Hey a'll , Bubba and me have had a Great 2010.....Bubba finally is getting a few thangs done around the house...Got me a brand smashing new door bell...And just in time for our family gathering

I got the tree up and all lit..
Bubba got laid off from the Gin Mill again this year...said he was drinking up the profits...

I have been trying to make me some Purdy things for our house...make some Advent calendar's to give to family and friends...Bubba found me some wreaths forms...

Bubba got me a new dishwasher as our last one died...It came just in time as I was getting so tired of hand washing my best china....

We spent one whole hour getting the yard done for Christmas...Bubba said we need to cut back next year

Bubba Jr. done got himself married and graduated from the fifth grade all this in one month...We is so proud of him and his first cousin Susie Lou for tie-in the knot...

Bubba the 3th was his best man....We was so glad he was born on time....To attend his Mama and Daddy's wedding day....
I made them a special cake....

Grandpa has been doing great this year and was up to attending the wedding...He has lost some weight since losing his teeth...still says our dog ate them...
Bubba and I did get our Christmas cards done....I think Bubba get better looking each year....Well friends and family as you can tell we had another great year...
Merry Christmas Y'all....
Until next time from my mountain to yours.
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Oh Gloria! What a great giggle on this dreary morning. Take care, Sally
OMG, OMG ... you are so funny ~~ and so bad!
Gloria you are so funny! Just what I needed when I took a break from decorating...yep, this Patty Ann is still decorating!!
Happy Weekend!
You are hysterical!! This was such a hoot, not sure where you come up with them, but keep them coming. Everyone needs a laugh and darling you do deliver... miss ya girl.. love ya hugs ~lynne~
Gloria...I love you!!~ Just what I needed today. Scary part of all this Gloria, is these are real pics...these are real people LOL!!~lordy lordy, I do have to say I love your new door bell! Have a good one my friend.
Gloria, you are a wild one!! Your posts are always so funny! Glad you stopped by this morning to say hello- it's always nice to hear from you! Happy Holidays!
Gloria ! You are just a hoot. These pictures are just too funny. Thanks for the laughs!
Gloria, this was a hilarious post, I laughed till the tears came streaming down. You always give us a great laugh. Have a blessed evening. Madeline
Gloria, this was a hoot! Always look forward to the Bubba's Christmas letter!
Hope you are having a great Christmas season! Hugs, Kat
Gloria this is a riot!! Never know what you are going to come up with next!!
bee blessed
Well Yea-Ha! Let's crank up "Merry Christmas From The Family" by Montgomery Gentry and have us a par-tee!!! I'll bring the toothpicks:@)
Have fun Gloria!
You are one crazy lady. Bubba done good!
Your are terrible! I wouldn't be surprised to see one of those coat hanger trees turning up all cute on the blogs around here! LOL!
Now this made me laugh!! Between you and Diana, you keep me smiling! I am going to show this to my family members!! Have a great weekend!
Gloria, You just crack me up!! Thanks for the good laugh.
Oh, Bubba and you and I would get along great for Christmas! I love your tree and Advent Calendar. Only, if you can, will you have Bubba intersperse the beer on the Advent calendar with little nips of Seagram's 7?? Then we're good to go! ;)
gv xxoo
I noticed there ain't no pictures of Grandma. What happened? Did she git runned over by a reindeer?
Gloria - what a hoot! You really caught me by surprise. Where in the world do you find your photos! Have a great day....I'll be laughing! Linda
OMG I just about choked from laughing so much! LOL Oh Gloria, that was such a funny post, I just loved it. Wonder where I can get me a nice tree like that?! hehe xoxo
I almost peed my pants! Some of those pics are just hilarious!
The funny thing is their are some real life bubba's living around me!
Enjoy that little Grandbaby!
We are getting slammed with snow today, about 8 inches so far and I am babysitting Addison.
So fun!
hahahahahhhhhaaaa....you silly silly girl.
What happened to the grandma...did she get "run over by a damned ole train"? hahahaa...i do so love your cute sense of humor, dear sister friend. You are such a hoot.
Love you lots, bj
Gloria you are too funny!
Hello sweet Gloria,
You are too funny! These are a hoot! Love the doorbell! lol!!
You are a riot, Gloria! Of course, given the time of year, I couldn't stop thinking of Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation!
Gloria, That is just too funny! I've got to show it to my husband for sure! ;)
You are always a hoot, Gloria, lol. I hope you are enjoying this busy holiday season. My mom's fine, she is now with my sister in St, Louis. Thanks for asking....Christine
Oh my goodness...that was too funny! Thanks for the laughs! =) XOXO ~Liz
P.S. Thank you for commenting on my blog post! *smile*
This is sooooo out of control! I actually thought the silver trailer all decorated up was pretty cute! However, a Christmas tree with beer cans, NO NO~!!!! I thought for a minute you were serious!
Hi Gloria!!!
Girlfriend I have soooo missed your incredibly crazy sense of humor!! OMG! This had me LMAO!! Ain't no way I'm ever touching that doorbell!! But the trailer gingerbread was lovely!
Thanks for stopping by at my place. I was so happy to hear from ya! Now I'm off to see what you've been up to?.....Besides all that Christmas free-vol-e-tay *winks* Love Vanna
LOL! Oh, Gloria, you're a hoot! That Bubba is something else!! :) Now I've never seen a door bell ringer like that before! :) Holy moly! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hey Sweet Lady,
I e-mailed you! Hubby thought he had your number but it didn't show up on our caller ID.
I am jealous of my hubby! He got to talk to you!
Love Ya,
Now them there's some real decorations! Thanks for your sweet visit to see "my girls" -- they've all loved the books from my Amazon gift certificate. They each got one about Thanksgiving and one about Christmas. Good to see you and I hope Santa's got lots of goodies for your side of the mountain!
Hi Gloria! Girl, I am loving all of your decorations! That doorbell is unique? lol Thanks for the laugh! Have a good evening!
That is so funny. You are so creative. Thanks for sharing making me smile.
You crack me up! Oh my goodness I needed that laugh!
Gloria, we are BOTH laughing hysterically! You are too cute.
Merry Christmas hugs, my friend ~
Gloria...listen..tell Granpa not to worry...the baby found his teeth! That'll cheer him up.
This was hysterical...how did you know we all needed a good laugh. You are precious!!
HUGS! And Merry Christmas...
oh MY GOD!!!! Busy is in love with the stupid dog with the fake teeth!!!! hee hee!!!
she keeps saying awe!!! how cute! Mommy can we get one????
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