WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Hey guys...Sorry I have been MIA this last couple of days....But this was also my Family every thing Sunday..which started on Saturday, My Daughter's Gina and Barbra and family came then...so we had Christmas and Dinner until 2 am...got up at 5am to start all over again..with cooking, and waiting for my Grandson Jacob who is 21 to come with his Mom ,daughter Dawna and her family...and my grand daughter Candace and her life's love and husband Branden..

You see Jacob is going into the Army..and we wanted to have a send off for him..and what a day it was...We had a Birthday party for my son-in-law, Christmas party , going away party , and a proposal all in one day...tell me I wasn't tired..and my house we won't even talk about how you can eat off my floors right now..grab a fork girls whatever you want to eat is on them !!!!

Isn't this Banner the coolest thing...says it all...We will miss you Jacob....

The Big will you marry me Morgan ??? I just thought this was the coolest thing of Jacob to do right in my dining room...life does go on.. oops sorry Morgan I didn't get your head...what a great surprise that was as no one knew he was going to do this !!!I can so remember this little guy on his knees playing with toys in that dining room and now he is going into the Army and asking Morgan to marry him..or the memories I have when my family gets together...

The Happy couple...see Morgan Granny girl got your head in this shot...they will be getting married this Tuesday in city hall and not a day to soon..as you can tell Morgan is also pregnant...this baby is due in May...so I will have another Great Granddaughter..that will be named Olivia Gloria..Grandson also knows I am a sucker if he named the baby after me..there will always be lots of cookies and candy waiting for it at great granny house..oh and lets not forget birthdays and Christmas...way to go Jacob...your Mama didn't raise a fool...

This is the proud Mom and Grandma to be..my Daughter Dawna and her son Jacob...and of course my Dawna's baby Missy...this dog has paws but never use them to walk...as Dawna carry her all the time..told her she could sell this Dog and advertise it as "feet never used" The first picture is of Molly her other dog...we call them M&M .....and if you invite Dawna its a given that M&M will be there also...she won't leave home without her fur babies...
Now my new Great Grand daughter Kyra Shea...is in Children Hospital in Dallas, Texas...she will be having her surgery this morning some time..her proud Mom and Dad are staying at Ronald Mc Donald house and will probably be there a month while Kyra is recovering...all her vitals sound real good and Doctor said it will be a piece of cake for her..they will go into her side to do the surgery so they don't have to cut through the breast bone...never heard of this...I am so proud of my daughters and my grand kids...they all grew up to be so strong and really loving and caring people...and I pray that I also had just a little something to do with that..I know my heart was about to bust with all the pride I felted looking at them this past 2 days and how my grandson Josh is handling all he has to with his new daughter and being so strong and trying to comfort me...I can fly air planes, bungee jump, run my own business and take on the world if I have to...but when it comes to my kids and their family I just fall apart..when they hurt, I hurt and my heart just breaks every time one of them have a problem...and there is not one day in my life that I don't ask God to take care of them and thank him for giving them to me to love !!!!
Hope all of you have a safe and blessed day...I know I am very blessed...
Hugs and smiles Gloria
Congratulations Jacob and Morgan!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to the good looking couple!
I'll keep Kyra in my thoughts and prayers in the next few days.
Merry Christmas,
I hope all goes well with the surgery, wedding, and the dog who doesn't know how to use his feet! I love the ad you said she could place about him, what a hoot! What a glorious day to spend with your family! We had our "Thanksgiving" turkey yesterday for dinner so Christmas dinner will be a very light affair. Yay, that means a day off for me!!
Good morning Ms. Gloria! The photos and good news have started my day on a positive note! Stay strong, as I know you will.
Good Grief Girl, you have had a week bundled up in a week end. Congrats to Jacob on the engagement, God Bless him while he is in training to learn how to protect our country. He will be in my prayers. And also for little Kyra and her parents. Isn't the Ronald House wonderful, we have a huge one here too. Weel, get some rest.
Love ya,
Good Grief Girl, you have had a week bundled up in a week end. Congrats to Jacob on the engagement, God Bless him while he is in training to learn how to protect our country. He will be in my prayers. And also for little Kyra and her parents. Isn't the Ronald House wonderful, we have a huge one here too. Weel, get some rest.
Love ya,
I came to wish you and yours a Very Merry Christmas! Your family is in my prayers. Congrats to Jacob and Morgan!!
Hugs, Terrie
Oh sweetie you are such a dear sweet soul, to your family and to us here in blogland! God Bless Jacob as he leaves abroad, God Bless his new baby and wife. And God Bless Kyra and her surgery, I know she will be just fine Gloria! I hope your Christmas is the best ever sweet G!! I love ya!! xoxoxo
Gloria thank you for sharing your family with us! I can hear the happiness and joy being with your family!
Thanks g for sharing such a personal post with us, your fans ! I hope all goes well with both babies! May you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.xoxoxox vickydarnell
I came by to wish you a very Merry Christmas Gloria!
Best of everything in 2009!
Gloria, WOW !!! You had a very full "everything" day w/k girl. I'm so glad that baby Kyra is going to be ok. Any word yet? I'm just now getting around to visiting..so slap me silly girl. I should have been here first thing. Your family is wonderful.. thanks so much for sharing.
Happy Holidays!
Hugs ~lynne~
Wow Gloria! You've got a lot going on in your family! You have a right to be proud of them. Isn't it wonderful to see all the hard work you poured into them paying off? And I am so happy that little Kyra will be fine! And a great grandmother again? Life is very full, isn't it? Have a wonderful Christmas, my dear friend!...hugs...Debbie
They did a vertical incision on my DH and my brother with their open heart surgeries.
It may have to do with age and the development yet to come. Susan's incision was around her side and she was only ten at the time. They may not want to disturb the sternum to forestall any future problems with chest development.
God bless you and your family! What a weekend you have had. Prayers and best wishes to precious Kyra, and thanks and prayers to your wonderful Jacob for serving our country. Best wishes and congratulations to Miss Morgan on the wonderful life changes she is about to embark on. Whew, you have got alot on your plate girl, hugs and prayers to you too! Kathy
Gloria... Wow girfriend sounds like you had a BUSY weekend... Congratulations to the newly engaged almost married couple... How sweet are they... Josh & Morngan this is the beginning of a great adventure... And little Kyra... My thoughts and prayers are with her... My little grandson was in the hospital the first four months of his life at All Childrens in St. Pete, Florida... The staff & doctors there were marvelous and the Ronald McDonald house there couldn't do enough for them... they lived about 40 miles from the hospital but my daughter stayed down there quite a bit... So I know that she is in very good hands of the hospital & our Lord...
Hope you had a restful day... Love Ya
I'm still praying for the baby; and hope the surgery goes well. May you all have a Merry Christmas. Sally
Such wonderfulnew of Jacob and Morgan and all in front of the family! How sweet! Prayers are going up for little Kyra! Have a Merry Christmas!
Gloria would you believe as a kid I played in big appliance boxes too!!! Isn't that funny, but I'll betcha 98% of the people here did the same thing! We used to have huge snowstorms as a kid and we would make forts in the snow drifts right in the streets, I don't think they even plowed the streets back then! LOL! So many fun times, kids don't have fun like we did, do they! I'll talk to ya tomorrow sweetie, have a good night! xoxoxo
Gloria! What a gorgeous family you have. Your grandkids and your kids... all of them gorgeous! Wish you would have posted even more pictures.
How excited that there was a proposal right there in your dining room. Just one more special memory for you to hold on to. But, let me ask, without being rude. How old are you? I don't think I've ever seen a picture of you, but from talking to you, I can't imagine you're all that old... and you with great-grandbabies!!!
I will be praying for Kyra as I lay in bed tonight, and I've been thinking of you and yours all throughout the day. I do hope the surgery was a success and that Kyra will blossom into a healthy little baby! Ronald McDonald house has been such a blessing for my sister, Jill, and I'm sure your granddaughter will see just what a wonderful place it is to be when you're going through such a traumatic time.
Justine :o )
Hi Gloria...isn't Blogland wonderful...you can share so much with all of us who want to wish your babies all the best! ;-) Bo
Oh Gloria your cup must be runnething over in a HUGE way!! A family Christmas, a proposal in your dining room, a new great grandbaby on the way! Please share my congratulations with Jacob and Morgan both for their marriage and new baby! And girlfriend when you made the comment "told her she could sell this Dog and advertise it as "feet never used" I ROTFALMAO!! And that Dawna never going anywhere without her M&M's! How funny!! You always crack me up girlfriend!! And of course little Kyra is in my thoughts and prayers. Vanna
What a wonderful family get-together, Gloria. You've been on my mind, and I was relieved to read the update about your GGbaby.
Hi Gloria,
You have been very busy my friend! So glad you had such a wonderful time!
You have a beautiful family. :)
That's great news about Kyra and Congrats to your Grandson.
Hope you have great evening.
~Melissa :)
Hi Gloria! You have a lovely family. Looks like you all had a great time! Congratulations to Jacob and Morgan on their marriage and his decision to go into the Army. Praying for Kyra Shea. Take care and Merry Christmas to you all.
Congrats to the new engaged couple and their impending parenthood. And I'm so glad to hear the baby is doing so well and the prognosis is good!
Oh girl...what a great family gathering! You are the same as me when it comes to our kids...I can't bear to see them hurt for any reason...So glad for that good report on that precious great grand daughter...it's a good day sis! Take care and Merry Christmas to you & yours sis! ♥
You may get 2 comments from me here...don't know what happened to the other one.
Congratulations on the engagement and the good report on the great grand daughter...this was a wonderful post about your sweet family.
Merry Christmas, bj
Gloria, I'm glad you enjoyed the tablescape. Bailey had a great time helping..That little guy always amazes me. You know what joy he gives us. How is baby Kyra? I pray you have good news..I'm off to do some "last" minute shopping. I hope all is well on the mountain. From our home to yours
Merry Christmas.. hugs ~lynne~
Thinking about the precious new one this morning .........
Morning, Dear One! Oh, congratulations to your grandson and his pretty wife to be!! I'm praying your little precious grandbaby's surgery went well and she will recover swiftly! You have a pretty daughter and I love the story of the M&Ms!
Thank you for the confirmation on my new floors. Yes, it's a booger to remodel isn't it? No, I don't go to RMS really anymore! I go visit Mom/Linda sometimes and that's about all. I've left some of my spaces up - don't know why though. All my friends have come over to Blogland! This is so much more fun, don't you think!
Merry Christmas, Glenda!
Love ya and be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Gloria~ what a lovely time you had! You can just feel the love when you write about your family. Keeping you & little Kyra in my prayers. Merry Christmas dear heart!
Hugs~ J
Oh Gloria, what a wonderful celebration you had! So many milestones in life occurring in your beautiful home. Oh No! Another Gloria coming! Is there room for another Gloria in this world? If she shares her grandmother's talents and beauty as well as her name, there is certainly room for one more! Praying that the new great grandbaby is doing well. Have a wonderful Christmas. Love ya, laurie
Just popping in to say a big hello and a Very Merry Christmas my friend..I hope you've had one of the best Christmas ever.
hugs ~lynne~
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