These 4 windows were painted,chippy and about all the lead was coming apart...But I could see the hidden potential they had...It took me over 2 years to bring them back to their once was beauty...
I love to think about the many prayers that were said around these windows, I love to think about the many people that were Blessed around these windows, the many babies that were baptised in front of these windows..
These windows so remind me of real life...Some times when we meet people who are older...we need to look beyond the chippy paint and the missing lead...And see the hidden potential....
The best lessons I ever learned in life were at my Grandma knee...
My Granddaughter Allison is coming this week from Chicago and bringing my Great grandson Shane who is 5 months with her...Then on November 15th My grandson Jacob from Fort Hood, Texas is coming with his wife and 16 month old son Jeremiah and 6 weeks old Issac...This will be the last time we get to see Jacob before he leave for a year to Afghanistan..
I love to think about the many prayers that were said around these windows, I love to think about the many people that were Blessed around these windows, the many babies that were baptised in front of these windows..
My Granddaughter Allison is coming this week from Chicago and bringing my Great grandson Shane who is 5 months with her...Then on November 15th My grandson Jacob from Fort Hood, Texas is coming with his wife and 16 month old son Jeremiah and 6 weeks old Issac...This will be the last time we get to see Jacob before he leave for a year to Afghanistan..
So I'm going to be taking a break from blog land...Because just like these windows I feel like I'm buried under snow...
As everyone knows blogging is very time consuming and as much as I have learned to love you all to the moon and back...I love my family with all my heart...I won't be doing anymore posts for awhile...I will not be shutting down completely for now and will try and come by from time to time just to say a Big Howdy from my mountain top to yours,
Many Blessings to all of you that have support me this past 2 years...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hi darling, I adore all your stained glass windows and your thoughts behind them sent cold chills up my back.
You won't be posting any longer? Oh girl how are we ever going to learn more about the art of collecting antiques? You bless so many people in so many ways, I truly hope you change your mind. However, knowing you the way I do, I know your family like mine comes first. We all have to make decisions in our lives that are best for us. I miss you terribly girl.... I hope if you can't post often post occasionally.. keep us a breast of what's going on with you and yours... much love and many many hugs ~lynne~
Oh, Gloria! I do understand how much time blogging takes. I just have my little family and yours is so big!, say it isn't so! I will miss you so much! Please don't lose touch with me, my friend! Enjoy your special time with your family and please do drop by to visit. You are one special lady and I don't want to lose you...hugs...Debbie
Sweet post, Gloria! I loved the story of the windows.
You've written wise words here.
Enjoy your family!
Will miss you!
What a lovely post Gloria. I love the thought of all the weddings, baptisms and celebrations of a life well lived that those beautiful windows have seen. So glad that you are getting to spend time with your family, especially your grandson before he ships out. Will be keeping him in my prayers, as I do all of our service men and woman. What would we do without those brave people? I hope you don't disappear completely, I would miss your smiling face and uplifting words of encouragement so much. Blogland would just not be the same without you dear heart. Hugs to you, love you girl. Kat
What a beautiful post Gloria... You know, I feel the same way about antiques and older people & the story about those windows... they are incredible and have seen so much. You need to be with your family and spend some well deserved and needed time with all of them- I have to tell you that I am going to miss you!!! Please come by and say hello when you get a chance! You were one of the first friends I made out here in blogland and you are so sweet and kind- I always appreciate your posts and your visits!! Take care of yourself and your family. :)
I am soooo sad, but I understand. Please keep in touch with me...we are kindred spirits!
Hi Gloria,
I'm going to miss you so much but I will be happy knowing that you are with your family and savoring every minute of it.
I love your beautiful post today.
God Bless and I will be waiting for your return.
Enjoyed reading the story about the windows - Thanks for sharing it with us.
Gloria - You will be missed, but understand your decision. Blogging is very time consuming and family does come first.
Take care of yourself.
OH Gloria,
I have big tears in my eyes.
Oh, I so don't want you to leave. You are one of my favorite bloggers and friends.
I understand but now how am I to keep in touch and up to date on your life.
Hugs, Hugs, Hugs,
And Tears, Tears, Tears,
Gloria your blog posts are always such a pleasure. I will miss them and the peaks into your home greatly. The story of your DR windows was wonderful, how lucky of you! Blessings to you and your family, and I pray for a hedge of protection around your Jacob as he goes to Afganistan.
Gloria, wishing you a wonderful visit with your family-enjoy every minute! I look forward to hearing about it when you post again:@)
You're right about blogging taking up time. Take this time and enjoy your family.
Love your stained glass windows.
My son just came to visit and told us that his unit will be deployed next spring. Hope all goes well with your grandson.
Take care. Hope to be able to visit when you come back.
Enjoy your time with the family, Gloria. How nice that so many of them are coming to visit you. You know I love that stained door of yours since RMS. Thanks for telling us the story behind it...Christine
sweet G are you saying bye?? You'll be back right?? I'll be praying for Jacob as he goes to war, a war I'm still praying ends soon... Love you sweet G xoxoxo
Mom...I am reading this and the tears are just streaming down my face. I know I don't get around a whole lot lately, but I am planning to try to do a bit more online visits...your blog is like a standard in my world and I love to see your beautiful home and hear all the stories and learn about antiques from you. Please don't go! just take a little break and post one time per month or something. We all love you mom!!!!
If can just email me photos and least until I can get there with my uhaul truck(S) ...
I am glad you are getting so busy with family, and hope you enjoy all the visits you are getting from those you love so dearly...
okay, I am still crying, so I will need to come back since I am pretty sure I am whining and babbling now...
LOVE YOU MOMMA!!!!sniff sniff
Oh, Dear Gloria! You have me crying! I love your stained glass windows and the thoughts of all that went on around them.
I can't imagine a day in blogland without my sweet friend! I know how much your family means to you so go and enjoy them and make memories. But I'm being selfish and hoping you'll come back and blog again.
You know I love you, Gloria. You've been so dear to me.
Shelia ;)
No! Gloria I just love you my friend! Oh how I will miss you and your ole' red robe stories. I do undertand what you mean in more ways than one about taking up time with blogging. Please keep in touch with me okay. You know where to find me.
Enjoy your lovely family. Life is so short and just flying by these days that is for sure. Sigh.
Bless you sweet lady.
~Melissa :)
I love that gorgeous stained glass window!
Enjoy your blog break with your grandson! God Bless Him for helping defend our country!
Hi Sis...
Well sweet friend, for the first time...I am speechless! You know that I love you...after all, we are soul sisters! I know that you have much to do and keep you busy with all of your family coming and the upcoming holidays as well. You go and enjoy them, Sis! I do so many others have said...that you'll still post once in awhile! You know that blogland just wouldn't be the same without you! Ohhh my goodness, I have learned sooo much from you, Sis...shoot, you know that I'm your number one fan!!! Well Sis...I'll be emailing.
Love ya...soooo...soooo much!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! Here I was, happily siting here, reading your blog, admiring the stained glass windows and especially your story that goes with them and then BAM!!! I start reading about the family and the I read you won't be blogging anymore???!??!!!!!! You MUST come back once in while! Please, consider it? Love you,
P.S. I also wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and for all of your comments and for all of the kindness you have shown me. You are truly a great and wonderful person.
Gloria, I love the stained glass windows. This post was very heart warming. I will miss you terribly but I do understand that family comes first. Have a wonderful visit with them. Tell Jacob I for one appreciate his serve to his country and will keep him in my prayers. Have a blessed day and please come back soon. Madeline
Gloria, you have made a wise choice. This is a special time with family, and you don't need any distractions from blogland. I hope and pray that it will be a wonderful time and that your grandson's time in Afghanistan will be safe and effective. May God bless you and your sweet family. I'll look forward to seeing you back in blogland some time! Linda
Oh how I will miss you. You have become such a special friend and you always make my day with your visits. I want you to take a break and really enjoy your precious family, and then come back and visit me. God Bless, I will be thinking about you. Hugs, Marty
Ah! Now I can send a comment, AFTER I sent you an email. Or two.
Anyway -- pretend that all I said in the email is here. I will miss you -- so will SO many people -- but you are hereby ordered to have a wonderful time soaking up family love, and cuddles with those babies!
Oh we're going to miss you while you're away -- enjoy the holidays with your family and store up lots of great stories for when you come back. Wanted you to know how much I enjoyed spending my Amazon gift card -- I got each of my grandgirls a book for Thanksgiving and a book for Christmas too -- and you KNOW that made this Nana very happy! I love your pretty stained glass windows -- what a wonderful treasure.
Gloria, I love your stained glass windows. They are simply stunning! Enjoy your time with your family!
Hugs, Beth
Gloria, I love your stained glass windows, and I have always loved reading about you finding them burried in the snow. I also love the way you related them to people. You go right ahead and take a break and enjoy that wonderful family. This blogging family will be here when you're ready to come back, and we will welcome you with open laptops! Love ya, laurie
Good Morning Friend,
I can understand where you are coming from! My older kids live nowhere near that far away, only about three hours, but every moment means the world to a Mom. You have a wonderful time with the family. Come back to us after your family time. Oh, Love the stained glass windows, something I don't have yet. Did you see the,yet? Many Blessing to you and your family.
You deserve a nice long break Gloria. You've been sharing your wonderful home and brightening our days with your humor for long time.
I'm glad Jacob will get to visit before he deploys for a year. I don't how military families deal with such long absences, God Bless Them!
Did you get snow this weekend? I can see a bit on top of the mountains to the north of us this morning. We had rain...dripping through the dinning room ceiling!
I'd like to talk Hubby into Second Sunday this month but he's got some big projects outside so we'll see.
Love ya!
This is my first visit and am truly in awe of stained glass. It is beautiful. I love the way you incorporated it into your house.
Gorgeous windows ...and your thoughts about them were as beautiful as the windows. I understand where you are coming from..we have talked about this on the phone. It's hard.
I enlarged a photo of me tonight...and was shocked at what I saw.
No matter what you say...getting beginning to be difficult to take. I am trying...I really am..but that close up of me..scared the heck out of me. (to put it mildly!)
Enjoy your blog free leasure for a bit. I may join you very soon. I really am tired.
Not doing much blogging anyway.
I just miss it when I am away from it..
Love and hugs to you. How I wish you could get down this way..or I could talk Howard into coming up that way.
The more time that goes by..the more I doubt it will happen.
But...there is always the telephone.
Thank GOD!
I love your stained glass windows and your wonderful analogy! I will miss you but we all need to take a break for awhile and you need to spend some wonderful time with your wonderful family!! Enjoy life my dear friend and i will miss you until you come back!!
Love ya,
Debbie @ A Debbie -dabble Christmas
Such beautiful windows, Gloria! The story that goes with them is sweet and very special. I hope you enjoy your well-deserved break. You'll be missed, but you're wise to put family first. Hope things go well on your mountain top until we see you again.
Warmest regards,
Hi Gloria. I hope you will be on a small break cause I will miss your posts. It's ok if you take a longer one though:) We all need a break every now and then. Gloria, I want to thank you so much for the tool set. I love love it. I just posted on my blog about it. :)
Have fun with your family:)
Oh, Gloria!
I hope and pray that you don't close your blog. I would miss you SO much! But I do understand that family comes first. We will be here for you when you return and will miss you until then.
Love you, lady...
Sheila (who is keeping the light on just for YOU!) :-)
Hello sweet lady! Thank you so much for your sweet encouraging comment! I really appreciate you being a loyal Follower!
God Bless!
P.S. - I enjoyed seeing the stained glass, etc. again!
The windows are gorgeous! Enjoy the time with your family and I look forward to visiting again when you return to blogland:).
Blessings dear friend,
What a story you know we have church window too? Ours in in the Family room. We found it here at a restoration dealer, he sells old FP's, doors, stained glass. Well the window is over 100 years old and it came from a church in Upstate New york. Very cool...yours are beautiful and I can see you doing that happy dance in the snow!
I love your stained glass windows! How fortunate you are to have them. Enjoy the break from blogging!
I think sometimes we just have to step back and live our lives. Blogging takes more time than anyone who doesn't do it realizes and sometimes it just seems as if something has to give.
I really do hope that this is just a temporary thing for you. I've really come to care about you and I don't want to lose that...but, more than anything I want you to just take care of you. Blessings and hugs...Sue
Enjoy your family, Gloria. We are here when you return ... nothing like babies to bring joys to the heart.
Love to you, sweet friend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Well sheesh *wipes brow* I'm sure glad you came back!
But I completely understand where you were (are) coming from. And family has to come first. For me just dealing with the day to day took all my strength. There just wasn't anything left for blogging. Or much of anything like joy. And yes it really takes a lot of work! Anyway I'm so glad you found the time and the energy. It just wouldn't be the same without you around. And trust me girlfriend, even I would have noticed....eventually! Love Vanna
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