WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Have you ever bought a new lamp shade and had to redo your whole room?? Of course you have...Now all I want was new wall scones in my entry way..you know something to jazzy it up abit !!! well I loved these Tiffany style lites I found at Lowes...So asked Len to hang them for me..BIG mistake I know this man can not do just one thing..with him it always becomes a work project for me also...

Now Lookies they are pretty Right Girls !!! Hanging new lights how hard can that be..well let me tell you...I have been living in a mess now in my entry for over 2 weeks..Len brought in the small ladder that was cool he needed a ladder and his screw gun...
But now we have Dueling Ladders that could reach the moon..and you ask why..well let see Len seen where we needed some sheet rock mud, because of cracks and this entry is very tall..its a 3 story tower..looks like a barn silo from the outside...

Now you can see almost how high this is...so by this time I have sheet rock mud all over the place and here I am running around putting down plastic to protect the floors..Now remember all we were doing was hanging 2 lights..
Now we have trash bags the little shop vacuum in the entry, ladders, and tools..boy do we have the tools...

See the little ladder is now another holding place for tools, and your asking why the painters tape?? well what self proclaim electrician would install a light without getting the entry ready to paint now!! look you can see where he got it taped off not to get any on my living room wall..
And More tools, not only can Len hang a light he can do a new Vignette's for me...its this pretty girls.. you too can do this at home... lets see all you need is sheet rock tape, tape measure, steel wool, a package of screws...Martha Stewart has nothing on my Lenny....So girls be very careful what you ask for at least at my house...Good lord next time I'll hire an electrician who would only take an hour...now for me I have to go..Len is back up on the BIG ladder and his mouth is fogging up the air...better see how or what we are doing now..
P.S. I hope to post the finish project by Thanksgiving if he done by that time ha ha!!! "Lenny really should have came with a warning Label"
UPDATE!!! Now he adding new trim around the doors...does it ever stop????
Have a great day...hugs and smiles Gloria
Hi Gloria!
That's a beautiful light fixture. You're very fortunate that he put it up so quickly.
Things don't move that quickly at my house. I have light fixtures I don't even remember any more in the attic that I run across every so often. If my DH starts a project, half the tools & stuff in the garage end up spread all over the house & aren't put away until I'm so frustrated that I finally haul everything back out. Sorry, I'm getting on my soapbox now.....
Lynne's lamp is so precious! What an angel you are to make it for her. I have a few cup/saucer candidates to make a similar lamp & had a question. Did you have holes drilled in the cup for the cord or did you disguise it with the foam & moss? :0} Diane
LOLOLOL!!!!! G that is too darn funny!! Hey at least he's not a couch potato!! But we do seem to have to follow behind these guys and clean up after them don't we! Thanks for always coming by to see me G!! Love ya sweetie! ONE MORE DAY, HANG ON!!! xoxoxoxo
Haha Gloria...this was FUNNY, well to me but probably not so much to you...sometimes I think our guys make a mountain out of a molehill job so we won't ask them to do too many projects...;-) Bo
thanks for the help sweetie, I do need some of my 70's music playin!! I posted a few minutes ago, come back and see!! xoxox
Oh this was toooo funny....well.. not really but you know what I mean.. these mean have to make such a production out of things.. I will personally be looking for the "finished" project..and for your part I sure pray he finishes long before Thanksgiving.. I'm sorry you're hurting so badly..and didn't get to go to the open house..I know you look forward to it..will you go this week and check out what she has left??? My open house is this w/k...I work a ga-zillion hours over at the other job and have tons to finish up for mine..This a.m. I leave in a bit to take the Bailey back to school in the city and then onto work..I'll post the invite for my open house later in the week...girl I'm so far behind I think I'm ahead... Now.. I've written a book here..don't mean to take up all your space..but even with the lack of a warning label I so enjoy visiting you in your home..hugs ~lynne~ p.s. how did you scare Picket???
send your honey over to my house... I can't get gary to do anything anymore...vicky hahaha
Oh my gosh you had me laughing girl! MEN!! They have a WHOOOLE different set of wiring than us women! Haha!
You actually have an AWSOME entry! Love the high ceilings! I would love to see more pics of your house...and an outside view of your house on the mountain top! (Can't hurt to ask...teehee!)
Love ya G!
I am laughing so hard! Your new lights are beautiful, but I know just what you mean about "new vignettes", etc. My DH takes FOREVER to get to a project, but when he does something, it always involves a major hunk of my time too. I'm always so glad he's doing what I asked him to do months ago, so I feel like instead of complaining, I have to praise him! Enjoyed this post so much! laurie
Wow girl....a 3 story entry!!!! I bet that is beautiful! I love those lights and you say you got them at Lowes? Look at it this way sis..Len just loves you so he wants everything to be perfect for you! lol I love those lamps though....gorgeous! Have a great day sweetie!
Thanks for coming by! Alex enlarged the picture for me. He's so good at computer stuff. ~Gorgeous~ Love the sconces you chose. Your entryway is fabulous! Would love to see more. Love your funny story. I must be really lucky Alex is so handy and extremely quick. Patience is not my virtue and he knows me well. He just moves it if something needs to be done. LOL! I'm still tossing ideas around in my head for a post. I think I'm over analyzing....~Warmly, Melissa
Nice lights and when finished all the extras will be worth it
Can't wait to see the finished project. Love your lamp you sent Lynn . I make alot of lamps like that, it is so much fun to find something you can turn into a lamp.
I'm afraid I'm the "Len" in this marriage! LOL! That's one reason our laundry room has taken so long to finish! Can hardly wait to see it when you're done!
Thank you for following my blog! I love your light fixture. I will be sure to come read your blog along with the rest on my list!
Sy, it must be great to have a home improvement guru right in your home...but it can get frustrating with the disorder it brings.
Gloria - At least your DH can do stuff around your house!! My poor honey can barely do anything around our house!! His idea of fixing anything is to pick the phone up and call someone. I just re-did our master BR and bath and bought new light fixtures for the bathroom and it took him several hours to change out the two fixtures in there - it was awful! He did it, but oh man, what an ordeal!!
Your lights are beautiful and I can't wait to see the finished pics.
Lucky you, at least you get things done right and not half-a**ed - if you know what I mean - LOL! It's a good thing I have my Dad to help me out - he's the same way - you get a light fixture but also the painted ceiling, etc. etc. Those fixtures are beautiful and the foyer sounds amazing, I can't wait to see the finished project. ~ Robyn
G you are a riot!! Darn hubbys and their vignettes! Lol! I'd love to see your entry ceiling too! It looks amazing! Vanna
Very things lookin' beautiful my friend. It was nice to read something that could make me giggle.
Awwwww... what a sweetie to do that for you Gloria! Give him a big hug for me ;)
I loved your last post about the angel. It gave me chills!
Those lights are beautiful and I can't wait to see the finished project. I can't even imagine a three story foyer, it must be awesome.
LOL Gloria! This was all just too funny, but those new sconces sure are gorgeous! And hey, he's doing all the work, so just let him make the mess. As long as HE cleans it up too! What color is he painting?
Justine :o )
I can so relate. It is wonderful having a handy husband, but they do work in a different time zone - at least on a different time schedule!!! Sally
Oh my word I'm giggling. Beautiful light fixtures, my friend. The ladder is just an added bonus...lol.
Hugs~ J.
hey. hang in there girl...this too shall pass. At least yours will get off his lazy butt and help you! Many men will not do that much! I can't wait to see the finished product!
me again....I read the angel post and then had to go back and re-read it. That post touched my heart. I do hope that one day I will touch someone the way that mystery lady and our wonderful Picket have touched you.
I wonder how many times more I will end up back on your angel post! lol
Sorry Len didn't come with a "warning label" attached. You see it was already in use. It came affixed to my wonderful DH and said "ask at your own risk".
When he approaches a project, you would think he were mounting a Broadway production. I suppose it is a carry over from his job. He is a maintenance man in a high rise for the elderly. May be why he has so much patience with me. He is never satisfied with something being just so so, it has to be done just right.
All things considered, I wouldn't have it any other way, and I suspect that you wouldn't either.
G I'm just devastated his grammy died before seeing his win tomorrow, My heart breaks for him!
So ya like my hippee Neil Young? Loved him since I was 15!! Butch saw I had it playing and got jealous cuz I bought that album when I was with another boyfriend!! LOL, Oh he knows i only have eyes for him! Talk to ya tomorrow! xoxo
I love your lamp!!! Laurie
Sorry can't help but laugh, it is a laugh I am sharing with you though remember that. My kitchen project started just to replace a board, maybe two! lol It is also still on going and I still can't put any weight on my right knee without crying out in pain.
Thanks G! I hope you try the tassles on glasses. It was a spur of the moment idea and I like how it turned out too. I used scotch tape to hold them on. Shhh, Don't tell. :)
Have a great one. ~Melissa
Morning, Gloria! Thanks for coming by. I do the best I can but I was always told to tell the truth. lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh Gloria, this reminds me so much of how our projects go at home. I do hope yours won't take the years ours do though! Our poor kids have gotten where they don't even notice any more, well any way they have given up complaining about all our unfinished projects. The ligthts are gorgeous and I sure can't wait to see the finished product. Sorry you are not feeling so well. Love ya, Cindy
I am so excited about today!!!!!!! I should have called out of work to watch the news!!!!!!!! LOL
G did you see the video at Donnas, check it out and get your box of tissues!! This is a good day sweetie, I've been crying tears of joy all day! What an awesome family we are about to have grace our White House!! Uh OH I better shut up, don't want to jinx anything!! xoxoxo
Great lights they are just to die for... and that foyer WOW!!! I can hardly wait to see it all done...That is a huge project to undertake but the end results will be well worth it... Lovin It!!!
have a great VOTING day...
Hi Happy! Girl, you are speaking from MY experience when you talk about buying one little new thing and then having to redo the whole room!!! I needed a new sofa. Everything else was fine, or so I thought. I found out pretty quick that finding a blue sofa to replace the old one was like finding a needle in a haystack. So, I found a RED FLORAL one that I absolutely loved (and still do). So out with the pastel stuff, and in with the woodsy, red and green. I like the changes and can't imagine how I thought the old room looked cute. I keep an album of pics that I've cut out of magazines (for ideas) and you wouldn't believe how many red floral sofa pictures I have cut out and saved over the years!! Good luck on your new house addition (HA)
I'm sorry but I am LOLing right now! Men!!!!! Can't live with them, can't shoot 'em! ;o)
Oh, those lamp fixure/sconces are just fabulous! I love stained glass! I have a remodel going, too that I am praying is complete by Thanksgiving, but I am getting really nervous! LOL! Can't wait to see your final reveal! :) ~Rhonda
Gloria!!! LOL I thought you knew that I was deembee. (smile) I remembered you...
I can not tell you how proud I am of Obama! I am so proud of his successful Campaign thus far!!! Wow!!! What a race!
Gloria!!!!!!!!! I am so excited... I think I lost my voice!!!!!!! (LOL) I am going to be so tired tomorrow but I am waiting to see his speech!!!!
GLORIA!!!!!! Girl you are probably still snoring! I got up at 5:20 and as soon as I saw the news the tears starting falling and are still falling!! I went to bed with no doubts of his landslide win!! I'm so happy sweetie, Now we need to pray each day for his safety and for his term in office to be very productive! I can't wait to sit down and hear his acceptance speech!! Have a wonderful day sweetie!! xoxox
Thanks for the blog visit! "puttin on the dog" means to put on a show. For instance, if you were coming to dinner at my house, I would "put on the dog" by putting out my nicest dishes, setting the table just so, the whole house be as perfect as it could be. Does that make since? LOL, you California girls :)
Oh, and I couldn't understand your foyer/tools/mess/husband more! I must be married to your husbands brother! This is the same thing that happens at my house!
Gloria, you had me holding on to my tummy laughing- this sounds just like what our small projects turn out to be!!
The light is beautiful! I know you will enjoy it when you enventually get your hallway back from DH!!
blessings to you!
HAHAAAAHHAAA...this is a precious post because...........it happens around here, too....
Your lights are great and gonna look fabulous....someday!! hahahaha
Hey girl...just checking in before calling it a night...hope this has been a good day for you sweetie..talk to you tomorrow! Love ya!
I love your frontdoor!!!
Morning Friend!!! How's that remodeling coming along?? I agree with you that a younger brother can be such a blessing! I am 8 years older than mine, and we have become great friends as adults. And I love sharing memories with him because we see things from 2 different perspectives because of the age difference. Sometimes we'll talk about something and I can fill in a part of a memory that I was old enough to remember but he wasn't. Have a GREAT day!
Morning sis..you mighty quiet lately...you ok? I love girl....just thinking of you!
Gloria, I couldn't find a place to comment to today's posting. But, i love that store. I am not primitive in my style. I am very traditional. But, I do bring in several primitive items during the holidays. I even have a few I keep out all of the time. I love to shopthe primitive store around here. It looks like you live in a awesome part of the country.
I did live in San Diego for approx. 7 years. I love CA.
Hugs, Terrie
Hi Gloria, I tried to leave you a comment on your new post today and could not figure it out. Love the Country store and the town is amazing. Such cool history you live near. They have the neatest things at the store. Love the photos you took of it all. I would go crazy shopping and wanting everything! Love your new blog background as well. It's just gorgeous!~Have a good day.~Melissa
Girl, I tried to post on your new posting but couldn't find the COMMENT to click on...?? I am doing something wrong but remember....i'm old and frail and poorly and sickly UNLESS someone wants to go thrifting and then I am instantly HEALED !!
How fun to live close to these old mining towns..I have been thru a few in Colorado and they were so much fun. That shop that you worked at looks very interesting!!
love, bj
Hi Gloria...coming over to comment on the tour of the old mining town...I love that sort of stuff. Also, you have a great new banner up today! Looking forward to eating at "Buffalo Chips" with ya... ;-) Bo
mornin G!! Seen you talking about me to Dot today! LOL!! G I just love your little mining town and what a neat prim shop! Musta been fun working there! I found a new prim shop a couple weeks ago, I wonder if the owner would let me take pictures? If not I'll take some of my favorite antique co-op. Love your background changes, i did mine today to thanks to Dot and her great directions! Have a great day sweetie!! xoxo
You are one special lady! Thanks for the lift!
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