'I'd like to be six again', she replied, still looking in the mirror.
On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Lucky Charms, and then took her to Six Flags theme park. What a day!
He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Monster Roller Coaster, everything there was.
Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park. Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down.
He then took her to a McDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake.
Then it was off to a movie, popcorn, a soda pop, and her favorite candy, M&M's. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted. He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, 'Well Dear, what was it like being six again??'
Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed. 'I meant my dress size, you dumbass!'
The moral of the story: Even when a man is listening, he is gonna get it wrong.

oh my word...seriously I'm dying here!!! LOL LOL
lol.....love that doggie pict. mishelle
Gloria, That is great and so darn true!! thanks for the giggles! Have a great weekend, sue
That was too funny:) Enjoy the weekend.
THAT was cute! Good morning my friend!
OMG, that was so funny and so true.
Just like Men...they TRY...so he gets credit for that :)
Love our last post with your awesome antiques and yard picture. I have one also. They are very nice.
I wonder if that puppy woke up with a sore back. Doesn't look comfy for a puppy.
Deb :)
Awesome. And so true. ;)
Hi darling, grabbed a cup of coffee to join you in a visit. This was toooo funny and soooo true.. I absolutely "adore" the sleeping puppy in the dog seat.. You always come up with the cutest things.. I hope you're enjoying your time off, I'm going like a "mad" woman around here trying to get things done. And it's finally showing..lol. I almost have all the shop back in order and all shuffled around. Wow! does it look bare after the holidays! Yeah!!! That means stuff is gone..lol... Trying to get one of the "huge" displays out of the shop and gone to display heaven.. Yepper girl.. the energizer bunny is up to her old tricks.. Can't wait to show you... Ok.. I think I've written a small book here.. break time is over for me.. lots and lots of hugs ~lynne~
Gloria honey...first of all, that's quite a funny story about the man and wife. But funnier and sweeter is that adorable picture...is that your doggie? If so...you gotta put this pic into a photo contest. That's just the sweetest thing I've ever seen. :) Hugs~ ~CC Catherine
Gloria this is so cute, I so enjoyed reading and laughing, just made my day. Enjoy your weekend.
I read it twice!!
LOL, too funny!
LMBO!! ROFLOL!!! You're too funny!!!
LOL. Didn't see that punchline coming! Poor guy, at least he tried!
Gloria, that was cute. Why is it, men hear but never listen?
OMG, that was hysterical!!!!!!!
I hope you're doing okay, Gloria. I don't like it when you're this quiet.
Justine :o )
Oh, that is too funny Gloria!
You have a great collection of jokes my dear. Oh, and every time I pass my apple tassel I smile and think of you!!! Hugs, Cindy
LOL now that's a good one! hehe Have a wonderful weekend as well, my friend. xoxo
Gloria, this is a hoot! I'm sitting here laughing like a loon - I think DH is afraid I've finally lost it! Thanks for the belly laugh. And the pooch picture is too cute! Hugs, Kathy
I've heard this before. SO TRUE! But it was funny!
Love the dog.
Looks like we are going to get our rain! YAY!
HAGD! Karen
Great post today...so true...thanks for sharing..Pat H
Too funny! lol. Thanks for the chuckles. And isn't that doggy the cutest thing ever? Have a great weekend! Rosie
Gloria, I don't know where you get this stuff. I am just about to split my sides laughing. So funny. I love that picture of the dog too. Hugs, Marty
How funny!! Have a great weekend, Gloria!
LOL! Tooo funny Gloria! Love the doggie too.
Thank you soooo much for your sweet words of encouragement. They mean so much to me my friend! Let me know how you like the roasted chicken.
Have a great weekend!
~Melissa NC daughter
Now that was really good! I love a good laugh before bed. Love that pup picture too!
Have a nice weekend...Sue
Hey there, Gloria. You got it about the tailgate sale. Here in the midwest you just park your pickup, open the tailgate, and sell your stuff. They're real popular around here. A lot of the local public schools have them and make a buck by renting the parking spot. It sure beats them trying to sell me high dollar wrapping paper. Guess nobody was buying any. Thanks for your comment. Rosie
That is way too funny, but so typical of a man! That picture of the dog is so cute! Thanks for the laughs. laurie
Hilarious, and oh so true!
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