Finally be done with these curtains for my Master bathrooms...I started these just before Landen James was born...But had to put them aside until I had more time to finish them...A baby changes every thing ha ha!
I got 40 yards of this fabric last year from Second Sunday Swap meet for $20.00...Yes I got it all for .50 a yard...Can't beat that with a stick ha ha!! I have enough to also make new curtains for my bedroom...This is the one in the Barber shop bathroom...These are the Balloon shades I made for my tub area...I just love all the roses on this fabric...Too fun...I have a real hard time with any kind of curtains in my house as I don't have one curtain rod that is permanent in my house...I really Paid so much to have all the oak trim done around all my windows and don't want to ruin it with nails or screws...So every curtain or drapes I have is on tension rods....
This is an old antique dresser I had a sink put in...I just love it as it looks like a functional piece of furniture and fits my Victorian look...
My Mama made this soap and tissue dispenser for me many years ago...Wished I had my Mama instead sighs...
One of my Victorian mirrors and hair brushes...
My favorite place to spend time is in my spa tub...I have fallen asleep here many nights ha ha!!
The little lamp shade I made year's ago...It's called a small tulip shade...
Now this Singer Light weight sewing machine I learned to sew on when I was 7 years old... I use to make doll clothes on it..My Aunt Jessie got this in 1950 and when she died in 1986 I asked my Uncle if I could have it as I had so many fond memories of using it...I have 2 other sewing machines, but each time I get ready to sew I drag this beauty out...It does nothing fancy but I just to this day love using it...I wish you could hear it hum...
Thanks for coming by today and seeing why I'm just Sew Happy To Be...I am joining my Dear friend Courntey at " French Country Cottage" for feather your nest Friday...Oh did I tell you guys I love that girl to death..Please go by and see her wonderful eye candy Blog...
Until Next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and Smiles Gl♥ria
Oh Gloria I just love your home, you did a good job on the windows, Your home should be in the Victorian magazine. I just love everything, wish you lived next door so I could come and visit.
Oh Gloria, I just love that photo of the spa tub with the light coming in through your beautiful curtains. What a deal on the fabric. Rose prints are my favorite!
Gosh those curtains are beautiful! I love the roses too, and you got such a terrific bargain. There is so much I love about your bathroom...I think it is my fantasy bathroom with that jetted tub! I also have always dreamed of a bathroom vanity like you have, that used to be a dresser. I like the idea of furniture in the bath. Adore the tulip shade and the hairbrush!
Such a pretty bathroom. I'd never want to come out!
Life on the Edge
Hi Gloria!
That is one SWEET little sewing machine!
I'm sorry I gave away my mother's old Singer -- I could sure use it now. Those old workhorse machines were wonderful.
Plus, I sewed miles of doll clothes seams on it, too!
LOVE the roses fabric; you do nice work, hon. I love tension rods b/c they are so easy, but if you want a wider look, you can always attach the hardware for curtain rods outside the woodwork, right on the wall. We do that all the time -- much easier to spackle/patch a wall when you want to change!
Just like YOU.
Beautiful room Gloria!
That little singer is a sweetheart!
Such pretty curtains, Gloria. You did such a nice job! My mom used to have a sewing machine in the 50's just like your black singer. I wish she still had it. It was really neat.
I'm like...wishin I had my Mama instead of "stuff"...we may be kindred souls!!!
Love all of your beautiful curtains, don't blame you for preserving that beautiful woodwork!!!
Great job on the curtains and all that fabric for such a fantastic price!! I LOVE your bathroom and I wouldn't want to cover up that oak Trim either. It is stunning!!
Your tulip lamp is just gorgeous!!
You know I love everything that you have in your home!! I would love to see it in person and i know i would be speechless and for me, that is pretty hard to remain speechless for any length of time.
Gloria, the curtains look wonderful! I love the roses too. I am on the hunt for one of these machines, they are so expensive now, but I hope to find one for a good price one day! Loved the tour of your lovely rooms.
Hi Gloria,
I love your curtains. The floral fabric is lovely with the soft, romantic lace.
Your bedroom looks so beautiful and welcoming. I would fall asleep in that tub too.
I'm so glad that you still have your sweet little sewing machine.
One of the dealers at the shop had one that was built into a folding table. She sold it for $500!
Wow, Gloria! I can't believe you made those curtains. I didn't know you could sew!!! Neat! Now, come see me and help me!!!! I'm totally inept.
Sheila :-)
Beautiful job on your curtains! I just love your bathroom. I have material to make kitchen curtains but need some butt kicking to get them started. You might have just been the one to inspire me to get them done.
Your new curtains are gorgeous and your bathroom is fabulous. I love all of your antiques. So pretty. I am drooling over your sewing machine too. Fantastic. Hugs, Marty
Wow Gloria!!
Your spa is amazing!!!!!
The bathroom is very beautiful
You did a great job on your curtains, the material is fabulous and you got it at a great price. Everything looks great. I love the photos. Have a great evening. Madeline
Hi, sister friend, hope you are doing good.
These curtains are really pretty..lots of roses.:)
I spent the entire day having lunch with a friend and then we went thrifting...nothing to write home about but some ok things...
xoxo bj
Gloria, these are just gorgeous. I love the fabric, it is just perfect for your beautiful home. I can't sew a lick, I so admire those who can! Love that bathroom, especially the dresser that you turned into a sink - what a beautiful look. Glad that things are settling down for you, a new baby DOES change everything! Hugs, Kat
I adore your bathroom Gloria!
It's so lovely with the tub and the sink in that beautiful dry sink!
And are there no end to your many talents?
The curtains are amazing, good job my friend!
Gloria, I did not know you were such a good seamstress. Beautiful curtains and it makes your bathroom so romantic looking. I can't believe you use that old machine which is really pretty. New machines just aren't pretty like the old ones.
Hey Gloria!!! I LOVE your curtains! You absolutely HAVE to join in the Feathered Nest Party with this! I love it! How is that sweet baby doing? Bet you all are having so much fun with that little guy! :)
you have done a super job with those curtains Gloria, and on the precious old machine too! Wonderful rose fabric, love it! xoxoxo
Gloria...You are such a doll!
Love your curtains and Bath and everything!
Your little singer...I know what you mean...I'd rather sew on that one then my other two!
Happy Sewing sweetie!
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
You've been busy, Gloria, and everything turned out beautifully. Love your lampshade too!...Christine
Hi u asked about my teacart, i am selling it, if interested let me know.. mishelle
Hi Gloria! I love your new pretty! And what a bargain, too! How's that little mister Landen James doing? Aren't they wonderful? We've got a new one on the way, too...due in April! It will almost be like having twins! lol Have a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie
Your bathroom is gorgeous!!! I too have an old feather weight sewing machine and love to sew on it!
Hi Gloria, thank you for the nice comments on my blog. It was very sweet of you to say such nice things, love your curtains, you did a wonderful job! I love florals, they just say "cottage" to me. Keep up the good work, tami from the high street cottage
Hi Gloria!
WHat a fabulous job you did on those curtains!! I love them! It's so fun to sew isn't it? I've been sewing since Jr High and can't imagine not being able to sew. Your bathrooms are decorated to beautifully, every corner is special from your touch!
Hugs, Sherry
I love your rose curtains -- just lovely! And that old sewing machine is to die for!
Hi Gloria! How are you? What beautiful curtains you made. :) You are so talented!
You asked about my oldest son and how is he doing in med school. He had exams this week and he told me that he has exams next week too. He has been studying nonstop because he says that the exams coming up are very hard but he's ready for them. :) Thank you so much for asking.
Such a beautiful nest you have. And your blog heading is stunning!
Hi Gloria! You did a beautiful job on your curtains. They look so nice in your bathroom. Good idea putting your sink in an old adds a lot of charm :)
Beautiful ~ as usual! Love that tub although I just cannot be a "bath" kinda girl. Feel like I'm sitting in dirty water ~ :-) Weird, huh? ha ha ha
Just wanted to stop by and see what was going on and say you are so loved!
Oh my those curtains are so pretty! I'm in love with your tub too :)
What beautiful fabric, Gloria! It's just perfect for your Victorian bath...and what a bargain at 50 cents a yard! I can just picture you making those curtains on your Aunt Jessie's old Singer.
Your mom MADE the tissue cover and soap dispenser??? Oh my! They are exquisite! What a truly lovely reminder of your dear mom.
Hi Gloria,
You have the most beautiful home, love the Victorian look and your pretty curtains.
My Mother had an old Singer sewing machine that I first learned on.
They are wonderful little machines.
Happy week
Gloria, that fabric is beautiful, and I cannot believe you got it for such a great price! How wonderful that the vintage sewing machine still works, and you not only can sew on it, but have wonderful memories while sewing. Your window treatments look so pretty. laurie
Great job on the curtains, Gloria! I wish I was as talented. I have fabric that has been sitting here, waiting to be made into kitchen curtains! Oh well... maybe one day soon it will come to fruition. :)
Anyway, love the flowered fabric, and you got a great deal on the material!
Great job on the curtains, Gloria! I wish I was as talented. I have fabric that has been sitting here, waiting to be made into kitchen curtains! Oh well... maybe one day soon it will come to fruition. :)
Anyway, love the flowered fabric, and you got a great deal on the material!
You are AMAZING!
Check out my book giveaways.
Hi Sis...
Ohhh my...I just adore how your pretty curtains turned out! Girlfriend, I didn't know that you were such a talented seamstress! They're gorgeous!!! Love, love, LOVE that rose floral's sweetness at its best!!! And...ohhh sooo perfect for your beautiful bath! I just love how that area around your pretty tub looks...roses and just doesn't get any better! Sis, this should be in a magazine!!! Romantic Homes or Victoria! Well Darlin', I know that you're just tickled pink to have this little project finished! I loved the tour around your beautiful bath! It's simply breathtaking! Now this is a room that I could just shut myself in...and be perfectly happy! Happy to be!!! Ohhh wait, that's you! Hehe!
Love ya, Sis!!!
Chari sorry that it's been a few days since I've been over. You know how my weekends are. Russell and I were just "shut in" for the weekend! He's still not feeling very good. Sooo...I babied him! wink! Didn't get much else done...but that's okay!
You did a beautiful job and they are so perfect for your home. I love the pretty!
I think when you do show us your home, it is always a treat....I love old antiques and things of character, and girl you got that:)!!~
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