WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
YES !! you too can do this at home girls!! this my daughter send to me its called a " REDNECK CHRISTMAS TREE " So if you are Crafty girls or just plain Rednecks ...here the steps to make this can can tree...don't know how much Mountain Dew you would have to drink to do this allot I'm guessing !!!
Just a piece of ppc pipe, some steel rods and a glue gun and a drill....

Look how the did they the layers...

I love the liter of Mountain Dew as a tree topper...

And this is the finished tree...now the best part of this tree is it all recyclable...so you have money for the after Christmas Sales...And you know I think it's real pretty all done up...someone has way too much time on their hands...

Dawna, Thanks baby girl for sending me this...Hope this put a smile on your face today girls ...as it did me !!!
hope you all have a safe and blessed day and if you didn't get my "HUGS and SMILES" award take it home with you..its on my sidebar...
Hugs and smiles Gloria
I remember seeing this last year.I actually like it ! I think it is so whimsical and so pretty lit up !
GM Gloria!
Oh, this is a hoot but it's quite pretty with the lights on it! Someone had a wonderful imagination.
How are feeling today???
☺♥☺ Diane
Wow isn't that incredible.... What people think of isn't that funny... A great imagination... Thanks for posting this
I may have already posted this... if so just delete this one... the blogger did something strange so I am not sure...LOL LOL
Yes Gloria,Im smiling and thinking what fun it would have been to have a small on like this a the Christmas party! I think it's a pretty creative. Deb
I saw this a few weeks ago on another blog. I really like the idea. It's kind of pretty.
Hugs, Terrie
You're right, someone has WAY too much time on their hands! It looks pretty though in the picture!
Hi Gloria...Hey, I could make a silver one in no time flat if I saved up all my Diet Coke cans! And good idea about recycling and using the money at the after-Christmas sales!!! Thanks for sharing!...Debbie
good grief! it is pretty tho.
My next door neighbor could make one out of beer cans! lol...but ...that would mean she would have to sober up to do it! lol
who ever did it...sure is creative!
my greenhouse froze up last night girl....all of my houseplants that were in there for the christmas tree and decor to fit in the house are DEAD. Froze solid.
WHEN is something good going to happen for me?
My two huge 8 foot banana trees with the 3-4 foot long leaves...are mushy and black...there is no hope to save them...I hope I can save one or two that were closer to the heater...but I am not hopeful!
Nothing screams Christmas like a tree made from Mountain Dew cans...better yet...Bud cans!
LOL....very funny!
Hey Hey, that's a beauty. now, lets see....Miller Lite for a gold tree....Bud Lite for a blue and silver tree....hummm. There's lots of possibilities here. LOL
Love Ya,
This is so cool...who would have guessed
This is unbelievable with the lights on. I agree, some one has way too much time but a great funny bone. Marty
Hi Gloria...actually this isn't a bad idea and it does look good lighted up...Mine would be gold & red with Caffeine-Free Diet Coke cans... But I don't think I'll be getting around to it anytime soon..
LOL ;-) Bo
This is so funny! I get a kick out of the creativity of people- plus when they take it to recycle they will get a bundle for the alum- at least earlier this year it was a tidy price!!
Hope all is well your way!!
I love this tree! Think we can drink enough sodas before Christmas to make one? lol Oh I want one for my screen in back porch. Love it! Love it! I am gong back to take a better look!
Hey Girlfriend....
Girl, I could make this redneck Christmas tree out of all the mountain dew cans that we have! Russell drinks the stuff like I drink coffee & tea...hehe!!! I really do think it's clever...someone was very creative!!!
How are you doing today, my friend? Hope that you had a lovely weekend...we're freezing here in Colorado! Love ya Darlin'...
haha If this was in Cajun-land, it would be made of beer cans! In my neck of the woods someone can make a complete living off those cans...and probably do. Thanks for the laugh, my dear friend.
Happy, I think I like this!!!! The more I look at it, the more creative it seems...
This is a scream, but it really is pretty when it's lit. I guess if we made one out of beer cans, we would be lit instead of the tree, sorry couldn't resist! Thanks for the grin. Kathy
Oh now this is just WAY cool QG!! Hope you're having a great day! L~
If we start saving cans now, we might have enough by next year. It is a very interesting concept and also very "green". I would love to see it in person. Interesting post, Gloria.
Twizzis my dear friend...thanks for coming by girl!! I got so excited when I seen your name..YAHOO!! love ya and miss you..hugs and smiles Gloria
Well Gloria, about the time I think I've seen it all something like this Mt. Dew tree comes along to prove that I'm wrong! How FUNNY!
I think these are just amazing! Somebody has a much bigger bladder than me though! laurie
The end result is actually beautiful. :) Who would have thunk it....lol. Hope you had a great day!
Hugs~ J
Gloria, this is just incredible. I'm like you I believe someone has too much time on their hands..lol
hugs ~lynne~
Very interesting! A good way to recycle. Thanks for sharing, Gloria!...Christine
Too funny Gloria! I've also seen it done with green beer bottles.
Justine :o )
Gloria this is too dang funny!! Don't ya think it should be beer cans? Ya know kinda official redneck? Hmmm let me see what beer cans are green?....Lol!!*winks* And I think it looks pretty good! Vanna
Oh, whoever drank all the Mountain Dew must have been up for days! It's supposed to have so much caffine! It is quite lovely all lighted up thought! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Wow what an imagination! And it does look pretty all dolled up! Hugs French;)
That is a fantastic, creative idea. OMG...I have to have it. I'm saving pop cans all next year. Thanks bunches...Nanette
Gloria.. thanks for swinging by the table darling..I'm on the search for some tartan plaid..I'm obsessed with finding them. :-)I think I found some on the Macy's sight..a bit out of my price range right now,but man alive I love them..lol We're getting snow today. Accidents every where. I'm glad I'm off and home to enjoy it from the inside out..lol. I'll share some pictures later with you. Stay inside and warm girl..hugs ~lynne~
Holy smokes Gloria! That tree scares me just a little, but what mostly frightens me is that someone actually thought of it LOL
If you add up the cost of all that soda...it's waaaay more than an artificial tree lol. But it sure does look purdy!
Ms. Gloria, you are way too funny. This is a first! A tree that won't die, doesn't need water, is 100% recycleable, won't shed, is green with red and gold! Have a wonderful holiday season.
Hi Happy, Girl, I would LOVE to be snowed in, baking and listening to Christmas music. Today was cool and foggy. Each day we've had totally different weather. I'm glad to be finished shopping, and I've just started baking pecan pies and making pralines. I hope you enjoy every minute of this holiday season, you're such a sweetie.
That is one awesome Christmas tree. Man it's beautiful, and the best part it's all recycleable.
Your blog is very creative and colorful. your creations are extremely attractive. How did you cope with such ideas?.. Let your creations reach beyond our imaginations. meet me at my blog.
Wishing you in advance "A Merry X'Mas and A Happy New Year''
You and Vanna are so cute when you drool!!!
Have you decorated your baptismal for Christmas yet?
Would you every get over to CO way? You know there are a few of us bloggers who would love for you to stay with us- I certainly for 1!! It's a beautiful state!
Hi Gloria, Thanks for your nice compliments! My hubby drinks diet Mt. dew all the time, should have saved the cans!LOL! It's really pretty when it's lit up! Kristen
Totally cool--and good for the environment. Can't beat that!
Huh? I don't think I read that right? Did you say GREAT-grandaughter? Oh my goodness I thought we were about the same age. I'm 43.
You look great!!! :)
Don't worry at all about the award...take your time. I've got at least 4 I've never even posted...yet. I will. I think. SHHH.... :)
Morning Gloria~ is today the day? Your new grandbaby? Wishing you many blessing today and always dear friend.
Hugs~ J
Dear Gloria: The Mountain dew tree is mighty clever. I'm glad i stopped by. I'm new to blogging and want to invite you to my blog to see awesome nativity sets and participate in our giveaway that ends today!Come see us at http://noelle-princeofpeace.blogspot.com. See you there! Noelle
Good morning my friend... I hope all is well on the mountain this a.m. We ended up having 3 1/2" of snow. Guess they're calling for ice tonight into tomorrow..sure hope they are wrong.. I have tons to do before this w/k.. I'm off to get some of those things marked off the ever ending list of things to do...hugs ~lynne~
Hi, Yes, my mouth is still hanging open!
I'm serious....:)
You look AMAZING!!! Congrats are in order. How old is your hubby?
My MIL is 63. I cannot believe you are older than her. That's a compliment to you again. I hope she never reads this. LOL...
Both of parents are 71 and look great. My mom does look much younger as well.
My hubby is only 36 as of last month. Yup, I am officially a cougar and I like it. HEHE! He is wise beyond his years though thank goodness....
Have a good one dear friend. :)
I've seen those before - not live of course - they are a hoot!! I think you summed it up best, someone had to much time on their hands!!
Have a good one!!
Hello my friend...
Hmmm...I really haven't heard from you since you've had that big snow at your place....thought I'd better come over and see if I needed to "dig you out"! Hehe!!! Are you doing okay darlin'? Just missin' ya...lots of warm hugs to keep you warm!!!
Love ya,
ahhh, yes, it DID put a smile on my face ! Awesome!! Like you say, tho...someone sure does have a lot of spare time.... Thanks for sharing this with us!! Really cute.
love, bj
Now if that is not the coolest thing!!
I do not know why, but you do not rotate up on my blog roll and we are both on blogger. Curious.
Well you've been quiet this week! Hope you're just busy with the holidays!
Justine :o )
please stop by and vist me....
her majesty the queen
Oh, thank you, my dear Gloria!! I would love you to come over and dance! I'd join you!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
hey...where are you? I sent you a few photos today...of those busts you are looking for! will be at a hockey function tonight..but will check in on you later!
Hi Gloria!
Thanks for stopping by to say Hi! It's so nice to meet you. The Mountain Dew tree is too funny but I'll take the baptism stand for sure!! LOL What a beautiful thing that is. I guessed right away what it was!
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Holiday hugs, Sherry
That is too funny! It actually looks great all lit up with lights! So funny! I'm hosting a Christmas Cookie Recipe Exchange on my blog...please come by and participate & spread the word. Thanks bunches!
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