WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
Hello Guys, Today I'm joining in with my Sweet Sis Chari at " Happy To Design" for repost Sunday...Please go by and see my sweet Sis..This is a post I did back in Sept 09
Bubba meets the girl of his dreams,His first cousin Patty Ann.
He takes her out for a special dinner, And shows her a good time at the Redneck Carnival at Diggerland.
The next day they spend together and Bubba shows off his water skiing skills.
Later that night, he romances her under Special mood lighting.
A week or so later, Bubba realizes This relationship is getting serious.He makes reservations for a Valentine's Day dinner. Patty Ann was So impressed with his thoughtfulness,
A month later he proposes to Patty Ann,
And he buys her a really purdy Engagement ring.
On the day of their wedding, he Tells her how much he loves her Just before the ceremony.
Then they're off to their Honeymoon Suite,
Where they open their wedding gifts. Their favorites ?
His was the New BBQ,
Hers was the Chandelier,
Bubba takes his new bride home.
He wants to tidy up the place, So he cuts the grass with his Riding mower.
Then Bubba decides to fix a few Things around the house.He makes the bathroom a little Nicer for his sweetie,
Repairs the mirror on her car,
And installs a new flat screen TV In the living room !
Bubba works hard at his job every day. He does the best that he can with Only a 5th grade education
7 months later, they send Out announcements. Bubba Jr. Has arrived !
Now they are a family. They are so proud of Jr. And marvel At how he gets cuter every day.
8 years later, Jr. Starts kindergarten. Jr. Loves riding on the Redneck School Bus.
After 3 years in kindergarten, Jr. Finally Graduates to first grade. To celebrate, Bubba takes Jr. And his Classmates on a field trip.
Shortly thereafter, Bubba and the family Move to a different state and settle into Their new DREAM HOME on the river,
Where they live happily ever after !
The End....
If you would like to see Bubba and Patty Ann's family reunion click here...Just wait until what you see what they did on their summer vacation...Coming this week...Please check back then ha ha!!
Until next time from my mountain to yours,
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hey Gloria, I lost track of cousin Bubba years ago, thanks for bringing me up to date! You're better than facebook:@)Off to check out the reunion...
Well shoot fire...with Bubba taken, who's gonna marry up with his third cousin, Opaline?
Please don't let Cat Daddy see Diggerland...he'll be awantin' to take me there for our second honeymoon!
Hilarious! Visiting from Sunday Favorites.
Gloria, you crack me up. I remember this and the reunion. This is just priceless. So glad you did the post again. Hugs, Marty
Oh Gloria, I just spit a wad of somethin' on my computer screen, dad gum it, you got me laughin' so durn hard, I nearly bust a gut.
You crack me up girl.
Oh, Gloria, thanks for the fun. I can wipe my eyes of laughing tears now. That Bubba sure is a keeper! 50 years is a long time to smoke. If it wasn't for Chantix I wouldn't be able to quit. But I already told my kids that when I'm 90, I'm taking it back up again. My grandpa lived to 90 smoking since he was a little boy. He passed away in his sleep with nothing wrong with him. If I ain't gone by then, I'm lighting up! lol. Hugs.
Girl, you always make me giggle! This is too funny. Hugs, Sherry
That was a riot!
Hi Gloria! That cousin Bubba! :) This is so cute and I remember when you first posted it!
Have a great weekend.
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Gloria!!! This here's FUNNY! Shoot - - - it plumb tickled my funny bone.
Is Chari REALLY your sis?
Between that school bus and the floating home I am rednered speechless. This is a hoot! hugs♥olive
So funny. Thanks for giving me a good laugh. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Oh...what a way to start the day! This was worth the repost! Have a wonderful Sunday.
Well, dang it all! Why couldn't I meet this hunka burning love when he wus single. Dad gum.
Oh! Oh! Wait! Does he have a brother? Please tell me he has a single brother!
Oh dear Gloria--You have me howling! I see that Bubba jr. was premature--I am glad he is okay. I can see his teeth developed well :) AS for your comment about being an "old lady"--as long as we are "happy to be", we are never too old :)! Thanks for the fun. ps.--my favorite picture is the first one!
You are fuuuunnnnnyyyy!
This was very funny, BUT: I must defend WHITE CASTLE!!!! I am from NY and this was my favorite food in the WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!! Still is! My son's too!!!!
(And, although I hate to say it, that rear view mirror on the car looks like the one my teenager has on his car now. LOL!)
Love ya!
What's funny is that those pictures are REAL! The toilet paper on the chain, for some reason, just cracked me up. You KNOW that is hanging in some gas station restroom out on route 66!!!
YOU are such a hoot, Gloria!!!
Mornin' Sweet Sis...
Ahhh...there's nothin' like a good ol' fashioned love story with a happy ending!!! After reading about how Bubba romanced Patty Ann...I was thinkin'...how could any woman resist that charm!!! Hehe! What a classy guy!!!
Ohhh Girlfriend, I remember reading this...so glad that you shared it again for Sunday Favorites...what a hoot!!! I'll have to check back later to see what Bubba and Patty Ann did for summer vacation! Hehe!
Well sweet friend, how are you doing? Did you guys do anything special this weekend? Ohh...got your sweet email with all the car pics. I forwarded it on to Russell. That was so sweet of Len to want to send Russ photos...male bonding!!! Ahhh...gotta love it! Hehe! We went up to Ft.Collins and spent the whole day...didn't get home till about 11pm. I was one pooped out gal but sure had fun! I found some goodies at my antique flea and I got to go to Hobby Lobby to. Starting to think about what I want to do for autumn. Anyway, I didn't get much done yesterday. Just enjoyed the day with Russell. That's why I'm just now getting around to my Sunday Favorites...I'm such a slacker! Hehe! Well honey, hope that you have a wonderful week!!! I'll talk with you later...
Love ya, Sis!
You are so funny! I want one of those BBQ's......
Gloria I love Gardenerville...my parents use to live in NV. at Lake Topaz Ranch Estate's, very close to Gardenerville..
I still have family in the area.
I can't wait till Oct. to see your sweet smile in person...
Have a wonderful day..I think fall is in the air.
Big hugs and love~Elizabeth
Good Morning Gloria,
Your a hoot girlfriend, I love this!
How's the baby and Mom doing? Not long to go now. Katie is getting pretty uncomfortable and we've had such a hot summer which has really added to it.
Take Care and Big Hugs coming your way!
hahaaaa...you silly silly woman!
I do remember this post...laughed then, and laughed again!! :))
G'morn, Gloria ~ Hadn't met Bubba before ... too stinkin' cute.
Have a beautiful summer's day ~
TTFN ~Hugs, Marydon
Hi Gloria,
Thank you for the laugh today,you are so funny and this is a good way to start my day.
Hope all is well with you and have a great week
Hi Gloria, my computer wasn't working so well the other day so thats why It took me so long to get back to you!
Thanks for the nice comments on my blog. You have a nice blog too!
I'll join your site! :)
Hi Gloria,
I wrote you a note, but I don't think it went through:(
I was just stopping by to say Hi and to see what you have been up to.
I love Gardenerville.I have family that lives in Topaz Ranch Estates right down the road. Great antique stores for sure.
I am so looking forward to Oct. I can't wait to see you, it's going to be so much fun.
Have a sweet day~just like you~Big hugs, Elizabeth
Oh how funny, Gloria! Thanks for reminding me of Cousin Bubba and his antics! lol I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie
Good grief, looks as if you chronicled the life of some members of a clan of hilligans here in southwest Ohio! Just too funny, Gloria. xo Sue
Hi Gloria! I just popped in for a visit to see what you're up to and once again I am treated to a much need belly laugh!! (Ah,laughter IS the best medicine!!) Thanks for reposting this..I really needed the chuckle.. ;-)
Blessings to you!!
I loved this story the first time and it's even more romantic the 2nd time! Makes me want to get out my wedding abbum and reminisce! Ha!
I loved this story the first time and it's even more romantic the 2nd time! Makes me want to get out my wedding abbum and reminisce! Ha!
Dang, and I thought Bubba go lost in these Ozark hills years ago spotlightin' possums and here he is married and I didn't even get an invite!!!! Well, just slap be silly and knock me off the haywagon!
This was great girl...I'm off to read about the family reunion.
God bless ya sweetie and have a great day!!!
Bubba is mind kinda guy. Cute post Gloria had me smiling the entire time. Enjoy the Holiday weekend. Debbie
G this is hilarious! Ya know I have a few rednecks in my family so this really touched my heart! LOL! Hope you're having a great weekend! xoxo
Gloria, you are absolutely hysterical!!! Can't wait for the next adventure. Hope all is well your way... things are happening like crazy around here.. we've got to make a phone date so I can catch you up... wayyyyyy too much to put in an email..lol.... hugs and hugs ~lynne~
Too funny! I love how she is in front of the porta potties! LOL.
So . . . where are you?
Haven't seen you around . . . haven't heard.
How is that granddaughter of yours doing?
Hope all is well . . . counting on it.
Big hugs! karen
I sure remember this Gloria. Very funny and entertaining! LOL!..Christine
You have me in stitches!! I gotta get me one of them there grills! Thanks for the great laugh Gloria!!
Hugs, Sherry LOL LOL LOL
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