2. Go to Bitlmore Estates ...I would love to see the Biggest home in America. And go into each and every room...and maybe even spend the night...How cool would that be!!!
3. Go to Graceland...As I just loved Elvis ( I seen him in 1958 live when he was young and Thin Elvis) The same year he went into the Army and I lost him to Lisa Marie Mama !!! You hear that my sweet daughters ...had he been stationed in california instead of Germany he could have been your Daddy!!!
4. Have all my Family with me for a reunion...to be able to see all 7 Grand kids at one time in one spot...Oh dream on ...Gloria
5. See our Great country come together and be Strong as one Nation...Oh now that's a want to see!!!
Now I have to pass this on and this was also very hard thing to do...as I love all of my blogger friends...
1. Sue at Can we Talk....http://canwetalk-sue.blogspot.com/ She is new to the wonderful world of blog...but I just love her to death!!! loved her on Rate My Space...and so glad we talked her into doing a blog...she does Prim style like no other..go see her.
2.Kasarra at Ksarrasarra http://ksarrasarra.blogspot.com/ She has a really up beat blog and always so happy and shares great things with you...another one I love to death!!!
3. Diane at Four Paws and Company http://fourpawsco.blogspot.com/ She is funny always has some great Yummy recipes for us...and a Great lover of Animals...so how could I not love her to death!!!
Now I have to run and tell these 3 to pick up this award...and pass it on !!! See all you Saturday for PINK Saturday...hope each of you have a blessed and safe day....Hugs and Smiles Gloria
Congrats Gloria! Well deserved and such funny answers. "Elvis could been your Daddy". LOL! Love it!
Thanks for checking out my toppers. Do you think I have enough? HaHa...
WOW, fly a lear jet!! What an adventurous soul you are!! I'm in awe! Look at it this way, your kids are probably normal but if Elvis had been there daddy they would have many struggles and temptations that they probably didn't have!! I bet they're wonderful kids!
Morning girl! Congrats on that beautiful award sis...loved your want to do list...lol lol you and Elvis were a 'number'????! lol lol Oh my word...He never told me! lol lol I love ya sis...have a beautiful day!
Congrats on your well deserved award - you're a great blogger friend!!
Loved your answers - Elvis, huh??
Hi Gloria...Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I remember you from rms and it's so nice to find you here. I'm really new at this and I have enjoyed seeing all of the familiar faces here in blog land! I LOVE your blue and white plates! They are gorgeous! I love the Biltmore House, too. I went there as a child and I want to go back. They say it's amazing when it's all decorated for Christmas. I think they even have candlelight tours. Wouldn't that be wonderful? I say go for it! I always wanted to meet Jacques Cousteau and go on his ship the Calypso but he died and it sank!! sniff We have to grab our dreams, don't we? Thanks again! Debbie
Congrats on your award, it's pretty. That's funny about Elvis, I'm still in love with him. I went to Graceland, I swear he had his arm arond me on the tour. LOL
Gloria!!! My first award!! Does that mean I'm truly a blogger now and theres no turning back?? Thanks sweetie, I'm all teary eyed over this, I love you to death too!! xoxoxo
Hehehe...I just love it Girlfriend! Elvis could have been my girl's daddy too...in fact, my oldest daughter's name is Lisa Marie...hehe!!! Congratulations on your award...so well deserved!!! And...while we're on the subject...I have a little something for you at my place (another friendship award) come on over and get it girl!!! You know I love ya!!!
So how is Ms. Gloria doing today? Did you and your daughter have a great time celebrating her birthday? You take care now...Love ya Sweetie!!!
LOL!!! Gloria, you are so cute!!:) I am so glad that yu enjoyed your award! You picked a few wonderful ladies to pass this award on to!
Oh and your 5 things were lovely! Your family is very lucky to have you!
Big Hugs!!!
Congratulations on your award, Gloria! You are so much fun to read...loved all of your answers. You must make it to Graceland because you can actually go in 2 of Elvis' jets and sit in the cockpit...haha! ;-) Bo
Congrats on your award darling!! Loved your to do list..now stop by and get me on the way to Graceland and we both can share the sit in Elvis' jet..Can only imagine the fun we would have.. I was suppose to go to the Biltmore House last year with my daughter..but alas dh's health prevented it from happening.. that is still on the list of things to do.. Weren't the Music Awards just the best? Now.. I loved that George Strait took home an award. Long over do..but I sure like him wearing a pair of jeans..lol Hope you're having a super day...hugs ~lynne~
p.s. just sold the last of the "long" banners..so glad your's is on it's way.. :-)
Hello my precious little friend... How cool are your answers... A leer jet... can you imagine... I would ride with you.. The Biltmore a really HUGE home and beautiful... especially during the holidays... Elvis's home GRACElAND... It is magnificent even though it's exactly like it was when he died... so very hippieish... going to his grave outside is for sure the most moving event... and did you know he had a twin??? The twin is also buried there,,, Can you imagine 2 Elvis's... and OUR country coming togehter... Now is the time for sure... Loved you answers
Congratulations, Gloria! I'd love to go to Graceland too! boo hoo!!
Now, I know you're one of my Divas, but you can snap again anytime you want to!
Me - I ain't right? What you talking 'bout? :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi Gloria, Congrats on your award! I love your answers, you are just quite the adventurer! Thank you for passing the award to me. I've got to really think about this one. There's no way that I can come close to your awesome answers! :0} Diane
Congratulations! I loved your list. I'm afraid you'd be just a little dissapointed if you went to Graceland. I know I was. However, if you went on his birth date or the anniversary of his death, you might like it. There are Elvis wannabes everywhere, and the candlelight vigil is very moving. laurie
Ditto on that list of wants girlfriend! And congrats on your award. I know you'll receive a ton more! Your blog is just so cool!! Vanna
Congratulations, Gloria! Another well deserved award! You are so funny! Did you give Elvis your autograph when you saw him? LOL!....Christine
Good morning, Gloriness! Yes, don't you love the romantic olden movie! Have a beautiful weekend.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Gloria~ you are a riot...lol! I usually tell my daughter that Elvis could be her grandfather ( my mother passed 1 month before him, so I tease and say they got married in heaven. ) Please don't tell anyone that I am a weird-o. ok? :) Congratulations on your award and have a wonderful weekend!
Hugs~ J
Good morning dear friend.. you always manage to put smile on my face..You are just the sweetest to swing by.. I'm glad you like the new "dress" for the blog..couldn't resist changing it a bit early..lol.hugs ~lynne~
I have just one question for you dear-heart. Does the word bigamy mean anything to you? Don't know how E could have married you when he would already have been married to moi.
Congrats on your award and your answers. You reveal what a complex person you are and I love it.
Hey Gloria - I have a little something for you at my place - come over and get it when you get a minute! I think you'll enjoy this one!!
Good Morning Gloria! Oooh! I'll come with you to the Biltmore! Wouldn't that be exciting?! Road Trip! and yes Elvis was a fine looking man in his early years! I am not as adventurous as you in flying a jet - I think I would pass out before the plane even got off the ground! :) Congrats on your award, you are so deserving of it! You are one of the sweetest people I have ever "met". :) I was laughing at the trading houses comment you left for me on my blog about living closer to my uncle. He's about 95 and I don't think he remembers my name! ;) Glad you liked the little desk. I have visions of myself handwriting notes at that desk while gazing out the window...well I can DREAM, right..? :) it sounded nice anyway. Have a good day ~ Laurie
Erma Bombeck had it dead to rights. Couldn't find a comment button on that post, so I'll leave it here instead.
I had read this before, but can always benefit from a reread.
Congrats on your award G! So glad you made it to Blogland cause I love all you have to share! And love your "want list"...here's hoping they all come true! :-)
What a nice blog Gloria. I too, love cherubs as I collect Valentines and all things with cherubs, Putti's and of course Cupid!
Your staircase is perfect!
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