We as a family love you and are so proud of you," THANK YOU "for the sacrifice's you are making for our Freedom will be praying each and every day for your safe return.....As you leave on December 17, to Afghanistan...Grandma is so proud of you...I love you Baby boy...and I salute you!!
Love, Granny girl
To my Daddy who served in the Second World War and fought on the beaches of Normandy
and lived to tell about it...
and lived to tell about it...
And to my Mama who worked in a parachute factory during the war while she had me and my older brother at home...
My Mama told me that each day at work if the Western Union boy came into the plant that the whole plant would get silence and that each and every woman working their would just pray that young Western Union boy was not walking toward them....And the day that young boy did walk up to my Mama she just fainted...You see she had a telegram from the war Department saying my Daddy had been wounded in action...It did not say where, how or why....Just WOUNDED !!!
My Mama told me that each day at work if the Western Union boy came into the plant that the whole plant would get silence and that each and every woman working their would just pray that young Western Union boy was not walking toward them....And the day that young boy did walk up to my Mama she just fainted...You see she had a telegram from the war Department saying my Daddy had been wounded in action...It did not say where, how or why....Just WOUNDED !!!
I can not imagine the pain she must have felted....I was a young child during the war...but I so remember my Mama and my Aunt Millie having a Victory Garden and sharing it with the rest of the neighbors...I can remember us having a 1940 Ford Coupe but couldn't drive it as my mama had donated the tires to the war effort...I can remember my Aunt Millie and my Mama standing on kitchen chairs and putting tanning lotion on each others legs and then drawing lines down the back of each leg to make it look like they had on silk hosiery ha ha!! Because during the War all the silk was needed to make Parachutes and the only way you could get silk hosiery was on the Black market...
I can remember having rations stamps that were like Gold to my mama...Oh my brother and I thought we were the riches kids in the neighborhood when we had a simple thing like sugar....
I can remember having rations stamps that were like Gold to my mama...Oh my brother and I thought we were the riches kids in the neighborhood when we had a simple thing like sugar....
These are just some of my thoughts today on December 7,2010
Did I ever tell you I HATE WAR!!! I just wished in my lifetime that I didn't have to have memories like these...Now to see my Grandson go off to WAR will it ever stop...
I sometimes wonder what GOD must be thinking when he looks down at what he created this beautiful World and all this War on it that man created....
I know I have not been around the world of blogging much lately....But will tell you my heart has been so heavy...And some days it's just hard for me to be " Happy To Be"
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
What a wonderful post. Best of luck to your grandson and I'm sure God will be watching over him and your family. My grandfather fought in WWII; he's still with us at 93, but I know it was very hard on him to be separated from his family for so long; and hard for my grandma. My grandmother worked in a glove factory during the war and their first child was born after grandpa got shipped overseas, right after Pearl Harbor as a matter of fact, so he didn't see his first born, except in pictures ,until he was almost 3 yrs old.
I share so many of your memories and feelings. I was born right after the war, but grew up hearing Mother (not Daddy too much) talk. Mother drew on her hose too!
What these brave people do and what they sacrifice (like their innocence) is too much to ask. There is no way we can ever repay the price they pay for us. God bless your grandson and all that he stands for. He is 10' tall in my book.
Mega Hugs to you & your special family, Gloria! A big "thank you" to your grandson for serving his country & another big "thank you" to all his family who sacrifice right along with him.
WWII ended before I was born & I commend you for keeping the spirit of those men & women alive in this post. My father & husband both were in the armed services as well as all of my brothers (sans the youngest)
I pray that my grandsons will never have to go off to war!
I think the bombing of Pearl Harbor is to you what the destruction of the World Trade Center is for me. A day in my life that I will never forget and has changed my life forever.
My grandma and my mom worked at Johnson's Tin Foil making things for WWII and felt the same about the Western Union boy. My grandma had two sons and my mom had her husband in the war. Something I hope never to have to live through.
I pray for your family and I thank them for their sacrifice. I never want to live in a country where a war is being fought. For that I thank our soldiers for going there to protect us!
Gloria...thank you for this wonderful post and your precious memories. Both of my Granddaddy's served in the war. My Momma was a very young girl and her and her brother stayed with their grandma during the day so that my grandma (her mother) could work in a dungeree factory making uniforms. What adventures they all had with the rationing and victory gardens and such. Sadly, my husband's grandmother lost both her young brothers (both serving in the Navy) at Pearl Harbor....she was always very sad when she spoke of them.
Blessings to your Jacob and may he and his family be kept in the palm of God's hands!
CHRISTmas Blessings!
What a touching post, Gloria. I will be prayijng for Jacob and his family...including you, my friend. I am sending you a big hug...((((((Gloria))))))...love ya!....Debbie
What a wonderful post. I am very grateful for all you have served in the armed forces keeping this country safe. My dad fought in WW1 my uncle in WW2 my husband in the Korean War and my brother and cousin all were in the navy at differnt times. Your grandson is prayed for everynight as well as the other service men and women. May God keep them safe and bring them home to their families safe. I know you have a heavy heart but please know you are loved and keep looking towards God for your strength. Have a blessed day. Madeline
I sure hope the war ends soon, Gloria and I pray that your son and the other soldiers are all safe. Great post!...Christine
Hang in there, Gloria! You have the most glorious name to remind you everyday of God's plan for everyone including that grandson and his family. Take care - I know you can lift that heavy heart of yours. Sally
Bonjour Gloria,
Will definitely keep Jacob in my prayers, you must be so proud of him. We all owe him our gratitude.
ALl my best,
Such a sweet post, full of memories and sadness. I've had many close to me in the war, but they've come home each time. One dear friend said he just put all the memories of what he faced in a compartment and never opens the door. Those of us who benefit from the sacrifices our soldiers make should verbalize our thanks more often.
My wonderful Gloria - this was a wonderful post. I often forget this day - I wasn't born and don't remember any of my family ever talking about it. My Dad served in the Army, he was a tailgunner on the planes and was shot down. I even have a piece of his parachute! I cannot imagine what my grandparents and my Mom went through.
But this was a wonderful reminder to us all to pray the soldiers who have already found Peace, and pray the ones currently serving, and pray for the ones who will be leaving soon.
Big hugs! Karen
Oh Gloria,
This is without a doubt one of the most touching and profound posts I have ever read! You really touched my heart today. I am so sorry for your daughter Dawna and for Jacob's young family. I pray he is safe and sound. I hate war too. There is no reason that I can see for it unless it's to defend our country.
You hang in there girlfriend. I am so thinking of you and your lovely family.
I loved hearing about your Mom and Dad too. What a life you have lead.
Hugs Friend,
Gloria, what a beautiful post. I pray for all those families today and their memories are not full of pain. I know you and your family are facing an adjustment in the next few weeks, I don't know how hard it's going to be, I've never faced it personally. Just know I'm thinking about you and love ya darling hugs ~lynne~
Oh my dear friend Gloria. What a heart warming post. I too hate War. Although the only one I know in our family who served was My Grandfather. He lived to talk about it. Oh and my step Dad was in vietnam as well. It is sad to see the sadness in her eyes...however someday they will be tears of joy and happiness. Big hugs to you and your family Debbie XXX000
Gloria, BEAUTIFUL post!!! YOu asked where I store the BIG GUY...he resides in a large walk in closet in our guest room . I am fortunate to have that closet available as I would not want to store him in the basement. Thanks so much for coming by my blog, I so appreciate it!!! XO, Pinky
Godspeed to Jacob -- may he be safe and sound, and your wait for his return home not be too long of a trial for the family. And God bless for your father for his services to our country and us. He must have been a great man.
Hi Dear Gloria! What a wonderful post. I too will be praying for Jacob and your family! My heart is aching for Dawna and that look on her face.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
They are amazing men. Thank you for sharing the story Gloria. I'm praying for safety.
I'm so glad you got the card and liked it. I hope all is well on your mountain. ~Melissa :)
What a wonderful tribute. I must be a little slow since I just realized you have two blogs. Now I'm following both. Have a wonderful day!
Oh Gloria, I't's got to be hard to have a love one go to war. My Dad and Uncles were in War too, but what struck me with fear is when my brother had to go during the Vietnam war... thank God he was station In Alaska. I remember praying because I wanted it to end knowing my other brother was very close in going to... he was drafted but it all ended soon after. Thank God!
Hey Girl, Vanna commented on my recent post, but I can't get to her without knowing her email address. Your right just about everybody is gone. I miss them too Gloria. It was so good hearing from you.... thanks so much for dropping by!
Sending Warm Hugs your way*
Hi Sweet Sis...
Just wanted to stop by to say hello, Darlin'! Just read your sweet note...so happy to hear from you! I haven't been to the computer much these past few days...still puttering around with my Christmas decor but you know how I enjoy doing that! Last night I was decorating my new pretties that you gave me! I added some faux snow and silver ornaments to the glass! They're sooo pretty...I love them! Thank you again, my sweet friend!!!
Ohh my...I really can't imagine what it would be like to have experienced life in our great country during WWII! My Grandpa also fought on the beaches of Normandy...he was in the Navy. I have listened to all the stories that my mama and grandparent's told. Everyone sacraficed for that war! I am praying for your Jacob, Sis! I know that the Lord is watching out for him!!! I just got to talk to my grandson Bud a couple of nights ago. He is doing well with his studies in the Air Force. He said that after his schooling, he will be stationed in Arkansas. He is so young...just turned 18 yrs old...4 mos. ago. I just pray all the time for him!!!
Well sweet Sis, I am sending lots of love and prayers your way as well! I'm so sorry that you are heavy hearted...just turn it over to the Lord...let him carry those burdens, Sis!!! I know that He has heard your prayers!!! I love ya, Sis!!!
I know how scared you must be to have him leave. He looks so young...but strong. The war was a bit before my time, but I certainly heard my parents speak of those days. I think many today wouldn't be so willing to sacrifice as those who lived through those times.
I will keep your grandson and your family in my prayers. I hate war too.
A bittersweet post, brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry you are so down this Christmas season, I can understand though and I'll be praying for you and your family.
God bless,
Gloria... :) there is so much I want to say..and there just is not words to express what I feel. You and I have talked about war and the tradgedy is brings. I never did see that it solved anything but our young men give their lives to serving...and we MUST be there for them. I will pray your boy returns home safely...
Many hugs to you my dear friend!
Thank you for this beautiful and timely post. I was just at Normandy in November. It was heartbreaking and I was thinking about our young men now in harm's way. I am praying for your family that they will be reunited safely and soon.
Oh, I still have my ration book.
I also did a post on Dec. 7th..it seems we remember a lot of the same things.
Hard hard times...
I wanted to pass on by....I really did....because I knew this one would have me crying....and it did. I HATE WAR too! And like so many, have lost people I loved to it. I pray for your Jacob and all of our servicemen and women. May God keep them all safe. I "feel" you on this one girlfriend....I really do. Vanna
I've been missing you Gloria as I haven't been around blogland much lately either. My dad was born on Dec. 7th. and one of my mom's uncles was on one of the ship's in Pearl Harbor. He survived but I believe he was knocked into the water by an explosion. We'll keep Jacob in our prayers along with all our service men and women at war. I know it's hard to keep your chin up at a time like this but their is always faith and hope. Hang in there sweet friend!
Oh Gloria, my heart is breaking for you and for your daughter and her daughter-in-law. Sending a huge thanks and many prayers for your grandson. Your memories of your mother, your father, and your aunt tugged at my heart and brought back vivid memories of my husband being in Viet Nam and the fears I faced. This was such a touching post. laurie
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