Many of you know I already had my Thanksgiving with my family on Saturday the 20th...It was a very Blessed and sad time for us as a family....

We all felted very Blessed that we got to see Jacob, his wife Morgan and his 2 sons Jeremiah (17 months) and Issac (2 months) ...You see my Grandson Jacob is being deployed on December 11th to Afghanistan and will be gone for a year....

As a mother and a grandmother I seen the joy and the pain in my daughter Dawna's eyes as she seen her son Jacob and his family and knowing she had to let go and see her son go off to war...As her mother I felted her pain and as a Grandmother my heart is just aching....
I seen Candace Jacob sister trying so hard for over a week to bring nothing but joy to our family..As she opened up her heart and home to all of us for a solid week...Candace is like our Little blue bird of Happiness in our family...she always goes out of her way to bring happiness to all, no matter that her house got thrashed, that she spend a solid week cooking meals for all of us and the million and one dishes that she washed, or the number of times she had to close the door because it was snowing out and kids kept leaving it open ha ha!! And Jeremiah still escaped through the doggie door in nothing but a diaper and t-shirt on and ended up walking next to the highway.....
So this Thanksgiving as you bow your heads...Please say a prayer for our service men and women who give us this freedom to be able to feel so blessed and thankful...
As a grandmother I could not tell Jacob good bye...I just held his face and looked at him with tears in my eyes....
I feel very Blessed to have this strong family in my life and to think that just maybe I had a small part in making them so strong....
I am so THANKFUL that God gave me this family to love and hold dear to my heart...
May all of you have a Blessed and Great Thanksgiving...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Saying a prayer for Jacob's saftey Gl♥ria. Happy Thanksgiving
Gloria, cute cards and Happy Thanksgiving to you too. I thank your grandson for serving our country.
We have had the same situation with family and friends. I am so thankful for the men and women who risk their lives for us and the sacrifice that their families make in the process. God Bless them all.
Thanksgiving wishes Gloria!! Thank you to your family for raising a young man who finds it honorable to serve his country. May God bless him and protect him as he serves!
(((hugs))) Tell him "thank you" for what he does.
Walking next to highway ?! Oh my!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Many thanks to your grand-son for fighting to keep us all safe. Prayers going up for you and your family. Teresa
Gloria, I know you must be extremely proud of your grandson. Blessings to your family and a little prayer for Jacob's safe return.
Gloria, there is absolutely no question in my mind that you are the strength and the glue that holds your family together. Blessings to you and your family on Thanksgiving, and I will keep Jacob and all our service men and women in my prayers. I'm so happy that you got to spend time with your family (even if it was snowing!). Hope you have a wonderful, peaceful week. Hugs, Kat (and the story about J escaping through the doggie door is priceless - he's never going to live that one down!)
Oh, Gloria...this just breaks my heart. Your celebration must have been so bittersweet with Jacob having to leave soon. I am saying many prayers for him and your whole family. I will also be thinking of you this Thanksgiving as I am so grateful to have you as a friend.
Gloria, this was so beautifully and eloquently written. I thought of you this past week and wondered if there would be any antics, you did not let me down.. a baby crawling through a doggie door... how cute and scary at the same time. Many prayers headed your way and for the rest of those that serve.. Happy Thanksgiving darling.
hugs ~lynne~
Oh Gloria!!~ First and for the record, yes I wear I bra while cooking HA!~ Your family is precious, and you betcha you had a role in making them who they are today. Blessing and well wishes to you and your family.
Hi Gloria,
Your post touched my heart. My son is deployed and had to leave before the birth of their last daughter. MY DIL and grans are in Monterey preparing to move to Hawaii in Jan.
I am so proud of the sacrifices all have made including Jacob and his family.
I like to think we made them all a little stronger too!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
I will keep your family in my prayers.
big hugs,
Oh Gloria Sweetie...
It wasn't a last dinner, and it wasn't good-bye, it was just see you soon sweet boy. You have played a BIG part in his life and will carry right on with him. His memories will serve him well. He knows your heart sweetie.
I am right here holding your heart and you just holler anytime you need me, I will be right here.
Your boy will be fine, he has God on his side and all of us bloggers praying for him. Please keep us posted. I will be storming the heavens for him sweet friend. Just storming.
As I sit down to dinner this week, I will be saying prayers for all of you. This is a hard journey but your faith and your friends will pull you through. I remember a time, that you were right there for me, sweet friend. I will never forget it.
Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry
Gloria, please count my wishes for Jacob's safe and speedy return home!
Thanks for the chuckles, gotta watch them giblets:@)
I will be keeping Jacob and your entire family in my prayers. It can't be easy on a young wife to see her husband leave for a year. Those babies will grow so much. Thankfully, with Skype and text and emails...they can stay a little more connected than families in the past. They really are a beautiful family. I'm sure this is so hard for your daughter and for you. I'm glad you got to spend some time with him before he goes. Hugs to you!
Oh Gloria,
You make me laugh and then you make me cry!
What a beautiful, beautiful family!
I know you are so proud of your grandson and all of us are thankful for his service.
I know your heart is aching right now but hopefully the year will go fast and he will be back home to his family soon.
You raised an amazing family!
I am so glad you posted this. I have been thinking of you and hoping I would see something soon.
Big Hugs Friend,
Happy Thanksgiving, Gloria. I will say a special prayer for Jacob tonight....Christine
Hi Sweet Sis...
Ohhh my...I am nearly speechless, sweet friend! I'm sooo glad that all of your sweet family were able to get together this last week! Hehe...I can just imagine the chaos...but ohhh so sweet! Eeeks...I'm sooo glad that baby is safe...what makes kids do things like that? Hehe! Well I know that you had quite a gathering...I can just imagine all the chattering and the laughter! Hope you got lots and lots of photos...are you going to share a few with us? Loved Jacob's sweet family photo! Ohhh my...that oldest boy certainly looks like a chip off the old block! He and his daddy has a bit of mischief in their eyes! Hmmm...I really can't imagine where they might have gotten that from??? I'm thinkin' it comes by him right!!! Well, I'm guessing that Jacob has left back to base. Honey, you know that I'll be praying for him...the Lord will be right by his side! Prayer is what makes the difference! I was just thinking about my Bud...he is in Wichita Falls right now and has begun his schooling. He won't be able to go home for Thanksgiving...this will be his first holiday away from home and family! Say a little prayer for him and my daughter as well...okay? I guess he will get leave for Christmas. Sure wished that I could see him!!! Texas is just sooo far away!
Well sweet Sis...thanks for sharing the Thanksgiving funnies! Ohh my gosh, that gal sure reminds me of me!!! Hehe! And I don't care what anyone says...I'm not wearing a bra just to cook Thanksgiving! wink! What a hoot!!! I loved your pretty Thanksgiving table! Did you have everyone over for a meal? I guess I will begin preparations for our little shindig tomorrow! Darrin and Danielle will be here Friday eve...we'll do our Thanksgiving on Friday. Even though it'll just be the four of us...I'm doing turkey and all the fixin's. It's Russ' birthday Saturday...so I want to make it nice for him! Sure have missed you, Darlin'! But I'm sooo happy that you got to spend some time with all your sweet family!!! Love ya, honey!!!
Wishing you and Len a warm and blessed Thanksgiving!!! Counting my blessings...and you're right there at the top of my list, Sis! I love you sooo much!!!
Happy Thanksgiving...
Gloria, I am so glad you had time with your family this Thanksgiving. Tell Jacob my prayers are with him and all the other service men and women serving our country, they are truly a blessing. I had to laugh about the little one going through the doggy door but a little scared of him walking down the highway. All your pictures are great and funny. I will have all my family here for Thanksgiving.
I have got my menu all planned out and have told the others what to bring to help out. Wishing you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving day and I will remember all of you in my prayers. I always enjoy your post they make me laugh, cry and give me joy. Have a blessed day and holidays. Madeline
Thank you to Jacob. My prayers are with him. I understand the feeling all too well my friend.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
~Melissa :)
Oh Gloria, you are such a strong and loving person, and you have definitely created a strong and loving family. I will remember your grandson in prayer for his safe return. I know God has Blessed you beyond measure and my prayer is that He will continue to Bless you and your family. Thanks for your wonderful friendship and all your gracious wishes. Hugs, Marty
Oh, Gloria! I am sending hugs and prayers to you and your family! Thanks you so much for the sacrifice your family is making for the rest of us! I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one...hugs...Debbie
Hi Gloria.You just gotta love Maxine. LOL!
What a beautiful family. It must be hard to see him go and I bet he hates to leave his little family too.We are so thankful for young men like him but wish it was not needed for sure.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with the family and we will hold him in our prayers while he is away.
Sweetheart...I have been in that place of parting with a loved one as they go off to war. It is terrible and my heart goes out to your daughter and your entire family.
I am so happy you were together on Thanksgiving! I hope that for my family next year..and perhaps for Christmas.
You are dear to me...to all of us!
Dear Gloria, I am so glad that you all had a chance to be together for an early Thanksgiving dinner together. Take solace in knowing that they all love you unconditionally and that you are all so very close to one another. Happy Thanksgiving wishes go to your mountain from me down here in Ohio, my friend.... ♥♥♥ Sue
And keep an eye on that baby! My brother was three years old when he "escaped" and walked 2 miles to our grandmother's house. I wonder still how he even knew how to get there! LOL
Gloria~ I am sending over lots of big hugs to you, my friend & I will say a prayer for your grandsons safe return. Take care of yourself, too. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. :)
Just stopping back to wish you Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you had a peaceful day!
What a fanastic photo of Jacob and his family! And a very handsome family indeed. He has a beautiful wife and the children are absolutely adorable. And I CANNOT believe Jeremiah escaped!!!! It must have been totally terrifying and upsetting at the time but, in years to come, you will all laugh about it. And kudos to Candace for working so hard to make everyone happy and comfortable. I am so glad that you all had this happy and loving time before Jacob leaves.
Gloria xxoo
What a wonderful post! So beautiful to be able to take this time and spend it together before a long absence.
You've got such a great family Gloria, I'm glad you could spend time together. I will keep Jacob and all the service men and women protecting our country in my prayers. I'm sure your family is full of loving and strong people because you have those same qualities! You done good girl!
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