WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
It seems like every year at this time I start thinking about life...what I have done with mine...what I still want to do with mine...and how I wished we could all just live together and offer each other our comfort and support...We as females all seem to have the same thing in common...to be able to care and share...this is what I have most enjoyed about blogging...Oh yes!! its great to see all the YUMMY recipes, the BEAUTIFUL Tablescapes, the WONDERFUL decorated homes....but it really is all about the CARING and SHARING of LOVE that I feel here in Blogland..I have truly met some of the most amazing women here...and my wish for 2011 is to meet many more....
In a zoo in California , a mother tiger gave birth to a rare set of triplet tiger cubs. Unfortunately, due to complications in the pregnancy, the cubs were born prematurely and due to their tiny size, died shortly after birth. The mother tiger, after recovering from the delivery, suddenly started to decline in health, although physically, she was fine. The veterinarians felt that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to fall into a depression. The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother's cubs, perhaps she would improve. After checking with many other zoos across the country, the depressing news was that there were no tiger cubs of the right age to introduce to the mourning mother. The veterinarians decided to try something that had never been tried in a zoo environment. Sometimes a mother of one species will take on the care of a different species. The only 'orphans' that could be found quickly, were a litter of weanling pigs. The zoo keepers and vets wrapped the piglets in tiger skin and placed the babies around the mother tiger. Would they become cubs or pork chops ??? Now take a Look !!!

Now, please tell me one more time ........? Why can't the rest of the world get along??
Maybe the rest of the world needs to start a blog....
May all of you have a safe and blessed Year to come...I truly know God has blessed me with my family and my Blog Friends....
"Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right" (Oprah Winfrey)
until next Year....From my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Wonderful post Gloria -- you're one of blogland's best!
Oh Dear Gloria,
That is truly and utterly amazing!
I just called hubby over to come and read!
I left you a phone message and I hope you got it.
Big Hugs my friend and Happy New Year too!
Great story Gloria!!
Happy New Year!
I 1 billion precent agree with your post.. In fact I was just saying to my daughter what great women I have become pals with in Blogland..
and also-- why oh why cant we all get along here on earth.. Surely its possible..
Have I told you lately how very happy it makes me to come here and visit?? To have you visit me? just to know you are someone on this earth and sharing it with me? well, I'm telling you NOW..
Hi Gloria.
Thank you for your lovely comment at my place and I send my very best wishes for 2011.
May this year be kind to your family and I will pray for your sister and you. My wife has secodary breast cancer which has spread to her bones. Fortunately for now Hormone Therapy drugs are doing a holding job but we are fortunate to have many friends praying for Maria all over the world. Wonderful.
Now your fabulous post - really enjoyed this one and I think it is fantastic that Mrs Tiger has decided not to eat her cubs but raise them. Maybe she is thinking that they will be much bigger later and make better meals LOL.
That, is truly awesome!! Acceptance is the word that comes to mind. We ALL could use more of it!! Love to you Gloria!!
Gloria, you are SO RIGHT!!! I wish so much we could take a lesson from the animal world and all get along and STOP the fighting and wars. I, too, have found such wonderful friends, love and support here in blogland and YOU are a big part opf that! My BEST good wioshes for all that will make you happy in the new year!!! XOXO, Pinky
Awwwww isn't that the sweetest! Ummm I guess it was a win win? If she adopted them she would feel better....and if she ate them she'd get a good lunch and probably feel better....Sorry Gloria I couldn't help myself! Lol! I'm glad she made the right choice *winks*
HAPPY NEW YEAR girlfriend!! Vanna
All the best to you for the New Year as well.
How totally precious! Thanks, so enjoyed and really warmed my heart. Blessings!
What an adorable post. Those photos couldn't be more precious! I hope you had a lovely holiday and wish you the best for the new year!
Gloria all I can tell you is the World nor blog land would ever be the same without your beautiful presence. You are such a lovely lady, so full of positive energy, that I adore and am so attracted to in my normal life as well. I can't stand negative downer types...you always make me smile:) Happy new Year to you and your family. Love ya too girl...Debbie xxx000
Hi Sweet lady, wonderful post, I know "exactly" what you're trying to say, I soooo agree. Everyone should try to get along, in this world of different personalities and clicks it doesn't happen often. It's sunny here today and 40 and gorgeous, compared to 10 above Monday morning. I'll take this any time... Love ya girl. hugs ~lynne~
Happy New Year to you, Gloria! May 2011 bring you good fortune and health!
Only you would find such a cute story to share. Happy New Year to you, too!!
OH GLORIA! THAT WAS SOOOO TOUCHING and so true, non? WHY CAN'T WE JUST LOVE EACH OTHER!!! And I am so impressed with your blog! My mom unfortunately, did not survive ovarian cancer 23 years ago, but PRAISE GOD, that YOU have overcome and your life is SPECIAL!!!! I will come back as my husband is asking to jump in. THANK YOU FOR YOUR VISIT!!! Anita
Nice post - and so true.
A Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you also!
Gloria, cute photos for sure. Thanks for sharing.
Happy New Year!
Your post made me want to cry...such beautiful pictures and I agree, why can't we all get along this way?!
Wishing you all the best in the year to come...from my lake to your mountain, big hugs!
I think this may be the sweetest and most amazing thing I have seen!!!
How incredible that this mother tiger took in these cute little orphan piglets as her own. It makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time!
Gloria, wishing you and your family all the best in 2011-enjoy:@)
Awwww, this is so sweet, Gloria, and they are all so cute! Here's wishing that blessings, health and prosperity be bestowed upon you and your family throughout the years to come...Christine
Sweet story and pictures! I wish everyone could just get along like those piglets and their "wink wink" Mama:) The world would be a much nicer place!
Thanks for paying me a visit! I love it when you stop by and leave your sweet comments!
Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!
That is really a sweet, sweet story, honey. I think they're adorable. But we all WILL get along some day. You know that though... ;-)
Beautiful post, Gloria!! May your new year be blessed. Sally
Gloria, This is such a precious story and the pictures are adorable! I am so glad we "met" through blogging. I always enjoy my visits here and I can count on you to make me smile. Have a wonderful 2011.
Oh this is the cutest thing I've ever seen. What a blessing. I so agree, why can't we all get along. I so hope you have a very Blessed New Year and thank you for your precious friendship. I count you as one of my blessings. Hugs, Marty
Thank you Gloria for stopping by and giving warm wishes. Happy New Year to you!
Thanks for a heart warming, feel good reason to laugh out loud! What a wonderful post! Happy New Year :-D
that's amazing!!! happy new year to you!!!
Lovely post, Gloria...it's what I most love about blogging...the caring, sharing, and generosity...
Oh, Gloria, this almost made me cry! I loved this post. What a joy for the poor mother. I too love the caring and love that I have felt and it is an amazing group of women - I just want to meet them all in person too!!! Lots of love for a new year.
Now that is just so sweet. I feel so sad for this beautiful creature. I just love that we have people who think this much of her to give it a try! Would you just look at that. Amazing! Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story with us and I agree, blogging is such a joy! I hope you have a very Happy New Year too!
What a great post! So happy that I did not miss reading this tonight. You said it all about how much joy our blogging buddies bring into our lives. Incredible to tell someone that does not blog what it is like.
I too look forward to getting to know my friends on here even better in the new year and of course you too.
You always make me smile when I get to visit your site.
I love the story about the pigs too saving the mother from such depression. Your right why can't we all just get along!
Happy New Year Honey
Wonderful post! It's really touching that the piglets can help the tigress without the tigress hurting the piglets. Enjoy the rest of the year, Kellie xx
Oh my Gloria! This is wonderful - I guess it is because animals act on basic instincts and a drive in humans is to acquire for themselves. Amazing photos!
Gloria, What a wonderful post and I whole heartly agree with everything you said. The pictures are just adorable. Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year. Madeline
Hello dear Gloria,
This is soooo sweet! Love it!! Wishing you and yours a wonderful, happy, healthy New Year!
HI Dear Gloria! Oh, this was just a wonderful post! I love this and agree - the world should try much harder to get along!
I'm so glad you to know you, too, Gloria and would love to hug your tiny little neck. Ft. Hood is about a 5 hours drive from me when traffic is going smoothly. We'll see what we can do! :)
Love ya and Happy New Year,
Shelia ;)
Happy 2011 to my blogging buddy. I'm so glad that I've come to know you!
Just popped in to say howdy from Texas and send you a big ole hug!!
A beautiful post, Gloria! Happy New Year to you and your family!...hugs...Debbie
Awwww, Gloria, what a sweet story, and you did such a beautiful job of tying it to blogging. You are such a caring and loving blogger. You are one of the reasons Blogville is a wonderful place. Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2011. laurie
Gloria, every time I see this come around, I get a hug grin ... amazing how something so simple can bring such joy, whether it be animal or man.
I hope that your Christmas celebration was full, warm & blessed.
Thank you for another wonderful year of friendship, sweetie ... looking forward to many more.
Hugs & love,
Oh Gloria, yes...lets get it right this year! Bring our young men home and talk to people not drop bombs on them...something, anything...lets just stop the killing...
When will they ever learn. When WILL they ever...learn!
Hugs to you Sweetie!! You are so special!
Hello to my precious 'sis'!!!!! This is a beautiful post girl...just wanted to send some love your way....wish I could reach thru the screen and hug you...thank you so much for my beautiful Christmas card...when Bill came in from checking the mail that day..he had your card on the bottom of the stack and started handing me piece by piece then waved your card in front of me like a 'doggie treat' saying 'lookie here what somebody got from G.L.O.R.I.A!!!!!' lol My family has no respect for me!!!!!! lol lol They know I love you so...I started crying before I could get it open!!!!
We had a glorious Christmas...all our family was together...my kids and Helen's kids too!!!! Lots of hugs and kisses and babies everywhere...mama and daddy and the Burlys were in true form right down to their hunting boots!!!!!
I pray all is well with you my precious friend..I love you so and can't wait to see what the New Year brings for each of us,,,oh and right after the first if you feel your house shaking alittle...don't panic..it's not an earthquake...it'll just be the earth's axles shifting as I step on the scales at Weight Watchers!!!!! Love you sis!!!!!
Bonjour Gloria,
What a sweet post - and yes, why can't we all just get along. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and I look forward to more of your beautiful posts.
Thank you for your visit and kind words.
I wish you and your family a lovely New Year!
what a sweet story Gloria! I wish we could put aside our differences and find the good in people. We're all pretty much the same if you take the time to dig deep and find the heart...
Have a wonderful Happy New Year! Love ya G!! xoxox
That is the sweetest story I ever heard! I love the pictures!
Thanks for sharing!!!
Now following you! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
Happy New Year!!!
Opps! I forgot!
I wanted to invite you to join the Over 40 Bloggers club! Take a look and join in the fun!
Be sure to come by every Thursday night for the Follow Friday 40 and Over Blog Hop!
Have a great day!!
Oh this is such a sweet Post! Everyone should have a blog. Then they would learn what it means to be kind, encouraging and loving!
Merry Christmas my friend! I hope you have a wonderful New Year!!!!!
Hi Sweet Sis...
Ahhh...isn't the simply amazing? And sooo very adorable! Those little piglets all dressed up in tiger skins and mama tiger just taking care of them just as though they were her own! I love it!!!
Well Sis...I couldn't have said it any better! I love all the pretties but it's the friendships that I have made here in blogland that are so precious to me! You, sweet Sis...are just one of my most precious gifts!!! I love ya, Darlin'!!!
So glad that you stopped by! Did you get your computer fixed yet? Eeeks...we have a laptop but I never use it...it just feels so awkward to me! Sooo happy that you like your fuzzy throw! When I seen it...I just knew that you would love it...and that you could really use it...especially right now! Hehe! I'm really enjoying my new decorating book too! Ohhh...it's a good one! Did I tell you that this is the first Nell Hill book that I've gotten? I love it!!! Thank you again, sweet friend! Well Sis...I'll talk with you later! Just wanted to stop by to chat!
Love ya, Sis!!!
PS...sending you lots of love and prayers for a wonderful new year!!!
That is really something else..... where the heck did you find such pictures? I love it! Girl, you have a gift.... that's for sure. You just never know what your going to post! YOUR GOOD... so good.
Happy Happy New Year Gloria, and wishing you all the best.... Sending warm hugs too... Dear Friend**
Oops! I was sure I left a comment here...came back to make another..and no comment..
No matter. Just came to say I love you, my friend..and that it has been a wonderful year getting to know you! You are the kindest and most sensitive of people..and just so you won't forget...I treasure you! Take good care this coming year and I am sure we will all be here for one another..soothing, sharing, and enjoying one anothers company.
It's been fun, Gloria. Pure fun..ok..with a bit of stress..but very little compared to the good times!
Lotsa love and hugs..
Sheesh! I forgot to say Happy New Year!! :)
LOL that is so true and I have also thought that about the world and blogging! I have heard and seen this before but it is SO amazing! :D
Oh my gosh Gloria! This is priceless! And you have hit the nail on the head! Why can't the rest of the world get along...so true. Just goes to show you how nice the bloggers are! So happy to call you friend! Have a Happy New Year!!
Wow Gloria,
What an amazing post. Definitely something you don't see every day. It warms the heart to see all the beauty in the world, doesn't it.
Absolutely love the Oprah quote. I'm hoping I get it right this year, that's for sure.
Happy New Year,
xo Cathy
Adorable post, Gloria! You are a special lady. Hope 2011 brings you everything you hope for!
Hugs, Beth
Oh my God, Gloria. I don't know WHERE you found this touching story, but I was honestly choked up and amazed. I thought the same thing you did: those baby pigs will be LUNCH! Isn't it just so amazing??! Wow, thanks for sharing this. I am going to have my son see this. It's truly a blessed thing! Best in the new year, dearest friend!
Gloria xxoo
Dear Gloria,
I saw that beautiful story a few weeks back, isn't life amazing how things work out.
Wishing you and your family, a happy New Year with much love, good health and happiness.
Wonderful blog and post. I loved the tiger story(sad) and the outcome. Life is never easy, but most time it is what we make it. Even the animals care more than some humans. Thank you for your visit and comment.
What a great post! You are certainly one of the most loving and caring bloggers I've met! Thank you for that!
The little pig-gers and their story is really cute!
Happy New Year!
(Praying for your grandson!)
I sure enjoyed your post! Thanks so much for your sweet comments! New Year's Blessings to you!
You are a dear friend! I could never have started my blog without you and your kindness.
Much love to you!
What a charming story and nice you are offering strength to a friend through prayers of others.
OMG I Love this!!! Thank you for posting it. It makes me so happy when we can see examples like this in the world. I'm posting this to facebook!
This is such an uplifting post, full of love. Thanks for this wonderful post and the pictures too. Congrats on POTW.
I found you on POTW. Congrats! I'll definitely keep coming back!
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