WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
I Have always loved the "Smiley Face" since it was created in 1964 by Harvey Ball... He created this to promote Friendship, Peace and Happiness... In 1970 I ordered a roll of 10,000. Smiley stickers for my Business and with each invoice I send out I would put a Smiley sticker on it and and under neath would sign it "Hugs and Smiles," Gloria this was my way of passing on the Friendship, Peace and Happiness to my customers...

Now I would love to pass this Friendship award to all my great friends I have made in blogland so we can keep this sign going.. We all can use Friendship, Peace and Happiness in our lives...now you also know why I sign everything "Hugs and Smiles" Please take this and pass it on to someone who also need a Smile in their lives...
Hope all of you have a great day and remember to smile...
Hugs and smiles Gloria
How cute...I'll snatch that thank you very much...and pass it along.
Thanks for stopping by today
That is so sweet of you Gloria... I love Mr. & Mrs. Smileys too... If you notice I use them a lot in my post... There is just something about them... Have a great day and thanks for your fun award you have given us... Love Ya
Oh thanks so much, Gloria! I needed a hug and a smile!...Debbie
Thanks Gloria, i'll just drag that home with me.
Hi Gloria, What a sweet thing to do! Cute award, too! I'll gladly take the award, because I treasure our dear friendship! So glad you joined blogland, you are such a welcomed asset! ...always encouraging and spreading cheer! :) ~Hugs, Rhonda
Hi sweet G! I want to say thank you for the hugs and smiles you leave for me everyday, I truely adore you Gloria!!! Hope you are having a fab day! love ya bunches!! xoxox
Awww! Thank you Gloria!
Yep, you are my friend. :)
I'm posting this right now.
What a cutie - and I can just imagine you sticking that on orders and signing "hugs and smiles"
Hugs & Smiles to you too, Sweet Lady! ♥ Diane
Aww Gloria I always LOVE a hug and a smile from you best!! *winks* I'll proudly take lil smiley with me! I always loved him too! Vanna
Aww Gloria I always LOVE a hug and a smile from you best!! *winks* I'll proudly take lil smiley with me! I always loved him too! Vanna
Nothing better than a million smiles! No one likes a grumpy gus!
Smiles right back at ya!
My Dearest Gloria....
Girlfriend, you are a smile and a hug just waitng to happen...everywhere you go...everyone you talk to...any which way...you darlin' are just a big ol' hug and a smile!!! I knew that about you when we first met on RMS! Your sweet spirit just reaches through this ol' black & white type...and is always felt!!! I love you honey!!!
PS...by the way, I'd be honored to pass your smiley along and will be doing so!!!
Gloria this is so nice of you! I'll pick this up and pass it along for sure! Wonderful post, as always!
how cool! you would like my friend's bathroom...she is such a smiley face freak that she did an entire room with them! she also had her car painted and wears them all over...
she also has a rubber ducky thing..that we will not discuss.
again..thanks...I am not feeling good and this made me smile...
Thanks!! I'll take it and put it on my sidebar. What a great reminder of the 1970s. We have some old plastic glasses with the smiley face on them - I would have thrown them away a long time ago, but my kids always pick them out to use when they are home. Reminds them of their childhood. After I'm gone, I can see them fighting over them instead of some great dishes (like the Pickard punch bowl)!!! Take care, Sally
I don't have a blog but I'm taking Smiley with me too. Thanks.
What a sweet thing to do QG! I love your award! I remember when "smiley faces" became so popular. I had a long necklace and the whole thing was gold itty bitty smiley faces. I wore it with a body suit (member those), a mini skirt and Go-Go boots! Man I thought I was styling! LOL :-)
Thank-you my good friend! It's mine!! lol I love the smiley face!!
Hugs, Terrie
Gloria, this is just so like you to be passing around hugs and smiles! I love it. Thank you! laurie
I think that's so cool that you did that in your business...and you're right..everyone can use a nice smile!
Awwww Gloria...how sweet of you to send me a hug & a smile all wrapped up in an award...I'll take it right home with me...Big hugs & smiles back at you! ;-) Bo
Thanks Gloria! I could always use a smile and happiness! I'll definitely be sharing this! ~ Robyn
Hi Gloria! I'm smiling!☺ Thank you very much! Deb
Happy, what sweet memories I have of those original smiley faces. I'm sooooo glad to see they are back. When I was about in 9th grade, we sold magazines for prizes. Mine was a big chalkware smiley face that hung on my bedroom wall for years. I wonder where that thing is now??? That's the bad thing about reminiscing, I start to want to find all my old stuff! Ha.
What a wonderful idea.. I did not know the history behind the smiley face..so I got a history lesson, a hug and a smile...thanks from my heart..hugs ~lynne~
Gloria~ everytime I come here I smile. This is a darling award and will wear it on my blog proudly! Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my new headboard...I am really so happy with it.
Big Hugs~ J
Aw, how could you not love that sweet smiley face!!!!
Justine :o )
Oh you little sweet toot...I will gladly take that beauty home with me...huh?...what you mean it's just for friends...I thought we was friends...oh..it's all been a lie! lol lol I'm taking him anyway!
Thank you, thank you for the hug and smile! I will attempt to take this with me BUT I'm still trying to get music on my poor little blog, we'll see.
Good Morning Mom,
I love You and thanks for the smile I needed it im at work see u soon love you ,Dawna
Dawna...Baby girl I am so happy to hear from you..you are the light of my life..and see you soon YAHOO!! have a great day..Hugs and smiles Mom..
Morning, Sweet Gloriness! Oh, thank you so much for the smiley! That little round yellow head has always made me smile! You're the bestest!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
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