Sweet Silver spoon from my Adopted Daughter Mrs. Magpie date stamped on it of 1905...How sweet is that ???
This thing really does fold down to make into a rocker for a baby....Also you can flip the tray over the top and it becomes a Youth chair....
History of Eastlake furniture:
The Eastlake furniture style as envisioned by its namesake, Charles Lock Eastlake, came about in response to his dislike of the over-the-top Rococo and Renaissance Revival styles popular during the Victorian era. Although Eastlake furniture is technically considered Victorian, being popular from 1870-1890, it breaks away from the excessive high relief carving, classical elements and numerous curves of other styles produced during this time frame.
The Eastlake furniture style as envisioned by its namesake, Charles Lock Eastlake, came about in response to his dislike of the over-the-top Rococo and Renaissance Revival styles popular during the Victorian era. Although Eastlake furniture is technically considered Victorian, being popular from 1870-1890, it breaks away from the excessive high relief carving, classical elements and numerous curves of other styles produced during this time frame.


A charming chair....and what a little sweetie!!!!xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
These are wonderful pieces! You home must look like a museum with all the awesome antiques you have! Your comment about your daughter Dawna...Had my hubs and I rolling on the floor! :)
Have a great week Sweet Lady!
My mom always tells me that I would be horrified to see what my car seat looked like from the 70's! I'm sure she's right. That high chair is so sweet!
That is a gorgeous chair Gloria. I love it! And I think I love your comment to your daughter even more, that's priceless and I bet it did stop her dead in her tracks! But the best thing I've seen all day is that sweet little Kyra, noodles and all. What a precious little doll. Have a great week. Kathy
Gloria, I enjoy visiting your blog so much! I really do! Love your sense of humor and your pretty photos. That highchair is stunning. Love it. Thank you for sharing with us.
Gloria, I have seen these high chairs in antique stores, and I've always thought they were so wonderful! Yours is really a beauty! And your grandmother's doll is wonderful too. I'm so glad you have it. I think you must have been such a fun mother! That noodle head Kyra is really growing up - such a cutie! How nice of you to post about my party! Thank you so much. laurie
Wonderful chair! Love how you had it all set up! Love that room!!
Hi ya cutie.. what a neat high chair. I've seen them before but only in antique magazines Daddy and Mother used to take. Of course you know I love that darling Kyra.. hard to believe she's that old... time has sure flown by. She is such a dolly.... Have to say I'm curious what are those darling pillows sitting on in the one picture. Is that a built in bench or deacon's bench? As always I love coming by and taking a gander at your beautiful antiques..
hugs ~lynne~
What an interesting high chair, Gloria. I like how it folds and turns into another function. Your Kyra is always such a happy girl, such a cutie!...Christine
Hi Gloria, what a lovely high chair. I love, love, love Eastlake and have a few pieces that I'm so fond of, I think it's so unique. That little noodle-head cutie. Safety first with her for sure!
I love your comments about how we were so lost in raising our young ones before the gvt told us how...lol
I think your dining room is like Goldilocks famous words...JUST RIGHT :)
Oh Gloria, you're a hoot! I'll have to remember what you told Dawna & use it one day with my girls. And yes, I did think you got lost. That baby doll is too cute, as is Kyra!
i used to have an antique high chair like that...except it didn't have the wicker, just solid wood. i painted it and my granddaughter used it! thanks for reminding me of a grand time and great find. Kyra is a beauty!
Another good post. I love this unusal chair. Keep the antiques coming. Have a great and blessed day. Madeline
P.S. Little Kyra is a cutie pie.
LOL! Moms always take the blame for how kids turn out don't they? I know you did a great job raising yours. As cute as your little noodle head is in her modern chair, I think she would be even cuter in the antique one.
None of the dogs in my post were actually mine but I'm thinking of trading in my two big ones for a couple little ones just so I can dress them up!
Don't know that I have ever seen a chair like that. What a pretty doll - both the real one and the toy. :)
Love that chair!!! The baby in it is pretty sweet too ;)
I've seen these chairs and absolutely love them!
That sweet little Miss Kyra just gets cuter and cuter!
i love the highchair. it's gorgeous! and so cool that it changes into a rocker, etc.
love the picture of your grandbaby with noodles on her head!
Kyra, is getting so big...she is so sweet love the noodle on top of her little head...I love your beautiful antique highchair...thanks for sharing...Pat H
Wow, aside from the lack of safety here, I think it's amazing that even wayyyyyy back then they made their highchairs multi-functional!
And believe it or not, I didn't think that doll looked scary. Maybe because of those chubby cheeks?
Justine :o )
Oh Gloria,
That is so cool! I love that high chair and the doll is gorgeous but of course the most gorgeous is that baby girl! And, I would love to go to Mexico with you, wouldn't that be a riot! Your the best, hugs, Cindy
Hi Gloria sweetie,
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I love your old AM doll, so neat that you have a treasure like that not to mention that fantastic rocker/high chair, loving that, amazing! We have an Eastlake hall tree in our down stairs hall. I won't part with it, was an anniversary present one year that we bought ourselves for our home.
Always love seeing your treasures!
Good luck with the weather, gees, snow really?! And I have given up my Winter coat lately and also have my blooming cherry tree starting to blossom already, crazy!
Hugs, Linda
Got to work for a bit, with this new mall space I am going to have I got to get painting things to sell!
What a nice post! Your home would be so much fun to visit. Love the chair.
I always have fun when I stop by here.
Thanks for sharing
I am really, REALLY enjoying this tour of your antiques, Gloria, and that chair is so neat! The doll is, too! And I'm happy to see my spoon found such a place of honor! Yea! I'm thrilled you like it. :-)
And look at Kyra! What a cutie!
Sheila :-)
You have the best stuff!!!
What a cute little noodlehead!
Hi Gloria,
Lovely post and you always have so much to show us.
Love the high chair and really it was surprising how we did not need seat belts as kids and life was much more simple.
Kyra is a sweet little baby and I love your doll.
Happy week
I love that chair of yours. The high chair that we have for our grand's is belt free too.
Don't you love how they used to make things, so practical and simple. Great post.
Hi Gloria! I've been catching up on your posts. You have the most interesting blog in blogland. I love all the history facts you provide. I have a collection of diaries of women in the 1800's. I'm really fascinated with that time period. Your blog adds the illustrations to the diaries. Thank you so much. There is an antique mall in Missouri that has a basement filled with true antiques. Its like walking into the 19th century. It takes your breath away. You really feel like you stepped back into time. You would love it. BTW - Kyra is so adorable!! Rosie
Sweet smiley face makes hearts shine.
Love the way you relate and so cutie things around you.
Greetings from Stockholm, Sweden...
I love the old high chair, how very unique. My Granny had a doll like that one at the old farm house. Now I just want to grab up and hug that sweet little noodle head!!! She's the real doll.
You have yourself a marvelous day sweet one!!!
There seems to be no end to your fabulous treasures! I have my dad's high chair, my kids used it at my parent's house and now my grandson's use it when they are here. It was so much fun in the fall to see my dad, feeding my grandson...who was sitting in dad's chair. The circle goes round and round.
Gloria! A 400 square foot room? And its full of all those lovely antiques? :) What fun! FANTASTIC!
You have some of the most interesting things. How I would love to find an old wicker doll buggy in PERFECT condition. I have found a few, but just not the right one. As time goes by I want it less and less... that's good isn't it?
Your comment on my post of last night hit the nail on the head! That is exactly what I did. It started with Pat's death. I used to hear my mother say things like "..and she went through all her money in that first year! Can you imagine?!" Well, I can! I did what you did. Tried to fill that horrible void.
I remember going with girlfriends out shopping and they would come home piled high with beautiful things and I had just a couple of dollars in my pocket and try to find some little trinket within that price range. Then going to eat and I would say I wasn't hungry and just have coffee. I did that for years and years. My childrens needs came first. They still do.
I guess now is just my time. I'm haveing a good time. :) So, Gloria, lets go shopping... :)
Hugs to you Sweetie!
Don't you wish they still made furniture like that? Dual purpose chairs (high chair & rocker) its lovely. Your doll is so pretty too.
Your grandaughter is a sweetheart.
Love your blog!
Hi Gloria,
As always it is such a treat to see a comment from you....have a few days off work so that always gives me a chance to do a post...I just loved the high chair....amazing what they did back then with high chairs and with other things for that matter..
Have a wonderful day Gloria,
Hugs and Love,
Mo :-)
So cool Gloria! I love the chair and your doll is so pretty too. I used to collect dolls way back when.
Thanks for entering my Spring giveaway sweet friend! It's on the way!
Stay warm on that big ole' snowy mountain top. ~Melissa :)
Hello sunshine!
Just have a minute...trying to check in on a few blogs. I love all the things you share.
I so wanted to participate in the Valentine party. :-( LOVE Valentine's Day and sharing the love!
LOL! Love your comeback to you daughter!! What a fabulous chair! Can you imagine anyone making a chair like that these days - it would be recalled in a minute!
Have a good weekend!
Hi Sis...
Thought I'd better come by...I just know you've been wondering what in the heck happened to me! Hehe! Just been busy...no other excuse! Today, I've been doing some baking, etc...we have the kids coming tonight! Another busy weekend!
Ohhh Sis, I just adore your Victorian high chair/rocker! I've never seen anything like it! Wow...it's in such great shape for how old it is (sure wished that I could say the same...hehe!) I love the rattan on it! Is it original to the piece? Sometimes the rattan breaks down...just curious? Loved seeing this beautiful piece...a real treasure for sure!!! Ohhh...and I love your grandmother's doll! When you were describing how it was made...with the kids leather body...I just wanted to pick it up and check it all out! Hehe! I always do that with dolls...have to look under the clothes! Do you? Anyway, she is sooo pretty...I don't think she is scary looking at all! Such a sweet family treasure!!! Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous high chair and beautiful doll with us, Sis...I love them!!!
Well Darlin', how are you doing? Do you have plans for the weekend? I guess we'll be heading up to the big city to take the kids home on Sunday...will be gone all day! I'll talk to you later, Sweetie!!!
Love ya,
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