Now this is a post I did last August on Elvis's Anniversary of his death....

I couldn't let the day past without doing a tribute to my all time favorite idol " ELVIS"...I still find it so hard to believe he has been gone 32 years ago today...I was 13 years old when he became the King of Rock-n-Roll, I had everyone of his records 45's at that time and had my whole room plastered with pictures of him even my ceiling so I could look at him while I was laying on the bed ha ha!! to say I was an Elvis freak is an under statement...I just knew when I grew up I was going to marry him of course he found Priscilla and that changed all my great plans ha ha!! My poor Mama got so tired of hearing my record player going all the time with " Don't be Cruel"
I can remember the day he died...just like it was Yesterday...I was working at our shop and it came on the radio and I just froze...Say it wasn't so PLEASE!! I left the shop and when to the Mall to pick up my daughters school clothes I had on lay-away and I swear to God every clerk at Penney's was crying...No one could believe that at 42 Elvis had died...Strangers were hugging and crying together that day...
Now on July 1, 1956 Elvis made his first TV appearance on the Steve Allen show...all day I could hardly wait until 8 pm so I could see him sing " you Ain't nothing but a Hound dog" he sang to a real hound dog by the name of Sherlock...He then made his next TV appearance September 9, 1956 on the Ed Sullivan show and they only filmed him from the waist up...as Elvis had a way of moving that many people thought was vulgar...Can you believe how times have changed...Now if they don't grab their crotch it's not music to this new generation...Oh for the good old days...
Oh!! Love me tender... I couldn't hardly wait to go to the drive in movie and see that picture and I will tell you up until that time my Mama didn't like Elvis but when she seen him in that movie she was one of his biggest fans...On August 16, 1999 I rented everyone of his movies and my Mama and I sat all weekend and watched them all....
I'm all shook up...
Now all of these pictures I got from magazines I bought when Elvis died....
Elvis bought Graceland in March 1957 it was a former Church and he made it into a 23 rooms mansion... Graceland was open to the public in 1982 and to this day 675,000 visit Graceland every year...The upstairs of Graceland has never been opened to the public not even the staff...
Elvis was first buried at Forest Hills with his Mama Gladys...but was moved with his Mama to Graceland in 1979 because of people trying to break into his Mausoleum...When his Father Vernon died he also was laid to rest beside him....

He married Priscilla in 1967 in Las Vegas in a private ceremony and had his only child Lisa Marie 9 months later....

Elvis's private Doctor had prescribed over 5300 prescription's and vital to him in the last 7 months of his life...He was brought up on charges for this in 1979...Seems were now going through the same thing with Michael Jackson... Seems times don't always change...Sad but true !! Small world Michael Jackson was married to Elvis's Lisa Marie...
I had this picture taken at the wax museum in Las Vegas in 2005...Oh Elvis " I want you, I need you, I love you with all my heart"...Hoped you enjoyed my trip down memory lane today !

Elvis's private Doctor had prescribed over 5300 prescription's and vital to him in the last 7 months of his life...He was brought up on charges for this in 1979...Seems were now going through the same thing with Michael Jackson... Seems times don't always change...Sad but true !! Small world Michael Jackson was married to Elvis's Lisa Marie...

May all of you have a Great day...God Bless the King of Rock-n-Roll....May he always live in my heart....
Please tell me your feelings and memories about this great American Idol....
Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Gloria, what a nice post, i just read this on Face Book written by a girl I went to school with...she writes.....happy 75th dad! my pop used to tell me that, as he and elvis were about to parachute to earth, they flipped a coin as to who would be "king." elvis got "king," but my dad got "happy." how great is that? Just wanted to share this with you! Sue
Today is our Little King's 4th b'day too. The night Drew was born we sat in the waiting room singing Elvis' songs. He is our little hunka hunka burnin' love...
I remember...I was just coming home from the hospital after the birth pf my first child and heard it on TV as we were packing to go home. So sad to leave this life so young.
aww, you really did love him. what a sweet tribute. i was 2 years old when he died so i didn't really know him yet. of course my mom was a big elvis fan :)
he is deeply missed....I remember the day he died...I was in Jr. High....great tribute...
O, Gloria...you brought all my tears for this man back again.
I was so in love with him, I could barely breath...so was every single young girl in this whole world. He was something else.
In 1956, I was a senior in high school and NOT allowed to leave our town when on a date...Elvis was appearing here in Lubbock and I lived 45 miles away...needless to say, friends and I sneaked out to Lubbock to see EP in PERSON. I screamed so much that night,I could not talk for a couple of days. I nearly fainted, I'm pretty sure. I am so glad I went because I never got the chance to see him in person again...saw all his movies...I had all his records..most of them 45's.
I have to admit that I was in love with the YOUNG Elvis...and just began to feel sorry for the way his life turned out as he grew older. I wasn't as fond of his later music as when he first started...and moving those luscious hips of his all over the stage. My mother thought he was the most vulgar thing in the world...bless her heart...if she could only see the guys grabing their crotch (I guess to see if their balls were still there!) she would died !! I nearly do !! lol
I, too, remember the day he died. We had been out of town and just came in the house when the tv said "this is a tribute to Elvis"..the word "tribute" sent ice water thru my veins..I ran across the street to my neighbor and said, what happened to Elvis..She said, "O,honey, sit down" and then she told me. My family tells me I came stumbling back across the street bawling my eyes out...I was just crushed...
Thanks for the memories,Gloria...
Love you, bj
Hello darling, ironically enough Mr. P is watching Girl Happy right now on T.V. I loved Elvis as much as the next girl. I so miss all of his talent. Great post darling. I hope this finds you doing well on your side of the country. We're below zero with more snow.. girl we're all sooooo tired of winter here in Missouri.. big big hugs darling.. ~lynne~
Wow Girly...you are truly a fan! I always think of Elvis on 1/8...it's my hubby's birthday, too! He always says "Happy Birthday to me & Elvis!"
Love to you~Rebecca
Gloria....what a beautiful tribute to the King....I too was a huge fan of Elvis, my favorite song and movie was Blue Hawaii. Love the first pic of Elvis Ha Ha that was great...thanks for sharing...Pat H
PS: Forgot to say that picture of the Elvis Wannabe at the top of te post is the truly the most SCARY thing I've ever seen.
I gasped! NO WAY...
Hi Gloria! I loved that first pic! lol I wanted Elvis to be my brother...not sure why!! Thanks for visiting my little pumpkin and her family! Isn't the little guy cookin' great? Six more weeks! And if I had known she was going to post pics of me in my bathrobe, I would have tried to look better!! Hope you are staying warm!...hugs...Debbie
I'm in love...M..I'm all shook up! I remember all the adults talkin' about those 'sinful' moves he made yet I was just a little kid and the let me watch the Ed Sullivan Show. Hummm, that explains a lot!
Ya'll have a great remembering the 'King' of rock! God bless ya'll!!!
Gloria.. please check your email in a bit... lynne
A true hunk of burnin' love! I don't know of any female our age or a bit younger that hasn't been in love with him. Just such a shame that he had to leave us so early. He was in Ft. Worth in the 70's ~ a good friend of ours had a cousin that played in Elvis' band. What a treat!
Thanks for all the wonderful memories ~
Gloria, what a great post. He truly was the King. When he first became popular I was not sure if I liked him but as the years went by I grew to love him. I do not believe anyone can ever take his place as the King. I too have a lot of his cd's. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us. Have a great evening. Madeline
Like you, I've been a huge Elvis fan since I was a little girl. The first time I ever saw him in a movie was when I was 8 years old and one of my older brothers brought me to see "Girl Happy". I fell in love that day:-) Ever since then I've collected everything to do with him and still have the full collection today. You'd have fun going through my 6 big plastic totes! lol
I was devastated when I got a call from my dad saying that Elvis had died. I turned on the tv and there it was on the news...I cried as if I had lost a close family member. I have every book, magazine and newspaper that came out after his death, I just wanted to keep his memory alive!!!!
No one will ever be able to replace Elvis, no matter how much they try. xoxo
I was a little too young for him, but my mom was a big fan, too. Me and my sister would whoop it up dancing when mom played his records.
Gloria, you and Elvis make such a cute couple! That first picture is horrible though! Enjoyed this trip down memory lane with you. I'm amazed at the number of people from all over the world who line up at Graceland on his birthday. It's so cold here now, but I'm sure they are all standing in line outside Graceland anyway! laurie
Oh Gloria, what a great tribute to one of the greatest entertainers the world has ever known. It's hard to believe he would be 75 and that he's been gone 33 years. I can't believe I remember the day he died. Makes me feel old.
Happy Twirls
Hi Gloria! Thanks for leaving such kind words. You made my night - truly.
PS - LOVE the buggy seat. It's perfect!!!
Gloria, I love him, too! Oh, he is truly the King of Rock and Roll!
I really thought that was you with him. LOL! You fooled me good!
Happy Birthday, Elvis! We LOVE you!
Sheila :-)
I used to have a crush on him when I was little. I don't believe it for a second that he would have turned out like that first picture if he had lived to that age! Eww!
Have a blessed weekend!! Thanks for sharing the Elvis memories.
such a tragedy....such a waste...
so many of those who climb to the top of the ladder, tumble so far.
good that there are nice memories of him.
Hey Gloria, I thought of you today as soon as I saw it was Elvis' birthday on the news. Did you get that Elfis Christmas Card?
I won't be going to Sac. this month either. Kids start school Monday so I need to be home to get them back on track and ready to go. Transitions like that are hard on them. My girl will probably cry all day Sunday!
Hope you're feeling better!
Hi Gloria! Thanks for stopping by! It is nice to meet other CA bloggers. I am also in the Silicon Valley. Born and raised here! I do miss the days when the whole place was full of orchards. My husband and I long to retire to Pismo Beach where old time CA still exists. We love the beach. Where in the Sierra's are you? My husband works for Grass Valley and we travel up there once in awhile. My sister is about 20 mins. from Placerville so we are there quite a bit as well. We would miss the ocean too much if we lived up there though.
I, too, remember the day Elvis died. I was in college and working. I heard it on the radio. I wasn't much of an Elvis fan but my college roommate was just devastated when she got home from class and I told her what happened.
I've added you to my followers list too. I'll be back to visit!
LOL! So great! Loved that pic of you and "Elvis".
Stay warm! ~Melissa :)
Are you trying to take over for Nikki Crumpet by posting crazy pictures because that first picture is sick! He's commando for heaven sakes. That's like Santa Claus with no "drawers"!! LOL! I'll never think of the "King" the same way again! But Happy Birthday to him. I had an aunt that loved him to death too.
Loved his music.
Saw him live, in concert, in a hall here in little old Eugene Oregon.
Was great. He worked his heart out when he performed.
blessings and thanks for your viists.
barbara jean
Gloria...you are wonderful! Written like a true fan!!! Losing Elvis was surreal and a sad memory! I was so young when he made his first film and I worked at the Loma Theatre in Point Loma, CA. I kept running and peeking in at the movie when I was supposed to be watching the candy counter.
I will never forget his very first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show and I remember saying.."this guy is going to be GREAT!" and he was. No flash in the pan. Nope.
Thanks for the memories, Gloria. I'm sending you my love and a ton of hugs for that!!
Hi Gloria, I was only 4 when Elvis died, but my dad is a big fan and tries to sing like him.lol...He always talks about how there will never be anyone as good as he was. It is a shame that he died so young. Have a great weekend! Kristen
I almost hate to tell you that I wasn't a big fan. I certainly was very aware of his music, enjoyed a few movies and was truly shocked the day he died. I remember watching his special from Hawaii (I think) when I was in college. I was more into the British groups...Beatles, Herman's Hermits and I think I have come to appreciate his talent more since he died than I did while he was alive. This was a great post.
Well I think most would agree you would be hard pressed to find a sexier more hansome more talented guy then elvis, I always loved everything he sang, my husband and I have always been such fans, thanks for the memories...Phyllis
Hi Gloria,
This is a really nice tribute to a man who had a profound impact on our popular culture. I wasn't a huge fan, although I remember I really liked 'Suspicious Minds.' And I saw him twice in concert in the '70s (cause of a couple of girls that wanted to see him). And I've been to Graceland twice (cause out-of-town guests wanted to tour the place). Anyway, I ended up enjoying the concerts and the visits to his home. He definitely knew how to put on a great show! One of the times I was at Graceland, there was an exhibition of portraits of him done by artists from around the world. It was fascinating.
Thank you for bringing back some special memories! Hope you have a great weekend, Gloria.
Warmest regards,
This was so much fun Gloria! I loved Elvis too, my Mom was a teenager during his hey day in the fifties and I always think it sounded like such a cool time to be a teen! You are so cute in that pic with the fake Elvis you looks so real! Hugs my friend, oh and I have a give-away, come on by! Cindy
I guess I'm just enough younger that I never got into the Elvis craze. I do remember when he died though. I had just got out of the orthodontist and heard it in a Grand Central while I was looking at records to buy. He certainly did change a few things didn't he?
Great post, Gloria, I too was in love with Elvis, I can remember going to see Love Me Tender and just bawling like a baby.
My dh and I were watching some of his movies on tv last night, and were talking about what a great voice he had,and how handsome he was. and one of the films we saw was Follow That Dream, so funny! Thanks for sharing and walking me down Memory Lane
I think you and my Mother in law could be best friends! My daughter says that's Maw Maws boyfriend and then laughs and laughs. I really dont rememeber that much about him but I know he was loved by many. Take care~
I enjoyed reading your post about Elvis, Gloria. It was my wedding anniversary and my husband and I were getting ready to go out to dinner. The babysitter had just come to watch our little one yr. old daughter. It was a very sad day.
LOL about your comments on my white lightning chili!!! Sounds like you need some beano at your house!! LOL!!!
I too love Elvis!! I will have to share my few little Elvis items soon.
You may think I am super weird but my mother passed in June 77' ( I was 3 ) just before Elvis passed in August. I have always teased the genius that her grandpa in heaven is ELVIS....because my mother married him...lol.
Am I weird? { she tells the story, too. )
Hugs~ J :)
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