I Love antique Clocks... so I thought I would bore every one today with some of mine....Now this is from Ansonia Clock works...Its called a swinger Clock because the Pendulum swings back and forth...the ball at the top is the clock face...Ansonia did a series of these clocks from 1850-1880 and this one is Called "Gloria" my late husband gave this to me on my 39th Birthday...said I would always be a Swinger...ha ha !! I have it sitting on an old street post that we cut down and added the marble top to it..
Now this is a Crystal Palace Clock from France...its all crystal and brass ca, 1840 even the Pendulums are crystals.. Click on any picture and you can enlarge them....
Now these you use to find allot in Kitchens years ago...and they were made by the Massachusetts Clock works...these were very popular in the 1880 but allot of these were made from 1800-1830 You could also order these from the Sears catalog at the turn of the century but they were not from Massachusetts Clocks works.... I know my Grandma had one in her dining room...
Just another Clock...same maker...Now the shelves that they are sitting on came out of the Black Forrest in Germany... They have a Hunt scene on them..ca. 1850 and very heavy...loved all the wood craving on them...
A Seth Thomas Gallery clock now this was hung in a gallery...This is American clock maker...Seth Thomas also made train station clocks...I love it because I can see it without my glasses..it is 30 inches round and I have it above my TV....ca. 1870 and its a 30 day whine...most old clocks are only 8 day whine !!!
Now this is my Cuckoo Clock and it also came from the Black Forrest in German ca. 1750 and I will tell you some time's I would like to shoot it when it goes off..you know just when you are about to find out "who done it" at the end of the movie and these birds come out just singing cuckoo...cuckoo....All the number on the clock are ivory and it also have side doors that open up and more birds come out and sing but I do love it... And it hangs above a Slot machine !!!

This is an English clock...the English really paid attention to all there cravings on their cases...the brass pendulum is also craved..ca. 1860 this hangs in my LR

This is an "Venetian Regulator" it is walnut and burl wood and a 8 day whine...the weights on this are also engraved...ca. 1850 this clock just has the most awesome sound to it...boy I wished I could do audio for you...My late Husband gave this to my for a wedding present...many years ago and it also hangs in my LR...see the patterns here with all these clocks and why some time I could shoot them??

Another French mantle clock...ca. 1850 this sits on my fireplace mantle...

Now this clock weight's a ton girls...it all Bronze and it also a french clock...I wanted it because of the cherubs on it...this one sits on my piano ca. 1800...

Ceramics clock from France that sits on my side board in dining room...love all the colors on this clock and again another heavy one to move...so I just dust around it...that's and clocks should not be MOVED it really will mess them up...especially the old ones....

This is a carriage clock from 1920....that sit in my office...YES !! no room is exempted from my clocks...
This is one of the longest hanging clocks I have...thank goodness I have 10 ft ceilings in the dining room....this is a " Gustav Becker " clock and I don't even want to tell you what I paid for this 10 years ago....but I will tell you the engraving and cravings on this beauty are incredible and it has 3 brass engraved weights and it also an 8 days whine and I have to get up on my little ladder to whine it and clean it...its that tall...Oh you can also see one of my "Gone with the wind" lamps that sits on an old Ice Box and the berry bowl is R.S. Prussia...but that's another post yet to do...
Now girls I hope you enjoyed some of my clocks today...Now I thinks its "TIME " for me to shut up and let you comment...
This is an English clock...the English really paid attention to all there cravings on their cases...the brass pendulum is also craved..ca. 1860 this hangs in my LR
This is an "Venetian Regulator" it is walnut and burl wood and a 8 day whine...the weights on this are also engraved...ca. 1850 this clock just has the most awesome sound to it...boy I wished I could do audio for you...My late Husband gave this to my for a wedding present...many years ago and it also hangs in my LR...see the patterns here with all these clocks and why some time I could shoot them??
Another French mantle clock...ca. 1850 this sits on my fireplace mantle...
Now this clock weight's a ton girls...it all Bronze and it also a french clock...I wanted it because of the cherubs on it...this one sits on my piano ca. 1800...
Ceramics clock from France that sits on my side board in dining room...love all the colors on this clock and again another heavy one to move...so I just dust around it...that's and clocks should not be MOVED it really will mess them up...especially the old ones....
This is a carriage clock from 1920....that sit in my office...YES !! no room is exempted from my clocks...
Have a blessed and safe day...hugs and smiles Gloria ps. Hope I didn't bore you too much or take too much of your TIME
Girl, you have the best sense of humor! I loved all your puns with the post today. Your HOME and COLLECTIONS are amazing, and also your knowledge of the history of the things you have. I know that the most special part for you must be that so many were gifts to you. My Daddy bought a cuckoo clock in Germany when he was there many years ago. The deers' antlers are long gone, but that clock is just beautiful with all the carvings. THANKS for sharing, and for coming to visit me! "Talk" soon!
mornin sweet G! What an amazing collection of clocks! I love clocks too and I guess I should start a collection. What is it they say about a person who collects clocks? Hmmm I heard that before but forget.
Are ya Christmas decorating yet? I put up a little feather tree but will do more this weekend, have a great day sweetie!! xoxoxo
Good morning sweet Gloria~ I am dancing up a storm over here! Your clocks are gorgeous~ I just love the clickable pics in blogland. I'm in absolute awe over your collection. You are a darling bathroom diva, too!
Big hugs~ J
Gloria... wow those clocks are magnificent... I love each and every one of them... I love antiques and it looks like your house is one I would love to visit and just stare at all your wonderful antiques... Loved today’s topic... not boring at all for me...Have a splendid day… luv ya
You have some gorgeous clocks. I like clocks also, but yours are works of art! I love the swinger clock. I knew someone that had one and I always admired it...there is something romantic about clocks. Have a good week friend.
Your clocks are amazing, so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your collection. Have a super day girl!
Oh my goodness...I hope you are heavily insured! You have the most amazing home full of absolute treasures...I loved seeing all of the clocks today, but I guess the Swinger one is my fav... ;-) Bo
Oh My! Oh My! What such clocks you have. They are all so lovely! I have one thats electric, I found in TN. They were selling on Ebay for $400.00, got mine for ten. Its not in best shape but it runs. Nothing to compare to collection of clocks. Thanks for coming to visit me.
Oh Gloria, your clocks are beautiful, and I always learn so much from your blog. I absolutely love the story about the "Gloria" clock. And you are still a swinger! laurie
Oh Gloria...You have such a wonderful clock collection...and such a variety, too! My favorite is the Swinger. I've never seen anything like it. I'm glad we could enlarge the photo to see the face. You'll have to host a tutorial to show us all how to do that. You are so funny! I bet it's like that scene in "Pinocchio" where all of the clocks in Ghipetto's workshop go off at once! lol Bored...are you kidding? It was fascinating! Thanks for the tour...Debbie
HI G, All the clocks are such treasures. Beautiful! The rich woods you can tell were made with such care. I remember cuckoo clocks so well. My grandparents always had them. I wonder where they ended up? HMMM...I'll have to ask my Mom.
Hi Gloria, you wascaly wabbit! You didn't tell us you are a Bathroom Diva! I headed over to Sheila's at Notesongs and there you are! You are too funny, girl! Debbie
Gloria darling, honey, sweetie.. I've got some "serious" drooling going on here.. Oh my gosh I "love" your clocks.. I have a Seth Thomas I bought from Mother and Daddy's sale in the late 80's..and the brass clock.. Oh my goodness..if I could lift it easily it would go into my purse and I would head out the door so quickly..Now.you know how I "totally" adore lamps.. Girl...my mouth dropped, the eyes stared watering..the heart started beating too fast....well you get the picture..Now.. I'm "obsessing" over your lamp as well...I'm having a ball touring your beautiful home. hugs ~lynne~
You seriously need to write a book or host a TV show on antiques! You know so much and I learn so much every time I tour your house. Thanks for the tour today. Just wish you could figure out how to give me MORE time with your clocks, I never seem to have enough! Cindy
Wow Gloria , you and I should have been sisters girl. I love clocks too, but my collection is not as large as yours though. I especially love your swinger clock.I wanted one of those but never got around to getting one, now I don't see them anywhere !
I like where you have the cuckoo clock . If you don't get three in a row the cuckoo runs out and calls you a cuckoo, cuckoo ! LOL .
Have a great day dear Gloria.
Those are the most beautiful clocks I have ever seen. Also, I can hardly wait for the R.S. Prussia post. You have the best of the best antiques! I have a couple of nice pieces; but for the most part, I have just old stuff. Sally
I'm back. My comment got cut off earlier. Hope you have a fabulous day! ~Warmly, Melissa :)
Good morning Gloria!
You have such a gorgeous collection of clocks. Why don't you move the Cuckoo clock to another room so you can hear the end of your shows?!? ☺ (You had me chuckling with that one!) ;0}
So when are doing your RS Prussia post??? I love painted china. ♥
What beauties you have there. That is one awesome collection! I like your blog. I've had a nice visit :0)
I don't think you could bore me if you tried! I love your antique clock collection! It's so beautiful!
Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful clocks! You really have a nice collection.
Me again..Well, shut my mouth wide open!...I didn't know you could click and enlarge. Ohhhh....now I have to go back and revisit everything up close and personal. Thanks for the info...Debbie
My late Brother had a thing about clocks, like you. He loved them, so he had a fair sized collection. I don't think any were antique, but some were very different and quite unusual.
DH changes ours twice a year, when the time changes. We have three that chime and he understands how they need to be changed. I have two bird clocks, only one running at the moment, that need to be changed a certain way to keep the right bird singing at the right time.
Anyone would think that I have a thing about clocks from the number in my home, but I just like the variety available, and some have sentimental value. One of the chiming ones was an award for 25 years of service to DH from his workplace. Engraved plate on the front. They gave him another one as his 30 year service recognition award, but this one came with a blank plate that he could have engraved.
I change the time on the stove and microwave, DH does the rest. They end up with close to the same time within a minute of each other. The three that are audible usually are the only ones that I notice the difference in time. One will be finishing it's chime as another begins. DH had someone give him one that needs to be wound every eight days, he let it run down, and it just hangs on the wall with the time frozen at 8:00. None of our are valuable as yours obviously are, but they form part of the fabric of our life. Wouldn't want to get rid of a single one.
Gloria, I want that first clock.
Thanks for the info on the yorkie
terriers. I don't want a large or medium dog so I'll have to wait until the grandkids get older.
Check out my Interior Rooms would love to have your opinion.
Happy Holidays
OMG!! G you had me laughing out loud!!! I surely don't know why we were portrayed as the oldies at the partay!! Girl, you Barbara Bush??? Bahwaaaaaaaa aaa !! LMAOROF!!!! You are Cwaaaaazy!!! Hey I've been to a few male revues in my day, I ain't afraid of no nekked men! LOL!! Love ya G!!
Oh, my goodness most gorgeous Diva Gloria!! I hope you have some heavy duty locks on your doors - these clocks are outstanding! I can't believe all the beautiful clock and other antiques you own. You must have a fortune in these. They're so beautiful!! I was feeling good that I have an old Regulator clock from my great granddaddy and a cukoo clock from the Black Forest of Germany. Now I feel so small! lol You know I'm kidding!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Gloria - you have the most amazing collections!! And, you know so much about them and you give such funny little details!! I look forward to your collection posts!
Thanks for sharing them with us - I don't think I could try to pick a favorite.
Have a good one.
Hey Girlfriend...
Ohhhh myyyy goodness...you never seize to amaze me Gloria!!! You have so many wonderful collections and I just adore all of your exqusite clocks...THEY ARE AMAZING!!! Wished I could pinpoint just one as my favorite but I loved each and every one!!! Of course I'm a bit partial to the french clock with the cherubs...hehe!!! Girl, you're just the best...I love reading your blog...love seeing all of your amazing collections...and I just love learning about them!!! You're a great teacher!!! Thank you darlin' for sharing your amazing clocks with us!!! Have a great day, my friend!!!
Love ya,
Gloria you have THE MOST BEAUTIFUL clock collection of anyone I know! Absolutely amazing clocks!! As you know I have more than a few of them myself. but girl you are WAY out of my ballpark! *winks* Any day you feature your beautiful antiques is a good day for me!! Oh that swinging Gloria is calling my name!! Vanna
Oh my gosh!! I am so jealous!! my grandfather was a clocksmith. My grandparents always had such wonderful clocks. I wonder what eve happened to them. Thanks for sharing your beautiful collection.
Hugs, Terrie
hey sis...I love clocks...especially little clocks! You have some kind group of treasures there girl...I thought it was beautiful that your hubby bought you the one called Gloria! Did you see where Sue is playing with her background...on my word I don't think I can help her with that one!!!! lol Now I'm sure enough afraid to try to redo mine! lol lol Hope you are having a great day sweetie..mine is flying by and I still got tons to do. Just didn't want you to think I don't think about you girl..cause I do! love ya sis!
Wow!!!! Having grown up in a house with more than one cuckoo clock that is my favorite, they used to drive me nuts when I was young, now I wish I had one of my Moms, she love them so much, thanks it was fun!
It's me again...Just thought you might want to know that Jeanette (jfell from rms) will be on the TV version tonight. Her kitchen will be one of the inspiration rooms. Remember it from the front page? All of us at Micasa are so excited for her. Have a great evening..Debbie
hah...you're too cute...and maybe a wee bit clock obsessed!! I think the only clocks we have in our entire home are on the stove, microwave, and computer lol.
Things of beauty and wonder are never boring. Thanks for sharing all those fantastic clocks.
Jean in Virginia
Hi G, Thanks for checking out my red tree and decor'. It's always great to get a sweet visit from you. ~Melissa :)
Oh boy, Ill have to keep this post from Jacob, next thing you know he will want to start collecting clocks. I have a thing for the big old station clocks. Yours is spectacular. I always thought I wanted a cuckoo clock, until you filled me in on that little tidbit of information. ~ Robyn
OMG, Gloria! Your clocks are gorgeous! I don't know which one is my favorite cause I love them all. You have so many so why don't you give away one in a drawing? You know I might be lucky again..LOL! J/K!...Christine
your clocks are never boring! and neither are you! lol
hope you have a wonderful weekend
I always enjoy reading about and seeing photos of your collections.
Hi Gloria!!
You have a beautiful collection of clocks!!
Just dropping some love on one of the sweetest people I know! My mom had a clock that she had received from my grandmother...it use to drive me crazy...now I wish I had the little bugger;) Frenchxoxo
Gloria you have the most amazing collections! I love clocks too, I've got three old ones and nothing compared to yours. I really love the mantle clocks, gosh I would love to have one of those. You always have the most wonderful stuff to share and the best stories. love, Cindy
Hi Gloria...I am profenretraite just like here. I would love you to come visit. Heck, you should join us! It's nice over at Micasa...no "null"..lol...Debbie
I've never seen such a beautiful collection of clocks. I have a friend that collects grandfather clocks, but it is nothing like you have. They are really beautiful.I have a little clock that my grandmother used, it is very old. Some day, I'm going to post it , maybe you can give me some history on it.
Good Morning, Gloria! Your clocks are fabulous! So glad you shared them! I enjoyed the tour and you have the finest collection of them I have ever seen! The two smaller brass ones were my favorite!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :) ~Rhonda
I'm sending UPS over to pick the number 1 clock up today. Thanks, for the early christmas gift.
Thank you for the sweet comments you left on my blog yesterday.
You're a sweetie.
Happy Holidays
Good morning dear friend, sure hope all is well your way.. It is so frigid here this morning.. only 16 above.. now it's way too early in the season for me to have it this cold.. Thanks so much for swinging by.. you know it means the world.. hugs ~lynne~
Gloria, I am absolutely amazed, but not surprised, because I've seen how carefully you present your treasures on RMS. The photos show your love of great art--enjoyed the things you'll tell us about some other time, too! And your write-ups on the history of your clocks contain so much info. I recently saw a Seth Thomas clock for a train station on Antiques Roadshow--similar to your small version. And a while back, as you know, they had an Ansonia swinger clock. Antiques Roadshow could visit your house and do a series on all of your interesting collections! Fieldstone/Pam
What an awesome variety of clocks you have! Thank you so much for sharing them with us! I bet you are on time for everything having so many reminders!!!
My favorite I think is the french one on your sideboard- they are all so lovely though-
I am sad to hear that your husband passed. My heart breaks with that news, my friend.
Those clocks are so lovely! I love the bronze clock on your piano and the huge Black Forest Cuckoo! Your husband had excellent taste in clocks and wives!
I just stumbled upon your blog and was in complete awe of every post from you! You have the most gorgeous antiques I've seen in a long time. Your home is simply beautiful---what a treasure.
I'll be sure to come back and visit your wonderful blog from now on. Please keep those pictures coming with all your treasures!!
God Bless.
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