WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria
You bet your shades you can....lol!!! Today I want to show and tell you how I got my Chandy...
Its a Tiffany ca. 1895 I bought this right out of a collector home...she had it in her kitchen for over 40 years hanging above her table, she said her and her husband bought this in 1942 and brought it home on the street car and it took them 2 trips to get it home...its so heavy and so they took it apart and reassembled it....
I loved Helen the woman I got this from she lived in an old Elk's lodge made into a home and it was packed to the top with Antiques...They had a full size post office, barber shop and even a drug store, all her kitchen was old general store display cabinets and bin counters...It really was like Antique heaven to me ha ha!!! And the best part was that if the price was right they sell you what ever you wanted....
Well I wanted this Chandy...But she was not ready to sell it...then one day she called me with a price, which I thought was a bit too pricey But hey its screamed my name..Any Hoo Wally and I decided to throw caution to the wind and bite the bullet and get it....It took him and Roth (Helen's husband) a few hours to get it down...Its very heavy did I tell you that??? Well we packed up our new treasurer and off we went....Its was not until we got it home and was cleaning it that we seen the tags on the shades that said LCT...could it really be what we thought ?? Well I had an antique appraiser come out to look at it and OMG it was a Tiffany...OK picture me doing my Happy Dance now...ha ha!!
So this piece I thought was a bit too pricey, turns out to be worth far more than what I paid for it...The appraiser offered to buy it from me that day...No way Jose it took me 2 years to talk Helen into selling it....I bought this in 1982 so it has now hung above my dining room table for over 25 years.... Roth and Helen didn't even know it was a Tiffany, so here they are thinking they cut a Fat Hog with us and it was us that got the Fat Hog ha ha!! Don't you love a good ending??? Now the ceiling Focal point or medallion is from a company in San Francisco that I ordered to go with the Chandy it did not come with it....It's called Elizabeth and had to have it because it was named after my Mama sighs....
Louis Comfort Tiffany was born in New York City February 18, 1848 the son of Charles Lewis Tiffany who founded the prestigious New York silver and jewelry firm Tiffany & Co. His father’s company founded in 1837 catered to the wealthy elite, presidents and royalty such as Queen Victoria of England. Louis was a teenager during The Civil War, in 1866 at the age of 18 he began to study art under American landscape artist George Inness. In his 20’s he traveled widely in Europe and visited Spain, North Africa and the Middle East. There he developed an interest in Islamic architecture and ornament, Romanesque and Moorish art, and Japanese ceramics. Growing up in such a wealthy family had enabled Tiffany to travel in Europe four times between 1865-1872.
On his return to the United States in 1872, at the age of 24 Tiffany began his first studies in glass and mosaics. Later his experiments with iridescent glass were conducted by exposing hot glass to a series of fumes and metallic oxides. Over the years Tiffany Studios would produce many stained glass windows, lamps and glass vessels using his famous “iridescent” glass.
Tiffany was inspired by Thomas Edison’s new invention the incandescent filament light bulb. He was among the first to create a revolution in home illumination using his colored glass to produce beautiful commercial electric lamps. Effort was made for Tiffany’s artistic products to reach all economic levels sometimes at the sacrifice of company profit. He introduced his style and left his mark in the U.S. by redecorating a number of private homes and public spaces. Mark Twain, Cornelius Vanderbilt and, the presidential White House are listed among Tiffany’s clients. Most Tiffany lamps were made between 1895 and 1920. Hope you enjoyed my Tiffany story...Like I have said before if these pieces could talk the stories they could tell...I really have loved being the Care taker of these things, so they will be passed on as history should be...
Until next time from my mountain top to yours,
It is absolutely beautiful! I love it!
You sure know how to tell a great story, Gloria. I love it!! Very nice deal on a gorgeous chandelier!! It really is pretty and so is the medallion.
How is the weather over there on your mountain top? We have been hearing so much about the storms and mudslides in California and I worry about everyone I 'know' ;-)
Hope all is well with you!
Gloria oh my goodness this is one stunning chandy! It is such an elegant and unique piece of art.
I just adore it! ~WOW!!!! :)
Another beautiful piece...I love stoping by and seeing your amazing antiquues...I also enjoy learning more about your antiques....Keep them coming and thanks for sharing...Pat H
I sure hope you have lots of insurance...you've got some good stuff at that house of yours! We went to a Tiffany exhibit at museum in Winter Park, FL. I think it is permanent so if you google Winter Park and Tiffany you may find it. They had an entire chapel made of Tiffany glass, I couldn't even breathe it was so stunning.
What a find for you! It is perfect for the rest of your things.
It is my turn doing a Giveaway...you'll like it!
A beautiful lamp!! Looks pretty hanging in your room! Enjoy your day.
Well it is gorgeous...but being a Tiffany...that is fabulous! Yep, I wouldn't have sold it either. I had a realtor in my home once that wanted to buy my big pickle crock or sour kraut crock. He offered me a good sum of money. I said, nope...my husband was not too happy with me...but I still have it and I am so happy I do!
Wow Gloria, that was such an interesting post and a great history lesson (did I ever tell you I'm a huge history buff? I majored in it in college). And how fabulous that own a treasure like that? Imagine what it's worth now!!!
It is gorgeous!!! And what a fantastic story -- it seems as if everyone turned out a winner in this. The other couple got the price they wanted, and YOU ended up with a treasure!
It's so lovely -- I especially love those shades.. how wonderful nothing is broken!
It is really stunning .. fabulous.
Gloria, your chandy is just gorgeous. It is so perfect in your home. YOur medallion is beautiful too. I love to hear your stories of how you found things. So interesting. Hope your day is a super one. Hugs, Marty
I am in awe again Gloria!! This one is a real amazing story and I love the ending! It is beautiful beyond belief and you are a great storyteller! Can we go to Antique Road show together? hehe.
Love Ya, cindy
Hi Gloria,
Wow, I love it! You sure did find a treasure and what a beauty it is. Great background on Tiffany, he was such a talent. I always learn something new from my visits here. You have such a wide body of information about your collections and I really respect that.
I've been watching the news also the past couple of days and have been seeing what wild weather you're getting. I hope your high and dry. I used to live in Portland and learned the meaning of blustery during that time.
Take care.
What a great story Gloria! The chandy is gorgeous, and what a find. It's so perfectly you! Hope your weather hasn't been too bad. Kathy
Hi Gloria! Oh, my! Your chandy is so lovely and what a story! You really have a treasure!! Your ceiling medallion is just perfect with it.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Gloria, you are such a smart buyer! You would have thought that someone who owned something this beautiful would have known that it was a Tiffany. It is absolutely stunning, and you took some great pictures of it. (I think pictures of light fixtures are so difficult to take). laurie
What a gorgeous piece! You really lucked out on this didn't you? :-) I love your stories ~
I need to email you...been out of touch for a few days due to a friend passing away. Our weather is better though and I hope you're not floating in all the rain CA is getting.
very cool story. You scored. Love that! mishelle
Oh Gloria, that is just beautiful!!!! I cannot believe they, as antique collectors didn't even know what they had hanging over their table all those years! Wow, what a treasure!
The medallion girls creep me out a little bit, but I love the reason why you chose that one!
Justine :o )
Woo hoo! What a find you made. It's absolutely beautiful! I can just imagine them bringing it home by street car in pieces. It truly must be heavy. Your home is such a treasure and I love how you share it with us!
Oh Gloria sweetie...
Imagine the stories this beautiful chandelier could tell you if it could talk. The trip on the trolley alone was beautiful. So many conversations it has heard.
I can't imagine just two men being able to get it down. It had to be very heavy and you have a treasure now that will only get better with age. Don't you just love it?
I pray you are well my sweet friend. I think of you so often. Especially at night when I sit at my computer. I guess I should keep shouting out at you. Some habits are hard to break.
Country hugs and so much love...Sherry
Wow - beautiful!!
A beautiful Tiffany light fixture. Again I am in awe. Thank you for sharing and telling the story. Madeline
Mornin' Sis...
Absolutely breathtaking!!! This is truly the most beautiful tiffany glass chandelier that I've ever seen...seriously!!! I love all the ornate detailing on the metal...gorgeous! Girl, I'm so glad that you told the story behind your fabulous chandelier! Can you even begin to imagine the previous owners carrying that to their home via street car? OMG!!! Just goes to show you...where there is a will...there is a way! Hehe! Isn't that something that they didn't even realize that this was Tiffany? Girl, I know that you were doing the happy dance over this one!!! I'm so glad that you included a little background history about Charles and Louis Tiffany...I just didn't know much about them and how they got started in their craft! So very interesting!!! Now...I have to tell you that your gorgeous ceiling medallion is like the icing on the cake to the chandelier...I love it!!! I was trying to remember (and you know how that is...hehe!) if you painted the medallion? It's really beautiful!!! Ohhh my...your fabulous chandelier and medallion are breathtaking, Sis!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us...I always look at all of your fabulous antiques and just dream! Ahhhh!!!
How are you doing today, Darlin'? Sure do hope that you're doing well! Did you get much snow? I see that you still have your electricity...yeeeehawww!!! Well Sweetie, have a wonderful day and I'll talk with you later...
Love ya,
I so loved hearing how you came about getting this Tiffany chandy!! I can well imagine how thrilled you were when you found out it was a Tiffany and that you had NOT paid too much for it! hehe Reminds me of those stories of people buying paintings and finding out that there is a masterpiece underneath it:-) It truly does look beautiful and you're like me, always wondering what stories these antiques could tell if they talked!! xoxo
What a beautiful piece Gloria and of course, the story and the way you tell it makes it that much more special! I can't believe the great deal you got all those years ago!
I scrolled down a bit and I love your beautiful stained glass peacock windows - how perfect it looks up there!
Have a good one friend -
I just love this Tiffany chandy, Shelia, oops, I meant, Gloria, LOL (j/k). I remember you showing us before and I loved it then. It's gorgeous! I hope your snow has started to melt.....Christine
Hi, Mama! Just checking in with you. Would you look at that amazing chandelier! WOW! I'm so glad you have that, Gloria. It belongs with you. :-)
I am going to have to go take pics of Flagler College for you because LCT did the interiors. He was the designer on the project, and there were more Tiffany windows in that building than any other in the US from what I've been told. The student dining room has a ton of them! Yep, I need to get out and get those shots for you.
Checking in from my break. Ask me some time about the name Elizabeth. I'd love to share...
Sheila :-)
Gloria -- you have the MOST amazing treasures ever collected into one house! You should charge a viewing fee for all those pretties! Thank you for your sweet condolances -- the warmth of friends is what carries us through the storms.
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