WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

November 3, 2011

~What's Up ? ~

Hello!! all my Dear blog bud's...I first want to thank all of you wonderful peeps for all your prayers, cards and emails you have send me!! WOW I was overwhelmed that people I have never met could mean so much to me...I wished I could say this past month has been an easy one for me..but let's face it having a triple by-pass is like having an 18 wheeler truck parked on your chest ..But once again God was great to me !! And what a shocker that was to me..to just go to the hospital for an Angiogram test and be told it would take about an hour and I would have to spend the night and go home in the morning, well I had a cardiac arrest during the test, and they the doctor put me on a heart lung machine while they got together a team and by 9 pm until 2 am I under went open heart surgery..See what I mean God truly blessed me with being in the right place at the right time..Thank you God..
I really don't remember much for around 2 days from that point on...When I did awake I was in terrible pain and here comes the nurse with a needle and I thought WOW!! it much be the good stuff "it's in a needle" ha ha!!
Any hoo lots has been going on since that time..I did want to share my little pride and joy Landen James my great grandson's picture from Halloween with you..He was "Fonzie" from Happy days he even had a pack of blackjack chewing gum in his leather jacket ha ha!!

My other pride and joy is my Grand daughter Candace (Landen's mama) I really don't know what I would have done without all her wonderful help this past month..she is truly a sweetheart..she was at Disneyland when all this happen and of course wanted to come right home...My Daughter Gina and Dawna also came and helped me..Thank's girls your mama loves you to pieces..Who would of thought that I would change their diapers and one day they would be changing mine ha ha!! Hey Great pay back!!
And of course I have to Thank Lenny for running and getting pizza's because he doesn't know what a kitchen is ha ha!! I did teach him to finally use the washer and dryer..but his folding left alot to be desired...He even tried to make the bed..how ever it did look like a body was still in it when he got done ha ha!! But he really has been my rock through out this whole ordeal..

Do you guy's remember me telling you I have an "outhouse Bathroom" in my house?? well the darn shower pan cracked also last month so what does every woman do when it spring's a BIG leak..?? This is my in house outhouse door with all my olden door knockers on it..

Why they tear the whole bathroom out and start remodeling it ha ha!! I have wanted for over 10 years to redo this bathroom so now is the perfect time for it...Why you ask is this the perfect time?? I can't do a thing to help ( perfect ) ha ha!! I can't even sweep the floor until 4 months from surgery love it ha ha!! We ordered everything from Lowe's from new marble tile floor to sink, toilet and a travetine shower...Len and the contractor hope to have it all done by the first of December...I have 2 french chandy's I'm going to hang in here..one I got from my dearest friend Vanna aka *winks* at delusions of grandeur she by far has the best french things you have ever seen and was so kind to sell me one of her prized chandys like 6 months ago that has been sitting on my bedroom floor just waiting for the perfect place to hang it...Also this is my 400 post and October 18th was my third Blogovery...I know I'm late but I still want to offer all my loyal followers a chance to win a Apollo 135 piece Pink tool kit...If you would like a chance to win this please leave me a comment!!
You must be a follower of "Happy To Be" if your not become one and I'll toss your name in the hat to try and win!!
I wanted to get out and buy a special gift but sorry I have to get this from Amazon and Amazon will mail it to the winner for me...

I will run this give away from November 3 th and announce the winner on November 11th...Good luck to all who enter !! I really wished I was Gloria Vanderbilt and could give each one of my loyal followers a gift..but I'm the "Poor little Gl♥ria" ha ha!!

I really hope to be back to full time blogging by the first of the year..but right now I don't have the energy to keep up!!
Again a HUGE Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers they really have help me with my recovery...A BIG cyber hug to each of you...And may  God Bless each of you as he has me...

Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria


Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Oh Gloria,
I've missed you so much! I hope you got my cards, I think about you daily!
Little Landon is just the cutest little thing...what a neat idea for his costume too!
You have been through the wringer girl, I am amazed at your strength!
I am still babysitting Addison on a daily basis. I am tired but she gives me a lot of joy!
Keep healing, keep the joy and I see you haven't lost your sense of humor either!
Hugs dear friend,
Love your give-away too, so cute!
Love Ya,

Tardevil said...

So glad the good Lord was looking out for you, Gloria! I would miss your humor if something were to happen to you. Take all the time you need to recover! Your great grand is a sweetie pie. Love the Fonzie idea! Don't over-do it, and be sure to post again when that bathroom reno is done!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I'm here,Sweet cakes! I am so used to you not posting that I forget to come by... *hanging head here*

That baby boy is just the cutest little guy! You sound SOOO proud.

You have gone through such an ordeal and I am so happy for you that you had Lennie with you. You and I are NOT loners..and when the chips are down, our guys are there for us.
Now..the bathroom...UGGG..forget it until you are totally back to yourself..maybe in a couple of years? LOL
I'm teasing you.
Busy day today..my life is in the fast track. Staying in my p.j's all day tomorrow..no..wait..gotta buy a couple of new chairs...ours are falling APART.

Love and hugs to you, sweet girl!!

The giveaway...GREAT! Soo cute! :)

Lynn said...

So glad to hear that you're feeling better Gloria! The baby is so cute, Fonzie-too funny! Please take care of yourself:@)

Anonymous said...

Gloria, somehow I totally missed that you went under the knife. So happy to hear that you are doing so well, you poor thing. Not even surgery can keep you down! Love the tool set, every woman needs pink tools! Hang in there, Sue

Debbiedoos said...

Hi there Gloria. So very nice to see you. I love that pink girl tool set. I could really used one of those. I am so happy you are recovering so nicely. You take it easy and slow. Love little Landons jacket..cool little kid.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

It is so nice to see you blogging again!
You did have quite a scare!! Luckily, they were able to do the surgery as quickly as they did.
I was praying for you....
You take care of yourself and heal and get better.
I am a follower for a long time.
I would be honored to be included in your very generous giveaway!

Take care!!

onlymehere said...

Oh my, I'm so happy that you're able to write us a quick note! What a blessing that if you yhad to have this medical problem that you were in the right place at the right time. That little Landon looks adorable too! What a blessing your family has been in your life. You truly are blessed. I'll keep you in my prayers for your continued healing and recovery.
P.S. I've never seen such a cute thing as this tool kit! Love that it's all together in it's own case too.

Madeline's Album said...

Gloria, I am so glad to see you back blogging. You still have a wonderful sense of humor. My prayers have been with you and will continue to be until you are 100% well. Little Landon is growing up he is so cute in his Fonzie costume. I remember the black jack gum used to be one of my favorites. Will be looking for your post when your bathroom is done. Take care and have a blessed day and yes GOD is good. Madeline

Anonymous said...

GLORIA!! So good to hear from you! I've missed you so much and you've been in my prayers! What blessed to have all your loved ones taking care of you! You take care of yourself and I know it's hard not to want to get up and 'do' things but don't you do it! You be a good little girl! ;)
Little Landonn James is just adorable. He has grown so much! Wouldn't it be a hoot to see him and Carter play?! Love you and I will continue to pray for your speedy recovery and I'm so excited for you getting that brand new bathroom! ;)
Love you,
Shelia ;)

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Oh Gloria....I have checked and checked to see if there were anymore updates. I am so glad to hear from you. YOU GO GIRL! So happy you are on the mend....

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Hi darling, I'm so glad you're feeling better. Your little Landon is "adorable"... love the Fonzy outfit, perfect picture in front of your beautiful jukebox. I hope you're falling the "rules" of exercising and breathing treatments... I remember oh so well going through this with Mr. P when he had 5 by passes... oh so many years ago now. You know now we're battling loads of other things..
OOOOOHHHHHHH a new powder room, wow, I think it's running rampet through out Blogland.. now here but many others are getting them... I cannot wait to see the transformation I know it's going to be gorgeous.... Love ya girl... hope you have a super super day.. hugs ~lynne~

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Glad to hear you are doing so well after your ordeal. Hard to believe Landon is that big now - they grow up to fast.
Take care of yourself.

Divine Theatre said...

I have been praying my knees off for you! You sound EVEN BETTER than before! At least, your sense of humor seems to have wings! This post made me laugh so loud my dog started barking! LOL!

Love you, Gloria!


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

It's so good to here from you dear Gloria and that you're doin' better.

Whew, what a close call. God certainly did put you in the right place at the right time. 'Big old happy dance for that!

You have been truly missed sister.

That little Fonzie is just to stinkin' cute for his own britches. I can sure understand your burst in pride.

I'm so happy you had help when you needed it. That's what families are all about.

God bless and have a wonderful weekend. Take it easy girl!!! :o)

Blondie's Journal said...

I am so HAPPY to see you post...it must mean you are feeling better!! But don't do too much, get a lot of rest. We don't want to see you back in the hospital. I really missed you and I am thrilled you are doing better.

Landon is a doll...a precious doll and he looks so cute dressed as the Fonz!! It seems like yesterday he was just a tiny little baby!

What a sweet and generous giveaway. If my hubs saw me with a drill he would run the other way! lol!!

Take care, my sweet friend!!


lvroftiques said...

Dag burn it!! How'd you manage to sneak a new post in on me? I've been watching and hoping to see you up and blogging again dear friend!...And now you are! YAY!!

Girlfriend Landon couldn't look any cuter! I just want to hug him and play with those cheeks *winks* And that's Candace? After hearing so much about her it's so nice to see her! No wonder Landon is sooo cute, she's sooo beautiful!
I'll say that bathroom renovation was also planned by God *winks* Really at what other time would it be impossible for you to get involved doing it all yourself? Winks* I can't wait to see your new bathroom with the chandy!
....Oh girl I'm just so happy you're here!! I can't tell you!
I tried to give you a call but you must be REALLY up and about...Which is sooo good! I'll try you later. Love you girlfriend! Vanna

Pat@BPM said...

I am so happy to see you here Gloria!!!!

bj said...

So so good to hear that you are feeling better and stronger. I remember when Mr. Sweet had his triple...it was nip and tuck for awhile but once he got "on the mend", he did fine. I know you will, too.

Love your cute giveaway....love you more. Sure happy to have you back.
Take care, take it easy and, again, so glad you are better.
xo bj
O, and Landon is sooo cute. :))
xoxo bj

xinex said...

Oh Gloria, am I so glad to see you! I can imagine the ordeal you have been through. Take care of yourself dear friend. I am glad our prayers helped but you still have to take it easy. OMG! I cannot believe how much Landon has grown and how cute! Here you are still recurperating and you are still thinking of us. Thanks for the chance for a giveaway. Of course, I have been a follower....Christine

xinex said...

Strange! I ws pretty sure I was a follower but I was able to enter as a follower again...Christine

Neabear said...

Wow! You have been through a lot! I agree, it was God''s will that you be in the right place at the right time when all this happened. You have been blessed with more years because of this. So glad to hear you are on the mend. But remember to follow doctor's orders and not overdo yet.

Your great-grandson is so cute! Love the pictures of him in his Fonzie outfit. Too cute!

And yes enter me in your give away. I have been a follower of your blog for quite a while now.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh its good to have you back! I was so concerned and helpless... It it wasn't or your daughter posting... I would have just had to wonder what happened to you. Its frightening what happened to you... a simple test to open heart surgery! Bless you and your family... Your grandson looks SO CUTE!

love & light
~Rainey~ @ The Project Table

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

YIPPPEE! Gloria is back on her blog! Soooo glad you are doing better Gloria. You gave us a scare. That little Landon is adorable and the perfect Fonzie. I'm so glad your family has been taking care of you. You deserve it. Welcome back to Blogville, sweet Gloria. Sending hugs your way, laurie

Ivy and Elephants said...

Hi Gloria,
I'm so glad you are back and God's blessings continue to keep you in His care.
Your grandson is adorable! Hope your new bath gets finished on time, (when it rains it pours!).
Big hugs and get well wishes!

Gypsy Heart said...

Girlfriend, you have been so missed!!!! I am so grateful you are much better and on the road to a full recovery. I've just had some tests from a cardiologist and was holding my breath for a week.
You are a dear heart and I've had you in my prayers.

Take good care of yourself, give those directions and sit back and just enjoy! Wish I were closer, I'd come visit and we'd have coffee. I lost your snail addy so when you feel like it, I'd love for you to email it to me.

Sending you lots of healing energy and much love!

Gypsy Heart said...

Girlfriend, you have been so missed!!!! I am so grateful you are much better and on the road to a full recovery. I've just had some tests from a cardiologist and was holding my breath for a week.
You are a dear heart and I've had you in my prayers.

Take good care of yourself, give those directions and sit back and just enjoy! Wish I were closer, I'd come visit and we'd have coffee. I lost your snail addy so when you feel like it, I'd love for you to email it to me.

Sending you lots of healing energy and much love!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Yea! I'm so glad to hear from you, GLoria! I've been so concerned about you, and you sound like you are getting back to your wonderful feisty self!

Sending you much love. Fonzie is adorable!



Cass @ That Old House said...

GLORIA! How wonderful to see you back at your computer!!!!!!

gotta fly -- but I'll be back soon for a "visit."
Love, Cass

9405018--Pat said...

I've missed you...and so glad your a little better...it will take time...hugs Pat H

Sheets on the line, love in my heart. said...

hi gloria.
this is my very first visit...and honey i love your blog...and i am joining up!
i am thrilled your are healing :)
rebecca (i'm just a newbie)

Sue said...

Gloria, It's so nice to see you posting! Take it easy and let others take care of you for a while. "The Fonz" is just adorable! So glad the guy upstairs is looking after you! hugs, Sue

Judi said...

Hi Gloria.*hugs*
I am sorry I idin't know about your surgery. You are truly blessed and being looked after. What a shock that must have been.
I'm glad you are feeling better...now just do as they tell you...*s*..

What a bigt job with your washroom. It'll look so good I know when its all done.

have a great day

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Wow, Gloria you were in the right place at the right time. So glad you came through it and are on the mend. Your great grandson is so darn cute dressed like the Fonz. My first grandson was born this morning and we will be going to go see him in Nashville on Wednesday.

Take care!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh my word, I am so glad to hear from you. I am thrilled that you are getting better and stronger. You are so Blessed and your family is such a treasure. Little Landon is just so precious and his costume is wonderful. Now take care and don't over do, just rest, mind what the doctor says and get well. Your giveaway is fabulous. You are such a treasure, I think that is gift enough. Hugs, Marty

Mari said...

Hello Gloria~I am so happy that your doing better :) God has blessed you!!
Your grandson is such a sweetie pie :) love his costume...lol
A new bathroom wow how exciting and the best is you don't have to lift a pretty finger...lol.....
I pray you get stronger by the minutes :)

many blessing coming your way :)


Sonny G said...

I am so happy to see you post..

you have been so missed.

aww those youngins are so cute.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Gloria, I only just heard about your triple bypass! I hope you are getting stronger every day ~ I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Lady, you are definitely here for a reason. To keep that sense of humor in this post I just read {"he tried to make the bed and it looked like there was a body still in it"} just cracked me up. You are a treasure!

Lisa said...

Soooo happy to see you up and around my friend!!!! How cute is that baby Landon, and how awesome is Len, and how good is God?! And a new bathroom to boot! I can't tell you how happy I am to see you back. You will be amazed at how much better you will begin to feel. Would have sent cards and flowers, but wasn't sure you would get them. So I sent them in spirit..You take care dear one.
Hugs, Lisa

Barb said...

Hi Gloria, it is so good to have you back with us. You were missed.

Goodness, you have been through so much and with such a wonderful attitude.

Landon is a doll...so adorable.

Take good care of yourself, Gloria.

Hugs, Barb

BonjourRomance said...

Dear GLoria,
SO glad you came by. Chari did tell me you had surgery. I am so glad you are feeling better - all those prayers do work! Try and take it easy and enjoy the new bath when finished up without you even having grab a broom. :)
Thank you so much for coming by, I always enjoy your visits.
Take care and will continue to pray for your speedy and full recovery.

Kristens Creations said...

Hi Gloria, I'm so glad you are ok!!!! I've been wondering about you and praying that you are ok. It was good to hear from you yesterday! I'm glad you are getting a new bathroom...that's great! I bet it will be beautiful. You deserve it! Kristen

Kristens Creations said...

Oops! I meant to enter your giveaway! Love the tool set.

Tootsie said...

LUV YOU MOM!!! Good to see you posting again!! at least it's something...you take it easy momma...rest up and get all better...Toots is going to visit you soon!!

Carole Burant said...

So good to see you posting, dear Gloria, and to hear that you're starting to feel so much better! Long may it continue!! You sure gave us all a scare:-( I've always believed in the power of prayer and this is a great indication that it DOES work:-)

Your great grandson is so darn adorable, what a cute little Fonzie he made!!

Can't wait to see your washroom once it's all done. Mine needs a complete overhaul as well, everything has to come out of there. A huge project that no one seems to want to start right now! lol

Congratulations on your 3rd Blogiversary, I feel so blessed to have "met" you through this wonderful blogging world of ours:-) That pink tool kit is so delightful!!

You continue to take good care of yourself "poor" Gloria! LOL Couldn't resist that! hehe xoxo

Richard Cottrell said...

So happy to see you blogging, sorry about the out house leak. Richard from My Old Historic House.


Oh My, Gloria!!!
God certainly has His Hands on you! WOW !!!!
So happy to hear that you are home and will be well soon.
How great to finally get a new batroom!
Thanks for visiting me. 6 Icarts! Cool!
Sending prayers of healing!

Unknown said...

So glad you are home and doing better! You sure must have given everyone a terrible scare. Make sure hubby stays on task! :)

Love the sweet Halloween pictures. You sure are blessed with grand babies. :)
Can't wait to see the new bathroom.
Have fun supervising.:)

Susan (Between Naps On The Porch.net) said...

Gloria, I'm so glad you are back and sound feisty as ever. lol I love it! So thankful you had all that great help! You just keep getting better and better!
Big hugs to you, sweet friend!

mrstuxtattoo said...

Hi Gloria! Oh my gosh, what a scare you had. I'm so glad you are doing well now. I am coming back to blog land again! Tonight is my first night back :)
I'll be checking in on you from time to time friend!

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

I'm popping in to say hello darling! Hope this finds you doing well.. how's the remodeling coming along? I know it's going to be beautiful!!! Love to ya darling.. hugs ~lynne~

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

How wonderful to hear from you, sweet Gloria! You have really been through a lot and I am so glad that yu are on the mend! Keep us posted on your bathroom...with a chandelier...wonderful! Little Landen James is such a cute! Love his costume! Thanks so much for your congratulations! I appreciate all the bloggy love!...hugs...Debbie

Helen said...

Dear Gloria,
A quick note to tell you I'm thinking of you ... wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hope you are well on the way to recovery ...

Dawn said...

Your one sweet, funny lady Gloria! so happy to hear you'll be getting back to blogging. I knew Len and the girls would take great care of you. Happy Thanksgiving Girlfriend!

Love the Decor! said...

Oh my goodness I had no idea!! I have been bad at blogging lately (life is crazy) Just know that you are in my prayers for a speedy recovery and Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! I am having a giveaway so please enter if you have not already

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Hi darling, I hope this finds you feeling better. Mr. P was sore for about 5 to 6 weeks, then all of a sudden he just felt a bit of pulling now and again. Hard to believe it's been 9 years ago, now you know we're dealing with other issues. Life is ever evolving isn't it? My Catie and the kids will be here Thanksgiving evening, what are your plans???? I hope the girls are putting on a wonderful feast for you... Miss ya tons girl.. love ya loads.. From our home to yours Happy Thanksgiving. hugs ~lynne~

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Hey darlin' I just wanted to pop in and wish you a beautiful Thanksgiving and invite you to enter my giveaway.

God bless ya sweetie!!! :o)

Myrna said...

Hi Gloria! Thanks so much for the Thanksgiving wishes!
I am SO GLAD you're better..I had been praying for you (along with about a million other of your fans!)
I am sure you are going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gloria! I hope you're feeling better and taking care of yourself! Thank you so much for popping in to see me and I want to wish you and your sweet family a happy Thanksgiving.
Be a sweetie,

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Hi Gloria, so glad to hear from you again. Also glad that you are improving. You have really been through the mill, but God is good. You have a wonderful family! Happy Thanksgiving. Linda

Sue said...

I was so pleased to hear from you today that I wanted to run right over and wish you the best Thanksgiving ever. I've been so worried and I'm glad that you are slowly getting better. You have a wonderful family and I'm so glad for that for you. Landon looks darling!!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

So good to have you back blogging again! Missed you so much! I pray you are doing well! Don't push yourself, take care!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! You have a lot to be thankful for!

Landen is adorable! Love his costume, and the gum idea!!

I just posted what has kept me so busy lately.


Julie Harward said...

Hi there...nice to see you back and with such a great sense of humor too! That is one cute little guy! I can't wait to see what the new bathroom is going to be. Happy Thanksgiving! :D

Gloria said...

I am so happy to see our Gl♥ria back, safe and sound!! Prayers can move mountains, and I know you had a lot of prayers out there for you. Thank the Lord you were, as you say, in the right place at the right time. Your wonderful Dawna kept us posted -- kudos to her for doing that for you, what a great person. I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday, Gl♥ria. Especially that beautiful little Landen! Boy, how time flies... I remember seeing photos of his baby shower, it seems like yesterday!! LOL! Happy Thanksgiving and I am so glad you are happy and healthy.

Simply Debbie said...

Dear Gloria,
I am sooooo very sorry to hear about your triple by-pass surgery but praising God for allowing you to stay here with us...you are such an inspiration to every one you touch and your family and friends need you. You are a pillar of strength but even a pillar needs assistance and maintenance...you have a beautiful family and that precious granddaughter and that Fonzie to look after you.
I have been spending little time on the internet, so I have been out of touch. I do however pray daily over every follower, even those who have left.
OBEY THE DR....you have been through a very serious operation and I know you know that GLORIA...question...do you remember having the heart attack during the procedure???

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi Gloria Sweetie...
I was so sorry to hear about your surgery, but happy you were in the right place at the right time. What a scary ordeal. I thank God you made it through the surgery and are now recovering day by day. Remember baby steps sweetie, baby steps.

What a wonderful photo of your gorgeous grand daughter and that precious little guy. He made the cutest Fonzi ever. What a cute idea.

You are in my prayers sweetie for a wonderful recovery. I can't wait to see that finished bathroom. I just know it is going to be gorgeous.

Happy Thanksgiving sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

SmilingSally said...

Gloria, I had no idea that you were having medical problems too! I guess we sorta match as I was in the hospital 70 days with 2 surgeries this past summer. Twenty-five days were spent in ICU.

Like you, I thank God for His goodness and I wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Hi Miss Gloria! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving! :)


Alison @ The Polohouse said...

So glad you are back and made it through such a trying time, Gloria!
You have such a great attitude and such a positive vibe. I am so glad you are recovering and thrilled you are surrounded by loved ones who are taking care of you!

How is your bathroom coming along?
That is a huge major project for someone who is convalescing!
Be careful and take it easy ok?

Happy Thanksgiving sweet lady.

Phyllis @Around the House said...

Oh I am so happy to see you are back in blogland....wow what an ordeal....It is hard to believe that kind of thing can really happen when you have no idea...It is a good thing you are gettin that bathroom redone cause your gonna be around for alot of years to enjoy it...I sure wish mine were redone ...thanks for stoppin by I am desperate to get a total of 500 followers by the end of the year...lol so send me some of yours...lol take care sis...phyllis

Kathy said...

I am glad you're doing better! I have been thinking of you and look forward to reading more! God Bless,

Tootsie said...

love you mom!!!