WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Well gals here we are already with another PINK Saturday....WOW!! the time is going so fast...if you would like to see more Pinkness please pay our Hostess Beverly
http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/ a visit and see all the PINK Ladies today...

Now this is just another thing my Mama had that made from wood...My Mama gave this to me about 15 years ago..she just sits on top of my antique wine cabinet..just love the little bunnies she is holding...next to her are 2 of my antique photos albums and you can see the Victorian lady in what Else but PINK....this is in my bedroom...

How about a PINK Parasols ...this also just hangs in my bedroom...

Now this is my Baby hat that my Grand mother made me at one time I had the mittens to it but...when I was robbed in 2001 they were in a box of stuff that was taken along with allot of others things from my Barn...Oh well that's another story...but to have at least the hat after all these years...I know you are trying to see whats in that display case aren't you ...well those little boxes you see our Stetson and Dobbs hat boxes and have the little hats in them...they were gift cards from years ago... I should do a post about them as they are the cutest things....huh maybe I do have something to do a Monday post about now !! any hoo please visit all the PINK Ladies today...

Hope all of you have a Safe and blessed PINK day...
Gloria, Happy Pink Saturday. Girl..you do have some mighty fine things.. I love the girl with the bunnies..it is just darling..That parasol is just gorgeous..and don't I see a beautiful doll on the floor? Hint..hint.... have a great Pink Saturday...hugs ~lynne~
p.s. I'm sorry your monitor went out..here it's the camera, the laptop, fridge, trash compactor, and one of the phones, the light at the end of the barn 3 shop lights....ummmm I'm thinking we have a bug that needs to go away...
Hi Happy!!!! Girl, if I had a relative that worked at the Dollar Tree I could visit and shop all at once. It's always exciting to see what new thing has come in. Love your pink posts, your home is amazing. I was touched by the story of your doll. I'm glad you still have a part of it to remind you of your Grandmother's love.
Hi Gloria, thanks for your visit. I'm getting ready to go to the Dollar Tree, only been wanting to get there for 2 weeks. My party is over now and I already have my outfit for tonight's party, so I'm going to do something for me today. Come go with me.
I am going to wrap a pink knit scarf around my neck today - we had 2-3 inches of snow last night. I am certain our mountain must have received over three feet. It opens tomorrow officially for the skiers. My daughter and grandchildren will be there for sure. I did find the purple ribbon for the sidebar of my blog, but had to settle for saving it as a picture and inserting it that way into my post. For some reason I am having problems inserting any kind of "code" into my blogs. I'll keep on plugging away at it! Thank you for the kind words dear Gloria.
Mornin G!! Girl you got me rolling on the floor this morning!! I know what you mean girl, it usually happens when I'm shopping with friend Carol, I am soooo picky about where I eat and pee!!! I have walked into a restaurant before and didn't like the way it looked or smelled and walked right out! And a dirty bathroom, no way, I gotta be busting before I'll go into a yukky bathroom, and I always put tons of toiletpaper or paper towels on the seat!! I'm sorry about your monitor and pictures! I've had this computer going on 3 years and no problems yet, knock on wood! I'm heading out to do some shopping today, antique co-op, hope I find something GOOD!! Have a good one sweetie!! xoxoxo
I see you like the Victorian look....me toooo. There is just something about it I love.....I have a coat that my grandmother won at a raffle when I was a little girl....I should dig it out. I have it somewhere. If I remember right it was pink.....
I think I will be painting the vanity a cream color.....I have Pink glass knobs I want to put on it...we'll see. I just go with the flow when I get started on something.
Happy PS...
Mo :-)
How cute that you still have your baby hat! How precious is that!!!!!!!! I enjoyed all your other pinkies and I hope you are enjoying your Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn
happy pink saturday!
She is a beauty and I can't believe you still ahve that hat! Sorry about the robbery, that must have been emotionally devastating if not financially so. I laughed at your comment you left me about needle threaders. I can't use them either, they FRUSTRATE ME! And forget about stitching with a magnifying glass in front of my face hanging from my neck!! I actually bought a sewing machine that is self-threading last year but hadn't used it until the past couple of weeks. I loved my 30-year-old one but it has to go to the shop for a repair so I pulled out the other one. This new one is nice so I may give the other to my daughter. We'll see how expensive the repair is! Thanks for stopping by. Cindy
Hello girlfriend... Love the pink post today... You always have such great stuff to show us... and being into antiques I always love lurking... Have a beautiful Sunday...
Gloria,is that little girl round or flat or what?She is soooooooo pretty..But it's hard to tell.You have such awesome treasures,and you'll never run out of pink,will you?Ann
Oh my gosh...I could walk to Via Suzanna...it's right by me...we moved in our home in 1975 to Via Alamitos....I bet your DH knows where it is....What kind of shop did you have in Hayward???....we lived in Hayward on East Ave in the Hills before we bought our home in San Lorenzo....WOW!!
Mo :-)
Girl...I had no idea that Fed Ex made deliveries today...what a wonderful surprise :-) .... I'll be writing more in a bit...You should see what came.... hugs and hugs and hugs..love ya ~lynne~
Hi Gloria..I must tell you how much I enjoyed your Pink Saturday items.....loved the pink parasol, and the little pink hat is adorable. Thank you for sharing. Kathleen
Hi Gloria, I must tell you how much I enjoyed your pink Saturdays items. Love the pink parasol...like who in their right mind wouldn't want that? And I adore the little pink hat. Thanks for sharing, Kathleen
GA Gloria!
Great post! Could you show more pictures of the gorgeous wooden girl? I'd like to see a side view. How old is she???
It rained last night but it's sunny & windy today. How's your weather? Think it will be ok for your swap meet tomorrow? ♥
Hello, I'll be back soon to check this out.
Busy evening coming up. :)
Gifts from mama become more precious over time. Happy Pink Saturday!
Hope you're having a wonderful Saturday!
Hi Gloria! I hope you had a great Pink Saturday! Love all your pretty pinks especially the pink doll with the bunnies. She is precious!..Christine
Glad you were at least left with the bonnet. They do say half a loaf is better than none. So sorry some low life took your precious mittens.
Susan had a set that Mother crocheted for her, but instead of mittens her set included booties.
The Victorian lady given to you by your mother facinates me. Please show it again on another post. The pink parasol is elegant. Your post is lovely.
That pink parasol is so pretty. I have been looking for one but can't find one anywhere. Love the little pink doll your mother gave you.
A lovely Pink Saturday. I adore that sweet baby hat and the way it's draped. It looks so enchanting. Come get your dish addict award!
Hey Gloria,
Thanks for stopping by and giving me some tips on how to put my awards on my side bar. I appreciate your input - I am such a newbie at all of this! :)
You always have such beautiful things to show. Thanks for sharing them with us!
Have a great day,
Happy Pink Saturday, Gloria. As you can see, I am still visiting on Sunday.
I am so glad that you still have your hat. What a precious treasure.
Oh Gloria, I'm so sorry someone robbed you of probably a lot of treasures...Luckily the little hat wasn't among them...what a great memory you still have in it. ;-) Bo
Hi G,
You were robbed! Oh boy...
Sorry to hear that.
The hat is so adorable. That's great the you have it still.
I have passed the Christmas Spirit award on to you! Come check it out when you have time.
~Melissa :)
Oh I just love the hat and the parasol! Almost reminds you of sweeter and gentler times in our world. Have a great Sunday G! :-)
Good morning sweetie, Right now I'm making popcorn..imagine that? lol And it's 60 but by morning it's suppose to be 9 above.. with snow and ice.. YUCK!! And I have to work tomorrow..I'm glad you stayed home and out of the cold..You don't have time to get sick sweetie.. I can't wait to see the pics of you making fudge.. Candace darling.. back off..Your Granny and I are having a ball doing this blogging thing..lol..Candace thanks for helping Gloria prepare for next week..makes me feel better knowing she has a bit of help and won't get herself down..so hugs to you girl.. The two B's are great.. one is watching a movie and one is playing a game..lol.I'm off to take a few more pictures....lol.. have a super day my friend..
hugs ~lynne~
Gloria! You gave up men, money and rock n roll!! Damn woman that ain't good!! LOLOL!! Sounds like you had a great day with Candace, I'm looking forward to those kinds of days too! Amelia was a bit outta control getting her pictures taken Friday, the terrible twos have struck the baby and shes just 18 months old! LOL! We have so much to look forward too LOL!
I went grocery shopping now I got tons of laundry to do, the husband has got me on the brink of a breakdown, he has filled the basement with his fleamarket workclothes and I can barely find the washer!! HELP!!!! xoxoxoxo
Hi Gloria, your painted wooden little girl from your mom is so sweet and that much more special I'm sure in that it's from a loved one. And that baby hat - just too sweet.
Mornin Gloria! Girl I am so jealous you got snow! I bet its gorgeous up there in the mountains! Stay warm and cozy in your old red robe today, don't try venturing out or you'll slip and fall and then Len will have to scoop you up, then he'll fall and you'll both be in the hospital with broken bones and you'll miss the big boys arrival, WHEW!!! Stay in G!!!! LOL!!! xoxoxo
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