WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Oh!! Girls you know how it is when you are out blog hoping and you just come across a blog that makes your olden heart skip a few beats faster...Well that's what happen to me last night...You know how much I love Antiques and seeing how people decorate with them and bring them back to life...
I found this wonderful Blog called " French Country Cottage" it's just wonderful just look at a few pictures I stole from her ha ha!! Please if you want to see some great Antiques and how this California gal redid them go by and give her a Big Shout out...Click Here to see more..
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Oh Gloria, wow, what pretty pictures. I will definitely go and take a look. Thanks. Hugs, Marty
Oh, I agree with Marty. Thanks Gloria! Will visit this site.
Oh Gloria! You are just so sweet! Thank you so much for the shout out!!!!!!! Your post gave me a super huge smile! :) So honored!!
Thanks so much!
Gorgeous pictures. Thanks for the heads up Gloria! And by the way, that "pet" deer of yours is too cute. I always knew Len was a big ole' softy :)
Howdy Doodie, Mz. Gloria! Oh, how lovely! I'll have to pop over for a visit. Thanks for telling us about her. Hope you're doing well!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
How pretty! Thanks so much for telling us about her beautiful site, Gloria!
My heart is beating faster too Gloria!
What gorgeous pics! Thanks for the link, I will check it out for sure!
Hope all is well up there on the mountain....
p.s. Glo...help her learn how to make her sidebar photos clickable so we can see those lovely rooms! ;-)
Thanks honey for sharing this blogger with us. It is a good feeling to find someone like this.
I love your pictures of your deer Darlen.'
How sweet that you buy bread and feed your babies.
Hope your doing good. I am having a big CSN giveaway for $70.00 so I hope you have your name in the pot
Hi Gloria!
I'll hop on over and have a look. I love the photos you posted!
I'm off to check it out! Thanks for the heads up. Hope you have a great week. Sally
Oh great, Gloria!! Just what I need is another blog to fall for and spend all my time reading the archives!!!!! Thanks for sharing! I am heading over there.
Hi Gloria,
Oh, wow...such pretty rooms. Thanks for sharing this blog. Looks awesome!
Have a great week, Gloria!
I will go for a visit...thanks for the heads up!
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