Now on to the HUGE THANK YOU...I have a gift card from Amazon for $50.00 I would love to give away...and your probably wondering WHY...Well I tell you it about blew me away this week to see I had over 300 followers on my silly non-sense Blog...When I started this journey I felted very lucky to have my family just come by...Now to win this just leave me a comment telling me you want it...that's the only rule you see I don't want anyone jumping through hoops for this...If your a follower that's Wonderful if your not that's Wonderful this is just my way of saying THANK YOU....I will have Mr. Random number thingy pick a number and announce it on March first....I will have Amazon mail it to the Lucky winner...This is like a Sally Fields moment for me YOU LIKE ME, YOU REALLY LIKE ME !!!

Yes I Really Like You!
I love your pink bathroom. Your Mama did a beautiful job on the soap and tissue box. Thanks for sharing.....Pat H
Hi Gloria, What a beautiful "hers" bathroom! The colors, the flower garland, all make it look victorian and so romantic. Love it! Please include me for your giveaway. You are too sweet for having a giveaway. I truly enjoy visiting your blog and feel blessed that I am a follower. :)
Oooooh and aaaaaahhh, I love that color, chick! Just beautiful.
silly goose...we love you!
lol lol
and adore your victorian redo!
Hi Gloria,
Love your wonderful bathroom, and it must be so nice standing in front of the mirror.
I do enjoy coming to visit you and seeing all your fabulous antiques.
Congratulations on your 300 followers.
Girl we don't just * like* you we all adore you sweet lady! You are a ray of sunshine in so many of our daily lives. Thank YOU for being such a good friend.
You are so kind to have such a fabulous giveaway! You have such a generous and helpful soul.
Your bathroom is truly gorgeous!
Love ya my bloggy Mom. ~Melissa :)
I just wanted to tell you that while I'm not a follower, I do read your blog regularly through my RSS feed through bloglines. I typically don't "follow" blogs since I just load them into my bloglines.
I love love love your blog. I think you are so funny and your things are BEAUTIFUL. You have an amazing spirit and I enjoy every visit to your blog.
It's just beautiful! I love it! I always enjoy looking at your pictures; they're all incredible!
Gloria, THAT is GORGEOUS!!!! I LOVE that sink!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Hers bathroom! You know I am a fellow Victorian soul and I adore the sink, the lamp, everything!!! Gorgeous! I am so thrilled that I found another Victorian spirit!! Glad you liked the photos of the Stegmaier Mansion on my blog! Congrats on 300 followers and I am proud to be one of them!
Your dresser turned vanity is beautiful, Gloria! I've wanted to do that for awhile. Wonderful idea.
I could never get tired of looking at your beautiful antiques. You have such a gift for putting just the right finishing touch on things. Your home is a pure delight to look at and I'm so glad that you're willing to share it with us! I hope to win the card, lol! I actually have Amazon bookmarked in my favorites bz I check it out just about every day (at least when I'm working) to see what's on sale. Wish me luck, lol!
Oh my gosh that sink/vanity is gorgeous!!! It scary how much our tastes are alike! The sconces are fabulous and the hand-painted treasures from your mother are wonderful! PLEASE keep posting pictures of your beautiful home-I love it!
BTW, I don't know if you have visited Debbie-Dabble's blogspot (it's on my blog list) but she posted pics of the Stegmaeir Mansion which are amaizng. You'd love it:).
Oh my gosh that sink/vanity is gorgeous!!! It scary how much our tastes are alike! The sconces are fabulous and the hand-painted treasures from your mother are wonderful! PLEASE keep posting pictures of your beautiful home-I love it!
BTW, I don't know if you have visited Debbie-Dabble's blogspot (it's on my blog list) but she posted pics of the Stegmaeir Mansion which are amaizng. You'd love it:).
Oh my gosh that sink/vanity is gorgeous!!! It scary how much our tastes are alike! The sconces are fabulous and the hand-painted treasures from your mother are wonderful! PLEASE keep posting pictures of your beautiful home-I love it!
BTW, I don't know if you have visited Debbie-Dabble's blogspot (it's on my blog list) but she posted pics of the Stegmaeir Mansion which are amaizng. You'd love it:).
Hello Gloria,
Your bathroom is very beautiful and so very feminine! I love the vanity. I always love coming to your blog and seeing all your wonderful antiques and the stories behind them.
~ Tracy
What a beautiful bathroom. I love the use of all the antiques in this room. Keep the photos coming I for one am enjoying all your antiques. Have blessed day. Madeline
Hi Gloria!
I have saw sinks sunken into old dressers before and thought they were so pretty but yours is gorgeous. The petaled bowl and faucet handles are just the right touch. How clever to use a drapery holder for a towel holder. That is a fantastic idea. Will have to remember that one. LOL!
Put me in for the drawing but I am usually just lurking around reading your posts.So is not necessary.
I've been away from blogging since my big move from Michigan to Florida. Moving takes so much out of you and pulls at my free time. I've missed visiting your blog. What beautiful pic you've posted today! Your mamas pieces are lovely and that's a great sink area.
I would love be a part of your give away, how kind of you.
Gl♥ are right...we DO really like you. All of our styles may not be the same, but if they were, how boring life would be! I absolutely LOVE your sink and especially the faucet set in your HERS bathh. It is so pretty! I would love to be entered into your Thank You drawing even tho there is no reason to Thank us..WE thank you for such a pretty place to visit! Have a wonderful day...
I've had my eye out for a dresser for some time with the idea to do it as a sink vanity for my bathroom, so far I just haven't found the one. Of course right now I am reminded of our early days and RMS and thinking of the midnight raids we use to plan to help ourselves to your treasures. Everything is just so beautiful. You know I love old things and I am sentimental so how could yours not speak to me. Isn't it nice to have those pieces that we use that keep our love ones near.
Hey sis! Girl you know if I moved to California to live in your apartment I'd be decorating with stuff out that barn you have so packed full of treasures and that apartment would have to be might big to fit all my Burly Boys in cause you know they ain't getting too far from mama! lol The couple that owns this house are just the sweetest things and they took $75 off the monthly rent they were asking before we even moved in!!!! Is that a blessing or what!!!
Girl I love seeing your girly bathroom (and yes I even remember seeing your manly bathroom with those certain little unmentionables hanging on the wall that made my mouth fly open and my cheeks burn like fire I was blushing so bad from such exposure to this old Southern girl!!!! lol lol)
I didn't know your mama painted those beautiful pieces..what treasures sis!!! Great idea using the curtain holder for a towel hanger and I have always wanted a beautiful cabinet to put a sink in...I'd even take one new already made if it looked like a piece of furniture! lol
great giveaway sis...throw my name in for sure and crinkle those edges...have a great day dear ya !~Picket~
We can't help but love you, dear Gloria:-) Such a generous giveaway which we should be giving YOU for being such a wonderful person!!!
Oh, be still my heart, how I LOVE your washroom! Such a terrific idea to put a sink in that vintage dresser, just gorgeous!! I'm a true fan of flower garlands, I even have some over my window dressings:-) Everything just looks fabulous!!!! xoxo
I like you I really like you and I love that sink you sunk in that beautiful antique chest, wow it is just so beautiful...Congratulations on the 300 followers, that is my goal to get 300 followers, not there yet, but I am that we don't have to jump through hoops and sign our life away girl, cause I need that..I think I need that 50 bucks cause I'm a shopper like you, not that I could keep the items your mom painted, so pretty and precious...come on over I have a blue kind of candy dish kind of thing I sure would like to know what it is, it was my moms and it is a frosty pretty blue glass, I know you will probably know....take care my friend....Phyllis
Hi Gloria, How special to have the pieces your mama painted...they are beautiful! This bathroom is so feminine and pretty.
Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway!!You are so generous!
Thanks for checking out the man cave...I have taken that room over, those recliners are soooo comfy! Take care, Kristen
Oh, what a beautiful "Hers" bathroom! I love it all, and the flower garlands as well!
Yes! We really, really like you! You are so sweet and fun!
Girl, of course we like you. Where else could we get beautiful victorian settings, sweet tales of family AND retired chippendale dancers in thongs? No body puts it all toghether like you can.
Love ya!
O, I do love that antique dresser with your pretty sink. It is so YOU!! And, the flower garland is perfect for it!!
Congratulations on so many followers and we don't only like you...we LOVE you!!
You are so generous with your giveaway..I have won so many pretty things lately, I will give MY chance at winning to someone else. It is so sweet of you to do this.
Have a wonderful weekend...
xo bj never stop dazzling us with all your treasures...lucky for you that this one is plumbed in and I cant haul it away!!! haha
I suppose it's okay for the others to look since this one is
Love you...can't wait to one day hang out on my sofa(s).. you'll know when I hockey star will be driving one U-haul and I'll be driving the other!!! lol We'll just call them my BIG PURSE...(and wallet)
I still love that guest bath upstairs's just so beautiful!
everything you have tells a must be fun to dust and remember the finding and fixing of each piece!
Wow! i am blon away with the sink. I love it! oh how I would love to have a sink/vanity like that. you are so clever!
how sweet of you to have a giveaway and with an amazon gift card! woo hoo! please enter my name too!
I'm Meme from Screaming Meme! It is so nice to meet you!
Hi Gloria. This is not a silly blog. This is the funnest blog there is. I love the HER bathroom. Let's see - I'm in love with the dresser, lamp, wall sconces, tissue holder,.... I really like that color, too. Your bathroom shouts glamour and wealth. You bet you can throw me in the hat for 50 bucks. You know, I've never won anything in my entire life. Good thing I don't go to the casinos. I went one time with some girlfriends years ago. They all won some, and I lost every penny right away. But what the heck. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Keep posting those beautiful treasures of yours. Rosie
Hey Grandma,
I remember when you and grandpa were putting in all that bathroom stuff. It's sooo beautifull grandma!! you are such a great decorator. I miss you grandma, I wish we lived closer so kyra can run all through your house, and I could blow the fog horn at her hahaha. Talk to you later Grandma.
Hi Gloria
What a totally romantic counter you have in your washroom...oh my. It is stunning...your whole washroom is beautiful and so feminine and oh I would love to spending time in there..*s*..
I love seeing sinks in repurposed furniture as you have done.
PLEASE do enter my name in your giveaway. How very generous...good luck to me!! to us all.
I do like you, I really like you! I feel guilty saying to put my name in the hat since I already won one of your giveaways...but, not that guilty!
I love what you did with the perfect for your house. I have a couple dressers very similar stored away in the basement...used in the house where we had all antiques. I just put one in my dish room to hold candles and "stuff" for tablescapes.
Your bathroom is perfectly "you". I know you love it! I like you, love you. :-) I'm getting ready to move so the gift certificate would be super!
Come see me ~
I have been reading your blog for awhile now. Just love your beautiful, and really love your sense of humor. Thanks for a wonderful give away!
I adore that dresser with the sink in it! And what pretty pieces your mother painted. How wonderful that you have those. Oh, and pleeeeease enter me in the drawing. What a wonderful prize! laurie
Oh, your sink is wonderful! See I'm a flower gal and think the garland looks perfect. Your mama's tissue box is a treasure.
Hugs, Cathy
Oh my gosh girl.This is gorgeous! I love, love, love the lamp and shade... would love to see one done is red!!! I adore that you've used a drapery tie back for your towel holder. GENIOUS!!!! Congrats on having 300 followers! Girl not sure I'll ever get now you know I'm "needing" a few more books from Amazon so throw my little ole name in the pot please!
Miss ya girl.... hope to talk to you this w/k... we are about due aren't we??? love ya hugs ~lynne~
Hi Gloria, thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower I want to enter your give a way! I love your bathroom! You seem like a FUN person!
I just LOVE your pink bathroom, simply gorgeous! Please sign me up for the Amazon giveaway! Wow!
LIKE? Oh come on! We adore you, Sweetie! HOW I missed this post...never mind I know how.
I am finding out that if you don't post for four or five days, that folks drift away..yep..they do.
And LOOK at the comments you got here...good mercy me! :):) Yep, you are definitely LOVED!
Love how you've used the old dresser. In my powder room I have a chest, although not an antique, that I put a sink in. As a builder and remodeler, I've done a number of powder rooms using furniture, both new and antique, with sinks. I think I'll have to make a post about that.
Oops. Forgot to say that I would love to be in the drawing for your $50 Amazon gift card. I'm an avid reader, so I would put that to very good use. Thanks for being so thoughtful. I hope to get to 100 followers soon, and when I do, I think an Amazon gift card is a great idea for a give away.
Hi Sis...
Ohhh...Gloria, I am just spellbound by your fabulous Victorian bath...seriously!!! Shoot, once I got in this pretty bath, I'd never want to come out!!! You know, I just love, love, LOVE your antique dresser turned into the sink cabinet! It's gorgeous...what a treasure find!!! You know, my Grandma has a dresser very similar and she wrote my name on the back of it when I was just 17 yrs. be mine! It's at my mom's home and she is using it in her guestroom. I'm still really hoping to get that dresser someday!!! It's the same kind of oak as yours but has a lighter, kind of yellowish finish to it! I like the darker finish on yours! Anyway, I just love how ya'll fitted that beautiful Victorian style sink in it!!! You have the top accessorized so beautifully! I love your tissue and lotion holders! Did your mama do ceramics? What a sweet treasure to have!!! Ohhh...and you know that I love your pretty pink rose Victorian lamp're so talented, Sis!!! I have to tell you that those fabulous Victorian sconces caught my eye..right off the get-go! They are just breathtaking...and sooo very perfect in this pretty bath!!! I love them!!! And...I love your beautiful floral garland too! You're absolutely right about that being so popular with the Victorian era!!! Well Sis...this was such a GRAND tour...I thoroughly enjoyed myself!!! Ohh...and how nice to have a "his" and "hers" bath...I would love that!!! I remember seeing your barber's bath but you should showcase it again, Darlin'! It's fabulous in it's own right as well!!! I just adore your beautiful really have done such a magnificent job of staying "true to the period"...Victorian in it's finest!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!!!
Well Sweetie...I hope that you're having a wonderful weekend! We had such beautiful weather today...almost felt spring-like but then we are supposed to get snow tonight! Sheeshh! I have a big ol' pot of homemade chicken and noodles on! You and Len should come over! Hehe!
Love you, honey!
Hi Sis...
Girl, I'm back again! After leaving here, I realized that I forgot to tell you Congratulations on your 300+ followers! Sis, I'm just sooo happy for you...but I must say...I'm not in the least bit surprised!!! You have a fabulous blog and of course...then there's the fact that you're just the sweetest lady that we all just love and adore!!! Anyway...Congratulations, sweet lady!!! Ohhh...and what a fabulous gift to give to your followers...a $50 gift certificate to! Yeeeehawwwww!!!
Love ya, Sis!!!
Gloria, that dresser is gorgeous! I'm so glad you thought to make it into a vanity. I think you've got something special and pretty in every inch of your house!
I'd love to win that gc!!!
Justine :o )
Gloria this dresser is gorgeous! And what a great idea to use it as a sink base, it fits in with the rest of your home perfectly. And congratulations on 300 followers! What a generous give a way, I'd be honored to enter. And darlin, I don't think we like you, I know we LOVE you! Kathy
Hello sweetie...Love your bath...Your an amazing woman...
Thanks for stopping by and inviting me to enter your
Drawing!!! How great would that be!!!!
300 "followers" will be 600 soon.
everyone wants to see all your wonderful antiques and pretties!
I'm so glad you enjoy blogging...always a fun visit when I stop here, keep it up girl,
xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Hi Gloria!
I just came by to catch up with you and saw you were having a giveawy (I have good timing LOL)! Please enter me! My daughter and myself are avid readers and we love ordering from Amazon.
I always enjoy reading your posts. Although I don't decorate in a Victorian style I appreciate things with history and frequently learn something new from you!
What a beautiful bathroom. You really have a talent for Victorian decorating. Lovely.
How sweet of you to offer this generous giveaway. I'd be thrilled to be entered.
Hi Gloria! Id love to win this gift card, I could do all sorts of damage with it!
I think Id have to look at the curtains, then maybe the foot stools! All sorts of randoms to buy!!!
I am a follower, I am not very much of a commenter.
I would like to be in the drawing please.
OH, I want it Gloria! All the good things happen when I am gone. I am a faithful follower of one of my favorite bloggers. I so love your sink put into the dresser. That look is one of my faves! It is glorious! Love the lamps and I love, love the victorian look. So beautiful!
Hugs, Cindy
Hi Gloria!
Your bath is soooo pretty! I love it when people use antique pieces for vanities/sinks.
Such a neat giveaway! Hugs to you!
Hiya Gloria~ Whew! JUST got here in time to enter your giveaway!!
PLUS I became a follower because your blog is just so dang CUTE!!!
LOVE the 'dresser sink' I'd love to be able to do that someday in the guest bathroom. Gotta find a small dresser, tho.
This is my first time here and I love your blog and I love Amazon! Thanks. sandie
Please enter me....I'm catching up slowly but surely on my blog reading...loved the wedding post.
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