Well Yesterday I was making breads and candy..this was something that my mama and I always did together...and I started crying and couldn't stop for missing her as its only been a year since I lost my Mama..well I had me a pity party for about 2 hours and then sat there and thought about all the things I had to be Thankful for..
I looked around at my Kitchen and was so thankful I had a kitchen with food in the frig and cupboards as I know that they are people who don't have that...
I went into the bathroom to get some tissue to wipe my eyes and was so thankful I had plumbing as they are people who don't have that..
I went into my Living room and sat my by fire and was thankful for the heat to warm my bones..and realized they were people who didn't have heat...
I looked at the pictures of my Children who are all healthy and doing good with their careers and marriages and how thankful I am for that...
I looked at my husband Len who I just married 2 years ago..and was thankful for all the security and comfort he brings to my life...
I looked down at my Old Red Robe and was thankful that I had that old robe to wear...
I went into my office and I seen my Computer and thought how thankful I am that all I have to do is turn it on and have all these wonderful cyber friends in my life..and for that I am very thankful...and at that point I dried my eyes and realized my mama was still with me !! she had taught me to give THANKS and will always live with in my heart!! I am so Bless...
I hope each and everyone of you have a safe and Blessed Thanksgiving... I know I will !!!
Hugs and Smiles , Gloria
Happy Thanksgiving Gloria! You're such a special lady, and I hope you have a wonderful day! ♥ Diane
Great post, Gloria. You are sooo right...we all have so much to be thankful for. We just need to see our glasses as half full instead of half empty right...or maybe see them as running over! :-) Just came to say I LOVE that about clothes for Teddy Ruxpin...don't think it's silly at all! That's why we love you, girl! You are so much fun and are still a kid at heart, right? I always say that I refuse to grown up! :-)
OMG Gloria, you have me in tears girl! You are such sweetheart! Your Mother had to be special... she made you who you are, and I think the world of you.
Big Giant Hugs!
Donna Marie
Good for you! now go eat turkey and think of me in my mess of boxes and junk! Eat a little bit of dinner for me...and know I am thinking of you girl.
p.s. if you see Dawna...say hi for me.!
Hi Happy, hope your Thanksgiving is as special as you are! You are blessed to have such wonderful memories of your Momma. Mine is still with me and I am ALWAYS grateful for time spent with her. Even though my MawMaw passed away 22 years ago on Thanksgiving, she is still a part of every day of my life and the person that I am.
Oh Gloria, what a special post! You are SO right! When we step back and look at our lives, we realize what all we really DO have to be thankful for. Maybe that's what this holiday is all about~~taking the time to remember that. I am thankful for the friendship I have with you~~and the inspiration that you give me!
Love ya QG! :-)
You made me cry; I've had a good mama too, and she's gone. It's been years and I still cry for her. You did the right thing: you began to count your blessings. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
You made me cry; I've had a good mama too, and she's gone. It's been years and I still cry for her. You did the right thing: you began to count your blessings. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
I'm so blest to have you in my life..I pray you have a super day. What wonderful memories you have..Yes, we all have so much to be thankful for..
hugs ~lynne~
HI Gloria!! I hope you have a Thanksgiving filled with JOy!
Oh Gloria, You really touched my heart, I too am so close to my Mom (and my Dad, too). We had a scare a few years back with my Dad - he had quadruple bypass and coratid surgery and it really opened my eyes at how thankful I am for him! Thanks for highlighting all of the things we should be thankful for and that we take for granted. I sure hope you feel better and have a great day with your family! ~ Robyn
Gloria, when I think about you standing in your kitchen cooking (in your old red robe), and crying, my heart breaks--no, not because you're still wearing that old red robe--because you are crying for your mother. She sure was a good mama, because she obviously instilled in you a way to pull yourself back up and find things to be thankful for. Mine has been gone 7 years now, and I still think about picking up the phone to call her. We can both be thankful that we had such wonderful mothers to raise us. Some people didn't have that. Beautiful post for this Thanksgiving day. Love ya, laurie
Gloria... We are your extended family and love you very much... I miss my mom all the time and she has been gone for over 20years... but I have so many wonderful memories she is always by my side... Happy Thanksgiving... I am thankful for my family, my friends and you...
(((BIG HUGS)))
Oh Gloria..what a wonderful reminder you have given us all today. We all have so much to be thankful for. Your mom sounds like an amazing lady. I am "happy to be" your cyber friend. And girl...I didn't know you could pilot a plane! Sound like being amazing runs in the family! Happy Thanksgiving...Debbie
I saw a news story on TV on Thursday about people that are still displaced due to hurricane Ike. These poor souls have no idea how many more months their lives will be disrupted. Made me feel even more thankful for my many blessings.
I am glad you could go around your home and be thankful, for your mother, would be telling you to. Its hard when our Mothers go, I still miss mine so she was 58, Funny how when your sick you want her more. A few years ago, I had fainted, and Terry, my dh got me to the motor home and I was crying for her. He turned around and went 4o miles to where My mothers table was and got it for me. I guess he felt thats the only thing he could do to bring her to me. I look at this old table and it comforts me to know how many meals she prepared for seven children and Daddy. Bring the memories and cherish them. I trying to write down specail things Momma told me, to share with my children and grandchildren, so she will always be among us. Blessings to you this Thanksgiving. I love to fly above the clouds, it so peaceful up there, I want to go flying soon. I love to fly in small planes. I flown a plane myself once. It was great.
Gloria you brought tears to my eyes. Yes we do have so much to be grateful for! And you are one of those in my life *winks* Vanna
I didn't see this one! Ha! Love it and GREAT message to all. :)
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