WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

September 30, 2009


Hello girls....Just had to share this with you today...Did you know you can order from Dollar Tree and they will ship it at NO cost to your local Dollar tree store....This is a 60 piece Christmas Village set I ordered I got this it was only $36.00 for every thing you see here.....

It came with 3 Churches, 3 houses, Restaurant, Town Hall, Grocery store, Candy shop, Fire house and a School house.... total of 12 pieces...

One of the houses

Love the Fire house...
This also came with 9 packages of little people and things...

Cute little lamp post....

Also came with 6 packages of tress for a total of 11 tress...White ones, green ones...Too cute

Now here are some of the bigger people there are also 9 of these...Just look at how cute that snowman is...

Love these Christmas gates...

Bridge with lamp post's

Girl on a swing...Now girls you can only order this complete 60 piece set online.....from Dollar Tree If you buy all these pieces at your local Dollar Tree it would be over $60.00.... Added the link here for you just click on Dollar Tree...Also if you see something at Dollar Tree like dishes,Crafts items,etc. you want you also can order them online... FREE SHIPPING !!Did you know that?? My oldest Daughter Barbra is manager at our Dollar Tree and she's the one who told me about this Christmas Village set...I just think it's so darling and talk about getting a bang for your buck this is it...I ordered 2 sets of these...One of which I want to give away to one of my followers the week after Thanksgiving...Now these do not come with lights but have the place in the bottom to insert them...I also will add lights for my give away one....

Just wanted to share this great bargain with you gals...Hey I'm all about a good bargain !!!

Hope all of you have a great day...as for me well I'm tearing down wall paper in my Laundry room and painting as I just got 4 rolls of the "Bead board" wall paper to put up...this paper is awesome it even looks and feels just like bead board with only half the work and cost of doing the real thing... this also can only be ordered online from Home Depot ,Will show pictures when I am done with it...

Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria


Dawna said...

Hi mom,
That is adorable that is the 1 that Barbra was talking about love it anyways your wallpaper will look good after you get done with it like everything you do.Have fun and hope Lenny is feeling better love u lots............Dawna =)

Carrie said...

Wow, that is a tremencous value for the money. I wish there were Dollar Tree stores in the region!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I was at the Dollar tree the other day for my black crow and I saw the houses and packages of people...that is so cute. I used to have a village, but got rid of it. Really, I do TRY to simplify once and awhile!
How wonderful to have a daughter/manager at Dollar Tree. I would LOVE that!
What did we ever do without that store?

Unknown said...

Gloria, Your Christmas Village is so awesome for such a wondeful price. I love the old fashion Christmases we all knew way back when we were in AWE over fallen snow, shops opened late at night, lights shinning everywhere. Great memories a Village brings.
Merry Christmas....

Brenda Pruitt said...

How cute! A whole set. That's quite a bargain. I've never had a Christmas village. As for the beadboard wallpaper, I've heard that stuff is really nice. Can't wait to see it!

Anonymous said...

Wow thanks for the tip Gloria!! I had no idea you could order from Dollar Tree!

Can't wait to see your beadboard laundry room all finished!!

I am still unpacking things from the trailer and trying to find places for it all- everything looks like a disaster around here-I can't keep it contained to just one room !


Sue said...

Hi Gloria- I saw in one of your comments to someone else about ordering from the $ Tree and having it shipped to the local store. I need to do this because everything I see online in people's blogs is never in our local store. Sheesh.
I love your village set. And for the price, it is a steal! Can't wait for you to decorate with it at Christmas.
hugs to you, my friend~ Sue

Anonymous said...

My dearest hubs loves these type of sets. We usually wait for Joann's fabric to discount deeply to buy the larger ones. We had several but during a move, pick up a box and wham out they fell from the bottom. I'll start collecting them for him to make up for it as he was dear and all we could do was laugh. I like having the ones that have lights stay out all year.

Great deal you received. Well done. Tammy

janet said...

Lots of work but I'm sure it will be very nice, We want pictures. Thanks for the information on the store I didn't know you could place an order

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh Gloria, that little village is just wonderful. I have a huge one like it that I havn't put up for a few years. Maybe this year I will get inspired and put it all together. What a generous giveaway, I know someone will be just blown away. Hugs, Marty

Eileen said...

Great find!
And best of luck with your laundry room makeover!
All the best,

Coloradolady said...

What a deal....I never knew that they shipped and for free no less....I am going to hope to win your giveaway. what a generous one that is!!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Oh Gloria,
If I don't win your give-away then I will have to get one of these! What a great deal, I can't believe you got all those pieces for that price. I bought a few similar at GW last year and they were $3 a piece there! Thanks for the info my dear, your a sweetheart! Hugs, Cindy P.S. Of course I plan to win, I've been lucky lately! LOL!

Heather said...

wow! that is an awesome deal! i love it. how sweet of you to give one away to your fans :)
i'm going to check out the dollar tree website now, lol!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Wow, Gloria! That is unbelievable! What a cute snow village and you can't beat the price! I am heading over to the $ Tree site right now to see what all they have! Thanks for telling us about it! I can't wait to see your beadboard paper!...hugs...Debbie

Blondie's Journal said...

I love the Christmas village!! What a great deal and thanks for the tip on the Dollar Tree website. I always find much more on websites than the stores have in stock, it's amazing. If you find you need more assessories, Michaels and Target and Walgreens and CVS, all sell little people and trees, etc...

Can't wait to see your laundry room, my friend!!


xinex said...

Hi Gloria! Wow! That will be so awesome to display during the holidays. Thanks for sharing the info. Also, please come back on Friday to see my whole house. Cheri wants to feature it so I am blogging about it. I am hoping you will visit my tablescape too!....Christine

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Gloria, can't wait to see your Christmas village all set up. It will be charming! Also, will love to see the beadboard wallpaper - how fun! You're gonna be a busy girl! Linda

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gloria, did I ever mention that that is my mom's name? I am going to rush over to that site and check it out! Cant wait to see the wallpaper, you are one busy lady! Sue

Carol said...

Thanks so much, Gloria, for sharing this info about $ Tree! Your village is awesome! Can't wait to see where you'll display it for the holidays.


onlymehere said...

What a great deal! I'm excited to see how you set it up. Wallpaper huh?! You are a busy little beaver. Keep us updated on the progress of that room! Cindy

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Gloria,

What a wonderful Christmas village.
You will have so much fun setting it all up - I especially love the snowman and the Christmas gates.

Hope that papering in the laundry goes well.


Kathleen said...

That's wonderful! Can't wait to see it all set up, and your beadboard wallpaper too! I have heard about it, so I am anxious to see!

Sue said...

I don't know if we have a Dollar Tree here or not. I know we have several "dollar" stores...but, I've never gone in them. I keep seeing all the fun stuff everyone gets at Dollar Tree. You did get a lot for your money. I can't wait to see pictures of it all on display.


Linda Q said...

Wow Gloria that is a deal! I can't wait to see what you do with it.
Even though I am not even ready to think of Christmas yet. It will be here to soon this year.

Loretta said...

Wow Gloria,
I've paid that much for one house! What an amazing buy. I can't wait to see it all set up! Hugs, Loretta

Jessica said...

I just love Christmas, villages, fire stations ( firemen, mine particularly...lol. ) did I mention I love Christmas and all things that go with it. :)

Can't wait to see what you do with your new goodies and your laundry room! :)

Super big hugs~ J

Dawn said...

I'm amazed. First off at the price, secondly that Dollar Tree has online shopping. Totally amazed!

Madeline's Album said...

The Dollar Tree is one of my favorite stores. Your Christmas village is adorable. Have a great day.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Wow, what a bargain! I love villages and this one is adorable! Thanks for giving us this info!


Chari at Happy To Design said...

Mornin' Sis...

Just coming by to see what you're up to today! How are you doing, Darlin'? Was reading Dawna's comment...is Len sick? Ohhh no...hope that he's feeling better!

Girl, I didn't know that you had a project going in your laundry room! Ohhh...the beadboard wallpaper sounds awesome! I first seen it over at Rhoda's place...you'll have to let me know how it is to work with! I imagine it's a very heavy paper and should be pretty easy to hang? Can't wait to see your laundry room finished!!!

Ohhh...and I just adore your new little Christmas village...it's beautiful!!! What a great deal...thanks for sharing it with us! I went to the Dollar Tree site the other day after you emailed me...was curious what all they had on there! So many items were in bulk...so I'm wondering if your have to order that way? In bulk? Anyway...I just love your Christmas village!!! Aren't all of the buildings so pretty? Love that it comes with all the trees, etc...ohhh, and all of those sweet little wintery scenes...just adorable!!! Where will you display it, Sis...already have a place in mind? OMG...can you believe that Christmas is just around the corner? Where has this last year gone? Crazy!!! Well Darlin'...hope that Len is feeling better! Was telling Russell that you mentioned Las Vegas the other day...he said that he needs to get on the ball with the car! Hehe! Ohhh yes...that is one trip that I'm soooo looking forward to...we're gonna have so much fun!!! Hey...did you talk with your granddaughter about shopping yet? Hehe...hope that both us up will be up to doing a little of that!!!

Love ya, Sweetie! Don't work to hard...can't wait to see your project!!!


Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Cute village, Gloria! I didn't know you could order from $ Tree.

Tootsie said...

first of all....you need to slow down and just be still for a few minutes...lol...second of all WHY DON'T WE HAVE DOLLAR TREE HERE?????? that is just unreal!
I have always wanted a village..and I think my gang might almost be old enough that it will be safe! lol
After I talked to you today...I grabbed the kids at school...and have got a really bad sinus headache....and my ears are hurting. damn school year...it is one virus after another!
It was so good to hear your voice....I wish we lived closer!

Unknown said...

What a bargain, that will just be to pretty at Christams with lights. I do remember seeing a sign the last time I was at Dollar
Tree saying they were offering on line services, but I didn't know the deals would be this good. Can't wait to see your laundry room.

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Fabulous find!!! Too bad I already have a Christmas village. But I did pick up some of those white bottle brush trees at my local Dollar Tree. Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving me a comment.

Justine said...

Are you flippin' kidding me? You got all of that for $36!!!!!???? And it's NICE! Holy cow, gotta go to the web site!

Justine :o )

Melissa Miller said...

~WOW! How pretty! What a deal girl. I have never seen so many pieces for such a good price. I had no idea you can order from them online. Thanks for telling us about it.

Thanks for coming by and your sweet words about my Mums and stuff. I just love this time of year! That is the coolest thing about the Hummingbirds landing on your Mama. I would love for them to do that to me too! We miss those little guys that's for sure.

~Happy Fall! ~Melissa :)

Faded Charm said...

Oh, it's almost that time of year. Time flies. Thanks for all your lovely comments. I hope you have a wonderful weekend also.


Tomarie said...

Hi QG! Just thought I'd pop in to say Hi to my friend! :-)
I LOVE this village...and can't believe it came from the good old Dollar Store! How I love that place! I shop there all the time...especially for school. What a great thing to know that they have free shipping! I'm honestly so glad to know that!!
Well, I'm pretending that we're sipping a cup of Joe on your mountain top! One of these days....:-)
I love ya! L~

Karen said...

Hi Gloria.
I have a favor to ask of you, but I cannot do it in Blogland. Can you please send me your Email address?
Mine is Kdecapite@gmail.com.

Thanks! Karen @ Some Days Are Diamonds