Leaving the mountain
First Stop Gardenerville, Nv for the Antique car show...Len just love these shows and why not he has 10 cars of his own...I collect inside antiques and he collects old cars...
My Favorite shop in Gardenerville is the Cheshire Antique shop...This is where I got my Candy cabinet.

Wow !! can you believe the price and that's without any chairs or china cabinet or side board...makes me glad I got my complete set back in 1980..Look at the dust on this table for that price ha ha!!
Snicker's the shop cat...Don't you love the way it is laying too funny!! Just in case you might want to give it a belly rub ha ha!!
This trip we did last Saturday and look on the way home what I seen...the end to a perfect day for Len and me...May all of you have a Blessed weekend...Candace got off bed rest today and headed out of town for a wedding...She went to the doctor this morning and he told her to go...wants her up and walking now...baby has turned or as the doctor put it "baby is locked and loaded ready to go" She is due a month from today...but the big crisis is now over with all we have to do now is play the waiting game Thank God...I still have to take her 2 times a week to hospital for her NST test to make sure all is well...But she's won't have to take meds after Sunday night to stop the contractions...Thanks again for all your prayers for her and Landen James...Oh I can almost smell that sweet baby boy...
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Thanks for the tagalong Gloria!! I LOVE antiquing...especially with a friend :)
What fun going antiquing while he goes to the car show. Now that I could handle if my husband ever goes to shows. That store had lots of great stuff. That table was awfully expensive. Glad Candice is able to walk around now. I know bed rest had to be getting mighty old. Have a wonderful weekend, Gloria.
Thanks for letting me tag along -- I think I'm drooling now!
Now, that sounds like a deal to me! You each have a wonderful time, I have to say the photographs of the antiques are incredibly beautiful! That care was great too.
I know you are counting the days for Candace to have her sweet baby, that is so very exciting.
Hi Gloria! Len has 10 cars!!?? That guy! Glad you got to go into that great antique store. Now you never know when you just may show up in a Diva post with those mirror snaps! :) I'll let you know when it happens!
Bless Candice's heart that she can get around now. Still holding her and tiny little one to be in my prayers! You're a wonderful grandmosther!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
After showing my husband some of your furniture over the past few months, I can't dare tell him your husband has 10 cars! He may just move on out to the mountain to live with you!
Goodness, my son would love all of his cars.
Great antique store and so many pretty things. The prices were a little pretty too. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are doing well, and I am so happy your granddaughter is doing well. What a wonderful answer to prayer. Hugs, Marty
Beautiful pics Gloria, thanks for taking us along for the ride! Sue
Nice store - I have to agree with others - the price of the table and 6 chairs is over the top.
beautiful rainbow! I had a kitty that would lay on his back like that, but you better NOT touch his tummy, he would attack you! :-D
Oh, I love to shop in antique stores and am probably gonna do that tomorrow!
Really neat antiques! I love looking at antique stores. Wow! That was some table. So funny I was thinking, wonder how much that thing is and then there you posted it! Looks like you both had a great time. Happy to hear your daughter is doing better too.
Really neat antiques! I love looking at antique stores. Wow! That was some table. So funny I was thinking, wonder how much that thing is and then there you posted it! Looks like you both had a great time. Happy to hear your daughter is doing better too.
Gloria, I LOVED THIS POST! I would go nuts in a place like that and be all depressed because I couldn't afford what you KNOW I would have found that I couldn't live without. No room in the Inn either! :)
I desperately need another shed by the way!
What gorgeous things they have in that store. How do you stand it. The baby buggy. Though it isn't what I am looking for...I love all of them!
I want a wicker one. I want, I want! I am SO bad!
I love your new picture by the way. I could use a new one myself.
I had to laugh at your immediate "FIRE THE IDIOT! and you are right..but I haven't the energy yet to do it..and find another. We began Howard's Physical Therapy today...and the poor man is worn out. Two days a week, two hours a day! It could be worse..and he IS going to be normal one day soon.
Len looks like he is in hog heaven with those cars. Pure joy on the man's face!! :)
Hugs and love to you, Sweetie!!
Such a fun post, Gloria. J would truly love to have a look at all ten of Len's "oldies".
I loved seeing all the antiques. Gorgeous.
Good news about Candace and baby!
I love that shot of you in the mirror...so cute!
Happy Weekend!
Loved seeing the old cars and the antiques. That table was terribly expensive. Glad your granddaughter is able to be up and about. Have a blessed day. Madeline
What a great view from your mountain top Gloria! I'm so glad you and Len got to take off for a little fun. You all deserve a break. And Candace too. So glad she's made it past the critical points and can now welcome little Landen James when he gets here without worry!
Hugs to you all!
What a fun day! The antiques are gorgeous. WOW! :)
Those are the kind of trips I enjoy taking. You have so many lovely things to share. Great blog and post.
Lots of treasures ~ surely you came home with something! :-) I'm so happy for Candace...and I hope she will continue to take it easy, just in case. The power of prayer is awesome isn't it?
Wow! What gorgeous antiques Gloria. I loved going to that store with you, and your rainbow picture is beautiful. Glad Candace has made it through the rough part. Yipee! Won't be long until Gloria has another baby to hold! laurie
I love that Baby Carriage... or was it a doll carriage?? Do you remember how much it was? (I am curious.)
Look at how stinkin' CUTE you are in that shot!
Is that a Cadillac SRX I see? I JUST GOT ONE TOO!
Love it, love it, love it!
Mine is red!
I'm thinking I love your mountain too. Sigh. Someday.
Fun things!
HUGZ! Karen
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