WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Hello Girls, Well I sure hope all of you had a great and wonderful Christmas.... Mine was just Super !!!! Well here we are with the last PINK Saturday of 2008... Now all of us PINK gals need to Thank Beverly at How Sweet the sound for being the great PINK hostess she is...
http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/ Please go visit her and see all the PINK gals this week...Even our very own Gollum is joining us this week....

Now girls every one that knows me knows my love of Yorkie babies...Now Gollum told me 2 weeks ago I should get another one...at one time I had 5 of these babies running around my house..I was in Yorkie heaven...well this little girl is Sassy...with her hot PINK bow...My Len got me this for Christmas...she just lay there and takes a nap, never eats, or Potty's in the house, she does breathe with 2 D-cell batteries...is this not the cutest thing?? this is as closer as I will get to having another real one for awhile...being trying to find a breeder in my area...so until then I got fake Sassy...

Now you See that Basket up on the left...My daughter Dawna Packed all this stuff in that small basket for me and of course in my Favorite color PINK....I got new Jammie's, slippers, Robe and foo foo to take a bath with and even a box of Truffles to eat while I am soaking...OH and look girls Sassy is still asleep... Good Puppy !!! (now this does not mean I am giving up my old RED robe girls I just broke it in ).

Here I am in PINK !!! I wear allot of this color...Oh and be sure and Check out Len's Old 1928 Chrysler...that just one of many old cars he has...I collect dishes and he collects Cars....I have more dishes than he got cars..but tell him his collection cost more than mine...so I can have more he he !!!

This is a Berry Bowl R.S. Prussia and cup and saucer and just some of my PINK Depression glass..
Now Kyra Shea had her Heart Surgery Wednesday Morning at Children Hospital in Dallas, Texas....she is doing very well...but Doctors are keeping her very sedated for the first week and she is on live support...but it all looks great right now !!! She is now a week old..and I guess they did all of this surgery through her side...just amazing what Doctors can do...with hands that perform miracles...When I got that call on Christmas eve I wanted to run out and kiss a Doctor after that !!! Gollum kiss yours for me....
Hope all of you have a safe and blessed day....I know God sure has blessed me and my little family...
Hugs and smiles Gloria
Glad to hear Kyra's surgery went well! She's been in my prayers and will continue to be. Enjoyed your pink post! :-) Susan
Hi Gloria! Ok, you got me! I thought Sassy was a real puppy! Dawna bought some fantastic goodies for you. I'm so happy to hear Kyra's surgery was successful. Great post! ♥ Diane
I am happy to hear they Kyra (what an adorable name) is doing well, it is a miracle what they can do these days....Your little Sassy is precious! I can't believe she's not real! You made the motherlode with your gifts! ~ Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn
I was about to go to bed, and when I read your message, I ran over. Your Sassy is adorable. But for a minute, I swear I thought she was real! LOL I had to look real close, and even then, I wasn't 100%sure. :-)
Your pink pretties are so soft and pretty--love your depression glass, and LOVE your picture.
I'm so relieved to hear about Kyra. And I will kiss Dr. G and tell him it's from you.
GM Gloria, Well, ya fooled me, I thought Sassy was a real puppy. Loved all your pink things too. I still have Kyra in my prayers. I have been so worried about her, thank you for the update.
Love Ya,
Love your new pink robe. You need to start breaking it in, so when it comes time for "ole red" to retire, Miss pink will be ready to assume it's proper place in your wardrobe.
This is absolutely wonderful news about Kyra. She remains in my thoughts and prayers.
Well I thought Sassy was real until I read the post. WOW!!
Glad to hear Kyra is doing well.
Happy PS
Gloria~ you are a fabulous RED head all dressed in PINK! You are just too cute!
I'm so happy to hear good news about Kyra Shea~ we have so many reasons to feel blessed right now don't we?
Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!
Big hugs~ J
You got me g ! I was thinking it is a full grown dog and is missing it's old home that is why it is not eating ect. That is the cutest thing ever. Glad you had a wonderful christmas full of christmas love...vickydarnell
Oh Gloria, I have been praying for little Kyra, and I am so glad to hear good news about her. You look so good in pink. You really should wear your new pink robe. Are you waiting for your red one to turn pink from washing it so much? love ya, laurie
Hi Gloria...you look like a little doll all decked out in your pinks...right down to your flip-flops. That "Sassy" is just too precious & does look soooo real...
What a Christmas gift from the doctors...taking such great care of Kyra... Happy New Year, ;-) Bo
What wonderful news about Kyra. It is amazing what doctors can do, and it is amazing how much strength such a wee person can have! Love that little pup, I cannot believe she's not real. But at least housebreaking is going to be a snap with her lol. Will be keeping little Kyra in our prayers, hugs, Kathy
I am sooooooo happy to hear that Kyra is doing well! God bless that little baby!
Wow, look at you looking all pink and hot! That is such a cute outfit!
And OMG, I thought Sassy was REAL!
Justine :o )
Well this is just about the best post ever!! I am SO relieved to hear about Kyra! Been thinking of you and yours and this is such a relief!
I can't believe your new found pup lives on batteries! She looks so real! Loooooove all your new jammies...your daughter is a real sweatheart!! L~
Looks like you had a very pink Christmas...Love your pink bowl & depression glass!
Happy New Year!
Good Morning Gloria! I am so happy to hear about Kyra. Maybe she'll be at home soon. She sounds like she's got a lot of her great-grandma's fighting spirit! I love all of your pink goodies, especially that Depression glass. I've got a few pieces that my mom gave me. And...girl...you had me fooled with Sassy! She looks real! Happy Pink Saturday!...Debbie
Good morning my friend, Happy Pink Saturday!! I'm so glad to hear baby Kyra is doing well..continued prayers for her and her family as well as you. Girl.. you hit the jackpot with all that pink. I'm wondering are you going to model it for us? You look fab in pink my dear..I'll have to show Dh the car you know that's going to be more to his liking than our love of dishes..lol. Sassy is just adorable..what a lovely gift..and no housebreaking..Len did well huh? I think all of your pink depression glass would go quite well with my bowl..:-)
Have a super Pink Saturday my friend, I miss you too...
hugs ~lynne~
OOPS !!!! I forgot after writing the small book.. I love your new blog dress... great minds think alike..lol.. Glad to see the lady of light taking center stage..love the new picture... hugs ~lynne~
You mean to tell me there's a dog that doesn't p**p on the carpet, eat and just lies around, sweet chick?!?!?! This is something Love Bunny needs to hear about! I think he'd go for one of those!
What a cutie you are in pink and that Chrysler is something Love Bunny would LOVE to see since he's into old cars. 38 buicks are his dream cars though.
Have a fun holiday season and consider yourself smooched, sweetpea,
Connie ;-)
I love your pink clothes. So glad to hear that your new little darling Kyra is doing well. Hope she continues to heal and progress. It is amazing what they can do now surgically and how fast you can heal from it.
I love your pink clothes. So glad to hear that your new little darling Kyra is doing well. Hope she continues to heal and progress. It is amazing what they can do now surgically and how fast you can heal from it.
Your little Sassy is so darn cute...I have seen them in little boutiques and I thought they were real puppies.....I love all your pinks...beautiful Pink post...
Mo :-)
i'm so glad your kyra is doing so well-many prayers to you and yours. beautiful pinks and happy pink saturday and new year!
I have 4 dogs. Great post.
Hi, Gloria, thanks for coming by! Hope you all had a great Christmas, sounds like it was. And have a Happy new Year!
Glad to hear that the surgery went well. You got a bunch of pink. Happy Pink Saturday!
Thanks for the comment, Happy Pink Saturday to ya!!
Thanks for the comment, Happy Pink Saturday to ya!!
Oh my goodness! I thought Sassy was real too. She sure does look real! Thanks for stopping by. Looks like you had a great Christmas too! Love all of your pink. Kristen
I'm so happy to hear about Kyra. What a great Christmas present. I love your glasses. Thanks for all the time you spend giving me hope in my situation. I really enjoy your blog and think a lot about you, your last hubby and later being brave enough to remarry... hugs Nanette
I was in a hurry this morning and did not read the part about the baby. So glad that she is doing well. Keep us posted . vickydarnell
i thought she was real too.even when you said she used batteries to breath,i thought you were kidding because maybe she was so quite.she's doll...Ann
I'm so glad I'm not alone! That darling Sassy looks sooo real!! I had to enlarge the picture and really look! And I'm so glad to hear that little Kyra is doing well. She'll be in my prayers and thoughts till she is all better. Love your Christmas jammies! And girl you are looking pretty darn "sassy" yourself in your pink and black ensemble! *winks* Vanna
Hey Gloria. My username at Micasastyle is Mbkatc230 (I'm not imaginative enough to come up with more than 1 lol). Hope to see you there soon! Hugs, kathy
Hi Gloria,
That is awesome news about the new baby girl! Keep us posted. I've thought of her many times lately.
You look fabulous with all your new pink stuff!
Love your new Sassy dog!
Adorable and so well behaved. That's Kristen's doggies name too. It's a cute name alright! :)
Have a good weekend! ~Melissa :0
oh sweet G it looks like you had a pink Christmas with all your cozy jammies stuff! And surely you could never get rid of the old red robe! So glad to hear baby K came thru surgery, Gods hands at work thru the DR thats for sure! So happy for you all! I just remembered I need to change my music LOL, I hope you enjoy the rest of the holiday sweetie, love ya lots G!! xoxoxo
Great Pink Saturday post, Gloria!
Good to hear baby Kyra came through surgery, okay! Sweet news!
~WOWEEE!~ :0
Love your new photo... darling you are spectacular!!! Thanks so much for looking up the info on the bowl.. looks like everyone is in agreement that it's probably German made. I'm just pleased as punch to be the keeper of it.. How is baby Kyra tonight? I hope she's improving by the minute..and Sassy.. is she being a good puppy? lol... miss ya darling hugs ~lynne~
Hi Gloria!
Look at the all the pretty pink stuff. I love your berry bowl!
I collect dishes too. My husband collects media and technology! I think we are neck and neck. : )
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
:) :) So wonderful to hear of the family's good news! What a true Christmas blessing...I am thrilled to read that all is going well...and to see all the out pouring for her is heart warming!... :) :)
Thanks for visiting my blog...and please feel welcome, any time!
A blessing that little Kyra is doing well, staying strong. I'm keeping her and you in my heart. You look just perfect in front of that car!
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Merry Christmas and Happy Pink Saturday.
Hi Gloria,
You look so cute in your pink outfit...not like a grandmother at all!
I'm so happy for all of you that Kyra's surgery went well!
Hey Girlfriend...
Oooh...love all of your pretty pink gifts and that Sassy girl is really something...she looks soooo real!!!
So very happy and relieved to hear the great news about your precious little Kyra...continued prayers are going her way, my friend!!!
Well Darlin'...speaking about all this pink...I just love your new blogger's photo...you are sooooo pretty in that pink!!!
Love ya,
Hello Gloria, Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Holidays to you! What a beautiful yorkie, I thought it was real. I have wanted a Yorkie for years. I'm afraid my "Molly the Newf" would hurt it so I have to wait till Molly is a senior and slows down. LOL So nice to meet you I love your blog!
Happy New Year, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
Glenda and Vicky...thanks girls for coming by..I alway love it when I see your name pop up..hope you both had a great Christmas..love ya girls hugs and smiles Gloria
Oh, Dear Gloria, I'm so thrilled to hear little Kyra's surgery went well and that she'll recover swiftly!
Now, I thought Sassy was a real little puppy! What a little cutie. Love all of your pinkness and you're just too cute in all your pink clothes! Be the sweetest sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hey you!!!! I put this same background on my blog..great minds do think alike! lol How are you sweetie...I hope you had a beautiful Christmas...I love Sassy...I thought she was real! lol Loved hearing that great report on little Kyra...
I got you card yesterday girl...I saw it was one of those recorded ones like Sue sent me & I was so excited..I thought I was gonna get to hear your voice...you forgot to record in it you little doodlehead! lol lol I love it just the same though you sweet thing you!
Great post girl...I have missed you & all my blogging sisters...I hope to be back in full swing in a few days...we had mama's birthday party last night & tomorrow we are having Maddie's 1st Birthday...and it is also Helen & Terry's anniversary...daddy's 75th Birthday party was the 18th & Jen's was the 12th...and there are 3-4 others throwed in there somewhere..lordy it's a wonder we can even afford to plug the lights up on the tree with all these parties! lol lol Take care sis...I'll catch you later..love ya girl ♥
Hello Gloria
Your right...your hair is gorgeous in you profile photo....you should never play around with perfection.
As for the contest...just you post this week shows an alfull lot of pink...give it a shot and enter.
nothing better on Pink Saturday than an update on a beautiful baby girl! love you mom!
WOW! I thought she was REAL! Soooo cute!
Happy PINK Saturday! ENJOY!
Look at how pretty in pink you are! Such a cutie!
Thanks for stopping by to say hi. I appreciate your concern about Christmas in my new home. Thankfully technology has helped keep me feeling close to my kids. we talked, texted, facebooked each other all day. It was different, but doable!
Hope your Christmas was restful and fun.
Take care my friend!
Look at how pretty in pink you are! Such a cutie!
Thanks for stopping by to say hi. I appreciate your concern about Christmas in my new home. Thankfully technology has helped keep me feeling close to my kids. we talked, texted, facebooked each other all day. It was different, but doable!
Hope your Christmas was restful and fun.
Take care my friend!
Happy Pink Saturday and Happy New Year, Gloria.
Wow! That basket was loaded with wonderful pinks. You are a lucky lady.
That is such good news about Kyra. Thank you for the update.
You are a vision in pink!! :o)
Gloria, your pink post is a delight. I love your pink gifts but the best news is about Kyra. Next is your cute photo in pink!!!
Happy Pink Saturday, Gloria ... you sure got a lot of great pink goodies :o) I just read your full profile and discovered you're in Pioneer, have you lived there long? My dad built a home in Buckhorn when he retired (1979 or so), and lived there until he passed away a dozen years later. My stepmom is still there. Gorgeous area, with just enough snow to look dressed up for winter every now and then. Have a warm and wonderful New Year ... Kyra's in my prayers.
Ok you had me at the word "SASSY". I can't believe she's not real!!!
Glad to have met you. Love your blog. We have a 1928 Model A Ford. A little older than your Chrysler but don't you just love it?
Happy Belated Pink Saturday
Claudie from Canada
Beautiful pink post, happy belated pink Saturday!
Still hoping to see your entry for all your pink stuff.....You could be the queen of even runner up....
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