Well Guys its once again PINK SATURDAY !!! our Hostess Beverly at How sweet the sound
http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/ Has a whole list of others that join in for this fun day...Please go by and visit some of the PINK ladies today...

Now this is just a little PINK tea cup and sauce that my daughter Dawna gave me for Mother's day...see all the
pretty PINK Flowers on it and the picture behind it is my sweet Dawna on her wedding day last year.. Oh and this little Fairy
that's hanging on it my Mama gave me many years ago....she knew I was a PINK girl...
Ok !! Ladies follow me and we will take a trip up
stairs....just follow the PINK steps.....and Yes girls I have PINK carpet and a PINK painted wall here....Gotta to love the PINK !! and yes
that's another Phonograph and RCA
Victor one and it sits on an Edison Cabinet that holds all wax Edison round tube records that goes to my Edison Phonograph...yet another post...
GOOD Lord I say that allot...but I do have allot of antiques I have yet to share with you guys..Just don't want to bore everyone with my "Passion"...

Now as we go
upstairs this is the wall paper border...see all the darling little cherubs with the PINK roses?? I know I know !! wall paper is a NO NO !! but hey I am one of those nuts that like it...Please don't give me a low rating because of it...OH WAIT this is not Rate my Space...I'm safe here
lol !!!

Now this is a " Yard Long" I have these prints going up the stairs...but this one is dressed in What else but PINK.... this print is from 1910 and still in its
original frame...I also have a collection of these even a Mary Pickford one that she signed...yet another Post !!! Boy I do say that allot...I also have old beaded purses and old hats hanging between these prints...these wall are all round...as I told you this is a barn Silo entryway....and looks just like a barn from the out side...

Now this is part of my Guest Room up stairs and you can see its All PINK...I created this little Garden Tea area for my guests to sit and have a cup of tea...as this room is 640 ft so I was able to break it up with
difference areas...I found this sweet little table and chair at a yard sale many years ago for $10,00 and it was brown...so Thank goodness for white spray paint and some Shabby Chic fabric it was as good as new...The hat was also just a straw hat I painted and added some of my Ostrich feathers and PINK roses to.. Please click on any picture and you can see
all the details in wall paper, hat etc. Hope you all enjoyed some more of my PINK stuff...like I said at the first PINK Saturday I did...I could show my house for a year and never run out of PINK...
Please go see all the Other PINKS today.... Hope all of you have a blessed and safe weekend...
Thank you all for your Visit today....Hugs and smiles Gloria
( think PINK girls as your mama wrapped you in it and her arms as a baby )
Hi Gloria...your home is amazing..
I could spend hours just looking & enjoying all of your goodies, the pinks & all the rest! Have a jolly wk-end, ;-) Bo
Oh, my goodness, you really do have a lot of pink. And, as for your border...one that pretty will ALWAYS be "in"...I love that guest room...
love, bj
Good morning! What lovely pink treasures. I adore that little table & chairs, hat, tea cup....oh I love it all your PINK! :)
I have a little something good for you~ please come by when you get a chance.
Bug hugs~ J. :)
I love that old phonograph!! My mom loved those cherubs too. Thanks for the memory of her, it made me smile!
Gloria you are the princess of pink! I just love it all! My favorite is the teacup from your daughter. That is so pretty.~Melissa :)
Oh my goodness. You just left me wanting to see all of the things you didn't show me like the other yard long pictures, beaded purses, etc. Lovely treasures! And goodness if pink wall paper makes you happy, I say bravo! Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi Gloria, your pink is so pretty. Pink is one of my favorite colors. When I get tired of all this red, I might have to change to pink! Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my christmas decorating. I'm almost done, but will have more pictures,I'm finishing up my house today, so I will post it soon. The house I did the other day is huge. It just happens to belong to one of my best friends. About 4 years ago when they first moved in I took Chase over there, he got lost and was screaming at the top of his lungs. He was so scared! It is beautiful though. Have a great weekend, talk to you soon! Kristen
Happy Pink Saturday!
Nice to meet you:)
Love your pink eye candie!
Another great tour, loved it!! I see you are waiting for you maxi pad slippers too, what a hoot, that girl is mad I tell you, we need to have her room ready soon!! Hope you have a lovely Sat. talk soon!!
Love all your Pinkness.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Blessings, Virginia
Oh my goodness.. you have some mighty "fine" pink things.. I love your yard long.. I didn't have a clue that was the technical name for them until I met you.. What a deal on the little table and chairs...I loved all your pink things..I'm hoping you're having just the best ever pink Saturday..
hugs ~lynne~
Good Morning Gloria... What a beautiful PINK post today... what a beautiful home you have...I really love the little pink settee' all set up for a tea party... Adorable...I noticed you tribute to your mom on the top of your page... I just added that to my page for Donna's mom and would love to add your mom's name to it... Could I??? Have a great day...
I've often admired yard long pictures. Yours is lovely! Enjoyed all of the pink. Sally
Good morning Gloria! The teacup & saucer are too precious! Love the fairy too! Have you considered turning it into a lamp? It would be a very beautiful one! ☺ Diane
Looks like a magazine spread. Wonderful and pink. Do you like real flowers. Come visit.
As always, I love seeing everything in your home. That little fairy on the cup is adorable. That table and chairs look so pretty. I enlarged the pic to see the beautiful details on that hat. You are the Pink Princess (you know, you're going to have to get a pink robe!). laurie
This makes me happy to see! All of this beutiful pink! Gosh I like wallpaper too, and yours is especially lovely. I love the little fiary from your Mom, and the thought of how we were all wrapped in pink when we were babes just touches me so. Love you Gloria, Cindy
Wow you have a lovely home, I love the cherub wall boarder and the pink walls. It *does* make you think of a Princess. Enjoy! Deb
What a great tour! The pink wall with the border is so pretty. I love your old gramaphone! Everything looks so cozy and pleasant - you must have such good times there.
Happy Pink Saturday!
I have a border in one of my rooms too. Shhh! Don't tell. Happy Pink Day.
Happy Pink Saturday! ENJOY your day! Fifi
Afternoon, Gloria! Oh, how I love your home and all of it's Pinkness. Now I dearly love your yard long lady and would love to see the rest of them. Make a post about these pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease really soon. I have one yard long lady too. I love her.
Hope you're having a marvelous Pink Saturday.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Gloria isn't it nice not having to worry about the rating system here in blogland (ha ha) I love all your pinkness~~~it's all about showing that wonderful generous caring personality you have;) French
Hey Pretty Lady,
Your house beautiful!!!! Happy Pink Saturday to you!
Thanks for reading my story! ;)
Happy Pink Saturday. You really are a pink girl aren't you?
You do have some great Pinks....I have wall paper in my kitchen and I love it....I know the house you are talking about on Hesperian...I live not to far from it and as soon as they decorate it for Christmas I will pay them a visit..havn't been there in a while.....I know a few people in Pioneer...they retired there...it is a great place...we vist Jackson a few times a year...I love the stores there.....
Mo :-)
A beautiful pink post!
Your house is beautiful....but that gorgeous girl in the pink dress....OOOOH I would so steal...errrrr....borrow that from you if I had the chance!!!!
Hey girl...great post...I love seeing little peeks at your antiques when you show us thrut he house! lol As for the wall paper girl I will always love wall paper & One Day...I SHALL HAVE ME SOME TOILE!!!! lol lol Did you say that room was over 600 sq ft????!!! Oh my word...nearly half the size of my house! lol lol What a great room that much be filled to the brim with treasures no doubt! Hope you are having a great weekend!
G~ I've been dealing with a sick hubby (arent' they the worst?!), so I'm behind with my blogging buddies. I am terribly jealous of your yard longs!!! After you showed me some picks once, I tried looking on the internet for some, but alas came up empty. :-(
I loooooooove your home...and I've always been such a huge lover of pink...so I feel right at home!
Love ya!
Hi, It's my first time to your blog! What a fun idea...PINK! Michele
Love all your pink Gloria, and the table and chairs are so cute !
hey sweet G! Looks like another great pink Saturday for you! I had a fun shopping day, picked up a few things for myself of course and ended the day buying Amelia a winter coat. I'll be putting those slippers in the mail for ya soon LOL!! I'm all decorated for Christmas but not sure when to post, maybe Friday, maybe tomorrow? Gloria you shoulda seen me last night after all that work, I was walking in slow motion, my whole body hurt so bad!!! I'm gettin so old G!!! LOL! Have a good night sweetie! xoxo
Hi Happy, I really enjoyed looking at your pink treasures. I love pink too and used to have a pink and green living room, but now for some reason I am drawn to dark red and woodtones. But I still have my MawMaw's things in my laundry/bath and that room will stay vintage and pink!
Happy Pink Saturday! I like your post and all of the pretty pink things.
Take care,
Talk about pretty in pink!! Just wonderful.
Hello Gloria! Everytime I see pink, I think of you and this is one reason why. I know you love pink and you got them all over your gorgeous home. You are one lucky lady having all those antiques in your home. I bet your guests enjoy having tea in that adorable table....Christine
Good morning sweetie..gosh couldn't you sleep? I hope you have a blast at Sandy's today.. go forth and conquer..find some great things.. Have a burger for me..:-)
I love your new do here.. this is so festive....hugs ~lynne~
Hi Gloria...Love all the pinkness! My favorite is the tea cup and the little fairy. I have never seen anything like the fairy...so precious! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your weekend...Debbie
Oh My, Oh MY...so, so much pink...I guess you really are a pink lady. Your home remindes me of my moms...every room is loaded with pink. You did a great job.
You must stop by my blog for there is hint about next weeks blog and if you love pink you won't want to miss it.
mornin sweet G!! Your blog finery looks fabulous! G I am so sorry your heart is so heavy with the pain of losing your sweet Mama, I dread the day I have to face that pain! But we must and we can be strong with Gods comfort! I hope this can be a wonderful Christmas for you, and the memories are sweet ones that put a smile on your beautiful face! Now, you go ahead and blast your "grandma got run over by a reindeer" music and decorate that beautiful home of yours! Have a fab day sweetie, love ya G!! xoxox
Gloria, thank you for leaving a comment on my blog yesterday. I like your pink teacup best although everything you shared us is beautiful. Happy pink weekend. Chloe Patricia
Gloria - if your wallpaper border makes you happy, then it is always "in"! You have quite the feminine flair. :o)
Love your pink carpet! Looks so beautiful!
What a special treat to be a guest in your home!! Better than a B&B!!
Happy Pink Saturday...and
Happy Thanksgiving!
GM Gloria! Just checking to see how your burger was! Did you have a milkshake for me? ☺♥☺ Diane
OHHHH weeee Christmas decorating and Elvis...I love it girl!!!! Plug up those lights and do a happy dance....praise the Lord we have lived to see this day! It will be a great Holiday this year girl..man you make me wanta go find some old vintage bubble lights! lol Love ya sis! Have a beautiful Sunday!
I really like your wallpaper border. Looks absolutely perfect with the paint color you chose.
Your trash to treasure find seems wonderful for the use you have put it to. Your fairy is marvelous.
I love your pink but must tell you the thing that impressed me the most is your victrola. It is lovely. I also think that your wallpaper border is very nice. I have finally come to the point that if I like something I don't care if it's "in" or not. In fact, I have one wall in the kitchen wallpapered.
happy pink saturday..only it is sunday...anyways..you know I love your home....so that is all I have to say!
Hi gloria...your home is so pinkalishous....I just love your wallpaper...Happy Pinkness
Kindredly,EllenL an ew blogger
What wonderful pinks you have. Happy belated Pink Saturday and have a wonderful week.
Gloria you are hands down the QUEEN of pink!! I don't think anyone holds a candle to you!! And that cherub wallpaper is dreamy!!!! I wish I could paint a few of them and have them look exactly like these! And the little fairy on the teacup is sooo darling! I think I'm a pink girl at heart myself! Vanna
I just love the tea cup with the fairy! All the pink is wonderful! I redoing my bedroom and wonder if hubby will let some pink in. Love that tea cup!
Happy Pink Saturday, dear Gloria.
I always have fun exploring your house, and seeing all of your pretty pinks. Maybe one day we'll all pop in for some tea. ;-)
Happy PS...everything is soooooooo pretty!!
Wonderful staircase! Love it! :) Vanessa
Blissful! I love pink, cherubs and wallpaper...it's coming back, you know?! I'd love to have tea sitting on your stairs and admiring the pink walls and carpet, the cherubs and the lady prints...Mmmmm!
Thanksgiving Blessings~
Thanks friend , Glad to see your blog ----5 points ooops it's not RMS LOL Well I never gave you any thing lower then a 5 . You have another color I love . I have pink bed rooms and living room walls also pink flowers on my kitchen . wall paper . Pink on the shells on the bathroom wall paper . So I guess I can say I love pink a lot LOL . I love the table and chairs in your guest room . You have it set up so pretty .I know I'll enjoy your blog as I read it more .
Your friend Mary
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