WELCOME to HAPPY TO BE...This is a blog about my love of Antiques, My family, humor, as humor keeps us laughing and my every Day life...I hope you enjoy your visit...Please leave me a comment to let me know you Came by so I can visit with you Thank You !!...Hugs and Smiles, Gl♥ria

Good Day my dear friends !!! are you ready for another one of my BORING antique lessons??? Of course you are....lol!! Now the most gracious Hostess Barb who is truly a Southern lady with the most BEAUTIFUL home and YUMMY Southern recipes is kind enough to host this every Wednesday....PLEASE do your self a BIG favor and go by and see her and all the other great Peeps who will have TONS of Wall candy today for you...
Ok now I wanted to show you some of my "YARD LONGS" Yard long prints were called that because they were a yard long... Each one has Calendar of the year on the back of these lithographs and advertising, some will have artists signatures on the front as well... All of these I will be showing you are from 1903 - 1929 . Now this first one is a Pabst beer advertisement and its 1903...I just fell in love with this and of course Just look at that Beautiful Red dress she is wearing... This one is titled " American Girl"

This is a 1910 Pabst Beer one...its titled "Gorgeous Brunette"

Pabst girl titled " Lavender Girl" I just loved the way they dressed back then.. Oh and look at those Hats....

Now these next ones I am showing are all Pompeian beauty product advertisements...This is from 1919 and it titled " Liberty Girl" this was from World war one...and look at the solider in the back ground.. you such be able to click on any on these pictures to enlarge them...but PLEASE remember my dust rules...all the dust is my antique dust which I really seem to collect ha ha!!

1920 titled " Sweetest story ever told" or Prom Night... And see her sweet hearts shadow in the background??

Now these are a series of Pompeian pictures that they did....1925 titled "Beauty Gained is Love Retained " see she is getting her engagement ring here from her Honey...sighs !!!

Now she must have said "I do " because this is 1922 titled" Honeymooning in Venice"

Also 1922 titled " Honeymooning in the Alps" boy this gal had a great Honeymoon...these were all done by the same artist Gene Pressler

1916 Pompeian By : Forbes Signed: Sincerely Mary Pickford...Beautiful Mary Pickford in pale blue dress, seated and holding daisy in her hands, has moon shining on water in the background. This same print was brought back in 1922 and 1923 for advertising purposes...These prints are getting harder for me to find...there are also ones that that have a YARD of Kittens, Roses. and Puppies, Pansies, But I have been on the HUNT now for 15 years to find a " Selz Good Shoes " advertisement one Oh but I love a good Hunt...
Now I hope I didn't bore you to much..as a rule these hang on the wall going up my stairs...but Len has been painting that since Sunday YAHOO!! of course I told you about Len and his project's and how I am the go-fer...
May you all have a safe and Blessed day...
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Gloria! I loved that antique lesson. I learned something new. I have seen these on occasion but never knew what they were called nor did I know the history behind them. How cool..and what a collection you have! Oh and by the way - you did the Linky thing just perfect. :-) See ya' next week! Blessings, Barb
Gloria, I love the vintage pictures! Wow, what style.
Gloria...You have the most wonderful collection of unusual things! I have never heard of yard longs before. I love the vintage look! Your home must be an amazing place to visit, girl!! Have a great evening...hugs...Debbie
Gloria, I really love these. They are so unique! I told DH that you have been searching for one particular one for 15 years and he said with admiration "now THAT's a collector" Hugs, Kathy
Wow, I can't believe how many of these you actually have! Holy cow woman. Some of them are sooooooooooooooo beautiful. The womens' dresses alone are enough to keep my attention for a while.
Okay, what color is Len painting? How are you feeling? Cough all gone?
Justine :o )
Oh, Gloria! Now you know how I loved your post! I only have one yard lady and look at you - you have zillions! They're so beautiful, aren't they? Now where do you hang them? I'd love to see!! I do have one more yard long of roses, but it's a reproduction, but very pretty!
You have everything!! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Gloria- I love your yard long prints. I have several also but mine are floral in nature. They are hard to come by these days- and quite pricey which is the reason I only have a few. The one that hangs over my master bed I actually picked up for $10. last year- my was that a blessing!
Gloria, keep giving us antique lessons. I still have a lot to learn! Those yard long pictures are lovely. I love how the women's faces look then, very pretty!....Christine
What a delightful and interesting lesson...I had never heard about these series of pictures. They are quite collectible.
Look at that precious angel smiling on your sidebar!! What a sweetheart and she looks so healthy! I'll come back and read this post later as one of the kids just called me as I started to type this! Cindy
I do love these so much! I can never get enough on antiques! Lesson are great! I love the one with the sweetheart in the shadow!!!!!!
Very pretty Gloria!
I have never heard of the yard longs before.
~WOW~ The ladies sure were gorgeous weren't they? :)
wooooo hoooo! throw those it my truck too!
Until you told us about them I'd never heard of nor seen "yard longs"...they are wonderful... and I'll bet they look fabulous going up your stairwall. Hope you are feeling better...take care, ;-) Bo
Miss Gloria~ These are gorgeous!
What a beautiful collection! I've learned something today..."yard long". So explanatory. Thanks for the antique lesson.
I'd enjoy your visit sometime:)
Sweet Wishes,
wow Gloria you never cease to amaze me with your antique posts!! These pictures are fabulous! Where do you put all your things, your house must be a mansion! How ya been sweetie and how is beautiful Kyra?? I found me a slew of new political blogs and have been addicted! LOL!! Have a great week honey Love ya!! xoxoxo
Hi Gloria,
I love all of your beautiful paintings. I have told you this before - but I would love to tag along with you one day when you go shopping for antiques - you always seem to find such lovely things.
Congrats on the new paint job- isn't it great when they do all of the painting? My husband says that I am too much of a "dabber" - meaning I take too long I guess. I would rather be the go-fer gal and leave the painting to him. I hope that you will show us the end results!
Blessings on your day today,
Those are some ladies with attitude! Fun. Linda
Oh I loved these! I love the hair in American Girl. I also loved Honeymooning in the Alps. Thank you for sharing these and enlightening us with the antique lesson. I had never heard of these before today.
Morning Gloria~
Oh, I just love your yard longs~ you have the most beautiful collections. :) Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my little room!
Hope you have a beautiful day!
Hugs~ J
Gloria - I am in love with these! They would look so great with the sheet music that I posted about today. I hope that you get your painting completed soon so that you can hang the back up to enjoy.
Oh, how special! I'd love to see how you have them displayed--down a long hallway, perhaps?
I have never heard of these before, they are beautiful. Gloria, you must have a house as big as a castle. Every collection you show is so big. You have beautiful decorations. I love looking at them.
Love Ya,
Love your yard longs...my favorite is "Sweetest story ever told"...would love to have that one!
Love those yard-long-calendar-girls! They are so lovely...I've seen these before and didn't know the history behind them...thank you!
Have a fabulous day!
Very Interesting! Who knew?
I want to come back and read about that cabin. ... am on lunch break now.
Enjoy the blessings of the day!
Jennifer B
Gloria, I love the lovely ladies and the antique lesson. And I love coming to visit you. :-)
Sheila :-)
Beautiful collection. I have always wanted a yard long of roses. But I love all the woman one you have too. I can't decide which one I like the best. Each one is special in their own right. Love them!!!
Amazing collection...esp love the Liberty Girl.
Hi Mom,
Just stopped by 2 say "I LOVE U"
Thanks for all your sweet words! Today first day without kids, I fell last night and bruised everywhere! Hit my head, legs, arms. (midriff) that was a huge punch! Dizzy today! Oh, and one day I could do something! lol I should not have tried to climb up to a light. The switch is broken, did not want to wake hubby at midnight. So gave it a try, will not do that again! lol So I am just resting and trying to catch up on all the lovely blogs. How's baby Kyra?
Gloria, these are all gorgeous! What fun it would be to dress like that, so romantic. My Mom is doing so much better and I am so thankful for your prayers and support. I have been "seeing" baby Kyra bundled up and cuddled by her Mom and Dad. I am so thrilled she is getting some time at home. Many prayers are going out for her continued improvement and healing. You have so much knowledge and it is so kind of you to share all of these beautiful things with us. Love, Cindy
What a great collection, and thank you for the antiques lesson.
You could never bore me with your antique lessons. I just love seeing and learning about your wonderful collections. These "yard longs" are so pretty. Advertising sure isn't what it used to be! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing them back on the stairway, when Len gets it all painted. laurie
These pictures are so unusual and beautiful... I will be on the look out for them at the antique stores. I'd love to see them in person!
I hear ya about where the "real" Mickey lives! I used to work in Disney World! (many moons ago )LOL
Gloria-- I'm excited to interview you as you must have led a most incredible life!! I'll be thinking of some questions and get back to you soon. BTW, your yard-longs are glorious. I remember seeing my first yard-long about 40 years ago and wanting it so bad, but they have never (even then) been in my budget. I'll just enjoy yours!!!! Sally
Gloria, I love yard longs! I'm searching for an old floral one that is in yellow and purple to go over my guest room bed (iron bed). They are hard to find in decent condition.
Thanks so much for visiting me!
Hello Sweet Gloria.. I'm finally getting on this side of the computer.. Been a "very" long 2 days..Anyhoo... until I met you I had no idea these actually had a name..and they were advertisements. They are gorgeous.. You are so fortunate to have these beauties.. So... you have Len painting..ummm that sounds like a post for a Monday....:-) can't wait to see it.. How's are you feeling darling? Better? How's our baby Kyra? I hope she's improving daily.. ok.. back to work for me.. have a 6:00 coming and then I'm done here for the night.. yippee!!! hugs ~lynne~
Hi Gloria! Oh, I'm so glad you've thought out loud! I just may try to make some little napkin rings out of the little chicks.! You're so good at thinking out loud! Do some more! Do some more!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Oh, I just loved the antique lesson. I don't think I've ever seen these before, and what treasures they are for sure. I love old calendars and advertising things. You do have a fabulous collection. Loved the lesson. Hugs, Marty
I loved your antiques lesson; what lovely old pictures. And yes, that gal sure had one amazing honeymoon, lol.
As for dust -- I told my mother years ago that I considered it a protective coating on my antiques!
Thanks for visiting my blog; I enjoyed visiting yours, and . . . don't turn around! I am following you! :-)
Thanks ...
Hi Gloria,
Thanks for visiting my blog - it was great to hear from you. I am really enjoying getting to know all of these wonderful women. I also came to "blogland" from Rate My Space. And I thought THAT was fun! HA!
Loved reading your profile. Kyra is adorable. Please keep in touch and I will do the same.
FYI - I found a website thats great for antiquers like yourself - it's called beautifulshops.com.
Take care,
Wow girlfriend you never let me down... Always a great post with beautiful collections and great lessons... I love them... I had never heard about these pictures with advertising on the back. They were truly wonderful. Love Ya
What a great collection. I don't remember ever seeing pictures like this and I've been around a long long time. lol
I wonder how you could both see the beautiful art and the advertising at the same time, or the calendar for that matter. I hope one of these days to see one of these in person, then maybe I can figure it out. Yours are magnificent.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork and teaching us about them also!
Thanks for visiting my itty-bitty blog today! You really made my day! I hope you come back again!
They are glorious girlfriend! Glorious for Gloria! How perfect! *winks* You are my antiquin' idol! I'm inspired every time! Can't wait to see how that stairwell turns out, and how those darling cherubs look with a different color *winks* My mom said to thank you so much for your prayers. She was so touched by all the love in blogdom....I am too. She is adding little Kyra to her prayer list. And I'm tellin' ya girl God really listens to her. Vanna
Mornin' Girlfriend...
How about a cup this morning? Let's visit!!! Hehe!!!
Girl, I just adore all of your "yard long" pictures!!! I bet they look amazing going up your staircase!!! So you put Len to work painting, eh? hehe!!!
Okay, I love the pretty one's of the lady on her honeymoon and just have to say that I honeymooned in Venice and the Swiss Alps too...hehe! Sorry...I'm braggin'!
Girl, don't you ever say your antique history lessons are boring...that's one of the things I enjoy most about you and your "show & tells"!!! I've learned so much from you!!! You just keep all those history lessons coming...do ya hear? Hehe!!!
Well Darlin'...you have a wonderful day! (Are you feeling better?)
Love ya,
Gloria, these are beautiful! I enjoyed reading the information, too!
Oh... Sooooo pretty!
Aunt Amelia
"There seems to be so much more winter than we need this year."
~ Kathleen Norris
Hi Gloria, what a beautiful collection! you have some amazing antiques. I especially liked "prom night" Kristen
Hi Gloria! I've come up with 5 questions that I hope you will feel comfortable answering at some point as a post on your blog. 1. You have obviously been successful in business - do you attribute that to ambition, hard work, being in the right place at the right time, or something else? 2. I dub you the queen of collectors!! You already have so many wonderful items - is there one thing you are still searching for? 3. Were you an outdoor-type or indoor-type as a child? 4. It's obvious you adore your family and husband, but is there someone else that you feel especially connected to? 5. Is there anything else on your 'bucket list' that you wish to do, conquer, or accomplish? Thanks for taking this challenge. Let me know when you post the questions & answers, as I'm anxious to learn more about you. Have a great day. Sally
They are really pretty! You sure do have a lot of them. They don't makes things like they used to. I want to see a pic after you get them all hung back on your newly painted wall.
Wow... I love those paintings... I have never seen anything like that collection..Lucky you!!
These make me ache I love them so much!! I discovered these over at your RMS spaces and YOU made me fall in love with them!! I'm SO GLAD you did a post about them because I was going to e-mail you and ask you to do a post about them...and then look what I see!
Love 'em! Love ya! L~
Gloria! What a wonderful collection!! I love them. You know I love vintage art and these are just to die for.
Thanks for showing them!!
Hello Gloria!! Oh these are just beautiful! I love that you have a whole collection of them ..I think my fave was the Prom Night one. I love looking at all your treasures! I also loved the post before, seeing you in your kitchen! What a wonderful history your "One Room Cabin" has and it's great you've got all those photos to prove it! :) ~ Laurie
Beautiful prints! I've never seen anything like them. Thanks so much for sharing them! :D Jewel
Hi Gloria,
Beautiful and lovely site. I have a friend Ann. She is 85 years old and as sharp as a tack. She has the same photo of Mary Pickord in the Honeymooning in the Alps. A friend gave it to her over 30 years ago and it originally belonged to the friends mother. I did some researh on it for her a few years ago. I came up with some interesting facts about the picture. Ann has the paper I printed for her. Ann is wondering what the picture is worth today and if you know of anyone that is interested in purchasing it?
Thank you ever so much. God Bless.
Ah! I have more yard longs than you do. :-) Would you like to see my Selz girls collection? How do I upload a photo(s)?
Hello, ladies! Just could not resist jumping in to say that I have a fabulous collection of Selz ladies. Please tell me how to load a few photos. :-)
Oh, I enjoyed seeing your yard longs! I never knew the stories about them! I think each one is just beautiful!
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