This is my kitchen from 2008 so it really is a Christmas past...I love to put out gingerbread men in my olden kitchen each year and also try and add at least one new piece to my collection... Now this is the top of my Old wood burning stove...the long glass container is from a bakery and held Fresh baked cookies at one time...behind it is an old scale and I have one of my Blue and White Pitcher and a Butter churn sitting on can also see another Blue and Gray Pitcher in the window...and of course the snow man sitting in a spatter ware bowl..
Now this is the front of the stove...I bought this right out of a collector home about 25 years ago and I love the fact that the oven doors are on the side and it opens from either on any picture and get a closer look at it...this stove is ca. 1900 all the front is porcelain and its triangle shape and I have never seen another like this shape...
Now this is just another space I created...I had the Handy Man go between the studs and add more cabinet space for me to put my Old general store Candy Containers and my TV In ...hey I got to have a TV in the kitchen and didn't want to give up counter to this is a Camel Cigarettes display case from ca. 1940 that I use to put more spatter ware and yellow ware bowls in..on the floor in front are more Butter churns..and that thing with magazines is a Grain scoop and it sits on a Shaker Grain box...
Now this is the back of the Bean Counter that came from a General Store ca. 1880 it has 18 drawers in it...I use it as an Island in my Kitchen...I had the maple cutting board made for the top...I do use this every day...
Now this is the Front of the Bean Counter...all the glass fronts are only maybe 2 inches in depth and this is what you would see at the store and say give me a pound of Beans etc..and all the beans etc would be in the drawer's that I already show you...So this has 18 glass fronts to go with the 18 drawers....I already show you the De Laval Cream parts cabinet I have at one end of the Bean counter and these are some of my Old Picnic Baskets at this end...I keep Potatoes,Onions, and Paper Plates in them...Great storage for me!!!
Now this is my HELLOOOO !!! that you !!! phone that I have hanging at the end of my top cabinets...see I even added some Holly Greens to it and of course a Gingerbread Man... The little book hanging on the phone is an instruction book on how to use a this was before Cell phones ?
This is a National Candy Store cash Register and a Hamilton Beach Milk shaker maker that still works... the white thing you see hanging there are paper towels that hang from an Old set of Ice Tongs from my pot rack... Now the Granite on the top of the Bean counter I got when someone ordered it and then didn't want its 8 ft long and I got it for $150.00 and really needed to put something on the top of people would sit wet drinks down on it and its all Tiger Oak..
Now this is just a Meat slicer from ca. 1880 and I use it to just sit things in...great display piece..

This is the other end of the Bean counter with my Chas Parker Coffee Grinder on it and a Blue and White Salt box that I keep my napkins in...and if you look real close you'll see I have a Gingerbread boy trapped in that jar...little tree of course from where else but Dollar Tree...

This is the counter next to my every day stove...I had this mini Bean Bin made to hold all my Chocolate chips and stuff I use to make candy with...I love this because I can move it to any counter top I want for a change and trust me its been all over my counters...Also another Bubble Gum Machine sitting in the corner...Now the Glass containers here are Planter Peanut Containers from a general store... I have nine of these from differ years..I don't use canisters in my kitchen but old glass containers instead..that way I can display them plus put them to use... for added storage...

Just another shot of the oldest Planter Peanuts container is the 3 one in still has all the original decals and paint on it...the one next to it is shaped like a Giant Peanut..and the first glass container has a tin lid its just from a soda fountain that sold Candy...I know you can buy new ones like these now days...but is is an old one...There are so many re-pops out there that when you collect you have to be careful you are getting the real thing...
I know my Country Kitchen is not for everyone...but hey !! I am a antique collector and I put things out that make me Happy To Be...So Please girls don't send the "Clutter Cops" after me lol!!!
This is the other end of the Bean counter with my Chas Parker Coffee Grinder on it and a Blue and White Salt box that I keep my napkins in...and if you look real close you'll see I have a Gingerbread boy trapped in that jar...little tree of course from where else but Dollar Tree...
This is the counter next to my every day stove...I had this mini Bean Bin made to hold all my Chocolate chips and stuff I use to make candy with...I love this because I can move it to any counter top I want for a change and trust me its been all over my counters...Also another Bubble Gum Machine sitting in the corner...Now the Glass containers here are Planter Peanut Containers from a general store... I have nine of these from differ years..I don't use canisters in my kitchen but old glass containers instead..that way I can display them plus put them to use... for added storage...
Just another shot of the oldest Planter Peanuts container is the 3 one in still has all the original decals and paint on it...the one next to it is shaped like a Giant Peanut..and the first glass container has a tin lid its just from a soda fountain that sold Candy...I know you can buy new ones like these now days...but is is an old one...There are so many re-pops out there that when you collect you have to be careful you are getting the real thing...
My way of thinking is "I love it..I paid for it...and I'll clean it .... Hope all of you enjoyed another look into my Country Christmas Kitchen....
I'm joining Marty this week At " A Stroll Thru Life" Thanks Marty, hope you don't kick me out for showing olden pictures...
Until Next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Don't you love looking at old Christmas pictures and getting ideas on how to decorate this year...I know I sure do...I hope to be able to show you how I did my gingerbread kitchen this year...Right now I have a ton of boxes out all over the kitchen ha ha!! I love it when I unpack the things that I have forgot I even bought ha ha!!
Girl, I am doing the happy dance, well I would if I wasn't sitting.. I'm so happy to see another post from you. You have been sooooooo missed. I adore your kitchen. I would give anything to have your counter in my shop. It would sure be a show stopper... Your kitchen is so warm and inviting. I'm looking forward to seeing what you've come up with this year.... hugs an hugs ~lynne~
Gloria... just "wow"! How do I pick one or two things out to comment on? Everything is so fun-enjoy:@)
I love your blue country kitchen. I too have a love for old things and have had many of the items you have I had to get rid of most of them but still like to see how you have displayed them and use them.
I always look at the picture to help me remember what I have! and how I used it before. I am almost done, everything but the main tree. That is going up Friday...I think it is looking very pretty here...but then again, it is mine and I bought it, I will use it, and I will clean it...and pack and unpack it!!!!
What a fun post! So glad you posted it again, I haven't seen it before! Love that country kitchen and that stove -- to die for!!
The gingerbread theme is really cute, I also do a gingerbread theme in our kitchen, but it's no where near what you have here!!
Its right after supper and I was looking for somewhere to DREAM and I sure found it here...
I'll have to come back and look again cause I dont want to miss a single item..
You have made a world for yourself in this kitchen and I am so happy for you..
Thank you for sharing it with us..
Holiday Hugs
Hi Gloria~ You have a lot of great finds and treasures in that kitchen! I love that counter area with all those delightful drawers~So neat and your gingerfolk are adorable! :)
If the clutter cops are coming after you, they better get the paddy wagon because I have to jump in too. I would have so much fun at your house Gloria...we could sit there for hours and talk and talk about your wonderful pieces of history. I love your bean counter.
Gl♥ria, I adore your bean counter. It is an impressive piece and your country kitchen is very pretty. ♥O
Gloria, long time no visit. Sorry... Anyway lovely gingerbread decor and girl... You have my faucet and dream island! So jealous right now! Hugs!
Hi there cutie pie! So nice to see these again ..... have a great week.
Hi Gloria! Just wanted to stop in and say hi! I'm sorry I haven't been by in a while. Whew! I haven't been able to do much blogging lately. Things are crazy in my world right now. I hope to slow down soon and visit everyone! Love all of the gingerbread men!!
Oh my Gloria you are amazing! I have to agree with Sonny what a beautiful place to dream about! I am a new follower and have spent the last 2 hours looking at your blog. I want to come live with you. You love for antiques and decorating is the most amazing blog I have ever seen. I just fell in love with everything.
Blessings, Vicky
Hello Miss Gloria,
I so love your beautiful and amazing kitchen! You have the best gingerbread display ever!
And you have the most amazing antiques!!! I love this post. Every thing about it makes me smile!
Hugs Dear Friend,
So glad to see a post! Now that makes me smile too!
Gloria, I just LOVE your kitchen! I would love to be sitting there with you having a cup of coffee and laughing, it's so warm and inviting. I don't think I've ever seen your bean cabinet - what a great idea for an island. And I love all your gingerbread men, they are my favorite Christmas decorations. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hugs, Kat
I love this, Gloria! Your kitchen is absolutely wonderful!!
I love all your Christmas decorations in your country kitchen and the way you have combined them with your antiques. I always enjoy seeing your many antiques. All the photos are great. Have a blessed day. Madeline
When I get done picking my jaw up off the floor ... AWESOME! Gloria! I'd be a antique dealer in Heaven in your kitchen ... you have just put it all together so elegantly. And Tiger Oak ... WOWZER!
Have a beautiful day ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Your kitchen is the most adorable ever!! I love it and the Christmas decor is perfect! Can't wait to see it for this year!
Good morning Gloria!
Me too! With every box I open, I reach in and pull out a carefully tissue-wrapped treasure. So many memories packed away in those boxes.
And I was having trouble remembering how I decorated last year! I had so many new things - I had to look at pictures to refresh my memory!
it's hell getting old! :)
have a wonderful week! I can't wait to see what you do this year . . .
Hugs! Karen
Holy Cow! I drooled all over my keyboard GLoria. That bean counter is to.die.for. How lucky that you get to spend time in that amazing vintage kitchen every day. I'm beyond jealous!!! Love to you this Holiday Season my sweet friend. How is that cute little Landon James? Hope he is doing well.
Yea! Sweet Gloria is back! I remember all of your wonderful gingerbread decorations. Your kitchen is always so charming, but never more than at Christmas. You have such amazing antiques, and I see so many unique items when I visit your blog. Oh, how I'd love to see all of these wonders in person! I know I would be speechless (well, maybe not completely, but almost!). Hugs, laurie
Oh Gloria! I LOVE your kitchen! I'm with you girl. I love my collections. You have so many wonderful pieces. I just love to look and look. .....sigh!
I hope you are having a wonderful week! :)
Hello!!! I just thought I'd "check" over here and I see another post! I guess that means you are back! YAY!!! I thought you were going to be gone for a longer break, so I am happy to see your return. You have so many great antiques, and I know you love every one of them! My mother would have gone CRAZY for your house, she LOVED antiques and going antiquing. She would have moved in with you! LOL! Beautiful things, Gloria, and so glad to see you are back!
Hi Sis...
Ohhh...I just adore your Country Christmas kitchen, Sis!!! You know, all that pretty blue and white looks fabulous with the Christmas red!!! I love it! I loved seeing all of your darling gingerbread men favorite is the tree that you did up in them! Wow, sounds like you are busy and right in the middle of decorating right now. Girl, I still have all my autumn stuff out...I just can't get going! Maybe tomorrow...wink! Hehe...I'm guessin' you sweet talked your honey into bringing in the Christmas boxes this year? Hehe! you have my curiousity up! Just wondering what you keep in the drawers of your old General Store counter/kitchen island? Do you use it for food storage or do you have dishes stored in there? Hehe...I sure am nosey...aren't I? Well Sweet Sis...I'm sooo glad that you shared your fabulous kitchen all dressed in us today! It's sooo very beautiful! I can't wait to see what you're doing in there this Christmas!!! You know, it's always such a treat to look through all of your awesome antiques!!! Thank you sooo much for taking the time to share them with us...and to tell us all about them! I appreciate you, Sis!!!
Well Darlin' you can see, it's 1:30am and I'm still up! I really do have my days and nights turned around...eeeks! If I were there...I'd drag you out of bed for some coffee! Hehe!
Love ya sooo much, Sis!
I always love a gingerbread Christmas in the kitchen :)
reminds me to go drag out my gingerbread mixing bowl!
I enlarge every single it and then go back and do it again! OH to be able to afford such beauties! Everything is lovely! I never fail to be amazed at how much you have collected over the years! Gorgeous..all of it..and so perfectly placed!!
Your kitchen is NOT for everyone? Well, it certainly is for me!!!
Hi Gloria! I love your gingerbread theme! I could spend hours in your kitchen, my friend, just looking at all of your wonderful stuff! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie
What a wonderful collection you have! That stove is really great-I have never seen one like that. Your kitchen is so welcoming and filled with nostalgia-it looks like a great place to enjoy a cup of tea and cookies. Can't wait to see this year's decor:).
Hi Gloria! I've been on another little break and have just come back and so glad to see you've posted again! You know we can not do without you!
Now, I'm a big fan of your wonderful kitchen! You have so many things to see. That cash register would be snatched up by Mr. Precious! :)
Love ya,
Shelia ;)
Glory girl, ya just went and blew everyone outta the water with this one. I'm quite smitten with that's to die for!!!
What fun your gingerbread kitchen is. I need a nudge to get goin' this year. You are an inspiration sweetie!!!
God bless ya and have an incredible day!!!
Hi Gloria, your decorating makes me grin. I mean that. It makes me happy.
The YOU I know is in every single picture.
Blessings, Barb ♥
Hi Gloria,
You have more wonderful things on display in your home than in any antique shop I've ever visited. I love coming by to see all your treasures. Had you on my mind and wanted to stop in and wish you an enjoyable weekend.
Oh My! I love seeing all your wonderful treasures from the past. At one time i had quiet a lot of country/primitive items, but sold and gave away. When I see your great collection, makes me wish I had kept more of them.
Hope you are doing well.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks for your visit to my blog and your sweet comments! I'm really enjoying your blog as well; what great antiques you have! I love your old-time kitchen with all the great antique finds!! I saw a bean counter like yours once and I wished I had room for it because it was so very awesome. Love all the canisters and tins and that very unique 1900 stove!
Oh how I love seeing all of your wonderful antiques. They are just fabulous. You always have the most beautiful vignettes. I just drool over every picture. Thanks so much for joining the party. Hugs, Marty
I love, love, love your kitchen! Especially the gingerbread boys...thanks for sharing! that is one AMAZING kitchen! I really enjoyed this post. You have some fabulous collectibles. XOXO ~Liz
Gloria you know how much I LOVE that kitchen of yours! I could pretty much live in there and be happy as can be! Surrounded by all those wonderful antiques (and coffee with vanilla creamer *winks*)It makes my heart skip a beat. I just love old stuff!!
I have a three station Hamilton beach shake machine, and I thought when I bought it that it looked like something you would have in your kitchen....and you do!! Go figure!Lol! It was so good to walk around your kitchen again G. Just like old times. Love Vanna
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