Also called the “1015-Bubbler”, this juke is arguably the most popular jukebox of all time. It was conceptualized by the famous designer Paul Fuller (who was chief designer with the Wurlitzer Company from 1935-1948). The ornate design of 1940’s jukeboxes has been referred to as “gothic” or having a “cathedral” look, but this juke has more of an art deco influence. With its illuminated, color-changing pilasters, 8 bubble tubes, shiny chrome and domed top, it is reflective of the positive, uplifted attitude of the post-war nation. The coin-operated 1015 plays 78-RPM records and has push-button Multi-Selector technology, allowing selected records to be played.
The model 1015 was produced from 1946 to 1947, and was so popular that many of them were utilized right into the 50’s. This longevity is responsible for the 1015’s association with the 1950’s sock-hop era. By 1954 the 45-RPM records were becoming so popular that the Wurlitzer factory introduced conversion kits for their jukeboxes so they could play them. In addition, the Wurlitzer 1015 was such a popular model of jukebox that in 1986 Wurlitzer celebrated the 40th anniversary of the 1015 by manufacturing it once again and dubbing it the “One More Time”. It had the classic design of the 1015 with all the latest technology, including the ability to play CDs.
Through the years, there have been many Wurlitzer 1015s that appeared in background shots of TV shows and films like “Cheers”, “Friends”, “Back to the Future” and “On the Waterfront.
Thanks to all you you that come by and see my collection...I'm well aware that this stuff is not for everyone...And every time I post on Antiques I lose followers and comments faster than I can weight....ha ha!!! But like I have told you I love History and am just the care taker of these pieces......From my mountain top to yours until next time....Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Gloria, those are all fantastic pieces of art! I love your jukebox and the slot machines. Very nice. Have a wonderful night.
Wow, those are some great items. I know juke boxes are going for a fortune. These are a treasure. That must be such a fun room to go in and play.
This Juke Box is AWESOME! Would love to have one in my home! Reminds me of the movie Grease!
Thanks for Sharing!
That is SO cool, Gloria! Next time, turn your tv off while you're videoing though! LOL!
When you said it was a bubble machine, my first thought was that... well, you were blowing bubbles! LOL
I think these machines are beautiful and you're so lucky to have one.
Justine :O )
Morning, Dear Gloria! Oh, this is so wonderful! I just love seeing your pretties! Have a wonderful day, sweetness!
Shelia ;)
what a very cool jukebox! thanks for including the video so we could see how it works!
Hey grandma,
I love that juke box! That has always been my favorite anitque that you have. I remember grandpa turning it on and my brother and I watch all the diferent color go up then change when they come down. That was my first juke box that I have ever seen at that time. I still have not seen one that is as neat as yours grandma.
Love ya
Gloria I for one love seeing and reading about your collection. This post really took me back I remember the juke box as we called it. Have a great day, and continue showing us your collection. Madeline
Hey, sugar, just how big is that house of yours to hold all those collections? I've never seen so many "collections" in my life. Beautiful!! And I understand about the be-bop records. That's all we had when I was a kid and then they got the 45s when I was a teen.
Oh Gloria, this is just gorgeous and you do have the best collections. I love all the wonderful history that you always give us too. Hugs, Marty
Hi there! I could never tire of looking at your collections. During my recent trip to our antique barn I saw many 45's ..... how fun!
Gloria, how neat is this! I love it. WOW! You have the world's coolest toys!
Sheila :-)
Wow, Gloria! I think this is a part of your house that I haven't seen! Just when I think I have seen all of your collections, you have another! Amazing! Weren't juke boxes fun? Kids are missing out on a lot! Yes, only one more month until we get our little cookie!! Can't wait! Happy weekend....hugs...Debbie
My dad bought one like this when I was in high school. It was in our basement rec room and I loved it. He sold it years ago...darn it! You have Nipper! Oh, the memories...
What fun to have such a wonderful jukebox in your home!
The Juke Box is wonderful....would love to have one.....thanks for sharing...Pat H
wow..I bet you have a hard time getting your guests to much to see and enjoy...
How neat!!! Nothing sounds like a jukebox! Thanks for sharing~
Hi Sis...
So glad to get a note from you today, Darlin'! Happy to hear that you were able to get out and about...even if it was just to the grocery store! Hehe! You sound like me...I've been inside all week but I guess we will make a trip into town in an hour or so to Wallyworld...for groceries! I think honey is going to take me out to eat to...he just doesn't know it yet! wink! Girl, it looks like we're livin' in the dust bowl here today! Having 60mph gusts of's crazy! You can't hardly see out the air is so full of dirt! I probably shouldn't go out in it...doesn't help my breathing out! I'll be covering my face up that's for sure! hehe!
Well know that I love, love, LOVE your Bubble machine! I'm so glad that you included the video so that we could hear it and see all those pretty colored lights...awesome!!! Russell just loves it! He's really interested in all the old jukeboxes! You'd have to watch him if we were there...he'd want to tear into it and see how it works! Hehe! Love the old 78's too! That's cool that you were able to get a bunch of the "BeBop" music! It's one of my favorites!!! We play alot of the oldies here at our house! We have a really large collection since Russell use to DJ! I'm sooo glad that you included the history of these fabulous old interesting!!! They are definitely one of the most popular icons of the time!!!
Well Sis...I'll talk with you later! So happy to hear from you today!
Love ya,
Oh Gloria, my hubby would love to hang out in that room. I thought Len was the slots collector! Your Tiffany chandy post was fabulous too.
Yes, we all look like my dad, unfortunately for me and sis, we're all built like him too! It was great for my brothers though, they both played linebacker!
Stay warm on that mountain,
Did you see my post about the juke box in the New Sarum Diner? I only wish I had room to have one of my own! Although I'd rather have my own slot machine!
Well Hello sweet Momma!
What an amazing and unique collection of jukeboxes. They are so cool and really pretty! Love the dog!
Oh yes I do shop at "Touch of Class" online and get the catalogs at home too. Thanks for sending me the link the other day. You're so thoughful to do that for me. I usually buy toppers and our grape kitchen canisters also were purchased there.
Have a good one my friend. ~Melissa :)
Gloria, you have the coolest stuff! Of course, this is my fav ever jukebox, and of course, you have it. Such an interesting history too. I didn't know it had been reproduced. Do they have a year on them somewhere, or do you have to look at the SN to know when it was made? Enjoyed "Why Do Fools Fall in Love"-ain't it the truth? laurie
Wowsa is all I can say. Such treasures. Thank you for stopping by today.
this is another fabulous post mom!!! I love your collections and one day I will gamble on that slot!!! and then demand a refund! lol
Justine...she was not the one watching T.V....that was Lenny!!!
right mom???? yep...I knew it!
That is so COOL!!! How fun to listen to all the oldies!
Deb :)
That is so cool, Gloria, a jukebox right inyour house. I remember them when I was growing and spent lots of quarters on them. You are one funny lady, LOL. Your blogs are always so entertaining. My mom is fine, she is in Chicago with my oldest sister right now. Thanks for asking....Christine
Yikes! Gloria, I would think you would get MORE followers instead of losing them. Your collections are fantastic. I enjoy looking seeing your lovely things when you show them. It's extensive and not only that you give us information on them.
Oh well, I lose people too..but with me it's probably because there isn't ANYTHING that fantastic! :)
I admit that every time one leaves I feel like crying..and of course you seldom can tell who has slammed the door on you. Oh well. Can't win 'em all I guess! :)
Hugs to you my friend!
Well, it's for me Gloria dear!!! I love seeing your collections and the Jukebox is so AWESOME!! Your office looks like it might be too much fun to ever work in! hehe. I love your crack about Len and the daughters, you've got the best sense of humor!!! Hugs, Cindy
What a beautiful jukebox! I don't think anybody could ever be bored with your beautiful antiques!! So interesting!
Hi Gloria,
I am amazed every time I come and visit and see all your wonderful pieces.
I love the juke box and the bubble machine ~ what a lot of fun!
I hope that your week is going well.
Gloria, I think your juke box is very cool! I love reading about your collections and the history that you give. Keep on sharing your collections and your love of history. I love collecting and history too! Your blog is different and thats why I enjoy it soo much. I check in on you regularly. I can't figure out how to turn your playlist off so that I can hear your videos.
Have a beautiful day
Jacquelene L.
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