunks or treats" and then trick or treating in our neighborhood. We get quite a few little ghouls and goblins here, but whenever it falls on a school night the numbers tend to be down. And if it's on a Friday night when there is a home high school football game, we get zilch LOL. Have a wonderful weekend. Kat
Happy Halloween Gloria! Lovin' your "don't text and fly" reminder-welcome to 2010!!! While I decorate the inside a bit, I haven't done "trick or treating" since my boys grew up. I'll have Sunday dinner with my sons tomorrow and football-looking forward to that! Have a great day:@)
Gloria, It's such a shame you have to eat all that candy by yourself! LOL. I love the first picture of the witch. We are meeting our son and his family tomorrow to take the grandkids trick or treating. There is a neighborhood close to them that goes all out with the decorations. They close down the street to cars and it is one big party for the kids. Happy Halloween
xoxo, Sherry
ps: if you get tired of the Snickers you can send them my way.
Happy Halloween to you Gloria. The witch hitting the post kills me. LOL! I love the added touch of the sign.
I cannot help but laugh at the cartoon though. LOL!
No big plans. Hubs and I will sit outside and hand out candy until it is gone...usually before the teens come out! We don't really DO Halloween, it is just something to do, since we are empty nesters.
Enjoy the candy!!
Your post made my day-I love original ideas-sign with witch on porch! The cartoon was super funny!!!!! Have a Happy Halloween!!!!
Happy Halloween Gloria Sweetie...
What a precious post. I always love to see what is out there on Hallow's Eve.
Love the porch witch, she is so stinkin cute, and ofcourse the one who needs to go back to base, oh my word, am I ever laughing. I think that is just the funniest thing ever. Oh my gosh girl, you got me there. Yes you sure did. Love, love, love it.
I wish you lived in my neighborhood or I could send you a few of my trick or treaters. We have never had under 140, in the 15 years we have been here, we always have so, so many. They are so cute, and we have always even dressed up Bruiser. He likes sitting on the porch in costume and watching all the kids, but this year, we are not going to participate. My blood sugars have been high, and I need to get them down and keep them there. I am insulin diabetic and already take 5 shots a day, so I want to get healthy and get control of my blood sugars. We decided there would be NO candy in the Smith household this year for Halloween. I am sticking to my guns too. How about I post a sign with directions to your Mountain Top?
I hear a Snickers calling me too, can you eat one for me sweetie?
Many hugs and so much love, Sherry
Hi Gloria,
I don't have any trick/treaters too! It's an older neighborhood. The first year we had under 10 kids (6 years ago)...so I just don't have a light on. I should do something FUN as that was my first date with hubby...
deb :)
We don't get trick or treaters where we live either.I still buy Halloween candy(JUST IN CASE)!Then I'm stuck eating all that chocolate! Someones gotta do it!!!
We don't get trick or treaters either. I still buy candy(just in case).Then I'm stuck eating all that chocolate myself.It's rough, but someone has to eat it. Maybe next year I'll give out Godiva!
That is the CA-utest flying witch I've ever seen and the cartoon just cracked me totally up.
I hope you are feeling good, Gloria..I;ve missed you lately.
Grands come over and we all go trick or treating in my neighborhood and then back to the house for hot chocolate and cookies..
Have a good Halloween...and don't get sick on all the candy.
xo bj
Hey there Gloria- Hope your Halloween weekend is going just fabulous! Love that picture - too funny!! :)
Gloria, I love the funny pictures. We usually only have one or two trick-or treaters since we live out in the country, and of course my two youngest grandsons and their parents come over. I always have candy for whoever shows up. When my children were youngesters we had lots of trick-or-treaters and I miss all the fun. Have a fun and safe Halloween. Madeline
Good morning Miss Gloria!
We get so many trick or treaters - I have started turning the light off at 8:00. Because after that - it is all the bus-ins.
But since my family is not here . . . they are in Glamis riding - I'm not even going to turn on the lights tonight. I don't like answering the door when I am by myself. Of course, they guys will probably drive up right in the throes of trick or treat time - OH WELL! This year - my house will be dark. (sorry little ones)
I'd trick or treat at your house any day! COurse, you'd never get me to leave cause I'd sneak inside and start exploring! Very fun!
Have a wonderful day! Have some candy for me cause I didn't even buy any!
I love that texting witch!!!!!
HUGZ! Karen
We had trick or treating in our suburb last night- I counted less than 30 kids who came by. Used to be the hundreds..... Oh well, more candy treats for me!!! I usually play spooky music outside, turn on the strobe lights, and dance around looking weird... Last night I didn't do any of that and one young girl asked me why I didn't do it this year. She remembered, isn't that sweet? Hope your mountain top is gorgeous for you this fall! xo Sue
The night is dark
and the goblins are out,
and the witches and black cats
are prowling about.
And costumed creatures
the strangest I've seen,
are knocking on doors
'cause tonight's Halloween!
Happy Halloween dear Gloria:-) That witch and gravestone marker is just too funny! hehe Love it! I'll be passing out the candy tonight and will be hoping there will be some left for me to eat. lol xoxo
I love your witch...I'm laughing out loud, can you hear me! L.O.L.
Hi sweetie, love the cartoon. Yours always make me smile. I hope you have a chance to eat a snicker or two.. Happy Halloween~
hugs ~lynne~
Old bones? You? You're still a chickie... :) Take my word for it..
Happy Halloween back..
Oh...remember not to fly with a broken bra strap! I've been warned and warned...
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