Daughter Gina and Dawna (Candace's Mom) were the gaming girls ha ha!!
Diaper Cake that one of Candace's co-worker made for Landen
This cake was really cupcakes...too cute
We had balloons
Little Tea pot favors...
The after math in the tea room... We all had a wonderful time and the food was great and Landen James got so many things to start his journey into life with...
A group of us came up to my house afterward and ate pizza and laughed until we cried...silly bunch of ladies
I still have to take Candace to the hospital twice a week for her NST and it's suppose to only take an hour if all goes fine...but it seems like every time we go it's like a Gillian Island's cruise...She's always in contractions and they have to stop them before we can leave...How ever on Tuesday they did a test and it shows she wouldn't go into labor for at least 2 more weeks...Thank God we really want her to make it until 36 weeks any thing before that she will have to go to another hospital that deals with preemie births...
Thank you all again for coming by...and for all your prayers for my Candace and Landen...
Oh and all the clothes he got I spend 5 hours yesterday washing them and putting them all away...I almost forgot how tiny baby clothes are to fold ha ha!! And with each one I would say Look how tiny is this !!
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Oh Glo....this is the loveliest post ever. What a joy to see your beloved Grandgirl so happy. It blesses me to no end. It does.
God shined down upon you the day this girl came into your life. She has been His GIFT to you...
And now Baby Landen will be a blessing on top of a blessing.
I think you are beautiful. Truly lovely. Your love and joy show right upon your face.
Love to you~
Oh, Gloria! This is a wonderful post! What a lovely baby shower! Candace is adorable and what a special relationship you two have! Love seeing all the sweet smiles and sweet tears! Little Landon is going to be one loved little boy!! What a precious little cupcake cake!!
You are one special lovely lady!
Love ya,
Shelia ;)
Gloria, my bladder must be close to my eyes, too! What a sweet sweet post! I loved every bit of it and the photos are wonderful!
Thanks for sharing this.
Keeping Candace and baby Landen in my thoughts and prayers!
Oh Gloria,
You about made me cry! You are so sweet and so funny too. And it's going to be fun having grandchildren so close in age!
I can't believe you have a daughter who is 50! No way do you look old enough for that!
This was a beautiful shower and I bet you made those adorable tea pot gift favors! Too cute!
Hugs Friend,
Gloria, you are the sweetest woman ever. I loved reading this post and feeling the love you have for your family. It's heartwarming! The shower was so pretty and everything looked so nice. Thanks for sharing your special family!
Looks like you all had a great time.
Oh Gloria Sweetie...
I so love this post. What a beautiful story about you and your sweet Candace. How precious of her to bring you a gift, in a pink bag and all. I love that idea. What a treasure to hold.
Oh my what fun you gals had. Your girls are just beautiful. I can't wait to see your precious Landen. We know he will be gorgeous, as it runs in the family.
Honey enjoy yourself, we know how fast the time goes by. Many hugs and kisses. I am praying for 36 weeks and a safe journey into the world for Landen, a quick delivery for Moma Candice, and lots of tissues for Grandma Gloria. I have a feeling you are going to need them.
Love ya girl, Sherry
What a great shower Candace had! It's so nice all your daughters could be there. The gift she gave you is so sweet, especially with you two being so close. Candace really looked happy. I'm glad she and Landen James are holding out as long as possible. I bet he wants to be born up on that mountain you love so much! Keeping all the mom's to be and their little ones in my prayers!
What a Beautiful post!! The love your family has is certainly to be envied!!
Prayers for a safe delivery when it is time!!
Have a Wonderful Weekend!
Hi Gloria!
What fun!! The photo gift was awesome and I would have been sobbing!! (and leaking) LOL Great place to have such a wonderful event and such nice gifts. Such a special time for you and Candice, your special "girl". I'm so happy you've had someone like her in your life.
I REALLY loved your post of To Pee or Not to Pee!! My exact sentiments... what a great idea to have to pee for a govt check. I would elect you girl!!
Hugs, Sherry
Oh, what a sweet post about all your girls!! That little baby will be one loved little bundle of joy. Glad it was a fun and happy day for Candace. What a precious picture of the both of you...
xo Sue
Praise God Candace made it through her pregnancy with Landen James! I remember those scary posts weeks ago. What a wonderful day shared with family and friends Gloria. You look so happy. That picture of you with Candace as a baby made me cry. What a sweet story and a sweet granddaughter she has been to you. God Bless.
What a wonderful post. Everyone looks so happy and having a good time. I pray Candice does go to 36 weeks and that she has a safe delivery. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Oh Gloria - everyone looks to be having such a wonderful time! What a beautiful shower - the tea house looks perfect! I love all the pictures of everyone!
I can't believe you have a 50 year old daughter!
How fun.
Sigh. I can't wait for one of my boys to get married so I can become a grandma. Big sigh.
In the meantime - thank God for all of you in blogland that share yours with me. :)
Have a wonderful weekend! Big hugs! Karen
Oh what fun, Gloria! I felt like I was there! Not too long now! I know you will all be so happy and so relieved to have him here! Have a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie
Oh Gloria, it is so nice to see your family all together just having a good time. You have strong family ties and it is because you are such a good mother and grandma. The diaper cake is so cute. Your whole family is so loving. I truly enjoyed all these pictures!...Christine
Hi, Gl♥ria! I have been sick with a Summer flu, and still feel a little 'peaked' but I said to myself: "I MUST go see if Gl♥ria posted the baby shower yet! It will perk me up for a few minutes!" And it did -- what lovely pictures, what lovely gifts and, especially, what a lovely family. You must be so proud and happy, well, I can see it on your face how proud you are! And that is a sweet gift to give you to make you cry! I love things like that, someone giving me a heartfelt little gift, especially a picture such as that. I will continue praying for Candace and Landen. Oh, and tell Gina and Dawna that they both look like they are in their 30's! Beautiful girls...
Love xxoo,
Hi Gloria,
What a beautiful post and it was great to see all the love you and your family share and the photos of the lovely baby shower for Landen.
What a special bond you and Candace have and loved that she gave you the photo of the two of you.
Praying for a safe delivery of sweet baby Landen, hope all will go well.
Oh Gloria, this is such a precious post and such a wonderful shower for your granddaughter. She is adorable and your new great-grandson is so lucky to have you both. You are the best grandma anyone could ever hope for and such a blessing to your family. I also wanted to thank you for the sweet birthday wishes and to wish you a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You are a dear and very special friend. Love you. Hugs, Marty
Gloria what a truly special day for you and your precious family! I know you were so happy. You look beautiful and Candace is glowing. Love the babies name too. It's just awesome! *Smiles*
Hi G!! I loved reading the baby shower story, the picture of you and Candace is priceless and the story of your love for her is too! You are looking fabulous G! I miss you, come by and see my NEW BLOG!! HURRY!! xoxoxo Sue
Gloria...what a wonderful celebration! I love seeing all the pics of your sweet daughters and your granddaughter. That is going to be one loved little baby boy when he gets here. :) Love the pic of you with Candace...what a surprise that must have been for you. Great post! :)
What a fun celebration! The pink bag had me tearing up too-enjoy!
WRONG BLOG Gloria! LOL. Click on my profile to get to the NEW blog!! xoxox Sue
Thank you so much, Gloria, for stopping by my blog after I finally posted again! I know, I have been really bad. I have the best intentions of getting back to regular blogging and visits. Having a boyfriend really does take up a lot of time, and I thank God so much for that! lol
Oh, how blessed you are to have such beautiful daughters, granddaughters, and soon a sweet little great grandson! What a great post. Also just love the setting for the shower. Wow, that tea room is beautiful!
So glad for you!
Life on the Edge
Oh, Gloria! This is such a wonderful post! What a fabulous relationship the two of you have. Candace is a special girl. I love the picture she gave you. Sounds and looks like it was a wonderful baby shower!
Candace is still in my prayers. Have a fabulous weekend.
~ Tracy
Gloria I truly enjoyed that baby shower with you all...I even teared up at the picture of you and Candace at 2 weeks old...that is so precious, and so sweet of her. SOunds like some real exciting times ahead for you and your lovely family. I wish you all the very best! DebbieXXX000
Hi Gloria,
I loved the baby shower for Landen and Candace!I felt as if I was there with you!.
We have a few things in common. My Grand-daughter lived with us too for a few years while her Mommy went to school. I adore my Grand-daughter with all my heart, just like you do yours..
I can't wait to see you and meet you in person. I am so looking forward to Oct. 9th. at the Green Pea.
I wonder if I can lose 20 pounds by then... if not I'm the short fuffy one with dark hair, you can't miss me~LOL
Have a sweet and restful weekend!
Big hugs~Elizabeth
Gloria, this looks like such a wonderful celebration. I'm so glad to hear that Candace is doing well, will keep her and baby Landen (I love that name) in my thoughts and prayers. What a beautiful, loving family you have. It's obvious that you all have such a wonderful time when you are together. Hugs and prayers from Texas my friend! Kat
Thanks for sharing the baby shower with us. Looks like she got lots of wonderful gifts for Landon, and everyone had a good time.
Enjoy your weekend.
What a pretty shower Gloria. Your family is beautiful, and I'm so glad Candace is still carrying little Landen. How sweet that was that she had a photo of you holding her. Still praying for all of you. Take care of you too. laurie
Gloria what a wonderful day this looks to have been! And how blessed that you have this very special bond between you and Candace!!
The shower looks like a huge sucess with all the smiles going on!
So good to see you- You look great!
bee blessed
Hi Sis...
Ahhh...the Baby Shower turned out sooo sweet! Loved getting to see all of the photos! Candace looks so pretty with her "baby belly"! Hehe! Loved getting to see all the photos of your girls too, Sis! What a special and fun day all of you had!!! Everything looked just perfect...loved that you were able to have the shower at the Tea Room...it's such a pretty place! Girlfriend, I could just hear you saying, "how tiny is this"...as you washed and folded all of Landan James' clothes! Hehe...too cute!!! I'm just sooo happy for all of you! Now...we will just sit and patiently wait for that precious little boy's arrival! What a day that will be!!! Thank you so much for sharing the baby shower with us...I thoroughly enjoyed it!!!
Well Sis...hope that my note is finding you well! It just seems forever since we've talked! We just got home a few hours ago from our camping trip up to the mountains! Sis, I was in my "7th heaven" getting to go camping with Jenni and my grandkids! I'm sooo pooped out...but sooo happy! Hehe! I think that Jenni is leaving tomorrow to head back home. I feel like I'm sooo out of touch with everyone...I'll be playing catch up again! hehe! Anyway, just wanted to drop by to say hello and see how you're doing, sweet Sis! I'll talk with you later, Sweetie!
Love ya,
Hey Sis...
It's just me again! I was going to say how special that was of Candace to gift you with that precious photo of you holding her as a baby! That's just the sweetest!!! What a precious granddaughter you have....and what a special Grandma she has!!! Loved the photos of you and Candace together...my beautiful Sis!!!
Love ya, honey!
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