These are really hard to find with the barrel locks on people would lose the key and they would cut the locks off...End of barrel lock...To find them with the barrel locks will cost you at least a $100.00 more for the machine...
Now a few have asked me if I get my antiques from yard sales and the answer is No...Most of my Antiques I have bought right out of other antique collector homes or from shops...
I also know alot of dealers who travel around the country looking for pieces and when they find something they think I might like will email me a picture of the item and price and condition etc...I try not to buy anthing I have to repair...I want it turn key ready...
I have bought many things with only seeing a picture of it...But you have to trust the dealer you have out picking for you...Like my Dining room set from upper New york estate sale and my Rocco bed...Which were top $$ pieces.
I also have bought many things from Butterfield auction house in San's always a good idea to go early to an auction so you can do a review of a piece that you might want to bid on...if it's a piece of furniture open up the drawers to see if its duct tail make sure if its veneer that none of the veneer is peeling off...Veneer can be very costly to repair.
Also I have been asked how do I keep my antique furniture looking like new...
And the best advise I can give you if you have antique furniture is to oil it at least every month...It will keep the piece looking good and also keep the wood from spliting..I use Bee's oil on mine NEVER use any product that has silcone in will dull the finish and build up that yucky dark film you see on pieces...
And the best advise I can give you if you have antique furniture is to oil it at least every month...It will keep the piece looking good and also keep the wood from spliting..I use Bee's oil on mine NEVER use any product that has silcone in will dull the finish and build up that yucky dark film you see on pieces...
Another question is have I been to Antique Road show and taken any of my things NO..I don't need each piece I buy I already know the history and the value of it..I try and find out as much as I can about an item before I invest my $$ into it...
I also have an Antique appraisal done every 2 years for fine Arts and Antiques Insurance....Which is a separte policy that just my home owners one...
Another question was how I know so much about Antiques...Research, research this I can't stress enough...before you spend your hard working $$ do the research !! this can save you many $$....
I hope I have answered a few of your question here....Also if you have a piece and want to know it's value please feel free to ask me and I will try and help you...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hi Gloria!
My grandmother used to have this gum ball machine ( I don't know if it was antique or not) that she would have to give us some coins for when we would come to visit. It was so neat!! A little memory brought back from your post...
I wanted to thank you again for featuring me- it is so sweet of you! I appreciate your kind words so much! :)
Happy to have met so many new friends out in blog land!!!!
Hey Gloria! I fell in love with your yellow gum ball machine the first time I saw it, how great to have a red one now too! What a fun collection-enjoy:@)
Wishing you a belated but no less sincere "Happy Birthday!!", Gloria!! I think your gift from Len is wonderfully thoughtful & comes from the heart...the true essence of a great gift. Its a darling little gum ball machine & I love all the others it is joining at your home. You are very knowledgeable about your antiques & its wonderful that you share that with others.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!
Love your gumball machines! That's a cool collection. The yellow one is my favorite! I also really enjoyed your very informative post on antiques. Great info!
Hi Gloria! I love your gumball machines...brings back memories! And thanks for the advice about buying antiques! You certainly have one of the nicest collections I've ever seen! I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie
Gloria, thanks for sharing some more of your antiques with us. The information was quite informative. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Thanks for the Antique education, Gloria. Love your new gumball cute! And I love the whole collection, how neat!...Christine
what great tips on antiques, very very helpful! those gumball machines are fantastic...i think i need one for our retro inspired basement redo, don't you!
thanks so much for stopping by the cape on the corner, and happy birthday! so what makes you a leo? i know my indicisivenes makes me a libra!
Hi Gloria, thank you for the anniversary wishes and a belated but very Happy Birthday wish to you! I too love your gumball machines. Oh wouldn't my little grandsons love to have those filled up at my house! :)
Gloria, Happy Birthday to you!! Love your gumball machines, they are absolutely awesome! Can't believe you are lucky enough to have more than one, just great!
Nancy's Notes
I love your gumball machine collection, Gloria!
Happy Birthday sweetie and Love your new Lil'Sis....
How cute is she!
Yes you have quite a collection now!
Have a great week...
Gumball anyone?
xoxo~kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Hi Gloria,
I feel so bad I missed your birthday! When was it? I am an August baby too, and mine is coming quickly.
Though I just think I will forget it this year too. hehe.
Love the gumball machines, they are so neat and you sure do know a lot about antiques!
Thanks for sharing your expertise with us, I always love seeing your awesome stuff!
Love Ya,
Hi Gloria! I hope you are doing well...Happy Birthday! I hope it was a great one. I love your gumball machines! I've always been facinated with them and yours are just beautiful. The brass one is my favorite...It's so fancy! You have some wonderful antiques. I enjoy looking at everything! Have a great day! Kristen
Hi Gloria, happy belated birthday, sweet girl!!!
Your gumball machines are great. I have a small one but it doesn't compare with these beauties.
Hope you are enjoying your summer.
Hugs, Barb ♥
Me too!!! Happy birthday sweet gal!
I love all your pretty machines and the wonderful info about antiques.
God bless ya and have yourself a glorious day. I hope your birthday was filled with fun, family and cake...with loads of icing! Heeehehe!! :o)
Thank you for stopping in and for your very sweet, encouraging words.
I love to shop in antique stores but am a very uneducated antique buyer. Thanks for all the insight, advice and tips. I'll shop smarter now!
Happy belated Birthday G!! Your gumball machines are wonderful treasures, they remind me of my little corner store growing up. They had a gumball machine right as you walked in the big oak door. They also had all those penny candy jars filled with great treats lined up behind the counter. Back then penny candy was really just penny! Have a great week sweetie! xoxox
OH, Happy Belated Birthday to you...
Happy Belated Birthday to you...
Happy Belated Birthday, Dear Gloria...
Happy Belated Birthday to YOU!
I love your antique lectures. You are so right. If you are going to invest in a piece, know what you are spending your money on up front. Love your new gumball machine. You always show us the neatest things, Gloria, Never a dull moment with you!
Miss you. Am taking a break from my blog break to come up for air and visit as many friends as I can. But I can hear my house calling my name, more like screaming my name. LOL! See you in Sept when I get back.
Love you...
Sheila :-)
Hi Sweet Sis...
Just read your sweet note and came right over! Thank you, Darlin'...for the sweet birthday well wishes!!! Hehe...I told you I was hunting for pretty teacups when we talked on the phone last! I found four off of Ebay...didn't pay all that much for them but I sure am enjoying them!
Well, Sis...I know that you are keeping sooo very busy! I sure hate it that you have to spend so many hours at the hospital! Eeeks...haven't they realized that they are putting Candice under "stress" each time they have her come in? It doesn't make any sence to me! But then...I'm not a Dr.! Anyway, I hope that all goes well tomorrow! Sure do hope that ya'll get to go to the car show and your antique shop! I wanna go...I wanna go! wink! Girl, I just adore your "lil Sis" peanut machine! It's just soooo durn cute! Love that bright yellow and red together! Now, I remember seeing that pretty ornate brass gumball really is beautiful! Hmmm...can a gumball machine be beautiful? You bet ya!!! Thanks so much for sharing more of your fabulous antiques with us...I always love seeing your things!!! It was really interesting reading the questions and answers that you did too! You're sooo good at all of this stuff...I have learned so much from you!!! Thank you, my sweet friend!!! Well, I'll talk with you later, Darlin'! You take care and have a fabulous weekend!!!
Love ya,
I missed your BIRTHDAY??? Happy Birthday, Gloria! :) I hope you had a wonderful day.
I hope your granddaughter is doing ok. Are you still caring for her? This has to be dragging out for her...
Is the shower still on? I know you were going to have it in a restaurant...
Rather a tea room.
I am going to have to go back and see what has been happening with you...
I've missed your blog...or I would have if it hadn't been so crazy around here.
My love to you, Gloria...
Take good care!
OH DARN...I meant to tell you that I thought your new gumball machine is just the "cat's meow!"'s a collection! NO doubt about it! :)
Hugs to you!
Gloria, I'm going to be honest with you. I don't think you need another collection! I think you should send me one of your gumball machines, so that you won't have another collection going!! They are all wonderful, and I'm amazed at what wonderful condition they are in! laurie
Wow! I love your vintage gumball machines!
Thank you for sharing!
Happy Birthday Gloria! You obviously had a ball (gumball that is)! Ha ha! You gave some great info today. Especially about insuring those special pieces!
treasures said...
Hi. Just found you while blog hopping this morning. You are an inspiration and have a beautiful blog! Thanks for sharing your life with us. I am your newest follower.
~ Julie
Dearest Gloria!
Thank you so much for visiting my new blog! I have MISSED you girl! I love this post-your candy machines are darling-they are so nostalgic. Happy Birthday to you a few days late!
I too make sure to research anything I am planning to collect so that I know value and authenticity. Your advice in this post is excellent and I'm so glad that you shared it:).
How is your granddaughter doing? I will continue to pray for her and the baby:).
Blessings my Victorian friend,
Happy Birthday! Love the gumballs. What a great collection. My family loves to give antiques for gifts too. That is neat you love them so. Thanks for the furniture tip.
Hi Sis...
Just coming by to say hello and see how you were doing! Was wondering how everything went on Gilligan's Island Friday? Hehe! I hope that everything is well! Did ya'll get to go to the car show this weekend? Hmmm...if you did, I'm wondering if you found any goodies at your antique store? Do tell, Girlfriend! Hehe!
It's pretty quiet here today! Russ is out working on his car and I've just been answering my comments for Sunday Favorites. Friday night, Russell came home with a pretty bouquet of birthday flowers for me! They're so pretty! Then he took me out for dinner...we went Chinese! My favorite! I had a fabulous birthday! Stayed on the phone most of yesterday because all my girls calling to wish me a happy birthday! It was sooo sweet! Anyway, Sis...just wanted to see how you are doing! Thinking about you, Darlin'!!!
Love ya,
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